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The One And Only Centaur Weaver (Jillian)

Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Tilde visited her village at random times. She had no set schedule. And always, always came looking for more sake, and men. Often sometimes jumping someone's husband, which got her into trouble.

Tilde laughed, "I guess I did..." she took another sip of her sake, "But, don't go gettin' jealous now, this one be mine! All mine! He's my husband, ya know..." she said with a sly smile.

The man, who seemed worn out of his mind, leaned up a little, panting, "Wait... what? Husband? But... We just met...." he said.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian lets out a cough, suppressing her laughter.

"Til~de... ya just met the guy... tell ya what. He looks really tired, and his clothes look wrecked. Why don't ya take him to our village so he can get new clothes and a good night's rest? I'm sure they've got some more sake stored away, if you're looking for a fresh barrel..."

(Grrr... didn't follow my logic. Point 1: Tilde doesn't live "here". Point 2: Tilde, being here, is therefore in transit between where she lives and the village. Point 3: Tilde was not at the village recently. Conclusion: Tilde is on her way to the village. Possible points of failure: point 2 - she's so drunk she doesn't directly travel, or she visits multiple villages; point 3 - she was at the village recently. Jillian trying to remember whether Tilde visited recently was to confirm point 3.)
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Tilde is a drunk, she doesn't visit on mondays, or anything like that. There might be times where Tilde will visit twice a day, or even three times, if her friends visited especially, and drank sake like delicious soda. Other times, she'll drink less, and not show up at the village for three days, or even a week, depending on if she gets more sake at one point or another, or how much she decides to drink.

Tilde laughed, and then swung her large pot of sake around a little, noting how it wasn't as full as she'd like it. "I suppose I could use more sake..." she admitted, then suddenly turned, and reached for Niko's naked body, picking him up in her free hand, and hanging him over her shoulder.

The next thing Jillian and Eilsah knew, Tilde was walking away from the pond, leaving the man's clothes behind, as they both went, naked, towards the town...
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian hastily scoops up the clothes, easily catching the two before they get away, and hands them to the cat-boy. "Talk to Beatrice when you get there!" she tells them, intending it more for him than her.

Returning to Eilsah, she says, "Well, if Tilde doesn't get drunker and forget what she was doing, he should be fine. I'm sure Beatrice'll be able to get him away from her easily enough. So... keep looking farther on?"
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Eilsah shook her head, "Jillian, you remember our orders, don't you? Beatrice said we were to bring any humans back ourselves, not trust a drunken Ogre to do it for us!" she told her, before motioning to follow Tilde.

Once they had caught up with the red skinned woman and her new, 'husband,' the human-feline looked over to Jillian, and asked, "Village? How many people are there? And how many... ermm... different kinds inhabit it?"
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

"Eilsah, our orders were to 'do whatever it takes to find and rescue as many humans as we can, and bring them back there'... deputizing Tilde so that we don't have to take the one back ourselves, and can search further, seems okay. But fine, we'll tag along back home."

The cat-boy's question brings a thoughtful look to Jillian's face. "Mmmm... it's a cosy place... a few dozen families, mostly centaurs and elves, with some humans who we like. Traders from other villages sometimes visit, too... I seem to remember a few arachnes were in this morning."
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

For some reason, the half-human didn't seem to like her words. His ears drew back a little, and he seemed to be in grim thought for a moment, before taking the clothes that were given to him before, and tucking them under his arm while Tilde carried him. Then, he seemed to remember himself, "Thanks for bringing me my things. My name's Neil by the way." he said to Jillian, sharing a glance with Eilsah, as if trying to greet her as well, even with the elf's eyes piercing him like an arrow...

"I'm Eilsah~" Eilsah said quickly, as if to hurry and step over Jillian. The way she seemed to be demanding male attention left no doubt in Jillian's mind, the poor girl was losing control again, and wanted to mate...
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

As Eilsah steps impatiently up past Jillian, Jillian reaches out and grabs Eilsah's hand, hoping to keep her under control till they'd gotten back to the village. "And I'm Jillian." C'mon, Eilsah, hold it together, don't try and jump the guy's bones before Tilde's gone off to get a drink...
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Suddenly, the catboy, Neil, was given a hard smack on his behind, the hand of Tilde giving his rump a good thwack. "And I'm Tilde!" the red skinned ogre/demihuman announced, "And you're Neil, my husband!" she laughed.

After a time, Jillian, Eilsah, Tilde, and her husband Neil made it to the village. Nothing seemed too odd or out of the ordinary, everyone going about their duties peacefully. However, once they'd reached the town, Eilsah pulled Jillian back for a moment, to speak with her, "Jillian... I need to have... a word with the boy... You understand." she said, "Could you cover for me, and report what we found to Beatrice? Thank you," she thanked Jillian without waiting for her to accept, and simply marched off, likely with the intention to mate with the poor boy...
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

As Eilsah spoke, Jillian opened her mouth to reply... but before she could get anything out, Eilsah finished and started marching away. Jillian half-reached out, worried that her friend would finally go too far in this mood, but couldn't think of anything to say. Finally, she shook her head and turned away.

"Eilsah... please don't hurt him much... you'll just hate yourself all the more..." she whispered, not expecting anyone to hear.

