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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Ione -> Maya & Vira

Feeling Maya's fingers rub boldly at her nether, Ione eeped, fidgeting slightly before slowly widening her lips into a smile as she continued to smooch the cat-girl. 'Oh my~, she's even more... oh this is going to be good!' The cat girl's touches enticed the alraune on, and as her breath broke into very light pants, Ione could feel the effects of her touches coming on quickly. She could feel her own 'flower' dribble with nectar, and there was no doubt that her friendly cat-girl friend was also getting quite the feel of it as she continued her fingered motions on the plant girl. Pulling away from Maya, one of Ione's tendrils slipped away subconsciously and wrapped itself around the cat-girl's wrist and lower arm, seeming to want nothing more than to rub against it as encouragement.

Abruptly, Maya moved out of the fondling, and for a moment confusion took the alraune before she realized the meaning of the motions. Teasingly, the cat-girl's hand made little motion beneath Ione's crouch, something to which the tendril still wrapped around that arm gave a cute tug and rub to try to entice to action. While it did so, Ione found herself watching with anticipation as Maya delved quickly and deeply into Vira's folds, coating her face in her juices as she expertly ate out the woman's flower. Smoothing one of her hands along Maya's back as she worked and the other fondling Vira's breast to give her additional excitement as she was 'fed' upon, Ione with contentment let out a few giggles as she enjoyed the sight and sounds during the brief break.

Her giggles ceased however, the moment Maya drew away from the night elf, and with no hesitation on her part, dug into the alraune's nether penetrating it with her tongue. Cooing at first, Ione's sounds soon turned to moans as the cat-girl treated her to the same comfort she had given Vira moments ago. Intensive waves of pleasure shot through the plant girl, every prod and touch of Maya's tongue on her genitals feeling like pleasant torture to her. Her own hands fondling not only Vira's breast but also her own, Ione's own face flushed deeply as she felt herself stiffen. Maya's treatment, along with her own excitement was too much! Moaning loudly, Ione was driven to the brink before she orgasmed, her eyes and expression widening into embarrassment.

Panting for a moment while still quite embarrassed, Ione finally regained control, letting out a few laughs aimed at herself. "Ah ha ha ha... I guess the... honeysuckle... flows a bit easy today... ah ha ha..." Elated, Ione was quite distracted in her thoughts to realize a few more of her tendrils has come out, one managing to slip lightly around Maya while another did the same for Vira, both gently rubbing and caressing against both of their stomachs. Another pair wished to prod against both of their backs, smoothing out along their waste line while dipping with a hint of intent downwards before moving back up. For all her excitement though, Ione was blissfully unaware of her tendrils in the tide of pleasant feelings.

Ione -> Bakan

A determined sigh leaving her, Ione gave a nod as Bakan reaffirmed his wish for an apology, the plant girl having figured he'd wish for one. Bowing slightly at the man, she looked to him with open eyes. "Very well then, Mister Bakan. I... apologize for what happened... during our match. I didn't mean... well didn't fully mean for it to turn out the way it did. I was just trying to enforce for you that if... if someone got around your armor It'd leave you... exposed... for an attack. I was just going to hit you again... after I moved aside your clothing but... my mind trailed elsewhere before I could... stop it..." Crossing her arms against herself in comfort, Ione let out a frustrated sigh. It was hard to talk about this to the man, though he probably was one of the better to speak of it with. "I didn't... always used to be so... frisky. Up until a couple of seasons ago I was a rather... prude little flower if you can believe that. I didn't mingle well... with my own kind, and I mostly stayed away from others except to play the occasional prank. But then... things changed..."

Cautiously reaching out with both hands, the alraune took a hold of one of Bakan's, palm flat pointing toward the ceiling, gazing at him with look of remorse. "I gave you my word... and I almost broke it. I might be lustful, but I'm supposed to be a plant of my word and yet I almost... it seems that I'm just a weak rooted bloom still." Looking away as she still held his hand with both her own, she nervously looked at him from the corner of her eyes. "I'd say that I wished to repay you for... but If I did... I think we both know what sort of repayment my mind might wander to. I wouldn't... I wouldn't mind it though. Just from the way you laugh and smile you seem like a good man, Mister Bakan."

