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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)


As her feet impact with each step, doubts start creepily irking in Surka's mind, much like the sand between her toes. Whether it was the thought that she may be stranded here, or the realization that "here" wasn't so bad, she was constantly plagued and couldn't determine if these were some test to her commitment. All the pale-green, orc-girl really cared for was fighting, and although she was indeed quite a warrior from her people, that label would earn her naught in other regions. The warmth of the beach and the wet feel of the air hitting her face had her wondering if such skills were even a necessity here. By extension, were they even important back at home for that matter? Unsure if she was just weak or crazy, a glint in the light caught her eye. A winged figure, silhouetted, serving as eclipse to the sun. Her gaze tried to collect the sight as it disappeared, replaced only by the blinding rays that were there previous. Stopping in her tracks to clear the pain from her face, she found herself in an argument with her own wits. "Was that...? It couldn't have been.. an.." Shaking her head clear of such crazy notions, she decided that it was more likely her mind she should have been training this whole time, figuring it best up to head inland for books to study. Her hands, drawing outwards from her recovered eyes, froze in the air in front of her, flipping imaginary pages, as she longed for the books she could normally only read in private. Although she loved every second of it, her speed with the written word was slow, as being bright for her people meant very little in this world. A statement of "sharpness" describing Orcs was always more for their weapons than anything else. "Those books will just have to wait. First... food, or I'll probably have more weird visions. I can't imagine what I'll have myself seeing next."


Finding her way within a stones throw of the cafe, Surka trodded heavily over, stopping once again at a quick flash out of the corner of her sight. What appeared to be 2 feminine figures, a large serpentine woman holding a girl of blue skin disappear quickly from their table, leaving behind a petite and deathly pale female, dressed up as a maid, licking away at seemingly nothing. Her eyes widen, before averting themselves to the floor, walking hurriedly towards the closest empty table, muttering to herself along the way. "Ok, food, gotta get food, definitely need food in me." The distracted walk did little to serve her as she almost tripped, loudly knocking over a chair at a table. Hoping desperately it was vacant, her eyes shot up to see a tall man, which in of itself was a strange sight in the area. Overcome with her embarrassment, she made her way to her destination, pulling a chair out and sitting down to keep her eyes focused on a lone spot on the table in front of her. In her head, she was kicking herself. "See, it's times like this it would be awesome to be a rogue. I could just disappear. I would be out of here and no one would see me."
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Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Night-time springs
"Splash!" Pale -> Splashed Anthriel & Nadia

Although her expression indicated plenty of words - most of them not very polite - in her mind, Pale declined saying anything, instead simply passing the bottle to Nadia.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

The Spring of angels and vampires

Following Pale's splash, Nadia interposed herself between Anthriel and the vampire, her smile very nervous as she stared at the laughing drunken angel. Following her comrades greeting, Nadia idly stared at the bottle as it floated toward them, and responded; "Hello... Anthriel." She most certainly hadn't expected any of her kin to be present, much less one who was her senior as she suspected Anthriel was. She hadn't ever met Anthriel, nor heard of her, but an angel was angel, so Nadia's tension came from Pale's reaction to her kin more than anything else. So far, Pale had been extremely nice to her, but her reaction to Anthriel's intrusion hadn't exactly been positive. Nadia wordlessly glanced at the vampire as the bottle of alcohol passed near to them, searching for her reaction.

Taking the bottle from the frowning woman, Nadia sighed, examining it. She hadn't ever been much of a drinker, and preferred tea. Taking a sniff, the bitter scent of the tequila almost made her gag, and she passed the bottle gently back to Anthriel, saying; "No thank you."
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Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Lily -> Ione + Tomoe & Tamonten : Hot Springs
((For some reason this scene has been really hard to figure out and write for. My apologies to all for the horrible delays. >_> ))
At the assurance that the abruptly arriving visitor hadn't been harmed by the mishap, Lily nods with a simple polite smile, "I am glad then. I have slipped on wet rocks myself, and know how it can be." she says softly, happy to allow the conversation to move on and away from anything about what she had been doing just previously. Lily quickly working on calming down and recomposing herself. A sensual moan drifting over from the neighbouring pool doesn't do much to help this, garnering a noticeable twitch and fleeting glance. "Um... I woke here a short time back." She continues in an awkward effort to block out the enticing display she'd been given such a good view of. "A woman with pink hair has explained this place to me, but I do not feel I truly understand it yet. Uh..." She trails off as another long moan interrupts her train of thought for a moment. "I was not aware there were other plant kin on the island."

