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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)


(And Reputation Manager)
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Surka -> Bakan, Nadia

The orc girl received her food and quietly started eating, having a minute to finally sit herself down and give herself a chance to reason out with herself. She was a warrior, one who continually sought intelligence and adaptation in battle. Although proud, it was rare times like these that she damned her heritage, those brutish people. She had spent a short time on this island and had no idea how she got here, but if this befell her, then why couldn't it be dealt out to tribes and peoples of all lands. There was going to be more and more of these races she's never yet run across. Although this idea could be frightening, Surka let a smile flash across her pale green lips, imagining the experience this would provide her. She always sought out knowledge, and now has the chance to interact with others from cultures unknown to her, and perhaps that could dim the once blinding fear that this island would be her home forevermore. To think that only a few days ago, she never even entertained debating the existence of angels, and not only did she think she saw one on the way to the cafe, but now one had been sitting across from her. As the thought ran across her mind, she brought her gaze back up, catching the man from earlier whom she embarrassed herself in front of, to be met with a friendly gesture. Her lips stretched into a smile, averting her eyes again, though now accompanied by a blush, instead of intense dread. Looking back up, and spying the smile of his companion, her smile opened, unable to prevent herself from grinning back at the couple. Although trained so long of her life as a warrior, she was often cautious of new people, she looked back on this fear as possibly another close-minded flaw of her ancestors. A warmth inside of her grew, almost assuring her that no trouble could come of just being friendly to these strangers in return. It was a rather emotionally driven feeling she wasn't used to, but she knew where it came from.

She picked up her cup, took a deep breath, and walked over to their table, giving a small bow of her head in acknowledgement. Hello there. I'm sorry to intrude, but I thought I'd just apologize about my misstep. Or at least, give the chance to paint a better picture of myself. She chuckled at her statement, not knowing why since it clearly wasn't funny, but if it helped break the ice in herself, then it did it's job. She motioned her hand towards an open seat across from them, slowly sitting down in it. I hope you don't mind if I join you.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Bakan -> Nadia, Surka

Bakan chuckled at Surka's desire to make her impression better in their eyes. "Rest assured, you aren't the only one who has had a few problems," he comforted Surka. "You're more than welcome to sit with us. My name is Bakan. It seems as if the owner of this island is taking a break from tossing us into their wretched 'arenas.' So I suppose it's safe if we spend some time mingling together."

He then directed his hand to the red haired angel across from him, "And this is Nadia. Beware, she seems to love giving compliments," he chuckled.


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Nadia

Pale looks Nadia deep into the eyes for a moment before kissing Nadia. First lightly, then slowly getting deeper as their bodies keep rubbing against each other. After a while - a long while - Pale pulls back, breathless. "Does that answer your question?" she asks in a little more than a whisper, her hands sliding down to Nadia's hips.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tomoe -> Them pervert flowers

Despite managing to go along her way for a very short distance, Tomoe was somehow bothered about the peekers. Despite not really thinking they could be of harm to Tamo in her still going-on pool break, she was not one to allow for such frivolous behaviours. These beings needed a little talking-to, and she was going to be the one to do it. It had been a shameful idea to her, realizing afterwards that her lewd acts had been observed... So, with thoughts of setting these nasty persons on the right track, the shrine maiden turned back and went towards the neighboring pool.

Much to her surprise, the eastern priestess found what was not two average human or such at the pool, but a pair of different-looking alraune. "Plant people... even this kind has been taken in..." she thought, eyeing the two cautiously from a distance. They were peepers after all, despite their race and gender. One of the alraune was a more average specimen, slimmer and less decorated than her partner in crime, sporting only a pair of flowers on her head. The other was more of an adult variety and colored very differently, in an unusual gold color. Or at least that's what Tomoe thought, not really having seen golden plantgrowth before. Gathering up her courage, the miko walked straight up to them, standing near the edge of the pool as she addressed them. "You two. You perverted creatures, you need to stop doing this peeping thingy. It's not right... " she started up, soon going on a brief tirade about the wrongness of their behaviour.