Letting his hand go, Ione watched with warm eyes and smile as Bakan stretched out, his arms sore from the previous events, and reflected on it and the current object of his focus. "A cafe... what's a cafe? Is it some kind of meeting place, like a... tavern? I bet they've got all kinds of food there. I could really go for a nice hunk of sausage..." Ione's eyes glazed a bit, a trail of drool leaking about before a set of blinks took her before, and with sudden blush she looked to the man with embarrassment. "Errm...NOT LIKE THAT BAKAN! I just haven't eaten anything since I got to this island. Well actually that's not true there was those two..." Stopping again, Ione's face flushed a little more, this time flailing her arms about as if to impede the thoughts now starting to flow through her mind. "I... er... I'm... ah... Bakan! You said you were going to the Hot Springs? Have a... pleasant time there. I'm going to go to the cafe to grab... to enjoy... to taste... I'm going to the cafe..." The plant girl finished speaking meekly in a rapid fashion, pulling the man suddenly into a quick hug and air kissing his cheek before scurrying away toward the door. "I'll catch you later Bakan!"

Left alone in the hotel room, the only evidence of Bakan's encounter with Ione there would be the lingering smell of a pleasant aroma still wafting in the still air.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alex -> Pale/Six

With Six becoming shy Alex had calmed a bit, but when Pale's hand took her own that blush returned with force. She couldn't believe she was even considering it. Her pride as a dragon said she shouldn't simply be giving herself like this to another person, especially to a creature who would suck the very blood from her veins, but she couldn't lie to herself. She really wanted it, to experience something few others had, to feel what could bring even an angel down to her knees.

With her mind made up she squeezed Pale's hand and gave her an almost timid yet excited look, but her attention fell back to Six. "Six, if we are making you uncomfortable then please let us know. I'd rather know now and avoid any further discomfort then force you to feel awkward because of what we decide to do."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Alex/Six

Turning her gaze back to Alex the raven haired vampire utters a suggestion: "Perhaps we should move to somewhere more...private. People react differently and reactions to such pleasure can be...embarrassing, sometimes." Pale moves her other hand to her own neck, brushing aside her hair.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Alex/Pale

"Fine with me, go ahead," Six replied quickly, glad the vampiress was giving a way out of trying to explain how such talk made her react, if not the act themselves. Just in perfect timing, the hybrid's food arrived, a nice rare slab of meat. Six eyed it hungrily before leaning forward and chomping a piece off, using her fanged maw to pull a part of it off and then chew. If anything, she had gotten a bit too big of a bite then what she'd usually rip off a kill, but then again it may lead to a better reaction of fleeing by the other two that she was hoping for.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alex -> Pale/Six

Alex's question was quite deftly deflected by Pale's suggestion, and after Six responded she quite literally started digging into her nearly bloody meal. For a while the dragon just sat still, but then she decided to let things drop. If the warped creature was getting anxious and nervous then she wasn't about to press any harder. The last thing anyone needed was a walking death machine getting skiddish. "Very well. If you'll kindly excuse us..." The tall woman rose from her seat and noticed that Pale was still holding onto her hand. It forced that rosy hue back into Alex's cheek, but as odd and embarrassing as this could have been she kept herself from trying to pull away. "Pale... Do you have any place in mind?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Alex/Six

Pale rose from her seat as well. "If you don't have a preference, I have a room at the inn. Come."

Assuming the taller woman didn't object, Pale would pull Alexandra with her, walking across the cafe with cat-like grace and, upon getting outside, step through the nearest shadow into her room, lit only by the moon and stars filtered through the window half-covered by a light curtain. With a sudden move, Pale moves behind Alex and pulls her into her embrace. Slipping her left hand over Alex, Pale moves the other woman's hair out of the way and bends her head, so the neck is exposed, while holding the dragoness in place with her right arm, gently but firmly. A tongue darts from those lips, marking a line at the neck with wetness as she moves her mouth near Alex's ear. Lowering her voice to seductive whisper as the other woman can feel her breath, the pale vampire asks: "Are you sure you want this?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Bakan took a step back as her hands gripped his, but stopped when it seemed the gesture might not lead to anything further. Listening to her with a serious expression, his brow arched as a nervous smile appeared on his face at the mention of his laughing a smiling... 'I don't remember laughing and smiling in front of her... Or does she mean when...!?' he thought back to when she was punching him in his face, and his response to it. 'That's not the same kind of laughing and smiling one would think of when they say that!!!'

