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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Pale, anyone observing

Six tentatively followed the creature in, and upon not hearing any immediate shrieks, would swiftly and quietly as she could follow Pale to the seating arrangements. When the waitress-creature asked what she wanted, she replied, if a bit tentatively, "If you have veal, I'll take that, rawish as ya can get." After ordering, she'd get herself comfortable with the seating, trying to fit her more animalistic frame into the chair, which luckily had a wider base then most standard chairs, probably to accomidate guests of any species.

Ranger Princess

Tentacle God
Jan 16, 2010
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Skye -> Nadia + other cafe dwellers.

Skye's twisted smile grew larger at Nadia's mention of the word subject, gazing into the angel's eyes. Reaching around the vermilion-capped beauty, the vampire supported Nadia's neck with her hand and curled her lips back to bare her formidable fangs in their full splendor. With eyes of blazing coppers, the redhead leaned forward, her fangs falling slowly toward Nadia's exposed flesh... creeping ever closer until suddenly she stopped. The tips of her fangs placed the slightest of pressure on the angel's neck. Not enough to break the woman's skin, instead she let the fang tips brush up and down on the creamy membrane, leaving pink traces in her wake. Keeping considerable control of her desire, Skye's eyes shifted to each of the onlookers, almost as if gloating over her prized treasure. Finally, the pirate vampire pulled her fangs back and moved her lips to just centimeters from Nadia's ear, so the crimson haired woman could feel her breath cascade over her head, "And how does that make you feel... my sweet delicacy?" The vampire whispered throatily.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> the Clusterfuck that is the cafe

Nadia was so busy watching all of the new arrivals, including something that even she couldn't rightly identify, that she didn't notice Skye revealing her fangs in full until the woman's hand was cupping the back of her neck. She was as compliant as she had been before, her eyes lowering and a serene smile upon her face even as she felt those narrow points pressed against the soft flesh of her neck. Still, despite her apparent control, Skye felt as much as heard a soft gasp, and could feel the angel's pulse quickening as her fangs brushed against the soft, creamy skin at her neck.

The vampire couldn't see it, but Nadia looked genuinely surprised when the woman pulled back without biting, an expression that the rest of the room could probably see quite plainly. She gasped again, slightly louder than she had before as Skye whispered directly into her ear, the half-vampire's breath brushing against her sensitive skin. Laughing lightly, Nadia's voice was husky and low as she replied; "Curious.... And eager, my good captain."

Ranger Princess

Tentacle God
Jan 16, 2010
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Skye -> Nadia - Cafe

Hearing the angel's gasp, Skye smirked mischievously, stroking her fingers through Nadia's silky red locks, "Excellent.." the pirate whispered with bemusement. Holding the back of Nadia's head with her hand, she gently but firmly turned her to look into the angel's eyes. Skye's eyes were playful but her smile was just as creepy as usual. The pirate vampire leaned closer, brushing her teeth across Nadia's cheek before leaning up to rest her forehead on Nadia's. "Follow me." She whispered before rocking back, turning on her heel and walking quickly out the doors of the cafe without looking back.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Skye

Nadia retained her utterly confident expression even as Skye looked into her eyes, their heads pressed together. The dissonance between the playful look in Skye's beautiful copper eyes, a twinkle of which Nadia's own deep blue orbs shared, and the vaguely threatening grin she wore was intriguing, and Nadia took a moment to wonder if she was always like this, or if her current behavior was something reserved only for a select few.

Her expression changing into a curious frown on her face as the woman turned to leave, Nadia followed Skye from the cafe, glad that everything seemed to be free in this place as she had left her meal only half finished. She followed... But allowed a degree of distance to form between them, if only to allow some room for comfort for the whom she was tailing.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Feeling good after her match with Nadia, Luciana walked into the cafe to look for her next opponent, her eyes scanning the crowded room. Finally they settled on a rather pretty dark elf in the middle of it. The demon grinned, slowly walking over to her table and sitting down. "You seem pretty relaxed here. What's your name?"


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nala --> Luciana

"Yes... and why wouldn't I be? I've not heard of anything here not to like," Nala said to the newcomer who sat beside her. A demoness of some sort, and a powerful one at that. Beautiful vestigial wings appeared behind a perfectly curvaceous form. Nala could see four writhing tentacles appearing out of the demon's back as well.

"I'm Nala," the witch elf smiled and drew herself up as much as she could, bringing her drink to her lips and slowly downing more of the sweet fruitiness before setting it aside.

"You look as if you were made just, for, me~" she hummed softly to herself and considered the way this demon was looking at her with barely contained intent.