(And Reputation Manager)
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Surka -> Bakan, Nadia

She looked on, happily, as the man introduced himself and the angel, taking sips of her tea that brought with her. She registered everything he was saying from behind her cup, waiting til he was finished. Reaching her hand out to Bakan, she responded, "Well Bakan, it's very nice to meet you. My name is Surka." She turned her attention, offering her hand to the angel as well, with a slight bow of her head, "It's a pleasure." Taking another sip of her tea, she put it down gently with a hard swallow, and asked almost absentmindedly, running her finger around the rim of her cup "Arenas? Here on the island?"


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Pale

Nadia returned Pale's embrace passionately, though the angel allowed Pale to set the pace of the kiss. Her hands began to explore as Pale deepened the embrace, starting at her hips and working her way around to her soft buttocks. Her tongue, long and sinuous, danced with Pale's for several moments, the kiss becoming more and more intense until Pale pulled back from it. The angel was panting as heavily as Pale when she broke that embrace, her cheeks rosy and the tips of her breasts rock hard as they brushed against the other woman's pale skin.

"Yes... I suppose it does..." Nadia quietly replied, and then wrapped her wings tightly around Pale as she pulled the vampire into another kiss, this one starting off as intense as the first had ended. At the same time, the softly glowing angel's hands cupped and squeezed Pale's rear, toying with the soft, pliant flesh.

After holding the kiss for a moment, it was Nadia who broke the embrace this time, and then breathlessly whispered; "Would you.... Like to bite... Again?"

Nadia -> Bakan and Surka

Nadia was about to introduce herself to Surka when Bakan beat her to it, at which she simply nodded, smiling. Taking the other woman's hand when it was offered and returning the head nod, Nadia cordially replied; "It's a pleasure to meet you, Surka."

Nadia's tea arrived a moment later, and she set about stirring it as she explained; "Yes, there are many arenas on this island... Though they are not meant for combat, at least not in the normal sense of the word. Opponents are dropped in, sometimes completely at random, and made to battle according to the rules set forth by the creator of this island. Victory is achieved through knocking ones opponent out, or.... By bringing them to orgasm." After she had finished explaining, Nadia simply took a sip of her tea.


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Nadia

Enthusiastically returning the angels kiss, Pale's left hand gropes Nadia's ass while her right one sneaks between them squeezing her breasts by turn, her body squirming in the warm embrace as she spread her legs slightly.

Hesitating for a while at Nadia's question, Pale's voice is despite - or perhaps because - it's breathlessness warm and inviting enough to warm the coldest blood: "If...that's...what you want." Lowering her head, Pale starts with a couple teasing licks before slowly kissing the angel's neck. Suddenly the fangs pierce the glowing skin, reaching the bulging vein under it. Then, deliberate giving time for protests, the vampire starts draining the blood ever so slowly while her hands grope and stimulate the angel's assets, one playing with her nipples, the other teasing her asshole for a while before sliding down to rub and spread the pussy. The draining still exquisitely slow, a finger is inserted into Nadia's pussy, the other fingers teasing her clit.


Mystic Girl
Nov 28, 2011
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Blinking eyes and waking up, Vaerithrae looked around, puzzled. "Where is this place? Why am I here?" On some assurances from some of the servants that she is not at risk of harm here for the duration of her stay, and will be eventually returned, she is slowly mollified. "Well then...I suppose a place to eat will be in order, then finding a place to sleep.

Going to CAFE
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(And Reputation Manager)
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Surka -> Nadia, Bakan

Her eyes flickered back to attention, blinking frequently as if trying to physically clear her mind, being more confused than shocked. "I- uh, I'm sorry, did you say victory through orgasm? That's how they work? ... and it's all driven by the owner?" Staring down at her drink, she brings it up slowly to her lips, taking another drink. "And you say we're forced to?" Her voice trails off at the end of the comment, but she just tried to imagine how that would work. She knows how to fight and she's had sex, but using it for battle? The concept was novel to her, perhaps a bit surprising, but definitely unique.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Bakan -> Nadia and Surka

Bakan went quiet for a moment at the mention of such a thing, his face flushing red at the mention of how the arena works and trying to hide that by drinking more of his wine, finding that he'd consumed all of it to the last drop, feeling a little tipsy as well. That's not to say that the sweet wine was powerful, Bakan was simply just a light weight when it came to drinking. "Only once I was able to best one of my opponents in a match through combative means," Bakan announced, "It's one thing that most of this island's inhabitants are anything but pushovers, but they are also... Quite taken to the idea of erotic combat..."

