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The One And Only Centaur Weaver (Jillian)

Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Club stomps her foot on the ground, "That's right!" she announced, "Club brought so many gems, horse lady Beatrice will definitely want to sell us humans now! Club will have so many humans, she'll start a club!" she laughed at the poorly constructed pun.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian lets out another snort of amusement. "Club... you know what Beatrice will say to that..."

But the talk of gems and trading reminds Jillian of her current duty, and she takes a moment to look around the square for anything obviously wrong. Like somebody chasing somebody else with a weapon. Or somebody acting furtive as they pass by.

(I wanted to tack on something along the lines of, "she'll say you have to make your bargain with the humans you want to trade with - they're not mine to trade", but that might not be what she'd say. So I'll leave it open.)
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Club pounded her chest with pride, not seeming to understand what Jillian meant, "She will say, 'Wow! Club! I rather have all these shiny gems, then stupid humans!'" she laughed, then suddenly joins Jillian in looking about town, before taking advantage of Jillian's lack of attention on the little monster, and runs up towards her, and jumps up, swiping the underside of Jillian's breast with one of her hands, so that it would bounce, then quickly running away.

"Goodbye, Jiggles!" she yelled, the name she'd called her, referencing to Jillian's bouncing breast as she ran off...
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Again, Jillian is caught off-guard by Club's attentions. This time, the surprise causes her to rear back on her hind legs. Club is, fortunately for her, quick enough to get out of range as Jillian's forelegs kick out.

As she lands back on all four feet, Club's "Jiggles" comment echoing through the square, Jillian starts sputtering in fury. "GAAH! Club! You... you... ARRGH!" But with Club already passing the first few bits of forest, Jillian is too far behind to reasonably run her down, and is limited to muttering and kicking dirt around as she wanders about the square, eyeing any newcomers suspiciously.
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Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

During her watch, Jillian saw many faces of many monsters, and eventually, after hearing a conversation from a passerby, they apparently were coming to find a mate among the men who were arriving from the beach. And, some time later, Jillian saw a monster she'd never seen before in her life. (because the sketch of her is kinda iffy, and could be interpreted differently among individuals), was naked, and traveling with one of the lizard folk.

This strange monster girl with wings was very odd... Odd enough likely to grab Jillian's attention. And, given the woman is obviously a new comer, along with the fact she had nothing better to do, might be reason enough to give the dragon woman a greeting?
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

(I don't remember the village having a name. Lemme know if I should change it.)

Jillian sighed. Keeping watch, usually, is boring. A few of the hunters had returned, bringing with them bedraggled-looking humans of various breeds. More frequent was the arrival of more visitors. Passing strange that the news of more humans would spread so quickly, but that wasn't her worry.

An odd sight draws her eye. Some sort of red-winged lizardwoman was making her way into the village, accompanied by a more conventional lizardfolk. Not having seen either of them before, Jillian walks over, bow carried loose in one hand.

"Greetings and welcome to the trading village of Waymeet. I'm Jillian, one of the hunters here. I don't recognize either of you... have you visited here before?"
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

The winged lizard woman waved off her green friend, who appeared to be laughing, amused at something that was said, before the women looked to Jillian, who began speaking to them. The winged woman looks over Jillian slowly, her eyes going up and down, before she shrugged, shaking her head, "We're from the mountains," she began to explain, "your hunting grounds and ours probably do not overlap~ we came because we heard there was a boat today?"
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian does not miss the careful eyeing she receives from the winged newcomer, frowning a little as she gets slightly unsettled.

"Yes, more or less. The squiddies caught and burned it, probably late yesterday, and survivors have been washing up on the beaches nearby. Most of the hunters hereabouts are out looking for them."

She watches the dragonwoman cautiously, wondering why she's here.

"If I may ask... what is your name? And what is your interest in the refugees?"
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

The proper lizard, with the green scales, and no wings, did a mandatory salute her kind often did as a sign of respect to another warrior, which she must have seen Jillian as, "My name is Azure, honorary warrior of the Great Hollow! And this is my cousin, honorary winged warrior, Alexia!" she introduced herself and her friend.

Alexia, the lizard woman with wings, laughs and shakes her head, "We just want to know what's going on around the island~ after all, you understand how the lizardfolk treat stong warriors, and if any showed up along with the ship, well...~"

She frowns at the centaur, "I assure you that I will not cause any trouble around here..."
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Unused to such formality from visitors, Jillian is slow to return Azure's salute. Still, once she remembers her manners, her salute is firmly presented. "It is an honour to receive warriors of the... Great Hollow. Er, pardon my surprise, our neighbours of the Grand Holdfast are usually less formal, as well as being more familiar."