"I've read a lot about demons, but aside from some rather pathetic goblins, I've never met one before. I can practically taste the power within you, and I simply must get a pair of wings like that for myself one day. What's your name then? Or perhaps you've something more simple you'd like me to call you?"

She bit her lip and then leaned closer, showing off her modest bust in the process, whispering in a low voice: "I've always wanted to compare my technique to a succubus... I'm sure there's much you could teach me, and I'm oh so willing to be taught."
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Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

"Mmm, you've got that right. This place is almost like a paradise" Luciana replied, leaning forward waving her tail around idly behind her. "Thank you" she continued in reply to the compliment, giving her wings a little flap for Nala. "My name is Luciana." When the dark elf leaned forward to whisper to her the demon gave her petite frame a long look, not bothering to disguise her lust in the slightest. Come to think of it, maybe that was why she hadn't done so well up to this point... "Well, I don't know how much I have to teach you, I'm not a creative one myself. I like to think I do alright, though. If that's your intention, let's slip out of here and go somewhere a little less... crowded."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nala --> Luciana


Nala took Luciana's hand and led her through the front door of the cafe, except when they stepped through the doorway, it wasn't the outdoors where they ended up, but rather onto the soft cushions of a large bed, filled with soft pillows and scented with sweet perfumes and incense.

"Oh, I hope our Host has a lot of viewers watching this..." Nala sighed, dreamily, feeling completely in her element. Turning to Luciana again she raised her chin and stroked it playfully.

"So. Any ground rules you'd like to cover? I was told this was supposed to be some sort of silly competition, but I could honestly care less about that. I don't see any possibility of a 'loss' here, even if you bend me over backwards and show me the business end of that tail of yours... You will try to do that, won't you?"

Nala giggled lustfully. Jumping headlong into this confrontation with a full-blooded demon succubus.

((Continue convo in the Love Nest.))


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alex -> The Show

The moment the dark elf entered Alex's attention immediately shifted to the new arrival, and as the woman sat herself down at a nearby table and looked her way the dragon-kin offered her a quick nod. That was when she heard it. "We seem to have gathered an audience." It caused the scaled creature to sigh. I guess there's no point in being subtle now... But before she could turn herself forward another pair entered, and much to Alex's surprise the other vampire on the island walked in with a familiar looking death machine in tow. That was a surprise in itself. She never would have guessed that Six would be so willing to approach the resort proper this early.

But the main show continued, and though she wanted to move and greet the two women she knew the almost painfully slow descent of the good captain's fangs forced the dragon to watch intently. Skye seemed to relish both the attention and the dish before her, and it was a pleasant shock to see that the angel herself was caught off guard by the sudden teasing as those fangs only brushed against that oh-so-vulnerable neck. It practically had Alex on the edge of her seat, and she was waiting to see what would happen when the vampire finally claimed what had been offered so freely.

But it was not to be. When the pirate issued her order and promptly left with the angel following shortly after Alex felt disappointed. Curiosity and intrigue had hit her full blast, and she was nearly desperate to know how Nadia would react. Would it be as pleasurable as she said? How far would Skye go as she fed from probably the purest being she had ever seen? Would the two be kept here, or would they be taken to an arena? All those questions and not one single answer. How dull...

Alex -> Pale/Six

Well, maybe not. Pale was close at hand, so maybe at least one could be answered. This was what brought the dragoness to her feet, and after a few steps she pulled a chair out closer to Six and placed her unfinished meal on the table. "Pale, Six, we meet again..." Of course she also had some questions for the altered woman as well. Alex was curious what the girl had been up to since she left, but for now she would simply greet them both.


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Alex/Six

Looking somewhat nervous now, under light and in the presence of so many people Pale answers uncertainly: "...Hi Alex"


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Alex/Pale

Six looked up as she was adressed, still figiting a bit to get comfortable. "Oh, hi..." she replied back, reconizing the dragoness from earlier. "What's up?"

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Ione -> Bakan & Tomoe

The plant girl stifled her giggle just a little longer before smiling warmly at the two of them despite Bakan's growls. "I could be asking the both of you the same question. I was here before either of you if I recall, my memory is kind of fuzzy though." Ione said, grinned mischievously as she approached the two of them. "You really are terrible mister Bakan. Letting a poor girl suffer alone in a room after beating her up. For shame~." Unable to hold it in, the alraune let out a cheerful laugh, feeling her own tension dissolve completely.

