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The Lagoon

Re: The Lagoon

Struggling with Ione, Bakan's face began to flush as she drew in towards him, "Hey... Hey!" he cried out, "Stop! That's too close! What are you doing-!" he questioned her, before he was shoved down, and pinned under her power with him letting out a started grunt, his breath leaving his lungs. "Ione...!" he wheezed, attempting to squirm under her arms with little success, "Our bodies are too close...! Cut it... Cut it out, will ya!?" he snapped at her, clearly upset and ashamed.

Bakan attempts to escape from the submission hold!

1d20+34 → [2,34] = (36) Vs. 1d20+37 → [9,37] = (46)

Ione maintains the submission hold(And since I rolled for ya, she gets a free action.)

HP: 58/86
PP: 37/37
EP: 53/53
Re: The Lagoon

Breathing deep breaths herself at Bakan, the Alraune regarded the man's complaints after a time. "Bakan... you really should pay attention to what your opponent is doing. Else they might just get the... slip... on you..." Shifting on him, he'd soon come to realize something that would raise alarm bells as he felt Ione's hand reach to actually remove the binds holding his clothes together.

Ione attempts to move aside Bakan's Clothing

Starting Stats
Ione: HP = 27/40, PP = 34, EP = 57/92, Status = Grappling

Bakan in Submission Hold, Free Action Roll?
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Re: The Lagoon

Bakan narrowed his eyes at her when she began explaining, his suspicions arriving only too late, before his shirt was pulled up, and his trousers were undone. Feeling this motion, he began to thrash and twist under Ione, "Get off!" he shouted angrily, "Why did I think... You were different from the rest of them!?" he said to her accusingly. "I won't just give you the satisfaction of humiliating me!" he swore, struggling with all of his might.

Bakan attempts to escape from the submission hold!

1d20+34 → [6,34] = (40) Vs. 1d20+37 → [12,37] = (49)

Ione maintains the submission hold(Same thing, he's unable to escape, and she can torture him.)

HP: 58/86
PP: 37/37
EP: 53/53
Re: The Lagoon

Amused at the mans anger, the Alraune continued to stare, with a bit of a daze, at the figure of Bakan beneath her. 'Aww... he looks so cute when he's angry.' She thought, a blush still dominating her features as she lay so close to the man, his and her breaths wafting off at each other from the close proximity. Seeing and feeling him squirm seemed to excite her more the harder he attempted to get away, and Ione let out a small coo from the sensation. Her breath drawing heavier and heavier, she was fast approaching some sort of breaking point.

When at last she crossed it, her eyes would grow quite wide to the man, before he would suddenly feel her lips crash into his own as she kissed him passionately. Hands cradling the mans head as she kissed him, when she last pulled away a rather different sight than what he might expect would meet the man. Contorted between lust and distress, Ione looked to the man in a panic, thin tear trails adorning her face. "Bakan... I...I can't help myself. You look so cute and sound so wonderful. I just wanna... I just wanna..."

Whatever she meant to say was suddenly cut off as she continued her perpetration on the man. This time her hands suddenly roaming his exposed chest and dipping lower to tease at his lower self...

Ione attempts to commit Foreplay on Bakan

Starting Stats
Ione: HP = 25/40, PP = 34, EP = 52/92, Status = Grappling

Bakan in Submission Hold, Free Action Roll
Re: The Lagoon

Trapped underneath Ione, Bakan adapts a terrified expression as he watches Ione seem to lose her mind. The woman that he met earlier was no longer present as this new personality seems to emerge at just the absolutely wrong moment. 'Not only is she bad, she's worse than the rest of them! She really seems out of her mind!' he analyzed. It only grew worse as she began to cry, and call him... "CUTE!?" he exclaimed, very angry from that given title, "Who's cute!? I'm a god damn MAN! Now get off me!" he demanded, and did just that as he quickly pushed Ione off of himself.

"You crazy plant, I'll show you just how 'cute' I am!" he swore.

Ione Foreplay damage: (14) - 9 = 5

Bakan attempts to escape from the submission hold!

1d20+34 → [17,34] = (51) Vs. 1d20+37 → [9,37] = (46)

Bakan breaks the submission hold.

HP: 58/86
PP: 32/37
EP: 53/53
Status: Grappling
Re: The Lagoon

Seeing the man's terrified expression, Ione felt a pain clutch at her from within as she desperately tried to regain control of herself. This wasn't how the match was supposed to be going! Before she was able to make any headway into it however, Bakan's angry cries distracted her and she felt her arms loosen. Though it was only a second, the moment was enough for the man to push out of the submission she had held him in. Letting out a gasp, the alraune soon found herself once again struggling with the man for control.