Hearing her go on, and drool about a food item and relate it to a phallus, Bakan's fists clenched visibly, but she left before he could act on any punishing motion. Left alone, he let out a sigh, one of relief. "Unless I'm mistaken... They're all at the cafe... I should be free to do whatever I like now, so long as I don't go near there." he concluded, before heading out of the hotel room, and making his way outside, towards the hotsprings he saw.

Once he came upon a ledge leading down into the hot springs, he couldn't resist removing his clothes down to his underwear, resting the articles up on a tree branch, and taking a leap into the water with a loud shout, yelling on his way down until he made a splash as he hit the water's surface. His feet hitting the bottom of the water, he swam back up to the surface, and took a seat near the shore of the water. "Ah! This is great!" he celebrated with glee. "Having a whole entire spring to yourself has it's merits~"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Clusterfuck Cafe(?)

Six shrugged as the other two left, and simply returned to the meat that was offered. She had to admit, not eating raw for once made the flavor stand out a bit more, however she was sure if there was a way around it she'd have skipped the cafe and hunted herself. She had to keep an edge beyond threatening herself with these travesties some call 'combats', she mused.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Having seen the unfamiliar creature approaching the springs, and rekindling her apprehensions about the island, Lily's first reaction was to retreat to a safe distance and hide. Trying to quickly and silently retreat from the middle of a pool of thigh high water though, turned out to be more difficult than she had anticipated however. Stuck in the pool with the stranger coming into sight any second now, she panics and hides the best place she can think of.


Bakan, having reached and entered the springs without incident or interruption by any of large number of the unusually promiscuous females on the island, seems to be in the clear to enjoy his moment of relaxation without any more tests on his dignity or integrity. A minute or so passes, taking in the soothing atmosphere and surroundings of the spring, when he happens to note one particular feature of the pool he was in that seemed out of place. A single spring green water plant, growing or floating on the opposite side of the pool he was in. Longish strands of green splaying out from a very slight central bump, upon which two small white flowers bloomed either side. They did look markedly similar to a water lily bloom, but the rest of the plant looked alien. It was the only one in the springs, out of all the pools. For a moment, he could almost swear he saw the flowers twitch. And upon looking closer, the plant raised it's head out of the water another three inches and looked back nervously with amber eyes.
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

His eyes mostly fixed on the sky, Bakan's several minute rest was enough to make his whole body relax, and forget about it's previous trials. But upon seeing the plant, his curiosity rose. "Oh? What a strange plant... It must be rare if it is not growing with others." he said aloud, rising in the water, and wading through it, it's depth up to his chest, before the plant turned, and looked at him with her amber eyes.

He stopped dead in his tracks, feet frozen in shock, with a blank expression on his face. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize this was the woman's spring." he said quickly, and moved to the edge with hasty intent to get out.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

As the unknown person stirred and began moving closer to her, Lily began to panic some more. Her desperate disguise clearly not working. Risking a peek above the water, there it was staring right back, built unlike any creature she'd ever seen. The stillness hung in the air a moment longer, before the mere initial twitch of Bakan's hasty retreat sets off Lily on a retreat of her own.

Reaching slightly shallower waters, but not exiting the pool outright, she turns to face Bakan again crouching in something of a wary and ready pose. Her face a mix of embarrassed and nervous fluster at the silly situation she'd created, and suddenly a note of incomprehension as well. "Women's spring? What are you then? You don't mean a... you're not a man are you!?" Sounding abnormally shocked and defensive as she says the last part, her vine limbs coiling back behind her and pointing, as if ready to stab forwards should Bakan somehow suddenly rush across the pool.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Bakan reached the end, and used his hands to pull himself out, his back remaining to the alarune. "I would make for an ugly girl, so yes, I am a man." he told her, before standing on his feet with his bare back facing her, making a note to not look at her, "Anyway, I'll leave you with your privacy, and find the other spring." he said, motioning off to find where he put his clothes and take them to the other spring.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

'Huh? He's just leaving?' Lily muses to herself, watching him climb from the pool and not take a second glance towards her. 'Might be going to get his axe... except, the pink haired lady said that no weapons or violence is allowed here. So he's leaving because it's a women's spring? Or because I'm here? This doesn't really seem like the creatures that the others talked about at all...'