"In times like these, I feel ashamed to be thankful for the fact that women are more sought after sexually than men... Likely why I am the only male around, it seems. I've not seen another." he said with a sigh, tapping his finger on the table, "I would like to give the owner of this island what for... If only I had my hammer..." he said longingly, as if he truly missed the weapon in question.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Bakan and Surka

Nadia nodded at Surka's incredulous response, sipping her tea rather than responding verbally. She glanced sidelong at Bakan as he spoke, noticing a tiny slur in his voice, and then his rosy cheeks. At his words, she blushed brightly, remembering how all of her own matches had been won so far, and remained silent for a moment.

His next statement gave her pause, however, and she said; "Tis true, I haven't seen another man on this island, except for some of the servants." She paused another moment, and then sighed slightly at Bakan's next statement. Shaking her head, she replied; "Alas, I fear that force of arms would be insufficient to bring down one who could shape all of this. I don't think that any of us will be leaving this place until he or she allows for it."

Then, turning to Surka, Nadia continued; "As you didn't know about the rules, I suppose that it's not a stretch to say that you haven't yet had a match. Right?"

Nadia -> Pale

Smutty smut is smutty
Nadia was practically putty in Pale's hands, her body pressing eagerly into Pale's every touch against her soft body. At Pale's whispered words, she sighed and tilted her neck, exposing it for the vampire. Shivering with every lick against her neck, Nadia's hands roamed further, one finding one of Pale's breasts while the other continued to grope at her rear in a mirror of Pale's own earlier motions.

The red haired angel waited for the bite eagerly, and gasped lightly when she felt Pale's fangs pierce her neck. Expecting the powerful sensation from before, Nadia whined and squirmed as her vampiric lover drew only small portions of blood at a time, draining her lightly and continuing to tease her body. Against every touch, even the teasing prod against her ass, Nadia seemed to push needily, wanting more but not receiving it until the other woman's fingers finally made their way to Nadia's flower. The angel moaned as her lower lips were spread, and began to squirm even harder against the touch of her sex.

The draining of her blood, albeit slow, amplified the pleasure brought about by the fingers that slid inside of her and against her clitoris, such that the red haired angel was moaning lewdly, completely beyond any semblance of reason or good sense. This time, however, she wasn't attempting to fight off the sensations, and as such her heartbeat quickened rapidly under Pale's attentions. Throughout Pale's touch, the angel maintained a steady stream of her own touches, one upon Pale's breast and the other quickly making its way to her folds, to tease and rub them before sliding two fingers inside, and rapidly pumping them into her inner walls. Nadia didn't seem to be likely to last very long, even at this teasing rate, but she remained in the submissive position, so that could be easily changed at her partner's whim.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Lily -> Ione + soon to arrive miko of morals Tomoe: Hotsprings
Ione -> Lily + Tomoe & Tamonten : Hot Springs

A long silence followed after the other alraune asked her question, Ione fidgeting her arms as she repositioned her hands slightly. "No." She said flatly, another moment of silence passing between them before she loosened her arms and let out a small sigh. "I haven't lived with other plant kin since... several seasons ago. I've become quite comfortable with excluding myself from them too, in every way." The distaste was evident on the alraune's tongue, and the mere mention of the memory brought a scowl to mire her features. Thinking about the one's she used to live around always brought back bad memories, and reminders of why she chose to exclude herself from interacting with other plant people.

'She isn't acting like them though. They always acted so... dark and spiteful. But she's... shy and... nervous and... and...' Ione's thoughts were interrupted as she noticed the other plant girl's adjustments where she sat, and as she scanned the girl her eyes soon focused in on a particular item of notice. Noticeable under the water was the girl's rather erect stamen, evident despite her best efforts to conceal it. 'She... she's really...? Is this from the spying... or is it because of...?' Ione felt her face flush, the idea of another alraune possibly desiring her touch, let alone merely her presence being something foreign to her. Yet here she was, standing only but a few feet away from another plant kin, and not being rejected for it.