Breathing shallowly as the two of them grappled, a small whine left from Ione as they wrestled each other. "Ahh... ahh... you have... you have to... get... away... Bakan. Please... get away..." Ione cried, sincerity breaking through her voice despite the ever increasing lustful tone to it and her appearance. "Help me... I don't want... to break... my promise for... the match..." As she spoke, a number of tendrils began to poke out from under her garment, and with another whine he suddenly found her redoubling her efforts to subdue him again.

Ione attempts another submission hold against Bakan

Starting Stats
Ione: HP = 23/40, PP = 34, EP = 47/92, Status = Grappling

1d20+37; 1d20+34 → [2,37] = (39)
1d20+37; 1d20+34 → [16,34] = (50)

[2,37] = (39) vs [16,34] = (50), Ione fails to submission hold Bakan
Re: The Lagoon

Bakan rose his guard at her announcement, "I expect an apology at a later time, after you've cooled off!" he instructed her, before preparing to bring an end to this match. 'I'm sorry, Ione. Maybe it's because I'm not used to the world of the fey, but I do have my own reasons for wanting to win. And unfortunately, I have to do it through combat.'

(Guess you'll take it from here?)
Re: The Lagoon


Her attempts to subdue Bakan slipping through her fingers, the man with resolve behind him pushed her away, for which internally Ione was incredible grateful for. 'If he hadn't succeeded... I don't think... I could've stopped before...' Steadying her thoughts and body, she raised herself to meet him when she felt the sensation of looseness overcome her spirit. So stressed internally, she felt her hold on her power slip to barely a trickle of what it had been, the power 'breaking' in her control despite her effort to prevent it.

Panting from the exertion, she nodded lightly at Bakan's comment, moving into a fighting stance with a visible stagger. She definitely wanted to talk with him later and sort out what had happened. For now however, with her mind recovered, she put her effort into her fight with the man charging to face and duke it out with him.

Ione Fell Might usage drops to X = 1
+3 to Dodge, melee attack rolls, melee damage, and grapple rolls

Ione and Bakan unarmed fight until one of them drops

Starting Stats
Ione: HP = 21/40, PP = 34, EP = 42/92, Status =

Bakan: HP = 58/86, PP = 32/37, EP = 53/53, Status =

Round 1
1d20 + 25 → [13,25] = (38) vs 32, Ione Hits
2d4 + 9 - 12 → [2,3,9,-12] = (2) Damage against Bakan
Bakan: HP = 56/86

1d20 + 34 → [12,34] = (46) vs 42, Bakan Hits
1d4 + 12 - 1 → [2,4,12,-1] = (17) Damage against Ione
Ione: HP = 4/40

Round 2
1d20 + 25 → [9,25] = (34) vs 32, Ione Hits
2d4 + 9 - 12 → [3,3,9,-12] = (3) Damage against Bakan
Bakan: HP = 53/86

1d20 + 34 → [6,34] = (40) vs 42, Bakan Misses
Ione: HP = 4/40

Round 3
1d20 + 25 → [8,25] = (33) vs 32, Ione Hits
2d4 + 9 - 12 → [1,4,9,-12] = (2) Damage vs Bakan
Bakan: HP = 51/86

1d20 + 34 → [19,34] = (53) vs 42, Bakan Hits
1d4 + 12 - 1 → [1,2,12,-1] = (14) Damage vs Ione
Ione: HP = -10/40 = Unconscious/KO

Bakan Wins

Still panting heavily from overexertion, Ione's efforts to phase the man left even less impact than what she had done before it seemed. If anything the jolts of pain as her fists met what now felt like a brick wall served more and more to snap her out of the lust that had drafted her mind toward more intimate interaction. If that hadn't been enough though, the snap of Bakan's intense hit to her jaw certainly did! For a moment in the haze after the plant girl was certain she saw stars floating about, and almost comically she somehow dodged another of Bakan's punches while landing another of her own in the state.

Still staggering from the previous intense hit, the alraune was able to land but just one more blow upon the man before he reciprocated. She wasn't sure what kind of punch or blow the man had delivered, but whatever it was it did the trick. Feeling her eyes roll back, Ione wobbled in an uneasy circle drawing weak laughs before unconscious took her. Eyes drooping shut, the plant girl started crashing forward rather painfully toward Bakan and the ground in front of her.
Re: The Lagoon

After a long and tedious fight, Bakan lowered his arms as Ione stumbled towards him, and caught her as she fell. Holding her in his arms, he let out a sigh, "I'm not sure if I'm holding onto my best friend, or worst enemy..." he announced only to himself, before tucking an arm under her legs, and carrying her like a princess in his arms, before he'd be teleported out.
Re: The Lagoon

Once out of the cafe, Skye glanced back to ensure Nadia was following her. Eventually she slowed, so as to not lose the lollygagging angel entirely, waiting for her to catch up. "Don't be shy now Nadia - These things go much smoother without being surrounded by... uncertainty." She glanced over her shoulder as they walked along, ""Besides I much prefer the sunlight." The half-vampire stretched her arms to the sky, taking in the rays, her nose ring twinkling in the light the corrupted part of her soul taunting those UV rays that used to torment it.

