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The Love Nest

Re: The Love Nest

Bakan was preparing to rush in to grab her, and Alex pondered what she should do. Unlike the women he still had his clothes on. This could end up being tricky...


Grapple is 43
Re: The Love Nest

Somewhat recovered from her orgasm, Pale looks at the situation and decides to disappear, diving behind a convenient pile of pillows

Hide. Stealth 81 minus any penalties for inadequate cover, if applicable
Re: The Love Nest

Stats, round start
Alexandra: HP = 35/57, PP = 44, EP = 28/67, Status = Draconic Transformation, X = 13, Grappled
Bakan: HP = 86, PP = 37, EP = 53, Status = Grappled
Pale: HP = 3/97, PP = 52, EP = 51, Status = Grappled, Submission Hold, Stunned by Orgasm

Initiative: Bakan 12, Alexandra 7, Pale 4,

(8 + 43 = 51 vs 40 = 6 + 34)
Alexandra wins. Both are now grappling.

Pale Stealth: 2 + 81 - 30 = 53
Bakan Perception: 18 + 34 = 52
Alexandra Perception: 6 + 43 = 49

Pale successfully disappears from sight.

Stats, Round End
Alexandra: HP = 35/57, PP = 44, EP = 28/67, Status = Grappled
Bakan: HP = 86, PP = 37, EP = 53, Status = Grappled
Pale: HP = 3/97, PP = 52, EP = 51, Status = Hidden
Re: The Love Nest

When the two came together Alex soon realized that she had the upper hand while Bakan held on to her body. She was actually surprised that he actually wanted to wrestle. If she were in his shoes she would have tried to knock herself flat on her back with a few more punches. But if they were going to get this close then she wouldn't waste the opportunity. She immediately moved to flip him over her hip, and once he was on the mattress she would pounce and start trying to peel his clothes away. If she managed to even that part of the playing field than maybe she could suggest something a little more fair to them both.

Grapple-Remove Clothes: Bakan

Total Grapple is still 43

Requesting clarification:
The Lucky Talent increases all non-damage values by 3. Would that Foreplay/Penetration? Or does Pleasure Damage not count as actual damage?
Re: The Love Nest

Alex was right on one idea, he definitely would have rathered engaging in a fist fight. But one good look at those scales made him relate punching her to hitting a brick wall. On that note, he'd rather not do that. 'It's a slim chance,' he thought to himself, 'But I have to get her to submit somehow...'

With that thought, he tried to put all his effort into throwing Alex over, so that he could get behind her, and get an arm around her to better control her movements.

(Bakan attempts to put Alex in a submission hold using 34 grapple.)
Re: The Love Nest

Pale emerges seemingly out of nowhere behind Alex and slams her hand on Alex's head, hard, opening her fist at the last moment to avoid real damage.

Sneak attack/sudden strike
(stealth 81 Unarmed strike 76) for 2*(2d4+16+8(heavy hitter)) damage
Re: The Love Nest

Stats, round start
Alexandra: HP = 35/57, PP = 44, EP = 28/67, Status = Grappled
Bakan: HP = 86, PP = 37, EP = 53, Status = Grappled
Pale: HP = 3/97, PP = 52, EP = 51, Status = Hidden
Initiative: Alexandra = 13, Bakan = 4, Pale = 18

Pale: Sudden Strike Alexandra.
Stealth: 6 + 81 - 10 = 77 vs 55 = 12 + 43. Pale wins, rather obviously.
Attack: Automatic Success.
Damage: 6 + 16 + 8 = 30 - 6 = 24 * 2 = 48 damage. KO.