Calming once again, Ione let out a sigh as she regarded them. "I'm teasing Bakan, I tease. I'm actually glad you're around... I didn't want to be looking everywhere for you. I take it you still want an apology from before huh?" Scratching her head, the plant girl stopped for a moment, blinking several times before letting out a small gasp, turning her attention to the woman. "Oh! But where are my manners, I almost forgot to introduce myself to you miss. I am referred to by others with the name Ione. It is a pleasure... to meet you miss." The alraune said, giving the woman a polite bow of her own as she introduced herself.
Watching Tomoe leave almost just as soon as she awoke, Bakan sighed with a depressed reaction. She seemed in quite a hurry to leave, and in this place, there's not too many places to go besides from away from someone. With that in mind, he turned to the playful Ione with a no-nonsense firm planting of his hands to his hips. "You're absolutely right. You attempted to disrobe me, and do some rather unsightly things to me. You've already gotten your punishment from me, so an apology would at least be comforting for me to hear."

Stretching his arms out, Bakan winced as he did so. "I'm still sore after yesterday..." he complained, letting out a sigh. Walking over to the window, he noticed that the cafe below was ripe with the guests of the island. "It seems nearly everyone's gathered there... Perhaps they're battling it out." he theorized. "I've had just about enough of these kind of fights anyway..." he said, more than happy to let them duke it out between each other to their heart's content.

Taking a step back, he looked out from the window to see a hot spring near a water fall. "I'll be heading to the hot springs, Ione. Perhaps you should join the others in the cafe?" he reasoned with her.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alex -> Pale/Six

With both Pale and Six acting nervous and uncomfortable Alex momentarily reconsidered her choice to join them at the table. But she was already committed, and she did want to speak with them, so discomfort be damned. "Nothing much other than the angel offering her neck to the vampire." The pair had come in late, and from what Alex had seen they were more concerned with finding a table and avoiding the crowd instead of watching the spectacle. Maybe Pale hadn't noticed them at all, and Alex wanted to gauge if this would pique the other woman's curiosity. "I was sitting and watched the whole exchange. I was actually surprised to see the angel acting rather coy and submissive before she practically threw herself into the pirate's mouth. She said she wanted to feel for herself whether the stories about a vampire's kiss were true." At this point the dragon leaned closer and spoke in a much lower tone meant to be heard only by the two people sitting next to her. "So Pale, I'd like to know. Is it true? Is a vampire's embrace one of the most exquisite pleasures in this world?"


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Alex/Six

Her face taking a more predatory expression as she looks Alex deep into her eyes, Pale replies with all the apparent nervousness gone, her quiet voice taking a low, rich tone: "An angel, you say? I wonder... perhaps I'll have a taste myself, later." A smile warms that pale face, looking like a masterpiece carved from marble in the flickering lamplight of the cafe, as she continues "As for your question...I've only experienced it once as a victim, and it is said to be different every time. A vampire can choose to inflict pain in doing so, if she wishes. However...if you would like to volunteer, I can, indeed, promise you the pleasure will be unlike anything you've experienced before." As she speaks, her hand reaches out and gently touches Alexandra's.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Alex/Pale

Six quietly watched the two exchange pleasentries, while she herself simply slumped up against the table, letting them talk. Look at them fawning over each other just because of the special properties of a creature's bite, she practically sneered from her head. She wasn't quite as concerned or interested, so she quietly awaited her meal.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)


Else where, far away from any other commotion going on around the island, a relatively new arrival was squatting down beside the hot bubbling pools. Testing the water tentatively with a vine tentacle, a lone alraune considered trying out the pools. She had always disliked the occasionally overly cold water from the stream back home, but this steaming spring was invitingly warm. Slowly dipping a leg into the pool, she takes a moment to get used to the heat, and wades a little further in so that the water came to just above her knees. With a small smile, she begins tapping at the water with her arms and tentacle limbs, simply paddling around in it for a while and letting the worries of the strange land float away for a moment.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alex -> Pale/Six

While Alex had only been interested in knowing whether or not it truly was a splendid experience Pale's sudden offer brought a slight blush to the dragon's cheek. The hand that came out to touch hers only made her darken a shade or two, and that promise was almost too much. A small sacrifice to feel a pleasure unlike anything she may ever know. She very nearly whispered her assent, but then she felt it once again. Scrutiny...

This time it was far closer than before, and a look to the side showed the killing machine subtly sneering at the two as they discussed what a vampire had to offer. It caused the dragoness to pull herself back a bit. "Are we bothering you, Six?" While the question would have normally sounded like an attempt to start an argument Alex had none of the necessary aggression in her voice. She truly did want to know if they were being a bother.


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Alex/Six

At Alexandra's comment, Pale's face flickers towards Six, still bearing a smile but clearly waiting for an answer while her dexterous but strong hand slithers forward, taking a hold of Alexandra's.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Alex/Pale

Six blushed as she realized part of her natural disproval had seeped through. "N-nothing," she quickly lied, though sank a little in her seat. "Please, don't let me interupt any of your plans..."