Eventually they came upon the shore of a shallow lagoon, and Skye stepped onto a rocky area to the side of the beach, gazing at the waters, "Much better.."
Re: The Lagoon

Nadia vs Captain Skye the Dread Pirate!

Nadia sped up to walk beside Skye when the woman slowed, and when she reached the redheaded half-vampire's side she responded; "Things are much more comfortable without an audience, aren't they? At least for me they are, though I am no stranger to being stared at. You seemed to handle it much better than I did." Nadia's tone was conversational, and she kept her wings tucked comfortably against her back and allowed her arms to swing at her sides. She seemed as comfortable as could be, and at Skye's comment about the sun, Nadia smiled warmly and looked up to gaze in the direction of the light of the world. "Yes... I do prefer to be under the sun as well." She quietly replied, her words containing a great deal more weight than her companion likely realized as her mind flitted back to her time in the abandoned mines beneath Petra.

Nadia paused a step after Skye, and turned with her to gaze out into the waters. This had been where she had met Tomoe, she remembered, and smiled fondly at the memory of the miko, wondering where the woman had got to since they had parted ways. Still, that was a contemplation for another time, and said; "Much better indeed."

Turning to face Skye, Nadia smiled slightly, and jovially said; "So, my captain, now that you have your angel all to herself.... What will you do with her? Have you brought me here to be stowed away, buried treasure waiting for a time when you return perhaps? Or.... Would you prefer to claim your treasure, here and now?"

(Put your sheet for this fight in your next post, in case whoever runs the rolls for this thread needs to reference anything.)
Re: The Lagoon

Eventually, Skye lowered her arms after stretching them in an arch, then turning to Nadia with a nonchalant shrug, mostly content to let Nadia form her own assumptions about the half-vampire. "They are just people," she said airily, ending the last word with a bit of derision. The redhead stayed silent, looking out at the calm waters of the lagoon as Nadia stood behind her. Not quite like the rolling chaos of the open sea, but it was probably far better than any other place she would find on this island of debauchery, she thought as she stared out to sea, imagining herself standing on the bow of her imposing ship.

Captain Skye startled out of her reverie when Nadia turned to face her, and the angel's words brought that effervescent smirk to her face once again. The half-vampire's copper eyes lit up at the thought, and one of her fangs slightly protruded from her smirk, making her face look awkward - though somehow natural. Her only response to Nadia as she closed in on her, stepping into her personal space was , "Yes."

Skye's character sheet/stats with 38 extra exp added for the fight.
Name: Skye Seawolf (Naomi Wolfe)
Class: Warrior
Race: Half-Vampire from Badaria

Body: 34 + 30 for fight +6 = 70
Mind: 6+2 = 8
Spirit: 10+2 +8 = 20

Hit Points (HP): 104
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 53
Spirit Energy (EP): 79
Speed: 26
Dodge: 49
Armor: 7
Resistance: 35
Perception: 4
Stealth: 47
Grapple: 70

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

EXTRA TALENT FOR NADIA FIGHT: Grapple Expert = +12 to Grapple
Healthy (+20 HP).
Stealthy (The character gets +12 to their Stealth stat. In addition, whenever the character attacks a creature that is unaware of them, they automatically hit and deal double damage (after armor) on all attacks.).
Greater Energy Pool (+20 EP).
Skill w/ One-handed swords (+12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon).
Duelist (+10 to Dodge and +2 to all damage rolls so long as they are using a single weapon in one hand, and nothing in the other.).
Natural Spirit Wielder (Demonologist).
Strong of Spirit (+8 to Spirit).
Skilled (3 more skills).

Open Soul (The character takes an additional 4 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any).
Mutated (2) (3 mutations of your choice (6)).
Infertile (The character cannot, for any reason, become pregnant. Nor can they cause anything to become pregnant).
Poor Grappler (-12 Grapple).
Fey Lover (Any pleasure dealt to the character by Fey creatures is increased by +8.)

