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The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Gah, and I'm looking for a new HUD for my screen. When I'm in dark dungeons, and that bright ass menu pops up, it annoys me a little. And goin' over to Nexus, the best UI overhaul they have makes everything on my HUD tiny as hell... I have to squint my eyes just to see how much health I have...

Do you guys use custom HUD's on your Oblivion?
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I played the 360 Oblivion, so I didn't even have the option, though the first item I made was something that gave me constant effect Night Eye, so my screen was bright all the time anyway. That's probably what pissed me off the most about Oblivion besides the lack of levitate; the complete loss of the spell creation and enchanting system, so using an item space for Night Eye was actually worth it, since there was very little that was good enough to be worth enchanting anyway.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Heh, I always had two rings on, one for a bonus to Fatigue regeneration, and another for Magicka regeneration. I also made a necklace for waterwalking, which was always neat to have. :p

An any case... The 360 version? Ouchies... I wouldn't ever recommend that... I think that the only way I'd play Oblivion as long as I did, would be if I had those mods... They just make the game for me...

Also, those large bewbies/nude mods also help to keep things interesting. :D
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)


"Sorry for the interruption in this threads topic. The topic will now continue as normal. Sorry for any inconveniences that this may have brought you to your normal routine of searching teh internet, Playing games, Fapping, annoying your siblings/parents, or posting on awesome websites like ulmf.org.

Now, Back to the topic on hand. :D"
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I love PC games. So many mods that make them SO much better than the Console version.

EDIT: And while I'm thinking about it, does anyone know if Fallout 3 has a flashlight mod or something? That Pip-boy light is HORRID.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Heh, I always had two rings on, one for a bonus to Fatigue regeneration, and another for Magicka regeneration. I also made a necklace for waterwalking, which was always neat to have. :p

An any case... The 360 version? Ouchies... I wouldn't ever recommend that... I think that the only way I'd play Oblivion as long as I did, would be if I had those mods... They just make the game for me...

Also, those large bewbies/nude mods also help to keep things interesting. :D

Yeah, in Oblivion Magicka is too cheap, and spells were made much less potent compared to Morrowind. Oblivion doesn't let me get my Nova damnit! I loved the casting system itself though, being able to shoot someone point blank with a giant lightning bolt is always fun, and I don't have to de-equip my weapon to do it.

On another note, getting around in Oblivion without fast travel was 10 times the pain in the ass as it was in Morrowind, at least without Shadowmere, who can miraculously scale shear cliff walls. The 360 controls I'm sure didn't help though.

I haven't seen any of the nude mods for Oblivion, though I love the ones for Fallout 3 and the graphics between the two games aren't all that different, so I imagine they must look quite nice. And I think I saw a genuine sex mod floating around somewhere for it, though it might have just been in Alpha.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I love PC games. So many mods that make them SO much better than the Console version.

EDIT: And while I'm thinking about it, does anyone know if Fallout 3 has a flashlight mod or something? That Pip-boy light is HORRID.

It adds to the atmosphere quite a bit, if you ask me. I love going into a ruined abandoned broken down building without much of a light. It shows off the games graphics quite a bit.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

It adds to the atmosphere quite a bit, if you ask me. I love going into a ruined abandoned broken down building without much of a light. It shows off the games graphics quite a bit.

Yeah, all that gray and green... so pretty :D
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)






Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

This seems highly unlikely.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I love having internet at my University.

Also, I love the German class I'm taking. So in depth <3
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)







Lol, what mods are those from? There are so many sex mods, but they're all so damned hard to find.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I've got about almost every sex mod that's on the ElderScrollsNexus. But here are the two most important ones, in my opinion.

It's very good, and has a whole ton of stuff in it. Great for when you're bored in Oblivion, and want your female/male character to engage in some kind of sex/rape scene, kinda like that poorly made rape scene with the night elf and the supposed "heroine," that got raped. :D

It uses Oblivion Mod Manager, and gives you a decent selection for breast sizes, should you prefer large, medium, or small breast sizes, as well as how, "meaty," you prefer your gal to look. ;)

And then of course, there's Actor's in Charge, along with many other, "Pose" mods that let you make the character's in Oblivion take many poses, for you happiest role playing experience.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Sweet, thanks.

Also, I love Power Metal.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I love the feeling of the first big cut into a fresh piece of construction paper.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I love when people over-react; they're funny to watch, at least :3

My step-dad tried Papa John's for the first time last weekend. We were at his parent's pool with his sister and her family, so the grandparents ordered pizza. He's a vegetarian, so they ordered one plain; the other two were single-topping pizzas, one with sausage, one with pepperoni.
The one that was supposed to be plain, turned out to have ham on it. My step-dad didn't realize this until he took a bite - the ham was cooked into the cheese. He bitched, so his parents bitched to the store, so the store sent us a plain one - free, of course.

The Over-reacting part? Apparently the ENTIRE PAPA JOHN'S FRANCHISE is now on his 'bad-business list', and he's writing a nasty letter to the president of the ENTIRE COMPANY.

ONE wrong pizza got him angry at an ENTIRE FRANCHISE.




I understand he's pissed because he's managed to not even TASTE a piece of actual meat for probably 15 years now, but to get THIS pissed over ONE mistake?
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I absolutely LOVE the feeling you get when you finally solve a problem that's been stumping you for days. It's like BAM! Even if the only reason it was stumping you in the first place was you being retarded, you still feel disgustingly full of yourself that you figured it out.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I love sleep, I make sure to get at least 12 hours of it a day.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I love the song 'Sabotage' by the Beastie Boys.