Pausing, Lily considers how to best ask about her unusually coloured bathing partner's actual race and colouration. She would have passed it off as simple irrelevant differences of colour and region, had it not been for the strange fact that she could not find any mental presence of Ione, that would normally be detectable via the link she shared with her kin back home. Before she could find the words however, unavoidable songs of pleasure sounded out from the pair just beyond the flimsy natural veil. Impossible to ignore and too loud to talk over, Lily sits and fidgets in her spot across the Alraune's pool. One hand lightly balled and held over her chest, and the other dropping bellow the water and seeming to move to cover her crotch. Although at this distance and angle very little could be seen bellow the water line. From her expression it looked like she would have been about to say something else to Ione, but upon the increasingly arousing sounds issuing from the human and half human lovers, she becomes uncertain where to look at all. Her gaze shifting downwards and in the opposite direction to start with, before watching the display with guilty and very clear interest. The vocal cries of pleasure. That wonderfully shaped body. Those enticingly curved hips, surely perfect for holding a litter of tiny young blooms...

Suddenly screwing up her eyes and casting her gaze down at the water again, Lily scolds herself mentally. Her look of embarrassment conveyed pretty clearly that she was stumped for what to do in this situation. Whilst she would have felt guilty in any case, the inclusion of an unfamiliar alraune arriving at this time only made things all the more difficult for her. Despite having considerably improved relations with the "Yellow Flower Troupe" she knew from back home, one thing she had never been able to take part in was discussions regarding was lusting over human females. She had always found the topic, the way they enthused about it, and their attitudes towards the women vulgar. This wasn't to say she didn't have her own thoughts and fantasies, but she kept them separate from the other plant kin, and was especially careful to never think of them too openly lest it be heard. Thank the stars that this bright bloom before her didn't seem to have any link with her right now. If it was anything like the others it would likely suggest any moment now that they both jump the humans together and seed them.
Ione -> Lily + Tomoe & Tamonten : Hot Springs

Although still wary, the other alraune's smile and kind words helped assure Ione further, and to it she could feel herself relax somewhat in the presence of the other plant girl. As their conversation continued however, the sound of lewd moans drifting from the neighboring pool abruptly interrupted them, awkwardness filling the air between them. 'Wait... that sounded closer...!?' As the other alraune fidgeted across from her, Ione joined in those fidgets as she tried further to combat her lustful desires. If it weren't for the sudden injection of the other two people, the plant girl was sure that her conversation with the other alraune would have continued, briefly noting how she had seemed to want to say something.

As the sounds echoed about, eventually it became too much for Ione to ignore and she found her gaze slowly drift over to the sight of the pale woman and Tomoe. They were definitely closer now and in plain view as well, and even from where Ione stood in the water she could make out their movements in great detail. The alraune found herself frozen in place, her eyes going wide as she was entranced by the sight, watching intently as Tomoe was carried and eaten out by the other woman, and then laid down on a supporting rock, the treatment continuing. Feeling heat rising through her again, Ione managed to pull her eyes away from the sight of Tomoe's shapely form being worked on to look to the other alraune, only to catch her in the act of watching the scene herself!

Luckily, the other plant girl chose to glance down when she pulled her own eyes away from the sight, missing Ione's look of mild surprise at catching her spying. She didn't know why she felt surprise at catching her spying, other alraune usually enjoyed such acts, though perhaps not as much as she found herself enjoying them. For a moment, the position of the other plant girl's hands gave another jolt of surprise through Ione's mind, as from where she stood it almost appeared as though she reaching to her crouch to... 'No... no that can't... be what she's doing...' She thought to herself, though she had to note it would have been yet another act the alraune she remembered from her past didn't indulge so freely in front of her with.