Half-Vampire (The character is a member of the undead, and must feed off of the life essences of others in order to survive, but is also supernaturally resistant to damage. All damage against the character is reduced to 1/4. Attacks that ignore AV also ignore this damage reduction. The character can attempt to bite creatures that they are in a grapple with, which deals 3d10 damage that ignores Armor if successful. Any damage done by this attack is recovered as HP by the character. In addition, if they have the Venomous Attack mutation, they can also inject venom while feeding. This can either be extremely painful, or extraordinarily pleasurable to the one being bitten, at the players choice. When the character rests, they cannot heal up to greater than 1/2 of their maximum HP. The character can see perfectly in non-supernatural darkness). (No Daylight Weakness or Selfish Flaw).
Warped (Characters with this mutation cause any creatures that do not have this mutation to take an amount of corruption equal to 1/2 the pleasure that they deal. Racial Mutations and other Special Mutations do not count toward getting this).
Sadist (character takes d4+1 pleasure damage each time she inflicts health damage to something).
Soft-Skin (Your character causes +2 pleasure during non-oral foreplay).
Whip-Tongue (2) (+4 pleasure damage during oral foreplay).
Fearsome Maw (The character has a mouth filled with Razor Sharp teeth. They deal -4 pleasure whenever they use their mouth during sex, but whenever they deal unarmed damage to creature that they are in a grapple with, they can choose to bite them. If they do, they deal an additional +4 damage).
Venomous Attack (Charmed) (The character's can choose to inject venom with one of their unarmed attacks. If so, that attack deals -10 damage, but the creature affected must make a Resistance check against the character or gain one status effect. The effect is chosen at the same time as this mutation and can only be changed when the character gains another mutation. The possible effects are: Charmed, Horny, Paralyzed or Weakened).

Terrify, (Whenever the character kills an enemy, all other enemies within 30 feet that have line of sight must make a Resistance check vs the character or be unable to attack that round. Failing 2 such checks in a single combat causes a creature to either retreat, or surrender. The character takes a -10 penalty on this check, but also gains a bonus to the check equal to the damage done on the killing blow /10, and multiplied by the tier of the monster. Characters with the Foul aura mutation get a +5 bonus on this check).
Strong-Willed (The character gets a +5 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions. These include the Dominated, Charmed and Horny statuses).
Disarm (The character can forsake the damage done by their attack to instead disarm their opponent. A creature wielding a weapon that is hit by this attack loses any weapon they are holding, and must take a turn to retrieve it if they want to continue using it).
Head Over Heels (When the character makes a sneak attack, they can choose not to do damage, and instead knock the creature that they’re attacking on its ass. The creature must win a Resistance check against the character or be knocked Prone. Requires Stealthy).
Lightning Strikes (the character attacks three times instead of only once, but each attack takes a -12 penalty to its attack rolls and damage).
Quick Draw (The character can draw their weapons without spending a turn).
Death from the Draw (The character can draw their weapon and swing with it in the same turn. When doing so, they get a +6 bonus to attack and damage rolls).
Sudden Strike (The character can take a -10 penalty to their attack rolls and a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next turn. If they do, they may make a Stealth check at a -10 penalty against any creatures that they attack, and if they win, those attacks count as sneak attacks).

Spirit Ceiling: ??
Form of the Swarm
The character's body dissolves into a legion of tiny creatures of the casters choosing. Be it bees, locusts, rats, ants, bats, spiders, butterflies, or what-have you, the character becomes a swarm of them.
-The character pays 6 EP.
-The character can only move at half their Speed, but can fly, and generally get around things very easily.
-Killing individual members of the swarm has no effect on the whole. As such, directed attacks against the character have no effect. Only area of effect attacks matter. If knocked out while in a swarm, the character regains their original form.
-This power can be used while Bound or in a Submission Hold.
-Reforming takes a turn, during which the character can take no other action.
-The swarm doesn't have to stay completely together. Creatures would not normally recognize the character as what they really are while in a swarm. While in this form, the character cannot attack, cast Spells, use other Powers, use any special abilities, or communicate verbally with other creatures.
Gorgon's Gaze
The character lets their gaze linger on one creature within line of sight. A brief focusing of their energies, and the targeted creature can either be forced to become completely rigid and helpless, or to be turned to stone and instantly killed.
-The character pays 6 + X EP.
-The creature must win a Resistance check against a DC equal to 5X or be turned to stone. This DC does not get a d20 roll.
Summon Demon
The character summons a demon to aid them in combat. Only one creature can be summoned at a time, and in addition to the EP cost for using this power, each creature that can be summoned requires an additional cost of some sort.
-The character pays 4 * X * T EP. X = The number of creatures that you would like to summon, and can never be greater than 5. T = The tier of the creature, which is indicated for each.
-Then, the character chooses one of the following:
1) Soldier, Stalker or Goblin
Tier 1 monsters focused in melee combat. Require that the character make them orgasm at least once as additional payment once their task is complete. Male characters will get female versions, while female characters can choose either or.
2) Succubus or Sorceress
Tier 2 creatures capable of using magic. Require that they be able to feed on the energy of another, though they will prefer the character themselves. Can be male or female, but will always be the opposite sex of the character.
3) Knight
Tier 3 warriors dressed in black plate armor. Require only that the task they are set on be meeting a goal that the demon shares, such as the advancement of their cause, such as the release of another demon or the fall of an angel or a powerful fey. Unlike other demons, only one can be summoned at a time.
4) Great Darkwalker, Nightmare, or Hellhound
Tier 3 monsters of great and terrible power. They require a host for their spawn in exchange for their service, and if the summoner is female, they will prefer her over any other possible bearers.
5) Demon Lord
Tier 4, beings of immense power and unfathomable malevolence and/or insanity. Their price varies and is determined at the time when they are summoned, but it is always high and almost always bad for the character that summons them in the long run. Unlike other demons, only one can be summoned at a time.
6) Nightmare Lord
Tier 4, and one of the most powerful beings in all creation. Only the angels are said to rival them in power. Their price is always the same: A woman to impregnate and a gateway into the mortal world. Unlike other demons, only one can be summoned at a time.