Ione slowly let a gentle smile slowly spread across her features, finally allowing herself to relax in front of the other alraune. Still focusing her gaze on the spot below the water, the plant girl let out a light giggle. "You're... showing. It's not because of... this bloom is it? The one's I remember were never... effected like this because of me. Am I really that beautiful to you white bloom?" She teased, raising an eyebrow in question toward her. She honestly did want to know if the other plant girl was being effected by her presence, as it was true what she had said regarding the others not being effected by her in such a way.

"What... do they refer to you as white bloom? Ione is that which others call me... what do others call you I wonder?" As the plant girl's exchange continued, their concealment was much less so than before, and should the occupants of the neighboring pool scan for them, it wouldn't take long to find them and act upon doing so.

Picking up on the distaste and hints of sour memories made apparent in the answer to her question, Lily notes that it seemed to be a difficult subject, but doesn't display any aversion or unease to the response. The attitude clearly wasn't aimed at her, not specifically, so Lily didn't worry herself about that. Though it did perhaps help explain the strange initial reaction upon meeting. If she was reading into that right. The topic proved successful in distracting Lily for a second, as she pondered what relationship or incidents the golden alraune might have had with others of her kind to result in this.

As Ione's face shifted from one of subtle scowling on bad memories, to wandering its gaze else where and blushing, it brought Lily tumbling back to her simpler concerns of just a moment ago. Ione stating her awareness of Lily's exposure, results in a quiet squeal and the plant girl flushing doubly herself, her green skin glowing a subtle extra yellowish tint across her cheeks as she first averts and then flicks her gaze about in embarrassment. She goes through the motions of trying to better hide it once again, which ultimately only draws more attention to the area. Eventually resolving to wrap her arms round her waist in a lightly defensive posture, and look back up to Ione. "I'm... oh no. I didn't mean to... wasn't going to..." She stutters out awkwardly, "Uh, because of... you? Ah, no it is not like that... but oh, not that I mean to say you aren't desirable... you are very... it is just..." she continues, choking on each attempted sentence. Automatically shifting her gaze to study Ione's body for a spell at the implication, she flushes even more and shoos the stray thoughts from her head, letting out a small defeated whine. Taking a deep breath, followed by a long sigh. Her blush and sigh accompanied by a subtle but visible release of shimmering golden pollen from her twin blooms. "It's just those humans, doing those things. I was only bathing, but when they... started with each other, I couldn't help it. But I was only watching! Nothing else, I promise. Absolutely so." The last part seemingly said as if it meant a lot to her, "You saw them too? Yes? I had not expected to. It seems to have excited me far to much..." She says with another deliberate breath.

"My name is Lily. It is the human word for my flower. It is... a pleasure to meet you Ione." She says with a light hearted chuckle, at saying such whilst thinking of the nerve wrecking meeting. But it was, since she was happy to have met Ione even under the circumstances. She did, again, seem different to the others she knew from home.

'Oh why won't this thing go back in already. It's so embarrassing to have it pointing out like this!'
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Ryu Doppler

Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Ione -> Lily & Tomoe: Hot Springs

At the other plant girl's fidgets and blushes at being caught, Ione felt her grin widen and her mind relax further. The small squeal that escaped the white bloomed plant girl excited a small giggle of Ione's own, and as the other alraune stuttered to find the right words, Ione couldn't help but find endearment for her. A strange feeling to have for another plant person she realized, as most she remembered were either complete strangers she avoided, or... them. Ione was lightly disappointed at not truly being the reason for the other's condition, but based on what she saw earlier, it was not hard to guess why else she might be that way. She was comforted by how the other scanned her features, and even the whine she gave too.

Hearing her explanation about the humans cleared all suspicions she had, confirming to her what she had observed from before. The alraune had clearly been spying on them, just the same as Ione had found herself doing despite her efforts not to. She did note this particular blooms defensiveness toward lewd acts, seemingly concerned with letting her know she was only watching and not doing anything else despite her state. When the white bloom gave her name as Lily, Ione gave a happy nod back at the introduction. "It's... nice to meet you... Lily. I was expecting such things of this island... but this is certainly one a pleasant surprise I wasn't expecting."

