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The Bondage Room

Re: The Bondage Room

More soft whimpers flow from the monstrous female, making her form contort as best it could in the bonds. "M-my creators... t-they used to p-punish me like this... I-It hurt... b-but w-why does it make me f-feel..." Six whimpered, her body shivering weakly as her insides twitched around the invading tendrils.
Re: The Bondage Room

Lily's expression softens as Six starts talking, though she still continues her efforts on the shadow demon's body. "Just relax..." Running her hands along Six's back, the sidhe continues pumping her lower holes with the tentacle pair, gradually picking up speed and increasing stimulation as her hands massage Six's back, panting slightly as the pleasure builds up. It doesn't take very long until the sidhe is moaning with pleasure, and soon her tentacles spill their hot seed inside Six as her legs buckle.

Carefully pulling her tentacles out, Lily opens the pillory and pulls Six into a gently hug.
Re: The Bondage Room

The assurance to relax made Six continue to squirm, but not quite as violently, shivering as the tendrils plundering her as she feels her body betray her, the tendrils speeding up and causing her to pant quietly, back arching with each toying tendril as it speeds up. As the tendrils came, a soft gasp came from the halfbreed, her insides squirming around the tendrils but otherwise not much of a reaction came, her face flushed in embarrassment and confusion before she was tossed in the hug. "Erms..."
Re: The Bondage Room

Lily carefully wraps her wings around Six, pressing their bodies together sleepily as her eyelids fall shut and she starts leaning her weight on Six - blink
Re: The Bondage Room

... the transition is so smooth that Pale doesn't even realize it happened for a moment: She's still sitting in a chair facing Helena, but no longer in her room: instead, she's surrounded by all manner of unfamiliar looking equipment, though given the rules of the arena, it wouldn't be hard for her to guess. A slight smile appears on her lips.
Re: The Bondage Room

Helena was used to this kind of thing, this warping and sudden changing of reality and noticed almost immediately, a quiet gasp slipping from her lips as she looked around the room, knowing what most of these implements were and even remembering playing with a few... Some of these were ALOT of fun... Grinning at Pale as she shifted back to her old self, Helena noted Pale's smile and paled a little herself.

O dear... Um, It's not a stretch to figure out what this room is for, this wouldn't be one of those arenas you mentioned would it? O dear... Can someone even win at this? Helena said, looking around, though she kept her eyes on Pale just in case, ready to dodge out of the way if that was the case.

Full Defense, +30
Re: The Bondage Room

"Looks like it," Pale says, not moving from her chair, but instead taking a better look around her. "And I suppose we'll find out."

Still smiling, the vampire slowly stands up. "Ready when you are." Pushing her chair aside, Pale starts stretching, trying to warm up her muscles.

Sit there looking silly
Re: The Bondage Room

Helena ran through what magic she could still feel working around her and in her, entirely at a loss as to what to do. Hell, even resisting was against her nature, but she hated to lose as well, and this was a competition of sorts. Rubbing her chin for a moment, rather then stretch, Helena put her wings away and smoothed out her dress, muttering the words to a simple spell that should still work here, she could already tell she was physically outmatched, though to what degree was currently unknown. She needed to be lucky...

Boof! Luck Manipulation, targeting as the rules Require, Helena. +3d10-9 to all rolls and Dodge! \o/ Lucky Bitch continues to be lucky!
Re: The Bondage Room

Pale narrows her eyes, but doesn't stop stretching. "I should've known you were a spellcaster. Any good? Most magic doesn't seem to work here, I think."
Re: The Bondage Room

Helena shrugged and tried a few pathetically simple tricks "For the most part no, but I seem to be able to cast on myself without issue. Hrm... I think I need a little more muscle to match yours if this is a competition... Helena said, her own form of stretching being another spell, her body hardening as her muscles suddenly toned and her body strengthened.