Inventory: Scimitar, Badarian Revolver (in holster is that okay?), Battlemage's Robes, Nose ring, Necklace, Bandana
Biography and Appearance

Skye has short, shoulder length red-orange hair, often pulled back by a bandana. She wears a gold nose ring and wears a skull pendant around her neck attached to a leather necklace. Her attire varies depending on the weather, but she generally wears leather britches with a tunic and a black vest under her crimson overcoat. Like any other vampire, she has fangs, but they only show when she wants them to - or if she smiles widely. Her skin is lightly tanned, and her build is athletic but thin, about 5'9" tall. Her body is very attractive, but she rarely wears clothes that accentuate it.

Naomi Wolfe was brought up in Badaria, fifth daughter to a blacksmith and a loving mother. Unlike her sisters, Naomi loved working with steel in her father's workshop, sneaking out out of other chores and school whenever she could to help make swords and train on her own. For his part, Naomi's father took her in and trained her like the son he never had. All she ever dreamed of was to be a blacksmith, fashioner of fine steels for the noble classes - that is until one fateful night that turned her world upside down and ripped her life asunder. On that night, Naomi awoke with a start in the middle of the night, the smell of smoke heavy in the air and the sky ablaze with fire. As she got out of bed, head throbbing from what must have been an explosion all she could hear was chaos and a general scream of people outside, "Pirates!!" The redhead dashed outside to her beloved forge only to find a horrifying sight, her parents slaughtered on the ground and a group of pirates dancing about the place, rounding up her precious swords! In her night clothes, the redhead picked up one of her swords and shouted at the pirate captain. They jeered and taunted her, but the girl stood firm, pointing her sword at the captain's chest, enraged. They fought and she held her own for a while, more so than many of the pirate's notorious foes, but eventually he overtook her with his dirty tricks. Instead of killing her or worse, the pirate abducted her to serve as his personal blacksmith, and that was how Naomi Wolfe became a member of Vaodred's infamous pirate crew. Naomi quickly became a treasured member of the crew, and Vaodred made it known that no one could have her unless they could beat her in a dual. Many tried but none suceeded, and she developed quite a reputation with the crew. Naomi's adventures with Vaodred's men were numerous, fearsome, and fantastic - but those have been recorded elsewhere of course. For our story, the next fateful night came when Naomi met a vampire after ransacking a village off the coast of Badaria. He didn't take her with his teeth, however but with his charm. Naomi met with him in secret for weeks, but one night, Vaodred caught them in the act and shot the vampire on the spot. Not knowing he was a vampire, Vaodred left him to die, telling Naomi to get ready to meet the sharks at the bottom of the ocean. Unfortunately for the vampire, death was creeping up fast on him, and his life drained away in Naomi's arms. After he died, the vampire tried to join his soul with Naomi forever to turn her into a full vampire. However, being an untrained spirit user, Naomi wasn't a proper host, and her body rejected him, spasming on the wooden floor. Part of her vampire lover's soul was embedded in her, but the other part was lost, tearing the vampire's soul asunder and leaving Naomi as a half-vampire. Enraged, Naomi stormed out of the cabin with her newfound powers and massacred the captain and much of the crew, ravaging them for their blood and staring down the few survivors with a gaze of pure malice.