Relaxing her unnecessary defensive stance a bit, she steps back across the border into one of the other pools, and submerges her self so to keep watching Bakan cautiously with just her head exposed. She had to admit, the unexpected sudden exit made her wonder about this person, but she wasn't going to risk anything by encouraging him to stay. She was glad there was apparently a "man's spring" for him to go to instead of here.

((Not true. Host daemon doesn't gender segregate. :V ))
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Leaving the alarune behind, he felt a sense of relief. "Catastrophe avoided, perhaps?" he wondered aloud. She let him go, which was great. But the one thing he could get over was the fact that she wasn't at the cafe with the rest. There were already so many people here... It was hard to believe that there were more waiting for him elsewhere. But that was all out of his worries for now. Finding the other spring, and laying his clothes out close by, he carefully surveyed the surroundings.

His eyes fixed on the similar flower as before, noticing it as the same as was on the girl's head. Pulling his pants back up, he frowned, and stepped over to the source of the flower. "Alright, I know what's going on." he announces, before reaching his hand down quickly to grab her head, pulling out a large rock that had a flower growing on top of it. Blinking, he set the rock back, before finding that there were many more flowers like that on this side of the springs. "Strange..." he said aloud, before deciding he was just being paranoid and stepping into the water, and letting out a sigh of relaxation. 'Just being paranoid,' he decided mentally.

"I suppose Ione's condition was unique. That girl gave the proper response to a man, so maybe not all women here are not to be trusted..."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tamonten -> Zaro, the generous!
Zaro'Alk VS Tamoooonteeeeen!

Nothing beyond the clash of blunt weapons concerned her, not the memories of fighting disfigured monsters or the feeling of loss, merely the contact one of harmless training tool against another. There were few precious times the Giantess ever recalled a suitably good session of mutual practice between herself and another warrior, thus to not enjoy this was impossible to do. There was no smile or gleeful noise, but her pale yellow optics showed the subtle pleasure of a honest time to mock-fight without consequence.

Speed and agility were negligible issues to Zaro for she planned ahead, executing the 'retreat' and issue of challenge with intuition and instinct fore-most in controlling every action. To defend was as simple as attack, it was natural and drawing out the smaller female from the rocks worked to give both warriors more space to continue the mock-battle.

Thus she swatted some of the oncoming attacks to the side and avoided the rest, the moment she detected an opening Zaro's eyes seemed to record the mistake; Whilst not limited herself by a manacled limb, Tamonten did seem to try and manipulate the Giantess with a thrust... to make her more defensive, to commit to blocking or to root her to the spot? It was un-likely, for she took the opportunity to lower into a low crouch and swept the spear into Tomonten's shins, intending to bring her down into the sand without damaging the flesh - more a swift 'push' then a slam as she would gleefully cripple a real foe and feel no remorse, but for a more pleasant female like the pale one, a minor moment of being impeded would suffice...

If she succeeded, the spear's tip would be levelled near the shorter woman's neck, held out far by the right hand with the left by her side, extending the reach with confidence of not having such a battle finishing gestured successfully 'blocked'. Regardless, Zaro did not woop with victory or otherwise gave a sign of enjoying dominating a foe in combat like this, not from mary-sue goodness in her heart but the lack of experience in competing with non-hostiles like this. It was supposed to help both of them...

The swordswoman had overextended, it was as plain as that. What was meant to be a convincing feint to allow the more agile woman to maneuver around the Dragoness's defenses became an actual thrust when the smaller female pushed too far. A sudden smack sent her training sword sword wide and easily out of the way of the giantess's followup. The training spear crashed into her shins, though with much less than Zaro's full power. The nonviolent intentions behind the blow meant that it was a little easier to recover from, the pale swordswoman was quickly back to a kneeling position after her unbalanced fall. But before she could bring her sword, or herself, up into a position where she might have effectively defended herself during a real fight, the lengthy piece of wood came to her throat. As far as the mock fight had gone, she was mock dead, Tamonten knew. The swordswoman let go of her training sword to signal her recognition of defeat. She sighed, it would be a long time before the possessed woman was good enough to necessitate a clarification to opponents that she wasn't really left-handed. Inigo Montoya, she was not.