Strength. Level 3. Increasing Body by 30.
Buffs now active, Luck Manipulation and Strength, Upkeep 2.
Total EP spent so far. 9.
Re: The Bondage Room

Pale continues stretching, hiding her worry. "Still ready when you are."
Re: The Bondage Room

Helena, having no right idea exactly how strong this woman was, considered herself ready and willing to go already, though exactly how to start this all seemed rather odd to her. Fuck it, I'll just assume this is mildly hostile and enjoy myself, I'll have fun regardless Helena said, scratching her head with a smile before lunging at Pale, arms outstretched, tired of all the waiting and ready for at least some play.

Re: The Bondage Room

Quickly standing up and spreading her legs for , Pale catches the succubus on her arms, running a hand down her backside and starts pulling her shirt off. "Not exactly hostile..." the vampire intones in a teasing voice.

Allow herself to be grappled and attempt to remove armor.
Re: The Bondage Room

As much as I'm sure you'd LOVE to play with those~ This IS an arena, and I Hate to lose. Helena replied, laughing despite herself as she grabbed the offending hand, trying to get Pale into a proper grip and submission hold, working to twist the arm out and up behind her instead of allowing herself to just be stripped.

Let the Wrasslin commence! Attempt Submission Hold!
Re: The Bondage Room

Grapple: Helena: 20+40+4+5+7-9=67 vs 76= 4+76-4

As Helena grabs Pale's arm, and tries to put her into some sort of hold, the vampire let's her arm move, only to suddenly pull it up while slipping her other hand away and under Helena's dress, quickly pulling it over her head and trapping her arms for the moment. "Nice try. A little too slow."

While the other woman was distracted, Pale runs her hands along Helena's sides appreciatively before cupping her bust and squeezing slightly. "Why would you even want to keep these hidden?"

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Re: The Bondage Room

Helena eeped and laughed as Pale turned out to be better at this whole wrestling business then she was, her dress flying up to reveal her supple body, black panties a stark contrast to the pale flesh underneath, her breasts free as her arms were trapped momentarily above her head. Sticking her tongue out, Helena slipped her hands from her dress entirely and tried to make some distance. If she could increase her strength again, then they'd be on a more even footing for sure, Helena still not quite quick enough to best her opponent this closely, though this was turning out to be very fun.

Get outta dat wrassle!
Re: The Bondage Room

Helena: 5+10+3-9+40+17=66 vs 77 = 1+76 Pale

Foreplay damage: 22-19=3 and 3+2= 5 HP
Helena HP: 45/50 PP: 72/75 Pale HP: 97/97 PP: 52/52

As Helena rids herself of the dress and tries to step away, Pale quickly follow, slipping a foot behind her ankles and pushing her down onto the floor, still continuing to grope the succubus as well as trying to kiss her.

Foreplay again
Re: The Bondage Room

Helena laughed again as she was pushed to the floor and groped, grinning at Pale wickedly as she all but completely ignored the contact. Nice Try? She teased as she began muttering the words to the same spell that had strengthened her body, counting entirely on luck, normal and magically induced to get her through since she was so distracted at the moment.

Alright. for Casting it's +2 Plus Luck Manip. And another 4 EP. Upkeep raised to 2 if succesful, total EP spent this round 5.
EP: 68. Upkeep 2.
Re: The Bondage Room

Basecasting: 3+30-28+5=fail
Grapple: Pale wins, apparently?

Pleasure: 19-19=0, 3+2=5 HP again
Helena HP: 40/50 PP: 72/75 Pale HP: 97/97 PP: 52/52

As Helena starts trying to cast her spell against, Pale silences her with a kiss, while continuing to grope her bust, though more awkwardly now that she's on top of her. Lifting her head, the vampire takes a look around: "Which of those things would you like to try first?"

Foreplay again
Re: The Bondage Room

Helena didn't react in the kiss at all, except to grow her tongue as Pale pulled back to ask her question and lick her obnoxiously right across the face, Blaaaah~ the only sound coming from her mouth as she started to move, her mind now fully bent to the task of turning the tide as she concentrated on bringing her practiced mental power to bear, if only to give herself a real fighting chance against the powerful woman.

Psychic Shield at 12 EP
+36 Grapple, Dodge, and Resistance. Upkeep 10.
EP: 55.