It was from that point forward that Naomi Wolfe became Skye Seawolf, terror of the Badarian seas. Her ship, The Seawolf, sails with deep red sails, often leaving a litter of dead bodies in the wake of her travels. Though, the stories say that the fate for those captured by the Seawolf are much worse, too horrible to speak of! Of course, as a vampire, Captain Skye has to get her life essence from somewhere, and captured souls offer easy pickings. Skye often tires of feasting off of the same poor souls every day though and sails in search of new victims, many times traveling on land in search of more delicate flesh to feast on. The Seawolf crew pillages and plunders like any other pirate ship, but Skye largely leaves the loot to the desires of her crew as long as they leave the bodies to her. Without a true friend in the world, Skye is a ruthless captain with many tales and stories preceding her. But somewhere deep inside her tortured soul, Naomi Wolfe still lives. Perhaps that's why some of her captives get to live instead of meeting a quick death at the hands of her ravenous hunger.
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Re: The Lagoon

"True enough." Nadia replied agreeably to Skye's simple words, her pleasant smile remaining without even a twitch as she joined the woman in looking out onto the waters of the lagoon.

Even when the woman gave her that sinister smile again, one of her fangs poking out of her mouth, Nadia continued to smile serenely. Nothing the other woman seemed to do had been able to shake the angel so far, and that included her inconclusive, one word reply to Nadia's suggestive words. Tilting her head slightly, the red haired angel did not budge an inch as Skye stepped toward her. "I suppose that it is time that we begin? I hope you will not mind if I do not simply allow myself to be pillaged without a fight."
Re: The Lagoon

Skye's smile narrowed, bringing her fang back within her lips and leaving only a slight smirk. Now knowing that Nadia wished her harm, the pirate vampire's eyes darkened ever so slightly as the bandanna-capped redhead took a couple steps back from the angel. Shifting her feet and arms into a defensive position, Skye chided the angel, "No it doesn't surprise me in the least Nadia, lass." The half-vampire brushed her finger through her red-orange hair hanging beneath her bandanna, "I'm a pirate. Senseless fighting is a part of my life. ...Though, willingness on your part would have been most agreeable. Ah well." She waved her hand dismissively before returning to her fighting stance.

Though her experience allowed her to appear confident, even steely, Skye was actually rather uncomfortable without her trusty scimitar by her side. Perhaps the best perk of of being a pirate captain was the ability to delegate brute force to the brutes. Now when a time came when they might be useful, they were nowhere to be seen! ...How most contemptibly ironic!
Re: The Lagoon

"I imagine that must be tiring. Though, I did expect a quip about the thrill of the hunt.... Likely too many campfire stories on my part, of course. Though, we need not settle things with violence, of course. There are... Other ways, to earn my compliance." Nadia replied, still standing totally at ease even as Skye adopted a defensive pose. If the woman attacked the angel was always ready, or at least Nadia liked to think as much, but Nadia would prefer not to start hostilities just yet.

Full Defense.
Re: The Lagoon

Captain Skye looked confused, stepping back and dropping her hands to her sides before gazing at the angel incredulously, "Blackbeard's Boils Nadia!!" After her sudden exclamation, she shook her head, "You want me to bite you then you don't. You won't give in without a fight then you prefer not to. Make up your mind lass!" The redhead sighed and ran her palm across her face, "Bless the salt of the seven seas, I need some rum."

Sit there looking silly
Re: The Lagoon

Nadia grinned at Skye's exclamations, and even giggled slightly as the pirate facepalmed. "I really ought to, shouldn't I?" The angel paused a moment to smirk, and then continued; "Rum is off the table, sadly. But." She tilted her head slightly, once more exposing her neck, and finished; "Perhaps a sample will better motivate you? No tricks this time."
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Re: The Lagoon

Skye looked down at the ground, shoulders slumped forward and laughed softly to herself. She kept laughing for a little while longer. Maybe even a little too long of a while longer, but eventually the bandanna-clad half-vampire sighed and shook her head. Still looking down, she dug the tip of her boot into the sand, swirling the white grains over earth, "I see... I see." The pirate captain grinned inwardly, thinking to herself. <Heh heh. I see now. The harlot wants it but her pride is making her stubborn. Well then my little angel, let's awe you some more>.

When the pirate finally looked up again, her face was bemused. Lips curled in a half-smile, Skye held her hand in front of her and gracefully rubbed her fingers together as if grinding something fine between them into oblivion, "Well then," she mused smoothly as she slowly began to walk toward Nadia. "I believe I can sate your curiosity enough."