For a few seconds, at least, she was content to silently curse her lousy display of swordsmanship. The possessed swordswoman ran the full list of errors through her head. Lack of fluidity on her parries, rigid swings, poorly timed thrusts, overextension, and that miserable feint. It was hard for Tamonten to feel like she had improved during that short bout. Eventually, though, she got over her moping enough to pay the proper respects to the victor. "You win, Lady Zaro, you beat me." The partially demonic woman tried to force a slight smile but was too disappointed in her own failure to be genuine in her efforts. Sure, the genetically altered woman had proven to be a mighty warrior and Tamonten wasn't sure she could defeat the Dragoness as an opponent even in a real fight. Still, though, the critical swordswoman felt that her own performance could have been better. Yet, despite it all, her self-pity didn't last for much longer before a series of particularly bad jokes regarding the situation crossed her mind. Tamonten's lips curled into a small grin as she added; "So, how will you execute the defeated? What trophy will you take? Through the heart? Sever my head? Don't make a mess of it, now. I merely ask that you bury me with my sword, it's a family heirloom." The white-haired human dramatically motioned towards her fallen stick. By that point, Tamonten didn't expect the Dragoness to laugh, but the stupid jokes took her mind off of her own failure.

Tamonten -> Auralice, Enigma

The swordswoman blushed as Auralice complimented her fashion. Tamonten wasn't entirely sure why she was so proud that the naga felt that the clothes that the snake-woman, herself, had picked out for the pale human fit well, but she was. In the enthralled woman's mind, it really wouldn't have mattered much what her mistress had chosen for her. If her mistress felt that the lithe girl looked best parading around the city in her birthday suit then, well, the mistress knew best. It was that same line of logic that caused her to take the leash without any further question beyond a confused look towards Auralice and Enigma. And, when her serpentine master suggested, in a way that could be interpreted as something of a command, no less, that it was time for a walk, the swordswoman faithfully followed her mistress, Enigma's leash in hand. If Mistress Auralice felt that Lady Enigma needed a walk then she must have had a reason. After all, the mistress knew best.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alex -> Pale

When the vampire pulled her toward a shadow Alex looked somewhat puzzled, but then she was pulled into it. Then through it. It was for only a moment, but Alex found herself wading through a world of complete and utter darkness that drowned all her sensations save for the feel of the hand guiding her into a new light. When she was finally pulled free her entire body felt displaced, and the sight of one of the hotel rooms made her slightly dizzy at suddenly finding herself in an unknown room. She almost fell to her knees in shock, but her pride refused to let herself flail like a helpless fool. Instead she merely stumbled into the middle of the room and used her free hand to catch her balance. It wasn't the most dignified of poses, but it was far better than landing face first on the floor.

But Pale proved to be a creature who didn't hesitate, and in one swift move the dragon found herself lightly pushed to one knee as a hand swept by her neck and brushed what few stray strands of her shortened black hair lay in the way. Another hand held her in place with a gentle yet controlling grip, and when that tongue slid from her collar to her ear Alex felt herself gasping in surprise. The sudden closeness to her neck reminded the woman of that moment when Pale had stunned her and approached her from behind just as she had before. It made her realize that even when Alex had put so much effort into releasing her inner strength the vampire showed that she could still match the transformed dragon's sheer brute strength. And Alex didn't have that boon now. Pale could quite easily overcome her in an instant, and there would be nothing the proud woman could do.

