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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Lily

Six heard the creature moving around nearby, but was so wrapped up with her exercise she decided not to bother whoever it was, instead continuing to leap between the trees, her body gripping and nearly wrapping around it before springing to the next part, leaving deep claw marks as she continues the same jump on the next tree, working herself to a sweat.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Lily -> Six

The angelic looking sidhe continues watching the shadow demon move around and, on a whim, decides to follow her around to see where she's going. Though not as agile or strong as Six, the sidhe has other advantages even in the thick branches that make flight quite difficult at times. A pair of vine-like tentacles extends from Lily's arms, allowing her to swing after Six and follow her quite easily.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Lily

The part-Shadow-Demon didn't stop her exercise, partially unaware of the creature following her, that is until one moment when she went to double back to her last tree, only to almost run into Lily. Giving a startled hiss but already having left the tree, Six flailed and only managed not to hit the girl thanks to the divergence magic making her fly off in another angle. Managing to land on all fours, she glared up at the small woman, recognizing her from earlier. "Now what?" she asked, visibly both shaken and annoyed at the sudden near-collision.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Lily -> Six

As Six suddenly turns around and leaps towards Lily, the fae instinctively spreads her wings, stopping her momentum and causing her vine to slip, only for her to fall through a suddenly appearing portal...
to be continued...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Bedroom

"Wheeeeeeee!!!"... This was about all the warning anyone had as the outcry of enjoyment was sounded and got progressively louder only for something like a small fircracker to go if in mid air before a very confused blonde woman was standing in what appeared to be a bedroom, or the room at a swanky motel. Wait a minute... Hotel... Civilization!!!

"Sweet fucking gods above! I'm... There are... THOSE ARE SHEETS! REAL SHEETS!" She cried out loudly before diving onto a bed made by modern hands and machinery it seemed, and they were soft and the mattress was nice and it was paradise for a moment. It was always confusing when she ended up somewhere new, and this was no exception, except for one or two things that pointed out rather loudly that someone lived here, someone who enjoyed the dark. Standing up and wandering around, and decidedly ignoring anything that moved or spoke, Helena ran around the entire place taking a careful look at everything. "So.. If there are all these things, then I made it to someplace that can... I can have a real drink! Halleluja!" She cried, spinning around, the long decidedly colourful red and yellow dress spinning around her like a flower for a moment as she celebrated this tiny victory in her interdimensional headache. She still hadn't figured this whole traveling thing out, but she was getting better, maybe. Who the hell knew, she didn't. "Hello~! Is there anyone here!?" She yelled out, now finally willing and able to pay attention to any living presence in the room.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Room

Alice -> Alex/Pale

"Food would be… nice. Maybe some water with it" Alice replied when asked whether she was hungry or thirsty, still with that little warm glow of being just slightly tipsy. Maybe it would do her some good to get some food in her, to recover her strength a bit. Then again, maybe it would be better just to go through with whatever it was Pale had planned for her and get it over with.

Nadia's Room
Luciana -> Nadia

"Well, you were so good at it earlier~" Luciana replied when Nadia teased her, noting the surprised look the angel had given her. The more serious answer to what she had said made her quickly shake her head. "That’s not what I meant at all, Nadia. We both know that your physical safety was never in question, not just because of the way this place ensures it either. I want you to feel emotionally safe." The demon wasn’t really sure how to phrase what she meant here, which was… incredibly frustrating to her.

Even so, things seemed to be progressing just as Luciana wanted them to. The angel’s hands were already exploring her blue skin, roaming all over her as the redhead gave a reassuring smile. When asked to help her out of her clothes, the succubus grinned and wrapped her arms around Nadia’s back, though before she could do much the angel had lunged forward just a bit, planting a kiss on her lips. At the same time as her tongue was teasingly lapping at the demon’s lower lip, her hands moved to firmly grope her plump rear, causing a light groan of pleasure. Luciana’s lips quickly parted, accepting her partner’s probing tongue as her hands fumbled around with the robe the angel was wearing, trying to figure out how it worked without looking. Just her own tongue began to return the attentions of Nadia’s she managed to unwind the cloth enough that it fell to the floor, revealing at least most of the angel…
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia's robe wasn't a particularly complex garment, a white cloth held around her by a few folds and a cloth belt wrapped around her waist, and Luciana had it off of her within moments, thus leaving the angel covered only by the white bikini that she wore under her robe. The tips of her breasts were hard, visible and tactile through the thin barrier of cloth, and as the angel pressed deeper into the kiss she began to whimper softly into Luciana's mouth. She held herself just short of pushing the demoness against the wall as she hungrily explored Luciana's body, pinching and rubbing and squeezing as she'd been unable to do during their encounter in the baths, but that barrier of restraint was eroding swiftly as her partner held back from stripping her completely.