Skye gradually wandered past Nadia and circled around her, lightly brushing against the girl's wings and taking time to dart her eyes up and down the angel's form from her neck to her toes. By the time she circled all the way around and stood in front of the red haired angel, Skye had a strange gleam in her eyes, a hint of primal instincts heaving up from the depths of her body and showing itself through her copper eyes. "But first..." Skye smirked creepily, "Let's give you the full experience. First-class treatment for one of a station such as yourself you might say." Skye's eyes were now black as beads with only the glare of the sun gleaming against them, "Stay completely still..."

As the last word escaped Skye's lips, the vampire raised her arms at her sides. Her lips curled and trembled and her fangs protruded from her lips. The half-vampire's whole body shook then suddenly transformed. It shuddered and shrank, turning black before totally disintegrating before Nadia's eyes, disappearing and leaving a black stream of fluttering bats in her wake!

The bats fluttered wildly in a ravenous stream around Nadia, circling about her form from top to bottom. The bats didn't touch or bite at Nadia - but they did screech and oh was it loud. Both the movement of the swarm around her and the rapid flapping of the bats wings, flooded Nadia's skin with air that cascaded all around her. When stream of the blinded black creatures finally stopped circling Nadia, they stopped to hover in front of her before arching up and over her head into the sky, divebombing to a spot just behind her. That spot was where Skye appeared with a ravenous look in her eyes. Hissing lustfully, she grasped Nadia by the shoulders, tilting the angel back to push aside her vermillion hair and sank her fangs into Nadia's delicate neck.
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Re: The Lagoon

Nadia remained still as Skye laughed, smiling quietly to herself as she observed the vampire's reaction to her offer. She remained stock still, not even a hint of tension in her body as Skye began to step forward. "I hope that you can, Skye." She replied evenly as the pirate began walking around her, taking in the angel's figure, fairly easy to view beneath her simple white robe.

When Skye stood before her again, Nadia's gaze was, in contrast to Skye's wild primal eyes, perfectly serene, their color matching that of the perfectly clear sky above them. "Oh? Interesting." Nadia said at Skye's proclamation that she would be shown the full thing, ignoring the mocking connotations in the other woman's words. When told to stand still, she simply widened her smile, waiting for whatever was to come.

Despite her serene gaze, however, Nadia was startled by the captain's sudden transformation. She didn't show it, and had even seen this sort of power at work before among the fey, but Nadia hadn't suspected that Skye, apparently not a full member of her kind as she seemed so at ease under the sun, was capable of such powers. Still, Nadia remained still as the storm of screeching mammals flitted around her, the loud and constant sounds disorienting her.... But only for a moment. Nadia had her own tricks, after all.

Well before the bats finished their circling, Nadia closed her eyes, and resumed her serene smile as she began to concentrate. And then, the angel began to glow. The change in the intensity of her natural aura was a gradual thing. At first, it was barely noticeable, but it swiftly built until Nadia was glowing as bright as the sun. Golden light flooded out from the angel's body as the bats swarmed around her, never quite touching her even though Nadia felt the air they displaced with their wings brushing against every part of her body. Only as the swarm of screeching bats no longer surrounded her did Nadia once more open her eyes, her serene smile retained as the glow faded slightly. To all outward appearances, Nadia had remained totally calm throughout Skye's display.

Watching with her eyes as the bats floated upward and coalesced directly behind her, Nadia half watched Skye reform from the swarm of flying creatures that she had become. The ravenous look in the vampire's eyes, combined with the low hiss that escaped her lips, almost made the empowered Nadia tense, but she watched the woman lunge toward her almost in slow motion as her aura sparked higher, the angel was content that, had she desired, she could have avoided the attack.

Closing her eyes, Nadia allowed Skye to grasp her shoulders, her aura dropping low. She tensed slightly in anticipation as her hair was pushed aside, and when those fangs sunk into her neck, Nadia couldn't help but gasp in surprise, her eyes going wide. Gradually, as Skye drank of her blood, the tension drained out of her. She began to gasp and moan softly, shifting slightly in Skye's grasp to tilt her head back, exposing her neck even further.
Re: The Lagoon

For one of those fleeting moments of pure ecstasy, time itself stopped for Skye Seawolf. Her eyes gleamed brilliantly like burning hot coppers. Her soul, half-twisted and transformed by the death throes of her former vampire lover, plunged into a deep black abyss of lust and darkness. Just like her piercing fangs that sank into Nadia's flesh, Skye's humanity was washed away by the utter animality of a vampire. The alabaster skinned angel's blood flowed down Skye's throat like like a sweet nectar of the gods - and indeed it was. Such was Skye's depravity in that moment that she drank with the lust of a thousand hungry souls faced with a stockpile and no hope for anymore tomorrow. As she ravenously sucked at Nadia's life essence, the half-vampire's whip tongue snaked along the angel's neck, taking on a reptilian life of its own to lap up every last drop of blood that dared escape Skye's fangs. Like an animal jealously guarding and hoarding its prey for itself, Skye's body operated on instinct. In that moment, all traces of the girl Naomi Wolfe were obliterated from time. Even the person known as Skye Seawolf was gone. All that remained was vampire.