Ione decided then and there to take a risk, and mustering a little courage she slowly moved toward the other alraune. Her movement through the spring disrupted the water sending waves here and there, and were mired by an obvious nervousness in her gait. As she finally reached the other plant girl, that very same nervousness was clearly evident on her own face, along with something else in her eyes that could only be discerned as distrust. Briefly another loud moan disrupted them, causing Ione to flinch at the sound with her face growing slightly brighter. Despite this, the alraune kept her nervous gaze on the other plant girl before finally finding something to say. "I... thought I was the only one as well. I'm not sure how to feel... about meeting another. It's been... a long time since I met... others. I wasn't planning on meeting others either..."

Ione felt a moment of tenseness fill the air as the remark left her, before turning to look at the other alraune inquisitively. "You... you do seem different though..." The plant girl made to say something else, but suddenly thought better of it, wrapping her arms around her chest defensively, still giving the other a nervous unsure look.

Hearing and feeling the ripples of the water as Ione approached, Lily would look up again as the blue flowered Alraune neared her. She didn't really know how to react or what to expect, so simply sat there submerged up to the chest and waited to see what came next. Had it not been for the atypical nervousness this new alraune was displaying alongside those hints of distrust, Lily would have found the accusation of being "different" quite worrying. However she couldn't help but think the same of this new acquaintance, which made things... different. The cautious expressions and awkwardly mirrored nervousness wasn't something seen from the other plant folk she'd known. Not herself, or quite like this anyway. The others had been wary because she had been different. This one instead seemed wary from the get go, and thus far acted in opposite.

"You... don't live with other plant kin then?"
She answers Ione's statements with a question, trying to act casual once again, despite the fact that she was quite evidently fighting off her considerable arousal to take part in this conversation. As Ione arrived at her new destination in the pool, the greener plant girl would seem to choose to adjust her seating just a little. Any momentary uncertainty or further suspicion as to the reason for the fidgeting, would soon be done away however, as Ione catches an unmistakable glimpse of a pale errect stamen between the plant girls legs below the water, whilst the fellow Alraune fails in her attempts to conceal it.

'Oh no... did she see? Will she think I was... or maybe... Why can't I hear her mind at all? Can she hear mine?' Lily frets in her mind. If this was like the Alraune from back home, they would find her peeping normal, but her guilt and nervousness strange. If this Alraune was not like them, did she find the peeping strange, and the rest normal? And what was that the humans had just said? Had they seen her? They should surely have noticed this by now. 'Ahh! Is my pollen coming out!? I can't tell. Help...'

Not knowing what else to say in this situation, Lily leaves it at her simple question and hopes for... who knows what.
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Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Bakan -> Nadia
The red-haired angel simply continued to smile pleasantly as Bakan continued his self deprecation. "You say that now. Maybe you will hold to that. Maybe.... Maybe you'll do more. I cannot say." Was all that she offered in response.

She tracked Bakan as he hopped down from the rock, and raised an eyebrow as he claimed to know what she wanted from him. An eyebrow that raised even higher as he placed his hands on his hips, though she still smiled.

Her expression only broadened as he offered his supposition on her intentions, displaying such confidence that Nadia knew instantly that even if she wanted to, she couldn't dissuade the man from his beliefs. Briefly, a memory of her time with Luciana flashed through her mind, and a slight blush came upon Nadia's face. "Well... You've figured me out, Bakan. I take no shame in it! Some companionship would help keep the other contestants from bothering us too much, I hope."

Smiling sweetly, she hopped down from the rock as well, spreading her wings slightly as she had a little extra room to maneuver. "Thank you, Bakan.... Oh, I don't know. I figured that we would just go to the cafe, and peruse the menu for something that catches our fancy." She said, and then strode forward to offer Bakan her arm. If he took it, she led the way to the cafe, matching his pace without complaint until they reached the cafe, and found a table for two. The first thing she ordered: Hot tea with extra sugar.
Bakan nodded happily, pleased to be told that he was correct in his declaration, before taking Nadia's offered arm and walking off into the forest with a steady pace, a clear sign that he traveled a lot, not wanting to spend too much energy on the journey, as if the Cafe was several days away, and he'd be walking for hours.

After arriving at the Cafe, Bakan saw a green skinned orc awkwardly make her way through the chairs, even knocking one over, before looking up at him, and hurrying away shamefully. Blinking with confusion, he rose an eyebrow as he watched her go. "How strange..." he commented, before taking a seat near the orc's table with Nadia, and ordering a glass of sweetberry wine(or the equivalent to a good tasting devil drink) to go with Nadia's hot tea.