If Luciana kept her waiting for too long, Nadia's whimpers would become frustrated moans, and she would stop her gropings just long enough to strip off her bra and then slide her panties down off of her bottom, exposing her glistening petals as she then proceeded to push Luciana backwards until the demon's back hit something solid. Her wings folded behind her, Nadia pressed her bosom against Luciana's, pancaking their breasts together and causing her to start whimpering again, the slightest touch against her nipples causing enough stimulation to make her shiver with pleasure.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's room
Pale -> Alice/Alex/Helena

The appearance of a strange woman - a demon, by her wings and tail - comes as a shock to Pale, who can only stare for the moment. As soon as the demon starts talking, the vampire makes an impressive pounce, going from sitting on her chair to laying on top of Helena on her bed in a fraction of a second, a low growl rising from her throat before she remembers the rules that seem to govern this place. "Alice, get dressed and take Alex for a walk. Get yourselves something to eat, and make sure she doesn't make too much of a mess. Send her back when you're done."

The vampire quickly returns her attentions to the demon she apparently has pinned underneath her. "Meanwhile we shall talk about...manners."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Room
Alex -> Alice/Pale/Helena
The sudden appearance of the new woman, another demon no less, was a bit of a shock to Alex. That itself was a bit of a surprise, the dragon had been there when Alice first appeared, but she hadn't actually seen the body shimmer into view. Or pop as this woman did. And...well...she enjoyed the sheets? This was just far too confusing, watching her run around and rejoicing in the luxuries she found.

Alex turned her head toward Alice with a questioning glance, but seeing the girl enjoying her little buzz simply made the warrior reach over and rub her back to make her feel more comfortable. Another inquisitive glance was given to Pale, but she was already up and pouncing the new arrival and pinning the demon to the bed. The attack itself was unexpected, and Alex was already shifting herself to offer Alice more protection when Pale called out. The sudden order to take the dragon for a walkies and food caused said dragon to freeze nervously, and after a bit she ventured to speak. "By walk do you mean as I am now?" When the obvious answer came back, even if it was given with or without a harsh glare, Alex would sigh and answer back herself. "Just clarifying..." Good lords, how far was Pale willing to take this whole 'pet' thing?
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's room of odd consequences and much flailing!
Helena, Pale, Departing Alex and Alice.

Giving a startled eep as the owner of the room made herself apparent with impressive strength and speed, Helena whined and wriggled underneath her, her wings and tail flailing around wildly before dropping at her side, one of the long batlike appendages painfully folded up between herself and the apparent wrestler who seemed rather cross with her...

"Ow! Waitwaitwait! Friendly! I'm friendly! Helena squeeked out, making a point of not struggling anymore as she tried to explain herself. "I haven't figured out this traveling thing! This is not the world I planned on ending up! I think!... maybe... shit. Umm what year is it, and is this earth? An odd question but I was aiming for home and wound up here, which is decidedly not the hell I was after, by the way that angle really hurts my wing, can you PLEEEEASE loosen up enough for it to straighten?" She whimpered, still lying very still under her captor of the moment.

"And your wrinkling my dress! Come on! I love this dress, can't we just talk? I don't even know when or where I am!"

If on the off chance the woman loosened up enough for her to move her wing, Helena would straighten it out before pulling them back into her body along with her other demony bits just to be more comfortable. "Would it help any if I said I wasn't evil? For a demon anyway, promise!"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's room
Pale -> Alice/Alex/Helena

As the demon underneath her starts rambling whinily, Pale looks at her with annoyance, sitting up and letting her straighten her wings, but staying strictly on top of the situation. Alexandra's question brings a slight smile to the vampire's face and, without actually answering it, Pale simply turns to look at Alex and winks at her before returning her attention to the demon. "I don't especially like demons, so why don't you take some time to explain yourself? I've got plenty."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Room
Helena, Pale.

"Hrm, that's a little difficult to do, but... Alright! Since you asked so nicely and by asked nicely I mean sat on me and started to demand answers I don't fully have myself, so sure, why not, I'll just violently unburden myself to someone who has already admitted to not liking me simply for being what I am, although I suppose I feel the same way about vampires 90% of the time.... So, you're racist against me, I'm racist against a group of undead, and you want me to explain how I fell through a dimension in search of my own home before landing in what appears to be your hotel room entirely by accident. Huh. I'll start with Shit. and end with Happens. Although that is of course the oversimplified version of a description related to a fucking complicated spell, and a current inability to steer..."