As powerful and lusty as it was, that ephemeral moment that felt anything but, was just that - a moment. It was as if a little guardian of time slipped and fell from her perch, leaving the second hand of the world lodged in place for a few horrifyingly eternal moments. After that, the little guardian scooped herself back up and time as we know it resumed. Like the little guardian of time, Skye's humanity struggled wildly, battling fiercely against the darkest parts of her vampiric soul. Ruthless and twisted as Skye was, an animal she was not. The overwhelming blackness of baseness and lust constricted about her body. Her muscles convulsed and shuddered, the shreds of her soul slowly rebelled, pulling herself from the depths of where it had fallen until her eyes regained their sentience. Copper irises darting side to side in confusion and fear, Skye suddenly jerked back and let loose a sharp groan of lust and anguish. Blood sliding down her lips and dripping from her chin, the pirate captain gripped Nadia tightly in her arms and panted quickly, short of breath from the hidden battle she just waged against the darkness in herself. When the red-headed half-vampire finally regained some of her composure, she gave Nadia a glance that plainly said What am I going to do with you?

Skye not only held Nadia in her arms but pressed her own body snugly against the angel's form. Her nose ring gleamed in the sunlight and her red-orange hair dangled just above her shoulders. Skye's eyes glanced down at those delicate holes her fangs left in Nadia's neck then returned her gaze to the angel's serene eyes. "You'll be safe with me, the redhead purred smoothly, giving Nadia a trademark playful smirk, telling it to Nadia and willing it to herself. Skye secured Nadia in her arms, maroon overcoat draping over the angel's form. The redhead gazed at the angel in her arms for a moment longer before leaning in toward her neck again, much more composed this time. She was determined to master the animal impulses within the depths of her soul. She would taste this angel's blood, and she would not lose herself doing it.

Pulling Nadia close as she leaned in, Skye's fangs sank into their sheaths in Nadia's neck slowly but easily, purposely trying to set a wave of euphoria loose through the angel's veins. Fangs buried in Nadia's flesh, angelic blood softly trickled over the half-vampire's lips as they gently sucked at Nadia's soft neck. Keeping Nadia tucked away in her strong embrace within the overcoat, Skye gently nudged her boot into the back of Nadia's knee and helped lower the angel to the ground. On one knee, the bandanna-clad redhead cradled Nadia in her arms. One holding the angel around her shoulders, the other laced within her vermilion locks, brushing Nadia's silky hair with her coarse finger tips. Skye's copper eyes gazed up at the angel as she sucked on her sweet nectar. She watched her until her own eyes fluttered closed to relish the taste of Nadia's treasured blood, an ever so soft moan fluttering out of her lips as she sucked tenderly on Nadia's snowy white skin.

After savoring Nadia's blood for quite some time, Skye slowly pulled her fangs free, droplets of blood trickling from their tips, tongue gliding over them to drink up more of Nadia's nectar. The redhead half vampire smirked down at the angel resting in her arms, idling brushing the girl's hair with her fingers with one hand as a finger on her other hand, slowly slid up the front of Nadia's neck, creeping up all the way to her chin until she took hold of it gently. "So very exquisite," Skye said sensually. "Divine even." The half-vampire grinned as she leaned in again. This time, Skye's whip-like tongue was all that invaded Nadia's flesh. Fangs concealed within her lips, Skye slowly slid the tip of her tongue over the vibrant red holes she caused. Her tongue lightly licked up and down over each one before plunging the tip within one of the sheaths, drinking from Nadia in such an intimate way. The half-vampire gazed up at the angel with her copper eyes as her tongue went to work on each little hole, licking and drinking from the redness on Nadia's wintery skin.

Skye flattened out her tongue and slid it across the holes on Nadia's neck ever so softly and slowly, making sure to give each a gentle sucking kiss. Cradling Nadia in one arm and stroking her hair idly, Skye finally pulled back with a smirk. Crimson splashed across her lips and chin, a twinkle from the Sun passed from the half-vampire's glowing copper eyes to her golden nose ring. Her embrace was soft, but her face was full of life as her back straightened up, red orange hair dangling just above the top of her shoulders, held tight in her bandanna. Skye smiled as they sat entangled on the beach of the pristine lagoon and gazed down at the angel in her arms. It was the smile of a pirate captain who had found a hidden lost treasure, taken it, and kept it all to herself.