Then she started looking around for Beatrice.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Going on her way, Jillian simply went to Beatrice's large hut, the HQ for the hunters, and easily found her in there, laying down next to a table, moving seemingly pointless pieces, such as leaves, nuts, and the like around a hand drawn map. She looks up as Jillian walks into the large hut, "Ah, Jillian," she greets her, "Where's Eilsah? Were you attacked?" she asked calmly.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

"No, Ma'am. Everything went quite peacefully, actually. We ran across Tilde shortly before we reached the beach, and she'd, um, found a human, a cat-boy by the name of Neil. Well, she'd decided he'd make a fine husband, but we talked her into bringing him here. Tilde's gone off to get some more sake for herself, and Eilsah, um, said she wanted a private word with Neil."

Jillian stiffens a bit, nerving herself up for the next part.

"I, um, think they'll be talking for a, um, while... so unless you think I should wait, I thought I'd go back out and see if there are any more humans in that area."
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian seemed to have Beatrice's full attention at the mention of the unpredictable ogre, Tilde, and she listened politely until Jillian was finished, not changing at all in facial expression. "Oh, dear... These elves are always a problem when they reach their mating season..." she complained, "But, nevertheless, Jillian, there are always dangerous monsters about, even the ones that visit our village can, and will cause problems with the humans staying with us. I've already had a spider try running off with one of my hunters tied up in her webbing. The poor girl said the arachnid planned on laying eggs inside her womb, just because the arachne fancied her fiery attitude after an argument they had..." she sighed, before continuing.

"We... I, need you here, Jillian, to maintain order in our little town. Leave to continue the search for more humans if you desire, but keep in mind that protecting this town is your top priority above everything else. Always remember that."
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

"Yes ma'am. In that case, I will stay around town. Once Eilsah's, um... done chatting... we'll come back and see whether we should keep watch or do something else."

It seems Jillian's not displeased at the thought that she doesn't have to go out hunting after more stranger humans. Particularly alone. She gives a salute, of sorts, and a small smile.

"See you later, then, ma'am."

And heads outside to the town square, closing the door behind her.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Beatrice smiles back at her, "Take care, Jillian." she told her as she left.

Once outside, Jillian hardly walked any distance away from Beatrice's hut before she heard what sounded like a human child yelling behind her. When she turned her human half to look, she saw Club, a goblin girl that often came with her friends to trade the gems they find in their home in exchange for food. Although they eventually try bartering for the humans in their village to keep as slaves sometimes...

Club was actually a full grown , although her size, chest, skin color and mischievous attitude were that of a human child. She had long, pointy ears, much like the elf kin, and two dark brown horns sticking upwards, out of the sides of her head.

Jillian watched as she leaped off of Beatrice's hut towards her, and quickly landed on her back, riding her. The next thing she did, was immediately reach for Jillian's breasts, squeezing, and groping them like the perverted little monster she was.

"Surprise, Jillian!" she shouted.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

"GYAH!" shouts Jillian, shocked at Club's audacity. For a moment, that's all she can do as Club gropes her with a grin, her short legs squashing Jillian's harness into her back, breasts sending warm heat from the fondling while her pride tells her to get rid of the flea. Then she sucks in a breath through clenched teeth and does a quick swipe with her hands, knocking Club's hands loose, face flushed with a mix of rage and hormones.

"C-Club... I'm gonna count to THREE, and if you're not off me by the time I'm finished...!" comes gritting out of Jillian's mouth.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Club laughs mischievously, giving Jillian's nipples a quick pinch and pull before placing her hands on Jillian's shoulders, lifting herself up so that she was standing on Jillian's back, and doing a forward, acrobatic flip over Jillian's head. Once her feet were planted on the soil, the chaotic little goblin grinned at Jillian, "Did ya miss me?" she chuckled.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian lets out an undignified "Gurk!" and stiffens even more when Club tweaks her nipples. Stiff, both in shoulders - which Club promptly takes advantage of, flipping herself over Jillian's head easily, she holds herself so still - and the aforementioned nipples, which fortunately for Jillian's state of mind is hidden by the loose tunic she's wearing. She glares down at the grinning goblin, teeth gritted, fists clenching, while she gets herself under control.

It's Club. She's not a centaur, she's just a goblin. She can't be expected to know better. Trampling her under just for teasing you is wrong...

Finally she unclenches, letting out a whoof of breath. "I can't say I missed your tricks... but, yeah, it's good to see you're doing well."
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Club bounced on her heels, never losing her chaotic grin, "Of course I'm doing great! I'm the mighty Club!" she announced, making a punching gesture at the air, all while unable to stay still, constantly bouncing in place. "And hey, hey you look great! Your breasts felt great to!" she laughed, "Everything's been great, ever since Club's tribe found gems. What about you?" she giggled, "Is Jillian great? Has Jillian found a human to fuck? Club still needs a human, so if you get one, lemme borrow him!" she snickered.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Between Jillian letting her anger go, and Club's infectious giggling joie de vivre, Jillian calms down enough to give Club a wry smile.

"Oh, I'm doing all right. No, I haven't met anyone I'd consider as a husband. No, you do not get to borrow any future husband of mine."

She snorts. "I guess that you're here to trade some more gems?"