The alraune took a moment to glance at Lily's falling pollen, and another to glance at her stamen to find it still quite firm and erect where it stood in the water. "To be honest Lily, I wasn't expecting such a sight here. I actually came to... clear my mind of such things. I'm usually quite the lustful thing to be honest. I might actually have joined them if... if I didn't wish to prove something to that man..." Ione let out a small sigh trailing off. Her first encounter with a lewd sight and she was drawn right in, and further more she was now enticed with another plant girl too! Granted she had a good reason to be interested but it was still occurring.

'Maybe if... I mean it wouldn't be civil to leave her all stiff like this right? Even if it wasn't my fault for it. I could do the... polite thing... and help her out... and it's a special case too...' As her mind churned with ideas, Ione suddenly stared with her face beginning to flush deep. "Lily... I know we just met... but if you want I could help you out of that problem of yours. I wouldn't mind... but if you don't want to... I won't force it on you." Despite her promise, Ione was only subconsciously aware of having stepped forward, Lily's stamen being pressed up against her as she moved closer, now less than a foot away from the other plant girl.

Whatever the other plant girl's answer may be, the intrusion of another at the pool caused Ione to jump slightly. Much to her chagrin, it appeared that the familiar robed woman had returned, catching them talking together and outing them as peepers. Her blush turning quickly to embarrassment, Ione regarded her with awkwardness. "Ah ha ha, hello again miss Tomoe. I wasn't expecting to run into again so soon... well not after we last met at least." Taking on a serious tone after her initial awkwardness, Ione squinted her eyes at the robed woman. "Perverted creature? I... resent that..." Ione announced rather weakly. "For your information I came here looking for Baka... Er... well I came to clear my head mostly thank you very much. Instead I find you and that pale woman... blossoming... with each other... and in such a public place too..."

Ione stopped, turning her head questioningly at Tomoe. "Aren't you some kind of... what's that saying... woman of the robe? Someone who deals with those holy symbols? Those people... they're the ones that follow those ideals... those... virginities..." Ione's eyes quickly lit up. "Miss Tomoe, I know we got off to a bad start but... could you... could you help this bloom become more polite and civil?" The alraune clasped her hands in hope as she stared up at Tomoe, hoping the she would at least give her a few tips and pointers she didn't already know. Any guidance would have been appreciated to help her improve herself.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Lily -> Ione & Tomoe: Hot Springs
Ione -> Lily & Tomoe: Hot Springs

At the other plant girl's fidgets and blushes at being caught, Ione felt her grin widen and her mind relax further. The small squeal that escaped the white bloomed plant girl excited a small giggle of Ione's own, and as the other alraune stuttered to find the right words, Ione couldn't help but find endearment for her. A strange feeling to have for another plant person she realized, as most she remembered were either complete strangers she avoided, or... them. Ione was lightly disappointed at not truly being the reason for the other's condition, but based on what she saw earlier, it was not hard to guess why else she might be that way. She was comforted by how the other scanned her features, and even the whine she gave too.

Hearing her explanation about the humans cleared all suspicions she had, confirming to her what she had observed from before. The alraune had clearly been spying on them, just the same as Ione had found herself doing despite her efforts not to. She did note this particular blooms defensiveness toward lewd acts, seemingly concerned with letting her know she was only watching and not doing anything else despite her state. When the white bloom gave her name as Lily, Ione gave a happy nod back at the introduction. "It's... nice to meet you... Lily. I was expecting such things of this island... but this is certainly one a pleasant surprise I wasn't expecting."

The alraune took a moment to glance at Lily's falling pollen, and another to glance at her stamen to find it still quite firm and erect where it stood in the water. "To be honest Lily, I wasn't expecting such a sight here. I actually came to... clear my mind of such things. I'm usually quite the lustful thing to be honest. I might actually have joined them if... if I didn't wish to prove something to that man..." Ione let out a small sigh trailing off. Her first encounter with a lewd sight and she was drawn right in, and further more she was now enticed with another plant girl too! Granted she had a good reason to be interested but it was still occurring.

'Maybe if... I mean it wouldn't be civil to leave her all stiff like this right? Even if it wasn't my fault for it. I could do the... polite thing... and help her out... and it's a special case too...' As her mind churned with ideas, Ione suddenly stared with her face beginning to flush deep. "Lily... I know we just met... but if you want I could help you out of that problem of yours. I wouldn't mind... but if you don't want to... I won't force it on you." Despite her promise, Ione was only subconsciously aware of having stepped forward, Lily's stamen being pressed up against her as she moved closer, now less than a foot away from the other plant girl.