"I was actually keen on avoiding this place, due to the presence of a certain robed woman, but it seems that I needn't worry now." he announced to Nadia with an expression of relief. "She reminded me perhaps a bit too much of a certain sorceress I had offer me the power to summon her to my aid, similar to Ashloriel. It was forced on me, but never have I once summoned her, as her conditions for the contract were out of the question," he stated firmly, a similar expression appearing on his face from before when Nadia went into the topic of his time with Tomoe. "When did the women of this world go so wrong... I remember when I could talk to any woman without worry that she might be something sinister." He sighed, unaware of some rather troubling facts from his past...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5 Years Ago~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~​

"Thank you very much," the vampire said to Bakan after he had slain various goblins that had tried to attack her. "If you'd like to return to my castle... I'd like to give you a special reward as thanks," she cooed with obvious sexual hinting.

"Your thanks are enough!" Bakan announced to her, before walking off.

The vampire blinked with astonishment. "... Is he gay?"


"Thank you, you saved my life!" exclaimed a black winged angel. "As thanks, I can give you a taste of real heaven, Hero~" she cooed with obvious sexual hunting.

"I still have things to do in this world, and your thanks are enough!" Bakan announced to her, before walking off.

The Fallen Angel blinked with astonishment. "... Is he retarded?"


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Bakan

"Robed woman? I have seen a few here wearing robes, so you would have to be more specific." Nadia replied curiously as she mixed her tea with a small spoon that had come along with it. She didn't respond verbally when Bakan mentioned how whomever he had mentioned reminded him of a sorceress, almost certainly a fairy given his description, but at the mention of how her price was unacceptable the red haired angel blushed slightly. Taking a sip of her tea in an attempt to hide it, she didn't respond to the words preceding his sigh until she had set her cup down and sighed herself, though hers was of a more pleased variety than Bakan's.

"I'd say that most women are alright, it's only those that aren't human that you ought to worry about. That.... Didn't come out correctly." Nadia said, only realizing after she finished that she herself wasn't actually human either. "Really, even all of the inhuman women aren't going to be so bad, it's just.... Well I think you'll have more to worry about here than you would anywhere else, at the very least. There's a rather... Disproportionate number of women with loose morals on this island, as far as I can tell." She continued more seriously, once more stirring her tea. "So, would you like to tell me what was bothering you earlier? Did it have anything to do with that orc woman that shied away from you?"

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Anthriel -> Pale, Nadia
Spring of possibly Dire consequences...

Anthriel nods her head at Nadia in recognition of the greeting as the bottle is passed back into her possession once more, "Well at least angels remain sociable, but I have to ask dear, Why are you covered in candy?" The last part of this sentence choked out past more laughter, Anthriel takes another pull on the bottle thinking, "Gaaah That is Good, you can't get this anymore back home~ Sober for over 1000 years and apparently its disgusting to a women cleaning a candy covered angels wings" This last statement being too much for Anthriel she once again descends into a fit of giggles.

Climbing out of the spring and walking over to the nearest bamboo stalk, all of the tattoos on her body glowing a light blue, Anthriel grabs it about halfway up its 7 foot length, and with her other hand effortlessly smashes through the wood. Being careful to break the newly acquired wooden length along the grain she winds up with 2 half circle bamboo chutes roughly 2 feet in length, Tossing one to the Pale woman as her tattoos fade back to black, Anthriel sinks back into the spring "Use that to remove the brunt of the goo, afterwards, you can have her sink her wings completely into the water and slowly wash the feathers individually..." Saying this Anthriel proceeds to slowly and carefully dip first one wing, and than the other, into the hot water. slowly and carefully running her fingers through the feathers to dislodge any sand from the beach, Doing this with agonizing care, as if for demonstrations sake.

Ryu Doppler

Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 22, 2011
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Ione -> Lily + Tomoe & Tamonten : Hot Springs

A long silence followed after the other alraune asked her question, Ione fidgeting her arms as she repositioned her hands slightly. "No." She said flatly, another moment of silence passing between them before she loosened her arms and let out a small sigh. "I haven't lived with other plant kin since... several seasons ago. I've become quite comfortable with excluding myself from them too, in every way." The distaste was evident on the alraune's tongue, and the mere mention of the memory brought a scowl to mire her features. Thinking about the one's she used to live around always brought back bad memories, and reminders of why she chose to exclude herself from interacting with other plant people.

