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The Ranting/Debate Thread

Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

To be fair, Dong Pockets are healthier than Lean Pockets -- less breading and more protein. And they are, of course, VASTLY superior to standard Hot Pockets in terms of nutrition.

Now I'm hungry.

And don't even get me started on pop-tarts.

(hmmm.. cock tart= new insult?)
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

No, cock tart = oldest profession.

That's a common misconception. For prostitution to have any sort of pay-off, there would have to be a job that their customers would work in to pay them with.

In a sense you could call sex the payment, and food the product, and vice versa, meaning that the oldest profession would be one in which food or protection is obtained.

Unless of course, you believe in Eden, in which case the saying makes some sense.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Meh... even if it's not technically the world's oldest profession, I'm a firm believer in popular usage. If I google "oldest profession," the wikipedia entry for prostitution tops the page. Now that I think about it, I might list my profession as the oldest (military a.k.a. violence/killing), as the killing of people is a specialized service provided for their (the victim's) food and/or other goods as definite and direct compensation. Of course nowadays our military is more about protection, diplomacy and humanitarian aid... but there's returning to the old ways sometime is probably inevitable.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

If you're American, you may want to sit down for this.... But.


Wow... obviously you have no clue what you're talking about.

Google "Operation Tomodachi." Or try "Operation Unified Response." I'm fairly new to the military (about three years) but I've taken part in four goodwill visits to foreign powers and one major humanitarian aid operation. Just ask Japan. Or Haiti. Or Thailand.

We also worked very hard to ensure that North Korea thought twice before attacking South Korea outright.

I hate it when people protest things they clearly don't understand. It's not a perfect nation, not by a long shot, but by and large America rocks. :)
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Well, that's all fine and well. But you seem to have forgotten the part about them intentionally defacing the Muslim religion in order justify money-fueled wars. I understand that America is in shitloads of debt, but that's no reason to assrape other countries under a "Search for weapons of mass destruction."

The entire extremist suicide bomber regime is purely a response to the injustices that people from those respective countries have faced, and before you say, or even imply that they didn't peacefully request cease fires and help, they did, and they were ignored.

And when Russian Terrorists have been shown SO MUCH FUCKING ATTENTION, what are they supposed to do? Keep getting raped? No, of course not. They're going to imitate an approach that at least got acknowledged. "Man, I HATE it when people protest about things they clearly don't understand." I know that feel. I know it better than you think ;)
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Well, that's all fine and well. But you seem to have forgotten the part about them intentionally defacing the Muslim religion in order justify money-fueled wars. I understand that America is in shitloads of debt, but that's no reason to assrape other countries under a "Search for weapons of mass destruction."

The entire extremist suicide bomber regime is purely a response to the injustices that people from those respective countries have faced, and before you say, or even imply that they didn't peacefully request cease fires and help, they did, and they were ignored.

And when Russian Terrorists have been shown SO MUCH FUCKING ATTENTION, what are they supposed to do? Keep getting raped? No, of course not. They're going to imitate an approach that at least got acknowledged. "Man, I HATE it when people protest about things they clearly don't understand." I know that feel. I know it better than you think ;)

I'd hardly call US exemplar, but when have they defaced Islam?
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I'd hardly call US exemplar, but when have they defaced Islam?

Well, there's the massive amount of coverage on Terrorists and Religious Extremists. There's the political statements regarding the wars. There's the media within America in general which has a tendency to mock certain cultural stereotypes into exaggeration.

There's the complete feigned ignorance of the perfectly innocent people harmed in the process of the war on the soil, yet by and large a massive amount of coverage on events like 9/11, which are already controversial enough as is. The thing that disappoints me is that America has complete control over most forms of television and media, so they have a lopsided advantage when it comes to opinion.