Bakan now has a helpless Alexandra in a submission hold, for whatever good it does him. He can release her as a free action, so he can do that and another action next turn if he likes.
Stats, round end
Alexandra: HP = 0/57, PP = 44, EP = 28/67, Status = Unconscious, Submission Hold
Bakan: HP = 86, PP = 37, EP = 53, Status = Grappled
Pale: HP = 3/97, PP = 52, EP = 51, Status = None.
Re: The Love Nest

Bakan blinks as Pale suddenly appears, and knocks Alex out cold. Caught off guard at Pale's sudden action, Bakan looks up as he hears an announcement saying Bakan has won the match. At that, he blinked even more. "Wait... I... I won? I did!?" he suddenly grinned, "Ha, ha! I'm one step closer!"

He turned to the reason why he won, still a happy grin on his face, "Thanks..." he slowly trailed off as he saw the expression on Pale's face. "... Pale..." he addressed her name with the utmost level of fear.

Taking a few steps back, he sensed that the last thing she was going to do was say 'congratulations,' before suddenly turning heel, and running in the opposite direction as fast as he could, "The match is over!!! Where's the way out!? Let me out, please!!!" he screamed.
Re: The Love Nest

Pale looks down at Alex thoughtfully, then directs a furious gaze at Bakan. "You!" she almost hisses as she moves to grab Bakan. Having a good grip she moves behind him and bites his neck, injecting paralyzing venom even as she drains his blood. Having satisfied herself that he is helpless, she spends some time drinking until she feels Bakan weakening, then tears his clothes off and takes a critical looks at his naked and helpless body. A wicked smile appears on her lips as she lowers him on the mattress. "So. Do you have anything else to say?"
Re: The Love Nest

Startled, Bakan nearly leaped out of his skin as Pale easily caught him. Struggling wildly, he choked down a cry as her fangs slipped into his neck. "Pale...!" he wheezed as she bit his neck and sent her paralyzing venom into his body. "Stop...!"

His arms gripping her own slowly lost their grip, until they fell down to his sides. Slumping back, all of his weight rested against her as her teeth dug into his flesh, and her mouth drank from his neck. It was oddly stimulating to have her suck on his neck, as Pale would find out as she tore off his clothes in one sweep and saw his manhood to be fully erect. Having an attractive, naked woman nibble on one's neck, he couldn't help it.

As she lowered him down to the mattress, he barely managed the strength to look at her form over his own. "I'm... Sorry..." he apologized with a weak voice, even talking was a chore under the effects of her powerful bite.
Re: The Love Nest

"It's good that you're sorry," Pale says as she drops to her knees and spreads Bakan's legs, "but not good enough."

Still smiling, she uses one hand to rub and stroke his manhood. while groping his ass with the other. Then she inserts first one, then two and eventually three fingers into his anus. After a bit of stretching she shoves her entire hand there, all the while stroking and licking his manhood. After he eventually cums, she leaves him lying there as she walks away and is teleported elsewhere.
Re: The Love Nest

While it was impossible to fit her entire arm into that hole, the fact that she fit as much as she could while forcing him to climax left a rather intense mental impact on his sanity.

His mind blank, he laid there even after the effects of her bite wore off. Eventually teleported away to be treated back into fighting condition, the memory of the event was promptly sealed away in the dark corners of his mind. The (succubus) nurses would find he had no memory of what happened after winning the match.
Re: The Love Nest

Luciana allowed the enthusiastic Nala to take her by the hand and lead her out the doors, which magically opened out onto a huge bed, covered in soft fluffy pillows and filled with wonderful, relaxing smells. "Rules? Hmm..." the demon mused as she looked over her opponent. "Well, my opponents thus far have been powerful warriors, well-versed in hand to hand combat. No offense intended, but you don't seem like the type. If you want you could either try to bring yourself up to my level with magic if you happen to know some, or I could fight with a handicap of some sort. Alternatively we could just agree not to attempt to restrain one another, and go from there. I haven't got a strong preference either way, but I prefer a little struggling with things, either way" she said, iterating the options as she saw them, her tentacles and tail waving idly around her. "And don't you worry, if I have my way you'll be on the 'business end' of a number of things."
Re: The Love Nest

Nala sighed and let herself fall back onto a fluffy pile of soft pillows, squirming her body sinuously betwixt them as she gazed back up at the succubus.