Turning back to Alexia, Jillian says, "Well, I haven't heard of any 'strong warriors' being discovered... it's always possible, of course. Our village inn is just over that way -" she waves a hand in the direction of one of the largest buildings "- and its propietress, Barbara, might have heard more than I."

(Nyaah. Presumably some races have multiple villages... and I just made another one up for the lizardfolk. I'll just administratively declare that the lizardfolk village "Grand Holdfast" is the one which most commonly trades with Waymeet, of lizardfolk villages that is.)
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Alexia nodded then motioned for Azure to follow, "C'mon~ let's go check it out~ maybe there's someone actually worth fighting in there." She laughs as she walks, "That knight earlier was a mere joke~" she claimed, speaking of someone Jillian did not know. Then, the two walked past Jillian, Alexia giving no heed to Jillian after that, but Azure did, giving the centaur a nod, "Many thanks, Great Warrior Hunter Jillian," she said, reminding that the lizard folk usually tend to give grand titles to those they see as warriors.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian gives Alexia the hairy eyeball as she talks of fighting people. "Don't START any trouble, Miss Alexia! And that INCLUDES fighting!"

She lets out a sigh of resignation as the two walk off, Alexia snickering about some previous incident, fully expecting there to be calls for help from the Inn once Alexia enters it.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

As Jillian waited for an opportunity to stop whatever ruckus might occur, suddenly she heard a fellow centaur's hooves behind her. Turning to look, she saw Beatrice, the lead hunter, walking towards her. "Jillian, I'm glad I found you here," she announced, "I'm sure you've got nothing better to do, given you're harassing random visitors-" she chuckled, "but, I was wondering if you would like to help me with something?" she asked her with an awaiting expression.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian lets out a grumble. "Not so 'random', ma'am. That - what? dragoness? - she was out seeking 'strong warriors', and she wanted to find out if someone 'worth fighting' had shown up. What do you want to bet she finds somebody - anybody - and starts slapping them around?"

She turns to face Beatrice squarely. "If you think it'll be all right, then of course I'd be glad to assist. Otherwise, I want to drop by the blacksmith and see if I can get a warhammer or something - if her scales are like a lizardfolk's, then a smashing weapon would work better than a spear or a bow. Break her bones, rather than punch holes in her hide."
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Beatrice waved her hand at Jillian, "It's fine, Jillian. She apparently is with the lizardfolk, so if she does get violent in our town, her friend that came with her will stop it, since their kind rather their duels to be consensual." she explained. "However... I have gotten numerous reports that there are a number of men that have been trapped by the monsters of the forest. What I want you to do is go fetch Eilsah, she should be done with that human by now, and then I want you two to investigate the forest's dwellings, just pay them a small visit, and see if they have any captured men. You've seen my map before, so you should know the way, yes?" she asked for confirmation.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian nodded. "Sure, we can do that. I'm not sure how eager any of them will be to give up any men they've, um, picked up themselves, though. Did you want us to try and rescue any, or just take note of who has what?"
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Beatrice shook her head, "Just tell them who sent you before you request they let the human in question go. Creatures like the goblins may be utter fools, but they have enough intelligence to respect our town's relationships. We just need to remind them of that." she said simply, "Those are you orders, understood?"
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian salutes. "Yes ma'am. Check the nearby settlements for captured humans, tell them we're representatives of Waymeet, ask for their release, escort them here. We'll get started as soon as Eilsah's ready."

She takes a look around the village square, wondering if Eilsah's already up and about, or if she should go over to her house and wait there.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Upon looking around, Jillian spotted the human with the cat ears from before, in front of Eilsah's house. He seemed to be engaged in a conversation with a Lamia, and a Harpy... A certainly odd pair, as the Lamia are usually known to eat Harpy's... Yet they were traveling together. While it seemed they were just talking, at first the Lamia just was throwing friendly gestures, but then Jillian saw her true intentions, as the Lamia began to flirt with the man, pushing up against him, and letting his body feel her feminine form...

Jillian's concentration on the three conversing was broken when she felt Beatrice's hand on her shoulder, "I imagine that was the man Eilsah set her eyes on... If I'm reading your face correctly..." she said, "If he's right outside, then I imagine she's still in there." she said simply, before turning about, and walking slowly back to her hut, "Take care, Jillian." she said.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian felt her face warm. "Er, yes, ma'am, yes it is... um, you take care too."

Walking over to Eilsah's home, she paused a moment beside the strange threesome. "Erm, not to interrupt, Neil, but is Eilsah up and about?"