I could go on and on, but honestly, I'm not going to sway anyone who's already decided for themselves that America "Rocks", and I'm certainly not going to be swayed by them. So this is a bit of a waste of effort I guess.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

But now you're getting into America as a whole as opposed to the ignorance of the populace at large, the bias and objectives of the media, the government's involvement with the media or lack thereof, and whether or not this all has any effect on how the military operates. In the end it's up to each individual to keep themselves informed, and most (anywhere, not just in the US) go for the fastest route, which is also the one most prone to being misused.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

the government's involvement with the media or lack thereof

There's no way the stereotype of "Overly Patriotic and Crazy" Americans could have been created without the help of media manipulation. And the Media doesn't stand to gain from such a thing, so the next logical step would be to assume that the government has some sort of involvement. (At least with News Coverage, maybe not so much in common recreational media.)

But yes, you are correct as far as Military Involvement goes. My argument isn't quite as relevant as it should be. But there's no way that the Military would have made a move on the countries involved without a political or monetary agenda to fuel it. That is my honest opinion.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

So death to America because they can't figure out how to watch their local news?

I will agree that no one would have given a damn about the middle east after the cold war if it wasn't for their oil, and to be honest how can we not as long as it's still there?

I say we drain the all the oil and let them do whatever they want after that. It's a win/win situation, they get left alone and we don't have to worry about some crazy asshole getting into power and either denying us the oil or flatout destroying it all.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I will agree that no one would have given a damn about the middle east after the cold war if it wasn't for their oil, and to be honest how can we not as long as it's still there?

I say we drain the all the oil and let them do whatever they want after that. It's a win/win situation, they get left alone and we don't have to worry about some crazy asshole getting into power and either denying us the oil or flatout destroying it all.

So basically, America continues unjustly raping the middle east for profit under the guise of an imaginary cause, but it's A-OK because you'll leave them alone afterwards?

How about I rape your mother, then beat the shit out of your entire family and steal all of your money. But it's okay, because after that I'll evacuate the country and leave you alone. Because that's pretty much the downscaled equivalent of what you're suggesting. Good win/win you have there, you.... you.... fucking...

I seriously hope you're trolling, that's all I have to say about the matter.

So death to America because they can't figure out how to watch their local news?

No, because they can't watch any news source without consciously keeping in mind that people will try to manipulate their opinion. :l
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

But yes, you are correct as far as Military Involvement goes. My argument isn't quite as relevant as it should be. But there's no way that the Military would have made a move on the countries involved without a political or monetary agenda to fuel it. That is my honest opinion.

The military does not start conflicts, the government does. The military may make suggestions, but they do not govern the United States.

Also "unjustly raping the Middle East". They have active involvement in two nations out of an entire segment of the world. That isn't the entirety of the Middle East.

And ISAF involvement in Afghanistan includes more than the United States. The Netherlands, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Sweden, Australia... lot more than just the States involved there. Not to mention most members of the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan are now fighting with the ANA, ANP, and AUP alongside ISAF. Those being the guys who got sold weapons back in the Soviet invasion... not the Taliban as a lot of people think.

I know it's fun to jump around and yell "America fucking sucks" whenever you see someone proud of the country they live in, but to a non-American whose worked with plenty, it's bloody annoying.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I don't give a shit who takes the oil as long as it's a politically stable country that's further along the technological ladder.

Here's the deal, untill we have a reasonable alternative to crude oil as a means of mass-produced energy the entire planet needs that oil. If left alone the middle east will deny the U.S., and possibly other countries (I don't really know how they feel about the others just that they hate us) that could and are willing to produce the aforementioned alternative, that oil.

As far as raping their country, I really don't know what impact large-scale oil drilling would have upon the eco-system (I'm probably taking that a bit too literally), but I'm pretty sure that sand with a hole drilled in it is still sand.

And lastly, if you'd like to rape/beat on a bunch of corpses (I'm assuming that you're talking about my immediate family here), feel free! They weren't buried with anything valuable though, because giving the dead objects seems silly to me, so tough luck there. As far as taking money being equivalent to taking the oil... what exactly do they do with that oil money? Oh that's right they use it to publicly kill and torture people (stoning a woman for being raped, AWESOME, cheap too!), throw mustard gas into helpless villages, and build islands in the middle of the sea. Wow, that oil money sure is going to good use isn't it? I'm sure they use it for other stuff but the media only told me about those.
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Would like to point out that there's no oil in Afghanistan either.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

As far as raping their country, I really don't know what impact large-scale oil drilling would have upon the eco-system (I'm probably taking that a bit too literally), but I'm pretty sure that sand with a hole drilled in it is still sand.