But that question... Pale was asking if this was what she desired. That low seductive whisper almost didn't feel like a simple question. It felt like an ultimatum. Speak now or forever hold your peace... Alex was being given a chance to refuse before the vampire moved in for the kill, and even when the dragon felt helpless and bare and far more vulnerable than she'd ever felt since she'd left her home there was a certain degree of control. She could stop this if she wanted. She was being shown a degree of honor, and all it would take was one little word to gain her freedom. One rose to her lips, her helplessness and her desire molding into a single word that answered that question. "Please..." Even with her neck laid bare not a single move was made to escape. Instead the dragon simply sat there, her skin shivering with anxious anticipation at what she knew would soon be coming.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Alex

Hearing the woman's plea Pale tilts her head as she feels Alexandra's neck with her tongue. For a long moment only her tongue touches the other woman's neck, but then she slowly starts kissing it. After another moment of waiting, her fangs pierce the vein, causing a pinprick of pain. Slowly, ever so slowly the pale vampire starts draining the dragoness's life essence, sending waves of pain mixed with near-orgasmic pleasure that seem to last for a very long time all the while her arms slowly move on that helpless body. The pulses of the pair finding a common rhytm that feels like a slowly accelerating drum beat in their veins, time begins to stretch, minutes seeming like hours.

After some time - perhaps minutes, perhaps hours - one of the pulses starts to weaken slightly and suddenly the draining stops, leaving little pain and some afterwaves of ecstasy. Still supporting Alexandra's body, holding it tightly against her own, Pale's lips depart from the neck so freely offered. A couple slow licks cause the wounds to fade and she gently lifts the other woman into her bed and sets down besides her, waiting for the dragoness to recover.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Vira -> Ione & Maya

Ione -> Maya & Vira

Feeling Maya's fingers rub boldly at her nether, Ione eeped, fidgeting slightly before slowly widening her lips into a smile as she continued to smooch the cat-girl. 'Oh my~, she's even more... oh this is going to be good!' The cat girl's touches enticed the alraune on, and as her breath broke into very light pants, Ione could feel the effects of her touches coming on quickly. She could feel her own 'flower' dribble with nectar, and there was no doubt that her friendly cat-girl friend was also getting quite the feel of it as she continued her fingered motions on the plant girl. Pulling away from Maya, one of Ione's tendrils slipped away subconsciously and wrapped itself around the cat-girl's wrist and lower arm, seeming to want nothing more than to rub against it as encouragement.

Abruptly, Maya moved out of the fondling, and for a moment confusion took the alraune before she realized the meaning of the motions. Teasingly, the cat-girl's hand made little motion beneath Ione's crouch, something to which the tendril still wrapped around that arm gave a cute tug and rub to try to entice to action. While it did so, Ione found herself watching with anticipation as Maya delved quickly and deeply into Vira's folds, coating her face in her juices as she expertly ate out the woman's flower. Smoothing one of her hands along Maya's back as she worked and the other fondling Vira's breast to give her additional excitement as she was 'fed' upon, Ione with contentment let out a few giggles as she enjoyed the sight and sounds during the brief break.

Her giggles ceased however, the moment Maya drew away from the night elf, and with no hesitation on her part, dug into the alraune's nether penetrating it with her tongue. Cooing at first, Ione's sounds soon turned to moans as the cat-girl treated her to the same comfort she had given Vira moments ago. Intensive waves of pleasure shot through the plant girl, every prod and touch of Maya's tongue on her genitals feeling like pleasant torture to her. Her own hands fondling not only Vira's breast but also her own, Ione's own face flushed deeply as she felt herself stiffen. Maya's treatment, along with her own excitement was too much! Moaning loudly, Ione was driven to the brink before she orgasmed, her eyes and expression widening into embarrassment.

Panting for a moment while still quite embarrassed, Ione finally regained control, letting out a few laughs aimed at herself. "Ah ha ha ha... I guess the... honeysuckle... flows a bit easy today... ah ha ha..." Elated, Ione was quite distracted in her thoughts to realize a few more of her tendrils has come out, one managing to slip lightly around Maya while another did the same for Vira, both gently rubbing and caressing against both of their stomachs. Another pair wished to prod against both of their backs, smoothing out along their waste line while dipping with a hint of intent downwards before moving back up. For all her excitement though, Ione was blissfully unaware of her tendrils in the tide of pleasant feelings.
Vira shuddered in pleasure as the cat-like woman buried her face in her crotch, darting her tongue in and out of the Night Elf's already dripping cunt and coating Maya's face with her juices in the process. When Vira felt a hand from the alraune add to the pleasurable sensation by fondling her breasts, she had to reach her own hand out to brace herself against the tree to keep her knees from buckling as the the two's skilled ministrations quickly driving her towards climax. When the catgirl's mouth suddenly moved away from her, Vira let out a quiet moan in protest that was immediately transformed into one of pleasure as Maya's wet tongue was replaced by her fingers, not missing a beat as she delved that same tongue deeply into Ione.