Whatever the other plant girl's answer may be, the intrusion of another at the pool caused Ione to jump slightly. Much to her chagrin, it appeared that the familiar robed woman had returned, catching them talking together and outing them as peepers. Her blush turning quickly to embarrassment, Ione regarded her with awkwardness. "Ah ha ha, hello again miss Tomoe. I wasn't expecting to run into again so soon... well not after we last met at least." Taking on a serious tone after her initial awkwardness, Ione squinted her eyes at the robed woman. "Perverted creature? I... resent that..." Ione announced rather weakly. "For your information I came here looking for Baka... Er... well I came to clear my head mostly thank you very much. Instead I find you and that pale woman... blossoming... with each other... and in such a public place too..."

Ione stopped, turning her head questioningly at Tomoe. "Aren't you some kind of... what's that saying... woman of the robe? Someone who deals with those holy symbols? Those people... they're the ones that follow those ideals... those... virginities..." Ione's eyes quickly lit up. "Miss Tomoe, I know we got off to a bad start but... could you... could you help this bloom become more polite and civil?" The alraune clasped her hands in hope as she stared up at Tomoe, hoping the she would at least give her a few tips and pointers she didn't already know. Any guidance would have been appreciated to help her improve herself.
Tomoe -> Them pervert flowers

Despite managing to go along her way for a very short distance, Tomoe was somehow bothered about the peekers. Despite not really thinking they could be of harm to Tamo in her still going-on pool break, she was not one to allow for such frivolous behaviours. These beings needed a little talking-to, and she was going to be the one to do it. It had been a shameful idea to her, realizing afterwards that her lewd acts had been observed... So, with thoughts of setting these nasty persons on the right track, the shrine maiden turned back and went towards the neighboring pool.

Much to her surprise, the eastern priestess found what was not two average human or such at the pool, but a pair of different-looking alraune. "Plant people... even this kind has been taken in..." she thought, eyeing the two cautiously from a distance. They were peepers after all, despite their race and gender. One of the alraune was a more average specimen, slimmer and less decorated than her partner in crime, sporting only a pair of flowers on her head. The other was more of an adult variety and colored very differently, in an unusual gold color. Or at least that's what Tomoe thought, not really having seen golden plantgrowth before. Gathering up her courage, the miko walked straight up to them, standing near the edge of the pool as she addressed them. "You two. You perverted creatures, you need to stop doing this peeping thingy. It's not right... " she started up, soon going on a brief tirade about the wrongness of their behaviour.

Lily chuckles lightly as Ione explains how she had been aiming to clear her mind when coming here, and how the result had been anything but. The mention of wishing to prove something to a man was an oddity that raised questions, but put aside for now, particularly with the offer that followed. "Hmm? Help with my probl...? Oh. Oh, you mean to...!?" Becoming aware of Ione's increased attention towards her, Lily couldn't really blush any more than she already was but the realisation of what was being proposed certainly got a reaction as her eyes widen and stare straight into Ione's. As Lily froze in search of her answer, those eyes only seemed to get bigger. No, actually, they were getting closer. A shiver and sensitive gasp issuing from her as the two Alraune became intimately close and her smoothly feminine rod pressed against the other.

An answer still not coming to her lips, Lily gazes down again and over Ione's body. Contrasting yet similar to her own. Two flowers of different gardens. Whilst Lily's stiff posture and continually nervous disposition suggested that the girl was ready to jump and flee the scene any second now, Ione would be able to see a clear desire in the other plant girl to take up her offer. "I think... that would be very nice. I would like that." She finally says looking back up with a humble smile, and slowly reaching out to place one hand against Ione.

Before anything else could be said or done however, her face reverted back to one locked in panic, as her eyes seem to focus on something beyond Ione. Having spotted the human from before now standing on the opposite side of the pool with an accusing and business like expression. "Oh no..." murmured as she attempts to shrink again. Already up against the edge of the pool, the only place to hide was to sink down some. Sliding down Ione's side, hugging her leg and peering round guilty as her new friend turns to regard the human. Lily had been ready to apologise on her part without much thought to the matter, but hearing how Ione seemed to know this "Tomoe", allows her to speak for them. Listening as the blue flowered girl continues, going on to point out how it was after all a public place and hardly any others fault to witness such acts, Lily begins to mentally nod in agreement. She had after all, actually been here first, before any of the others. She didn't know what a "woman of the robe" or a "viginity" was but would remain quiet for the time being and hear miss Tomoe's response.