'She isn't acting like them though. They always acted so... dark and spiteful. But she's... shy and... nervous and... and...' Ione's thoughts were interrupted as she noticed the other plant girl's adjustments where she sat, and as she scanned the girl her eyes soon focused in on a particular item of notice. Noticeable under the water was the girl's rather erect stamen, evident despite her best efforts to conceal it. 'She... she's really...? Is this from the spying... or is it because of...?' Ione felt her face flush, the idea of another alraune possibly desiring her touch, let alone merely her presence being something foreign to her. Yet here she was, standing only but a few feet away from another plant kin, and not being rejected for it.

Ione slowly let a gentle smile slowly spread across her features, finally allowing herself to relax in front of the other alraune. Still focusing her gaze on the spot below the water, the plant girl let out a light giggle. "You're... showing. It's not because of... this bloom is it? The one's I remember were never... effected like this because of me. Am I really that beautiful to you white bloom?" She teased, raising an eyebrow in question toward her. She honestly did want to know if the other plant girl was being effected by her presence, as it was true what she had said regarding the others not being effected by her in such a way.

"What... do they refer to you as white bloom? Ione is that which others call me... what do others call you I wonder?" As the plant girl's exchange continued, their concealment was much less so than before, and should the occupants of the neighboring pool scan for them, it wouldn't take long to find them and act upon doing so.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Forever-a-perverted-sprinkler Tamonten -> Red Miko Needs Another Bath Badly Tomoe

"I heard a large splash but I haven't spotted anything yet. It might be nothing but I just think that maybe we should take a break from our more physical activities." The swordswoman replied, trying to assuage the easterner's shame. "I wouldn't worry about it too much. I mean, I think the spectators could have seen us do worse things in the arena..." Tamonten trailed off as she accidentally brought the subject of their earlier actions to light, a topic that didn't seem likely to relax Tomoe. "We're probably not even the two lewdest people on the island," she joked nervously, trying to keep the conversation from falling into an awkward silence. The manacled girl glanced to the side as she tried to find some way to change the subject. After a few moments of that silence that she was trying hard to avoid had passed, the possessed warrior returned her green eyes to her priestess counterpart. Without anything better to try, Tamonten decided to ask the warrior priestess about herself. She was genuinely curious about Tomoe anyway. Besides, the two had already done so much else together. "Tomoe is a pretty name," she idly spoke up, sinking into the hot springs herself, if not for the same reasons that the shrine maiden had. "Speaking of our match earlier...where did you learn to punch like that? I've never seen anybody dressed like you, either." The pale-skinned woman spared a brief glance in the direction that the splash had come from earlier before adding, "of course, I would understand if you'd prefer to move on instead of hanging around here conversing with peeping toms potentially nearby. I think I'll stick around a little while either way. I need to clean up...again. Maybe I'd see you another time."

Tamonten -> Vanishing Succubi

After Luciana and Auralice disappeared, Tamonten blankly stared at her plate for a moment before recognizing the naga's parting order. With the mental equivalent of a shrug, she picked up a fork and began to eat her dessert, completely lost as to what was going on.


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Night-time springs
"Splash!" Pale -> Splashed Anthriel & Nadia

A smile appears on Pale's face from Anthriel's question, though mischief is gone from it and her eyes still hint of annoyance as she answers in her usual, quiet tone: "You'll find out soon enough, I think, and I'd hate to spoil the surprise."

Casually catching the bamboo scraper mid-air the vampire proceeds to do as Antrhiel suggested. "Thanks, I guess.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia remained awkwardly silent between the exchange, not quite sure what to do really. She almost responded to Anthriel's question, but Pale replied first, and Nadia simply sighed. As the vampire set about using the improvised tool to take vast chunks of the candy off of her overburdened wings, Nadia went still, allowing the work. Once her first wing was finished, she dipped it into the water, using the same motions that Anthriel had. She knew how to clean her own wings, of course, but the younger angel figured that the demonstration was more for Pale's benefit than for her own. She continued to silently glance nervously between the two, not quite sure how to alleviate the tension that had formed.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Seeing that smile made Anthriel a little uneasy, more than a little, in fact it quite killed the angels buzz. "I sincerely doubt you'll find me anywhere near that much caramel" The Pale woman was starting to get on Anthriel's last nerve with her attitude, there was something off about her... This needed thought and a slightly less hostile environment to be asking questions. "I Think i'll take my leave as it seems things may get out of hand... "

Climbing out of the spring, shaking her wings to dry them a little, and tossing a wink in their direction Anthriel launches herself into the air over the two bathers and heads in the direction of the hotel.