"Mm? Oh, all warriors? Brawn over brains. Yes, life would be much simpler that way, I sometimes think. You are correct, Luciana, I am a practitioner of magics, many of which are hampered by the rules of this place. Still, I am not really put off by it. Most of my art is lethal, so these contests will allow me to focus on my more passive spells, although by no means are they less fun. In fact, I really think you'll be the one receiving the most benefit from them.

"Concerning the rules of this contest - why struggle? Let's challenge ourselves with technique alone. I will have access to you, and you to me, and may the lady with the most skill win by forcing the other to her her climax. If you win that, darling Luciana... then I will 'struggle' in your grasp for as long as you'd like me too..."

Nala crooked her finger at the succubus, motioning for her to lie next to her amongst the pillows.

"Let me know when you would like to begin, and I shall cast my spell. I think I shall only require one."

When the battle begins, Nala casts Nature's Might level 5 spell, Empowered to double its value increase. She will raise her Mind stat. Since she deals pleasure damage with her Mind due to her Knowledgeable talent, that should be the only stat raise she needs.
Re: The Love Nest

Name: Luciana
Class: Succubus
Race: Full-Blooded Demon

Body: 8 + 8 + 8 + 28 = 52
Mind: 8 + 12 = 20
Spirit: 8 + 10 = 18

Hit Points (HP): 71
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 55 + 20 = 75
Spirit Energy (EP): 54 + 20 = 74
Speed: 23
Dodge: 45
Armor: 0
Resistance: 26
Perception: 52 + 3 = 55
Stealth: 52 - 4 + 3 = 51
Grapple: 52 + 12 + 3 = 67

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0


Just a Little Longer: Grants the character an additional 20 max pleasure. +20 PP, in other words.
Greater Energy Pool: Grants the character an additional 20 max energy. +20 EP, in other words.
*Lucky: Grants the character a +3 bonus to all non-damage rolls. Can only be taken once.
Greater Draining: Whenever the character drains another character or creatures energy through pleasure, they drain an additional +6 per round.
Succubus Magic: The character chooses two succubus special abilities. They gain access to those abilities.
Strong of Body: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Body stat. Can only be taken at character creation.
Strong of Body: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Body stat. Can only be taken at character creation.
*Natural Warrior (Grapple Expert) : Grants the character one Talent that they can only take from the Warrior Talents list. Cannot be chosen by Warriors, and can only be take once.
Grapple Expert: The character gets a +12 bonus to their Grapple stat.


*Fertile: The character is more likely to become pregnant, or to impregnate their partner. Mechanically, rolls of 2 or more now indicate success.
*Lustful (RP) : The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies, or accept it if it is offered to them, and are even more likely to give in if they are raped.
Mutated: The character gains 3 mutations of your choice.
Mutated: The character gains 3 mutations of your choice.
Mutated: The character gains 3 mutations of your choice.
Mutated: The character gains 3 mutations of your choice.


