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The Ranting/Debate Thread

Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Assuming we didn't operate any differently in Afghanistan than we did in Iraq, everything Sinful said was the same. Maybe different terminology since I have not the slightest idea what TCCC is, based on context it would be a combat lifesaver. I am a little miffed that we didn't get those funnel things though, that would have made peeing in a bottle so much easier.

As a squad leader with three females in my squad, I don't think there was much of a problem regarding periods. I didn't really have to tell them to suck it up since they already knew it was going to suck, not like anybody else was doing much better. Those sorts of things tend to become a none issue when your getting shot at or trying not to get lost in a desert.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

TCCC is Tactical Combat Casualty Care. Course usually given to Medics and various combat arms trades. Essentially... first aid in a combat zone, little more advanced than the basic first aid most troops get. Such as needle decompression training.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Yeah sounds like what we call a combat lifesaver, though we have them in every unit not just combat arms. Combat arms does tend to have a lot more people qualified for it though.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Moving to here, because this doesn't really belong in the rep thread and it's already eaten up pages of the news one.

I brought it up because you are criticising on the basis of you being better. You're from a completely different background so it's irrelevant. -Cappy

THANK YOU, I've been waiting for you to finally get around to the inevitable conclusion of your argument, that people can't judge each other's actions without having the same life experiences. This makes the statement I disagreed with : ALSO irrelevant, you haven't experienced the same things that the people hunting ex-Nazis have, so you can't judge them.

But you're wrong, and here's why: criticisms and judgements on morality or justification only become irrelevant or invalid if they are biased. As an example this is the reason why, in the U.S. legal system at least, we don't stock the jury for a trial of say... a cultist who conducted a ritual sacrifice at the order of their leader, with other cultists because they will be overly sympathetic to the accused making their decision regarding his guilt biased. For that same reason we don't stock the jury with members who have lost family to such a situation, as they will be overly sympathetic to the deceased.

In this particular instance I am a neutral party, neither I nor any member of my family has taken part in an attempt at genocide, nor has anyone I know been imprisoned or killed as a part of such an event. I have no personal stake in the outcome. Therefore any judgement I make on this matter cannot be invalidated by bias.
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

And yet by your standards I'm also untainted by bias, I don't like Nazis and my family hasn't been involved in the nonsense surrounding the whole thing, but the fact of the matter people stopped being affected by all this quite a few years ago.

You're right that I can't judge people on the basis of them hunting Nazis out of revenge, however, I can judge an authoritarian power base for going out of their way to expend resources doing that exact thing, especially when the citizens who's duty it should be to call the powers that be out on this frivolous use of resources very much fail to do so because hating nazis is just the cool thing to do these days. We literally live in a culture where everyone is exposed to massive amounts of anti-nazi propoganda, EVERYONE, so being unbiased is actually not as simple as you make it out to be.

So let me put it this way, you're going out of your way to justify punishment of ex-nazi-vets who have since the end of the war completely been uninvolved in any war efforts or terrorism? Would you do that to literally any other soldier once a war is over, under the pretense that under a dictatorship where drafting is mandatory he had committed warcrimes? Maybe, but the vast majority of the world doesn't do that at all, or many soldiers on all sides of the equation would be being carted around to prisons like incarceration was about to go out of fashion. Let alone decrepit old dudes who are just about to bite it any second now, who aren't relevant to anybody anymore ASIDE FROM THEIR FAMILY WHO ARE BY ALL MEANS INNOCENT.
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

You've got to make up your mind exactly WHO the hunted and hunters we're arguing about are, and state it explicitly i.e. governments or private groups as hunters, the Nazis that were using one bullet to kill a line of Jews or the guy that was in charge of checking inventory in the stock room as the hunted.

Then you need to SHOW me that it's happened recently/ in the process of occurring right now. Then I can continue to debate this with you.

I will say however, on the issue of moral judgements, two informed and unbiased individuals can reach opposite conclusions on a matter and that's why a society forms a consensus to determine such things. As was done a long time ago and it was determined that intentionally killing innocent unarmed civilians was immoral, and not only that, such a reprehensible act that even should your judgement over the morality be impaired in some fashion it does not mitigate your guilt.
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Time to dig this thread out of its grave, I guess...

So I was having a pretty nice evening - I had just been swimming, it's Friday, I'm less stressed out than I've been in weeks. I stumble upon a stage in a square and since it seems to be starting in about half an hour, I decide to grab a snack and stick around. I come back well in time. There's a small fire, so the show is delayed, but that's okay. The show finally starts, they play some pretty decent music and have dancers enact some sort show that doesn't really seem to have anything to do with the music, but it's still nice to watch because the lead dancer is hot... Then some fucking preacher comes to stage and starts talking about Jesus. Despite being in a majority Christian country, these people apparently find it needful to use some frankly deceptive tactics to get people to listen to them.

Obviously I left at this point, but I still feel annoyed.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Well. It's a free show (For a while) and it's less intrusive than some guy randomly starting a speech over a bunch of speakers for the place

So there is that
But even then that is indeed pretty deceptive, which implies that they personally did not feel their message was worth listening to on their own. So why would you?
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Time to dig this thread out of its grave, I guess...

Then some fucking preacher comes to stage and starts talking about Jesus. Despite being in a majority Christian country, these people apparently find it needful to use some frankly deceptive tactics to get people to listen to them.

Obviously I left at this point, but I still feel annoyed.

Matthew 6:6 But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private.

I see anything like that, I'm always tempted to interfere, shouting something like 'When is the witch burning!' or 'This guy besides me just claimed the earth was round and spinning! Heretic!'
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Matthew 6:6 is about prayer, not preaching.
Preaching in your closet wouldn't be very effective. :p

BUT in my opinion they should have put on the play and have small Bibles or religious pamphlets that people can pick up as they go by.
When you try and force feed someone they're probably just going to puke it up, whether they want it or not.