Dry from the flight and exhausted Anthriel took a perch on the eastern corner of the roof, Wrapping her wings around her body Anthriel fell asleep, a feathery gargoyle snoring peacefully in the moonlight

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Bakan -> Nadia

"She's fairly easy to pick out. She wears a black blindfold to cover her eyes. She was obviously something odd, and she acted very eccentric as well... She probably tortures small animals to pass the time," he added. Then, he laughed at her comment of what was bothering him, "It was just nervousness, really. I was afraid contact with you would mean we would be forced into a lewd arena fight. That, and angels are somewhat sacred... I am like that even when with Ashloriel. However, I do not know that Orc woman..."


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Nadia & Anthriel

Wordlessly watching Anthriel to leave with a thoughtful expression on her face, Pale soon returns to cleaning Nadia's wings first with the scraper, then helping Nadia clean the individual feathers with her hands, careful not to cause damage. Dawn isn't here yet and the moon starts setting, leaving only stars to light the summery forest, alive with the sounds of night, yet somehow too silent. The vampire doesn't seem bothered by the silence, however, and smile slowly returns to her face as she works, her body close to the angel's, yet touching only by accident except for the hands still gently working on the wings.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Pale

Nadia watched Anthriel take off without another word, and when the other angel was gone, she emitted a sigh, the tension draining out of her immediately. Her skin glowed in the night, providing ample light to see by, not that Pale really needed it. As Pale seemed to grow calmer as well, Nadia let the silence remain as she cleansed her wings of the caramel that had coated them. She even began to smile as they worked, the weight coming off of her back quite a relief in and of itself.

After a short while )well before dawn,) during which the two were nearly but never quite pressed together in their work, Nadia lifted her wings out of the water, perfectly clean, and stretched them experimentally. Beaming, she eyed Pale and said; "Thank you very much Pale! It would have been quite a hassle to do that by myself."

Nadia -> Bakan

"Oh? I haven't seen anyone like that yet. I'll have to watch for her." Nadia replied before taking another sip of her tea. She cocked her head as he laughed, smiling brightly, and nodded slightly. "The master of this place does seem to like simply throwing people together sometimes, doesn't he? Don't worry... If we are ever pushed into battle against one another, I promise to be gentle on you." She grinned coyly, and then laughed before taking another sip of her tea.

After setting down her empty cup, Nadia sighed quietly, and her face became serious as she said; "I must thank you for spending so much time with me, Bakan. Most mortals who show so much respect for my kind would never be so relaxed as you around one of us, and it' very refreshing to not be so... Alienated."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tomoe -> Bishamontamonten -> Flowahs peeking in the bushes

"Oh... right... I hope it was nothing then. Or that they don't come for more..." the flustered shrine maiden replied as she heard Tamo's possibly calming words. Still staying in the same position for a while, she listened through a few more remarks about the past moments, not really keen on commenting about them any further in the current situation. A few slightly awkward moments passed between the two similar but still different warriors, neither really managing to look at each other after all that hassle they had went through, mostly under the pale girl's instructions.

After a while, Tamonten had apparently snapped out from her awkward shyness, initiating conversation with the priestess with a remark about her name. "Well thank you. It's supposedly not a very common name in my homelands... but I was given the name still. I was once in a low-ranking family of nobles after all..." Tomoe shared a tidbit from her past, the one that she had almost forgotten during the years spent in the shrine with her wonderful sisters. More questions followed after that one, asking about her ways of dressing and fighting. "I don't think there's anything weird with my strikes, though I was surprised by what happened back there... It's just the unarmed fighting style me and all my sisters learn to use at the shrine. And those clothes, they are my shrine maiden robes. It might be rare to see them, I've not seen anyone else besides myself wear a set after leaving the shrine. I imagine there aren't any of my kin outside the eastern lands of Amazonia..." she shared a few more things that the girl inquired about.