You're ignoring the war casualties. Furthermore, the oil could well have gone to America had they just purchased it from the country instead of stealing it. This is a very simple concept.

I'm fairly sure that the Terrorism was a response to aggression upon the homes and property of said Muslim Extremists. And as for Political control over Military movement, that's not exactly a point made in favour of the Military movements being justified. Scum rises to the top of the water, and that analogy applies to it's greatest possible extent within politics.

People don't just go *Pop* and suddenly decide to terrorize other nations, which is what a lot of people imply the Terrorists are doing. By no means is what they're doing right, but I can't say that it wasn't warranted either. There are equal and opposite reactions to acts of aggression.

what exactly do they do with that oil money? Oh that's right they use it to publicly kill and torture people (stoning a woman for being raped, AWESOME, cheap too!), throw mustard gas into helpless villages, and build islands in the middle of the sea. Wow, that oil money sure is going to good use isn't it? I'm sure they use it for other stuff but the media only told me about those.

Did I not just make the accusation that media will try to manipulate your opinion through exaggerations and feigned ignorance? Because I'm pretty sure I did. Anyways, that Oil Money that's going to America is probably just going to be used to try and hold back the metric fuckton of debt that's overwhelming the entirety of America. Oh, and not to mention the *wonderful* war facilities that are being used by American Officials to torture people and break the very civil rights that they would have had in America, off in foreign soil! So it's all clean and legal as far as politics is concerned, yet brilliantly filthy in every single application of the word.

And to clarify, I don't have anything against Americans in general, I do have something against Americans who believe that their respective authorities are as good as they should be. Because they aren't.
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

You're ignoring the war casualties. Furthermore, the oil could well have gone to America had they just purchased it from the country instead of stealing it. This is a very simple concept.

I am if you're talking about those we intended to kill. IF however, you are refferring to collateral damage I can't comment on that as I have no knowledge of the amount that has been caused.

And not at a price we can afford in this depression (I think it has advanced from a recession at this point, not sure though, economics is kinda boring).

I'm fairly sure that the Terrorism was a response to aggression upon the homes and property of said Muslim Extremists.

Gee, I incite violence against a person and they want to stop me before my buddies and I get the chance to act? That's just silly.

And as for Political control over Military movement, that's not exactly a point made in favour of the Military movements being justified. Scum rises to the top of the water, and that analogy applies to it's greatest possible extent within politics.

Newsflash, most, if not all, nation's militaries are controlled by their government, and politics control a government. If not then the military could do whatever they wanted and fuuuuuuuu the world would be magically better.

People don't just go *Pop* and suddenly decide to terrorize other nations, which is what a lot of people imply the Terrorists are doing. By no means is what they're doing right, but I can't say that it wasn't warranted either. There are equal and opposite reactions to acts of aggression.

No, they're turned to it by those who prey upon the weak-minded, the desperate, and the lost. Earlier you mentioned scum, I think someone who warps people into mindless pawns and uses them to attack un-armed, innocent people to convey a political or religious message fits that description quite well.

Did I not just make the accusation that media will try to manipulate your opinion through exaggerations and feigned ignorance?
Why do you think I mentioned it?

And I'm not sure who you're refferring to when you say authorities, please clairify.

Also, woooooo! This thread is turning into a real edit storm.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Yes, attacking innocent people is bad. Maybe BOTH sides should stop doing it.

And defending yourself with hostility is by no means "silly", it's an instinctual and somewhat reasonable reaction shared not only by most members of the human species, but a large number of our friends within the animal kingdom. True story.

Yes, I know that military will be, in general, controlled by the government. If my country had any sort of military strength to compete I would be just as biased against it as I am against America, if not MORE.

And before you say that I'm not blaming England enough, I do blame England for having horrible douchebags for politicians, it's just that in my experience they don't have overly patriotic citizens who will jump in to defend every single controversial action they make.

And mentioning that your point originates from the media only works in favour of my argument, not yours, which is what confuses me about your approach in that particular set of sentences.