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Nadia

Moar smut
Nadia's hands invoke squirming in Pale, the vampire would be panting and moaning was her mouth not occupied. Fighting to keep the bloodflow slow, the vampire almost gives up as the angel's fingers start working inside her pussy. Still groping Nadia's breasts with one hand, Pale inserts a second finger into Nadia's honeypot and starts working faster. Waves of pleasure build up inside her from the skilled stimulation of her breasts and pussy, Pale feels an orgasm approaching within her, and within Nadia, too. Reluctantly she pulls her mouth away from Nadia's neck just as they are both about to come, and Pale's head is thrown back as she finds release within the angel's wings.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Bakan -> Nadia, Surka

Watching Nadia switch her focus to Surka, Bakan felt a bit of relief with the demons in the back of his head, nagging at him about lewd matters that may erupt with Nadia. Looking down at his empty glass, he let out a sigh, before stretching his arms. "I actually haven't had a real bath in some time," he murmured to himself as the discussion was between Nadia and Surka, before preparing himself to depart. And it was true about the bath, his trip to the springs was interrupted. "I apologize, but I must depart. If I don't feel clean I get into a foul mood," he announced.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

"You came here for that man?" Tomoe asked back as she heard the rather chivalrous male being mentioned. She had been rather unpolite with him earlier... but it was not something she wanted to do. The whole thing just came to her all too fast. He was very nice... seemed even shyer than she was... but somehow, after that event in the slime pit, she would have difficulties ever facing him again.

Shaking her head, the miko pushed her mind back into the situation at hand. Addressed only by the golden flower girl, she kept her focus on that particular one, seeing the other was getting very shy over her presence. When faced with the fact that she had been seen doing the thing she had just done with Tamo, the awkward priestess began to tumble at her words. "Well... I..." she failed to get a good reply in all of a sudden, the mention of the last few hours making the easterner all bothered again. The mention of her lifestyle choice eased her up somewhat though. "Well yes... I am a warrior-priestess, a shrine maiden. But virginities... I can't make that claim anymore..."

Turning away briefly, she took a moment to consider the whole deal once again. Gathering herself, Tomoe tried to push away the thought of the fateful event and talk some more. "Polite and civil? You seem both if I was asked about that. Why would you require my guidance? But I suppose the decade spent in the shrine with my sisters has done something to help me maintain my behaviour.We had no place for sexual matters in our daily lives, just focusing on perfecting our minds and bodies with practise of spiritual skills, weapon practise and meditation. Nothing too difficult" she eventually replied, not really sure how to advice this already polite alraune.

Ryu Doppler

Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 22, 2011
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Ione -> Lily & Tomoe: Hot Springs

Feeling Lily slink down behind her leg and peek out from it, Ione glanced briefly at the other alraune, letting a hand rest on top of the girl's head. It was still quite strange to have another plant person act in such a way around her, but Ione wasn't fearful anymore and she smiled gently at the shy girl. At Tomoe's subtle praise a look of low confusion passed over Ione's features. If this polite and civil woman approved of her, what made Bakan's response between the two of them so different? She supposed it might have something to do with her molesting of the man... but hadn't they done something too?

After a moment of mulling it over in her mind, Ione let out a sigh of frustration. "I'm not nearly polite and proper enough it seems... at least according to someone." She said, regarding her earlier slip-of-the-tongue, not actually wanting to let that particular name slip out. "I... I want to be more civil without thinking about... such lustful things all the time. But I've always thought sharing such wonderful feelings with another was being polite and kind though... especially amongst friends... and friendly ones..." Ione let out another frustrated sigh, remembering just how that line of thinking caused her and Bakan grief before.