Demon: The character is a demon. They gain resistance to Fire and Force, ignoring the first 5 points of damage from sources of either type.
Shapeshifter: The character can change their physical form at will. At any time, they can change their physiology so that they functionally have any of the physical mutations. If they do not have the Supernatural Special Mutation, they cannot exceed the number of mutations that they already have, and cannot replace normal mutations with physical ones. This shapeshifting is limited to the base physical mutations, they cannot get any of the mutations that have requirements even if they have the base mutations. This can be used to hide the more unsightly greater mutations, however.
Supernatural: The character is magical in nature. They can no longer take corruption, and cause any pleasure they deal to other creature to cause an equal amount of corruption. Racial Mutations and other Special Mutations do not count toward getting this.
Tail: The character grows a tail. It can be of any kind that you like. This mutation can be taken as many times as the character likes.
-Venomous Attack: The character's can choose to inject venom with one of their unarmed attacks. If so, that attack deals -10 damage, but the creature affected must make a Resistance check against the character or gain one status effect. The effect is chosen at the same time as this mutation and can only be changed when the character gains another mutation. The possible effects are: Charmed, Horny, Paralyzed or Weakened.
-Corrupting Venom: Whenever the character would deal an attack that injects venom, in addition to the effects of the venom, the creature takes corruption equal to the amount of damage they would have taken without any penalties from the attack, including those from armor. In addition, the character can choose to deal attacks that cause no damage to their recipients when using this ability.
Soul Eater: The character must feed off of the souls of others in order to survive. They cannot regenerate EP beyond 1, and whenever they are at 1 EP they must actively seek to feed regardless of any possible consequences. Whenever they deal pleasure to a creature, they drain half as much EP from that creature.

Vestigial Wings: The character has grown vestigial wings. Not very useful, but can look however the character likes.
-Wings: The character's wings grow slightly, allowing them to glide. The character no longer takes fall damage.
Horn: The character gets a horn or horns, usually located somewhere on their head.

Pheromones: -4 to Stealth checks and friendly characters are more interested in sex (xivvix)
Appendage: The character gains a small tentacle growing from their body. Not nice to look at. If this mutation is chosen 4 times, then the character gains the Tentacles Special Mutation as well.
Appendage: The character gains a small tentacle growing from their body. Not nice to look at. If this mutation is chosen 4 times, then the character gains the Tentacles Special Mutation as well.

Appendage: The character gains a small tentacle growing from their body. Not nice to look at. If this mutation is chosen 4 times, then the character gains the Tentacles Special Mutation as well.
Appendage: The character gains a small tentacle growing from their body. Not nice to look at. If this mutation is chosen 4 times, then the character gains the Tentacles Special Mutation as well.
Tentacles: The character has a number of tentacles that they can use for a variety of purposes. If used for penetration, the character deals and takes pleasure as if they were penetrating their opponent, and can impregnate as if they had a penis. In addition, group grappling rules no longer apply against the character unless the creatures that they are grappling with also have this Special Mutation. The character can, while in a grapple, attempt to grapple another creature so long as they win their grapple check for that round, but if they do, they also need to succeed on an attack roll against the targeted creature.
Odd Skin: The character has unusual skin in some way, whether that be by just having an odd skin color, or by having fur or scales.

Massive Breasts: The characters breasts increase in size. How much is up to the player, but it has to be a significant change. (BurningGold) Can only be taken by female characters.
Lactation: The character begins to lactate, and any pleasure they take due to their breasts being touched is increased by 2. Can only be taken by female characters.
*Masochist: when a character takes health damage, d4+1 of total taken is taken as pleasure damage as well (xivvix)

Succubus Powers:

Dazzling Beauty (Passive) : The character is perpetually the center of attention, and will always be looked upon with lust. All creatures able to see the character take a -10 penalty to their Perception stat, and whenever they deal Pleasure damage to a creature, it is increased by +6.
*Charm: The character pays 10 EP, and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character, or gain the Charmed status.
Aphrodisiac Fluids (Passive) : Creatures who swallow the character's sexual fluids have their Resistance stat decreased by 2d6 temporarily. Creatures reduced to 0 Resistance by this ability gain the Horny status. This Succubus Power can be taken up to 3 times.
Energetic Foreplay: While causing pleasure to a creature in a way that does not result in the character taking pleasure themselves, the character may pay X EP in order to deal an additional 2X Pleasure. The maximum value of X is 10
Rhythm: While penetrated in a hole other than the mouth, the character may take an additional 2X Pleasure each round. Any creatures penetrating them take an additional 3X Pleasure per round, so long as they would take pleasure from the penetration in the first place. The maximum value of X is 5.