With the combined sensations of Maya's fingers in her pussy and Ione's skillful work on her breasts sending waves of pleasure up and down Vira's spine, along with the loud moans coming from the plant-woman as she approached her climax, it soon became too much for Vira's own senses, and she joined Ione in the throws of ecstasy as her own orgasm washed over her.

When she recovered, Vira eyed Ione for a moment and gave a small, breathless chuckle of her own at the alraune's 'honeysuckle' comment. She then felt the plant woman's vines beginning to slip around her waist and rub gently at her stomach and back, while another pair did the same to Maya, causing a lustful grin to work its way across the Night Elf's face as the vines idly dipped lower, their intent clear enough to get her excited for more.

"Hmm~ Well then, we shouldn't let any of that delicious 'honey' go to waste~" Vira replied, moving between the other two women before gradually lowering herself onto the ground on top of Maya, presenting herself on all-fours to the beautiful plant-woman behind her. "And I know the perfect place to...deposit it~" she cooed, looking back over her shoulder at Ione and wiggling her ass as she spread her pussy lips with her fingers, showing the alraune that her dripping flower was ready to be 'pollinated'. She then positioned her hands at either side of Maya's hips, lightly gripping her waist as she kissed her way down the catgirl's midriff until she reached her nethers, stopping oly to wait until Ione penetrated her before thrusting her tongue deep into Maya's pussy, eager to return the favor and make her cum.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alex -> Pale

Even with her body anxiously waiting Alex had not expected the tongue to return to her neck once again. It ran all across her exposed flesh, the saliva cooling on her skin and causing it to tingle with excitement while it was being explored. A couple more passes led to some light kisses that set her heart alight, and with her head forced to the side she could practically feel the large vein in her neck thumping in the same excitement that ran through her body. Then it came. Two sharp points lightly dug into her willing flesh, and a moment later they pierced what little resistance was offered before two lips closed around her fresh wounds.

At first the shock of the bite forced the dragon's heart to skip a beat as a small grunt of pain left her lips, but a moment later that grunt turned into a surprised gasp which then turned into a quiet moan. The moment that Pale had started feeding Alex felt a pleasure unlike anything she'd ever known racing through her veins. It felt like liquid sex was pouring throughout her body, and she had gone from shock to 'Oh fuck!' in less than a second. It set her soul on fire, and she felt like she needed to cum right then and there or risk having her mind snap as the pleasure continued to build. Her light moans turned to needy little cries for relief, and though she tried to use her own hands to alleviate this almost agonizing ecstasy Alex found that her body refused to respond to any of her commands.

With a flood of passion washing over her with each passing second the dragon began to pant heavily, and her heart raced as if it were trying to keep up with her breath. It caused the liquid fire racing through her system to spread faster, and slow as it was she could feel her insides tightening with each passing second. Her excitement was pushing her closer to a climax unlike anything she had ever known, and this caused her heart to pulse even faster. It egged her on, and her body wound itself tighter and tighter as she kept stepping closer and closer to that glorious release.

She was quickly driven to the edge, her sanity threatening to snap in two the longer she teetered on the verge of climax. All she needed was a few more seconds, just a couple more uncontrollable moans before her resistance finally broke and sent her crashing into an oblivion of ecstasy... But it never came. Her heart started to slow, her entire body felt like the strength was being drained from her unresponsive muscles, and the pleasure that was being built started to falter and subside as those teeth finally left her neck. "Noooo...!" Alex's complaints were surprisingly weak, but right now she didn't care. She had been driven to the cusp of release, and now that buildup was being denied by some cruel twist of fate. But there was nothing she could do as her open wounds were simply wiped away by that wonderful tongue sliding across her neck once again, and she was helpless to do nothing more than lay on the bed, her voice faint yet pleading as she tried to call Pale closer. "So... so close... Please... just a little more..."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Zaro -> Looossseeerrr! Tamonten.