"You think so? I suppose that is a sound track of thought... but don't get yourself used if you intend to stay behind after I go..." the slightly blushing shrine maiden said as she did a quick wash-up before taking a look around for possible peekers. Not taking any real note about any such beings, she went over to her clothes. Drying herself up, Tomoe dressed back into her familiar robes, though she left one shoulder of her robe down and her hakama skirt loosened to allow for some ventilation in the hot weather. Despite half of her chest being covered only by her bandage chest wrap and her leg flashing outside the skirt occasionally, the miko was relatively cooler in this set-up, so she went along with it. "Right... I'm off. Farewell Tamonten. Don't get harassed along the way..." she bid farewell to the friendly female warrior before starting to go on her way, telling her to mind herself despite knowing fully that the pale girl was not an easy target. Having said her piece, the easterner left Tamo and that particular spring behind, wary of further people that she might have to interact with as she went.
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Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

The Following Day Hotel --->Cafe

Anthriel awoke as the first rays of dawn hit her, finally remembering that even angels aren't immune to hangovers whilst on this plane she yelled and fell backwards off of her perch and landed on her ass. Cursing as she stands up and stretches she wanders around the roof looking for the Cafe, finally finding it she hops from the roof of the building and glides down to the eatery, landing softly.

Her wings sagging a little Anthriel walks into the deserted Cafe, apparently the first one awake, and orders a pot of coffee and 3 mugs, If she was lucky, the 2 she had intruded upon would join her here for breakfast and give Anthriel the chance to apologize for her rude conduct, and if she was REALLY lucky, stay long enough to answer some questions. Her dreams had been confusing and full of violence and carnal pleasures, and they had all been accompanied by the feeling of Eyes upon her every move. If she was unlucky, she'd eat breakfast and find someone hopefully a little more sociable.

As her coffee arrives Anthriel pours herself a steaming mug full and sips at it black. "Now i remember why I missed this plane, Humans and the like have no right to bitch, the things they're given here are spectacular, I'd rather have 100 years of this and die happy than thousands of years of perpetual boredom watching it all" Continuing to sip at her coffee until her stomach finally starts to settle Anthriel orders a few oranges and waits patiently, wondering what this day will bring...


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Nadia

Smiling warmly Pale steps to face Nadia. "My pleasure." the vampire says in a purring voice before leaning closer to hug the now clean angel.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Bakan -> Nadia, Surka

Bakan visibly stopped all movement, when Nadia announced she'd be gentle. Right in the middle of taking a drink from his wine glass, he stared at her from over the cup, before closing his eyes, and laughing with her. What the hell am I thinking? He asked himself. She would be offended if she knew I thought such a thing of her.

Bakan set his cup down, resting one arm back on his chair as he raises a brow at her, "Again, you flatter me. The most interesting thing about 'me' is my relation to Ashloriel. The fact that I may be a decent soul in comparison with other humans..." He shook his head. "You are kind, Nadia, but I cannot accept your praise until I know in my heart that I deserve it."

Turning his gaze to examine the rest of the room for a moment, he caught sight of the orc girl glancing around nervously as well. When their eyes met, he lifted his hand, and gave a polite wave of his hand to let her know he does not think ill of her for her embarrassing moment earlier.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Bakan

The angel simply shrugged, once more smiling happily, and replied; "Suit yourself." After flagging down a waitress and ordering herself another cup of tea, Nadia turned back to Bakan and continued; "Well, we haven't been thrown into a match yet, so I think it might be safe for us to relax for a while unless one of us challenges the other." She paused as she noticed him waving to someone, and followed his gaze to find the source of his diverted attentions. When she spotted her, Nadia smiled in a welcoming manner to the shy orc woman.

Nadia -> Pale

Giggling slightly as the vampire moved in to hug her, Nadia wrapped her arms, as well as her newly cleaned wings, around Pale's body. Their naked forms pressed together, Nadia only then remembered that she had left her robe and underwear back in the arena. Blushing slightly at the thought of having to walk naked across the island as much as by the purred response of the woman she was holding, Nadia said; "We do seem to have regained our privacy..... And it is very nice here."

Tilting her head, Nadia's voice was low and suggestive as she continued; "We've got a long while until dawn.... Would you like to spend some time together, Pale?"