Helena said all of this somehow managing to sound both sarcastic and entirely sincere at the same time. Before her form started to literally ripple underneath the person pinning her down.

"Since you don't like demons, how about something a little fluffier?" Helena said, smirking as she sprouted long grey fur, pointed ears, and a tail seemingly out of nowhere before going back to herself, turning purple, then green, then an off shade of red, and then once again reverting back to her generally used blonde human form. "Would it make any difference if I said I used to be human?" She asked questioningly, starting to laugh.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Lily -> Six

blink - when the pair suddenly appears in the main square of the village that lies in the heart of the Island. Lily's eyes wink open, and she slowly looks around, loosening her grip on Six and taking a step away. "So, uh..."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Lily

Six blushed a deep green shade as she was dragged back into the real world, her tail flicking in agitation even as her head lowered submissively at the victor. "Yeah..." she mutters, avoiding eye contact with the other woman as she shifts uncomfortably.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Lily -> Six

Lily lets her eyes wander on the strange buildings until she spots a bath house. "I think we could both use a wash. You coming?"

The sidhe makes a move as if to grab Six's hand before starting towards the bath house.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Lily

Six shied from the touch, but didn't entirely pull back, before giving a shrug with the suggestion. "I guess..." she reasons, quietly following the odd creature.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Hotel Lobby

Well... Now Joey was really confused, she'd never seen a place like this before but at least it was warm, it was also terrifying because there were so many colors and no plants that she could see anywhere except for a few in the corners in potted plants. She could hear and see people moving about, but there was so little vegetation anywhere that hiding was almost completely out of the question.

Seeing someone move towards her however, smiling, Joey did what anyone she knew would do in this situation, which was charge herself and her flower over to one of the potted plants and sit in front of it, the blossom that was her mobile home closing around her quickly as she shuddered and retreated in the safety of her plant, her vines gently pushing people away as she tried to figure out what to do and waited for the punishing blows that would inevitably come against the petals of her bloom... But... They never came. For over an hour, Joey stayed completely secluded within her bloom, refusing to hope or dare that no one was attacking her in this strange place before her face peaked out of the flower, her eyes wide as she glanced around. Where was this? this wasn't the forest or the springs or the cave she liked, and getting a closer look, she could see there were doors leading outside, but she didn't dare go right now, even momentarily ignored like she was.

Nervous, admittedly afraid, and painfully shy, Joey stayed right where she was, glancing around from inside her flower and retreating whenever the odd people came near her as no one seemed to be speaking, or respecting her wish to be left alone for the most part. And here she would stay, until someone friendly came along and smiled, Joey was a sucker for smiling, it was always so nice.

Well, at least in here she was warm, and happy, but she was getting hungry and couldn't stay here forever, the flower blooming in her hair closing up and hiding as well as she did what any smart person did, she waited... and waited... And Waited, until something changed.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Room
Pale -> Helena

Pale's eyes narrow at Helena's heavy-handed sarcasm, but as Alex and Alice leave the room, she lets out a sigh and gets up. "Would you like a drink? The tea should still be warm."

The vampire moves back to her chair, and takes a sip from her cup, as if nothing had happened, looking at the demon warily.

Lily -> Six

Smiling to herself, Lily lets her hand fall down and leads Six into the bath-house, quickly disrobing and diving into the pleasantly hot water before taking a seat and turning to look at Six.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Room
Pale and Helena

Helena let out a rather relieved sigh as Pale got up and nodded slightly at the offer of a drink, taking care to move slowly as she stood and stretched, before smoothing out her dress and sitting in a more dignified manner.

Tea would be great, thanks. I'm Helena and I'd say it's all a pleasure apart from the sitting and so on. So... Mind telling me where I wound up? Because I'm getting the feeling that this isn't where I had originally intended. Helena said as if nothing had happened, stretching again and popping her back.

This could certainly be going worse, no one had chased her out with pitchforks and torches, and there weren't any cannibalistic midgets with spears here either.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Lily

Six slowly followed Lily, partly due to the fact that, with the woman holding one of her claws, her gait was now on three limbs. Even still, they eventually reached the destination, and after letting the woman slide in to the water, she followed as well, going to the end of the pool before quickly diving forward, sliding into the water stealthily and staying under it for a bit, before surfacing and looking around the pool.