Tamonten -> Zaro, the generous!

The swordswoman had overextended, it was as plain as that. What was meant to be a convincing feint to allow the more agile woman to maneuver around the Dragoness's defenses became an actual thrust when the smaller female pushed too far. A sudden smack sent her training sword sword wide and easily out of the way of the giantess's followup. The training spear crashed into her shins, though with much less than Zaro's full power. The nonviolent intentions behind the blow meant that it was a little easier to recover from, the pale swordswoman was quickly back to a kneeling position after her unbalanced fall. But before she could bring her sword, or herself, up into a position where she might have effectively defended herself during a real fight, the lengthy piece of wood came to her throat. As far as the mock fight had gone, she was mock dead, Tamonten knew. The swordswoman let go of her training sword to signal her recognition of defeat. She sighed, it would be a long time before the possessed woman was good enough to necessitate a clarification to opponents that she wasn't really left-handed. Inigo Montoya, she was not.

For a few seconds, at least, she was content to silently curse her lousy display of swordsmanship. The possessed swordswoman ran the full list of errors through her head. Lack of fluidity on her parries, rigid swings, poorly timed thrusts, overextension, and that miserable feint. It was hard for Tamonten to feel like she had improved during that short bout. Eventually, though, she got over her moping enough to pay the proper respects to the victor. "You win, Lady Zaro, you beat me." The partially demonic woman tried to force a slight smile but was too disappointed in her own failure to be genuine in her efforts. Sure, the genetically altered woman had proven to be a mighty warrior and Tamonten wasn't sure she could defeat the Dragoness as an opponent even in a real fight. Still, though, the critical swordswoman felt that her own performance could have been better. Yet, despite it all, her self-pity didn't last for much longer before a series of particularly bad jokes regarding the situation crossed her mind. Tamonten's lips curled into a small grin as she added; "So, how will you execute the defeated? What trophy will you take? Through the heart? Sever my head? Don't make a mess of it, now. I merely ask that you bury me with my sword, it's a family heirloom." The white-haired human dramatically motioned towards her fallen stick. By that point, Tamonten didn't expect the Dragoness to laugh, but the stupid jokes took her mind off of her own failure.

Victory was hers, and while it was only practice or merely mock-battle, domination in such a regard always sparkled a little glow-worm of contentedness in Zaro's heart. However because this was supposed to be practice, and that the Giantess did not feel she had helped in some greatly improving manner sullied what should have been an ideal time to stand proud or taunt. Being so blunted of enthusiasm and lacking of an outward personality, it rather sullied the experience of harmless conquest over a worthy foe... whom did herself not justice with so many problems using the left hand. The engineered monstrous humanoid counted quite a few that all lead to one main issue - Tamonten was predictable due to her stiff, awkward swings and lack of organic flow that was presumably prevalent in her right hand. That's what practice was for, and this session may not have done much more then point out the flaws to dent one's pride, or at least to make her aware of and perhaps learn from the mistakes...

Thus Zaro did not portray much in the way of a change of facial expressions from the battle, remaining calm and poised, upright upon powerful anthromoprhic legs with the spear held at one end, out partly to her side, with the 'sharp' end just under the defeated Swordswoman. The Giantess initially felt that Tamonten wished to die, for she was very literal-minded... however after a few moment's of silent thought, the massive Shield-Maiden did feel her features gradually shift into something somewhat unusual as the pale-skinned woman recovered and launched a volley of phrases with the spirit of humour instilled with them - rather then out-right smiling, the Dragonic female's ears lowered and the strong, fanged lips curled up a little, eyes drooping in the strange way a dog might seem as though it was smiling without actually doing so.

Huffing quietly with a brief growly-purr noise, she move the spear away and hesitated before offering a hand to help Tamonten pick herself up, rumbling a few choice words that would hopefully do some justice to their practice session. "You are good... I... lack experience with practice, between me and others... I do hope it helped." She managed and inwardly cringed, again, at her lack of linguistic skill. Instead of allowing another long, awkward silence, the heavier woman reached down to the pouch upon a wide outer hip to produce that sharp chunk of flint, offering it to Tamoten's use. "Something to refine the tool?" She rumbled out in a guttural, ill-experienced show of assistance.