"I didn't think indulging pleasure was so bad... though... not doing that is one of those virginities isn't it? What was it called... temper...pance? As in you temper feelings of the flesh with... pants? No... that doesn't sound right..." Ione continued to focus her attention on Tomoe as she spoke, but let her hand wander to comfort Lily, massaging her lightly to ease her tension of the moment. "I want to show him that I'm not just a lustful bloom, that I can be just as polite and civil as someone like you and that I do follow some virginities too, but I'm not sure what to do to follow them. Or how to stop him from just being mad at me."

Ione made to say more, but was suddenly taken by a sap of strength. Feeling down, the alraune slowly sunk into the pool until she was at the same level as Lily was, her spirits greatly dampened as she glanced to the white flowered bloom with saddened eyes.


(And Reputation Manager)
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Surka -> Bakan, Nadia

Surka eyed him curiously and was more than amused by his blush when he admitted to his own experiences in the arenas, though she did not show it. She listened silently, staring down at the ripples in her drink she makes when she shakes her cup, as Bakan continued on. She knew the truth in his words, having been surrounded by a troop of almost completely male barbarian orcs for the entirety of her youth and adulthood. Having been more dedicated to the craft than the fools who only warred with emotion and strength, she was more than able to fend them off most of the time, but it did not mean she didn't have her fair share of suitors. It was an incredible act she took much delight in, but knew it wasn't a life she could continue in their society, as the second her beauty was lost, she would become meaningless. She returned her gaze to him, catching him comment on his desires to force justice on the owner of this island, and wordlessly nodded in agreement.

Her soundless accord was cut short as the angel voiced her disappointment in his anger, or at least, the direction of it. Immediately wanting to disagree, she bit her tongue, conceding to the point that she was right, but not without thinking aloud to herself, "Doesn't mean the guy doesn't deserve it." Looking up in surprise, thinking she was to be embarrassed again in the form of the peaceful angel hearing her violent comment, was only met with a query. "Well no. Frankly, I kept my distance from most so far, so I didn't even know of the people on this island." She wanted to continue but just sat with her mouth agape as her mind tried to return to the concept of battling each other through sex. The idea was just so foreign to her, she still had no idea how such a thing would play out, or even work.

Her eyes momentarily fluttered with imagery before she shook herself back to the conversation as hand, noticing the man standing up from the table, suddenly but politely excusing himself. she briefly nodded and started turning her head back to nothingness, her thoughts still plaguing her, before his words rang in her mind. "Get clean? Oh please tell me this place has a bath! All I've been doing to keep myself occupied was run up and down the length of the beach for... only the Gods know how long! Smiling and giving a small chuckle, she turns back, realizing she was in the company of an angel. And though she dropped her laughter, she was still unable to stop from smiling before quickly throwing her way, "Oh, sorry."


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Pale

Nadia's moans redoubled in volume and intensity as Pale slid a second finger into her dripping sex. Without even thinking about it, Nadia's hips began grinding into Pale's motions, her own molestations of the other woman's body becoming more aggressive in turn. The angel whined in protest when Pale withdrew her fangs, but the pleasure from Pale's hands continued and the minor disappointment at the end of the feeding was a very passing thing as her orgasm approached. Almost simultaneously with Pale, Nadia threw back her head and moaned as she reached her climax. The motions of her hips and hands became less precise but more intense as she rode out her orgasm, and kept going, albeit at a slowed rate, even after she had come down from her climactic high.

Panting as she recovered, Nadia finally withdrew her hands from Pale's body, and wrapped the vampire in her arms.

Nadia -> Bakan and Surka

"No, I suppose that it doesn't." Nadia replied evenly to Surka's statement, and then once more finished her tea. Setting her cup down and sighing, Nadia continued, her voice friendly; "I wish you luck when your first match comes then, Surka."

When Bakan rose to leave, Nadia glanced at him, and then smiled at Surka's words. "Sorry? What might you have to be sorry for, Surka? The baths in this place are wonderful, and I was considering going to clean myself off later as well." Rising smoothly to her feet as well, Nadia stretched herself slightly and continued; "Would you at all mind some company, Bakan? Surka doesn't seem to know her way around yet, and I would appreciate your assistance in cleaning my wings, if you would be so kind as to offer it. I don't think that they have separate baths for men and women here, so there shouldn't be any problems with it."

Unless Bakan vehemently refused their company, Nadia would lead the two of them to the bath house.
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