Luciana frowned at Nala's "brawn over brains" comment. In many ways the phrase described her perfectly. She wasn't exactly the brightest demon in Hell, and her technique was probably lacking. In the past she had typically overpowered her opponents through raw strength and sheer amount of stimulation, though that had proven impossible so far... "Sounds like a plan to me. It should be fun" she replied, even so lying next to the dark elf amongst the soft pillows, slipping an arm around her shoulders as she pressed her body gently against Nala's. Something told her that this would be a formidable opponent, and she had had enough of losing already... she would have to be serious about this. "Go ahead and cast it" she said as her free hand brushed Nala's shapely thigh, and two of her tentacles came to rest on her flat stomach. Using her shapeshifting powers the demon shrank down the size of the tentacles, making them relatively small as her opponent prepared herself, and when she seemed ready Luciana coiled the tentacles around the dark elf's modest bust, squeezing gently as they rubbed around on her. In the meantime her hand wandered to Nala's flower, beginning to gently but insistently caress her, preparing her for a third tentacle which was coiling slowly and seductively up the dark elf's leg.

Foreplay using Energetic Foreplay where X = 5.
Re: The Love Nest

Nala cast her spell, the first time in a while that she had called upon the Green Energy of nature. Whirls of translucent, emerald mana whirled about her limbs and torso, and her medium-length purple hair rose up as if tossed by some cyclonic wind. The pupils and whites of her eyes were covered in a glowing crackle of green energy, pulsing with vibrant power. She directed the energy in the way she desired, expanding her consciousness and mental control to the extreme levels of current mortal potential. It was as though everything became clearer, the solutions spread out before her, hidden secrets obvious to behold. She saw this gorgeous demoness before her, smelled the desire and lust within her, felt her appendages coiling pleasantly about her.


Nala opened her mouth, her whip-tongue seeking and finding the demon's perky tits as her slender, knowledgeable fingers slipped down to nimbly set to task on the succubus' open and inviting womanhood. Nala knew just the sort of tricks that would set this girl off... and she intended to make the big bad succubus become putty in her hand...

Cast Nature's Might level 5, Empowered, targeting the Mind Stat. Finger-fucking Luciana, and licking her tits with whip-tongue(+2 pleasure damage). Using Knowledgeable talent.
Re: The Love Nest

Stats, round start
Luciana: HP = 71, PP = 75, EP = 74, Status = None.
Nala: HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 23/41, Status = +120 Mind Buff
GM Notes: Rolled a d20 with a result of 20 for Nala's casting, just for the hell of it, even though it was agreed upon. Additionally, foreplay is happening outside of a grapple and is unresisted as per combatant wishes. Finally, I didn't take spirit ceiling into account for this fight on Nala's buff but can if either of the two would prefer that.

Buff stats were: ((11 + 1) * 5) * 2 which turned out as an even number so it didn't need to be rounded. Nala's final mind stat is 174, setting her resistance at 87.

Hurray! Onto the rolls!

Initiative: Luciana = 12, Nala = 5.

Luciana: Foreplay vs Nala with 5 EP in energetic foreplay.
Pleasure: 8 + 13 + 6 + 10 + 8 = 45 - 44 = 1.
Energy Drained: 1 + 4 + 6 = 11.

Nala: Foreplay vs Luciana.
Pleasure: 3 + 44 + 2 + 2 = 51 - 13 = 38.
Stats, round end
Luciana: HP = 71, PP = 37/75, EP = 74, Status = This doesn't usually happen to her, honest.
Nala: HP = 43, PP = 63/64, EP = 12/41, Status = +120 Mind Buff
Last edited:
Re: The Love Nest

Nala caressed her fingers over Luciana's delicate petals, applying the barest, circular motion to the demon's nub to alert her many touch receptors before increasing the pressure, sliding her middle finger deeper into the succubus' honeypot. She could already feel the shudders begin to creep up Luciana's spine and knew that her efforts were greatly distracting the poor creature. The essence of her nature magic was guiding her fingers, pressing them against the exact points needed to "unlock" this sex demon's ecstasy.

For her part, Nala realized that the treatment Luciana was giving her was very skilled, and without the protection of her spell, the witch elf would be struggling to maintain her calm demeanor. But the might of nature was powerful, and let her shunt nearly all of the pleasure away from her body, such that she showed only the barest of reactions. However that reaction was enough to let the Succubus drain some of her essential energy pool. With a grimace, Nala knew that another round of exposure to the succubus' power would drain her energy pool completely and break her spell. She had to be quick.

"That face you're making is just perfect, Luciana," Nala cooed as she suckled at the demoness' massive tits, her green eyes glancing up into the flustered succubus' half-lidded ones. "Do all succubi look as cute and moan as loud as you from just a few touches? Fufu... maybe you'd prefer more direct access to me?"

Nala made to turn herself around, so that the women were then entwined in a 69 position. "I simply must have a taste of you... and perhaps you'd have better luck with that tongue of yours?"

If the succubus wasn't up for the change in positon, Nala wouldn't fight it, she was afterall still in a superior position here, and she felt that if she steeled herself just a bit better, she might be able to resist the pleasure completely and deny the demon her draining power.

Upkeep Nature's Might and continue to pleasure Luciana with fingers and orally.
Re: The Love Nest

Luciana shuddered violently and froze for a moment as Nala's fingers went to work on her, gently massaging her clit and working a finger deep into her rapidly moistening pussy. The dark elf pleasured her expertly, building her towards her peak more rapidly than she had thought possible through this sort of play. Nala had even managed to draw milk out of the demon with her whip-like tongue and gentle suckling. Luciana moaned lewdly, resuming her attempts to please her opponent, though it seemed that her attempts were having no effect whatsoever on the dark elf.

Her face twisted in pleasure as she felt the first little trickle of Nala's soul flowing into her, so at least her efforts were doing something. It was always a wonderful feeling, the influx of energy, and this witch's soul had a particularly pleasant "flavor." Luciana tried to avoid looking into the dark elf's eyes, already distracted enough by the amazing feeling of her fingers and mouth, the witch's teasing words eating at her will to keep up the fight. Fuck... not again... she thought, not liking where this was going. Ever since she had arrived on this island she had felt like someone else's playtoy, far and away inferior in some aspect or other, and this was no different as Nala gave her all that she could handle and more.

She almost meekly allowed the petite dark elf to shift around, maneuvering the two of them into a 69 position, though her tentacles continued to grope Nala's modest bust. By this point she doubted that she could defeat her opponent, but there was still the goal of draining as much of her soul as the succubus could, to enhance even further the pleasure the dark elf was giving her. Gently the demon rubbed Nala's thighs, gradually bringing her hands up to grope the dark elf's soft buttocks, burying her face in the witch's crotch to lick at her pussy with long strokes of her tongue, trying at least to arouse her a little bit.

Foreplay, using Energetic Foreplay where X = 10. Go go Gadget initiative roll!
Re: The Love Nest

Stats, round start
Luciana: HP = 71, PP = 37/75, EP = 74, Status = This doesn't usually happen to her, honest.
Nala: HP = 43, PP = 63/64, EP = 12/41, Status = +120 Mind Buff
Initiative: Luciana = 20, Nala = 19

Luciana: Foreplay vs Nala, Energetic Foreplay X = 10.
Pleasure: 16 + 13 + 6 + 20 + 8 = 63 - 44 = 19.
Tasty Night Elf Energy Drain: 10 + 4 + 6 = 20. Nala is helpless.
Stats, round end
Luciana: HP = 71, PP = 37/75, EP = 74, Status = Self-esteem +120.
Nala: HP = 43, PP = 44/64, EP = 0/41, Status = None.