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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach Cliff
Six -> Pale

Six almost immediately stiffened as the hands touched her, and quite unlike her appearence skiddishly slid away. "S-stop it!" she stammered, looking uncomfortable as a bright violet blush went over her cheeks, eyes staring up at the vampire. She didn't know why, but even the light, friendly touch had made her panic, almost expecting it to carve and claw at her.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach cliff
Pale -> Six

"Just relax!" Pale replied in a commanding tone, moving almost on top of Six to better exert force to her hands, massaging her shoulders with almost, but not quite painful amount of pressure.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach Cliff
Six -> Pale

The command's tone of voice, more then the command itself, made Six freeze, which gave ample time for the humanoid to straddle her crawling frame and grip at her. Six winced a bit as the hands gripped her, and mentally prepared for the creature to strike at her, or tighten the grip, or something...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach cliff
Pale -> Six

Now that she had the creature under her control, Pale started to work on her shoulders, finding and removing knots and tightness all about them, not caring if she was causing a little pain or not, though her hands took on perhaps surprising gentleness around the hybrid's neck. Slowly, she started work downward on her back, almost all the way to her butt cheeks.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach Cliff
Six -> Pale

Six was surprised when the hands didn't start to dig in, as she instead squirmed at the hands. For some reason, even as her body read the feeling as... soothing, in it's own way, Six was uncomfortable, squirming a bit as a slight mix of feline purr and serpentine hiss as the hands messed with her, tail twitching a bit as it tried to decide between lowering down or swinging up to dislodge the vampire.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach cliff
Pale -> Six

Having finished with the back, the pale vampire moved to sit on it as she started working on the tail and legs, catching the tail to stop it from distracting her as her soft yet powerful hands kept on working on the creature's muscles
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach Cliff
Six -> Pale

The hands continued thier strange devilry on her body, but even still the command held her still, even though her entire body trembled with what could amount to a mild case of fear. As her tail is grabbed, once again Six started to overeact, breathing faster as she jumped a bit, but due to the other creature holding her tight, she couldn't get free. She had to- but the orders were- this didn't feel right- she must stay still-

The mental anguish may have even shown on her physical frame as well, as the trembling worsened as her conditioning fought with what her body knew by nature.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach cliff
Pale -> Six

Ignoring the half-breeds reactions, the lithe figure continued with the massage, moving to Six's arms next. After finishing with the arms Pale raised up and regarded the creature. "See? You'd have enjoyed it even more had you relaxed completely."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach Cliff
Six -> Pale

As the creature finally let go, Six collapsed, panting a little as her panic attack from the... torture finally ended. Taking a few seconds to get the fear and anxiaty out of her, she soon composes herself, returning her stance to a impassive angle, before glaring at the vampire. "Never..." she hissed, her voice still trembling, "M-make me feel that weak again... p-please."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach cliff
Pale -> Six

"Try moving around. Doesn't it feel easier now? I know it can feel a little strange at first, but it really does you good." Pale said, her tone still a little commanding. "Trust me."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach Cliff
Six -> Pale

Six sighed, and got to her feet. She had to admit, the scarred frame of hers did seem to move a little easier, but even still... "I- it just felt- I don't know... like I was half expecting you to clamp down and rip my shoulder plates off or something..." Six admitted, face flushing hard while her body still trembled a little.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach cliff
Pale -> Six

"You won't need to worry about that. You seem...nice. I wouldn't kill you without a really good reason." Pale replies in a gentler tone, her expression calm and friendly.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach Cliff
Six -> Pale

"I-it's not you," Six replied. "I-it's just... there's something about the way you were... touching me... something kept telling me to try and get you away, to stop it, that it didn't feel... right..." she explained, continuing to blush deeply. If anything, this experiment has made her body feel better, but her mind worse.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Her expression changing to thoughtful, almost pitying, Pale's tone changes to more timid: "I...understand something about how hard it can be to overcome your experiences. Even here, where I know I'm probably safer than I'd be anywhere else, I still don't feel right when there are lots of people around."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six nodded a little, her face still flushed. "Even still, it's hard to, well, try to understand it when the entire reason this tournament exists is the only thing I truely fear," she replied. "So basicly, until I control it, there's a good chance I'll lose, or be forced to fight my way like I always have. However, if I just fight, there's a good chance some will find me an, how we say... easy prey for such stubborness," she stated, her tail's end twitching a bit as she thought and speculated.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach cliff
Pale -> Six

Starting to smile again, Pale's tone turns more lighthearted. "Well, we'll have to work on that, I think. But this is enough for tonight. Are you hungry? There's a cafe in the village, and I think they serve all kinds of food. Don't worry, you won't be the strangest looking person there and no-one will try to hurt you."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach Cliff
Six -> Pale

Six glanced down the cliff at the combat, before giving a shrug. "Sure, I guess. Only thing I've eaten today- at least, I think it's been about twenty four hours now- is some slime and my own pride," she replied, a subconsious shudder going through her. A part of her wondered if this woman was similar to her Master- leading whatever she was before before changing her yet again. Even if that was so, a part of her wished it was for the better at least...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Six

"Come" Pale says as she starts leading Six through the forest, her step light and her pose showing instinctive wariness despite the safety of the island. Shortly the pair arrives at the village, and Pale continues straight to the cafe...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Pale

Once again, Six had half a mind to back away from the vampiress, however with the simple worded command, Six felt compelled to follow. The grave was too good for the one that made her like this, she thought bitterly, as nervious but assured by her 'orders' she followed, soon arriving at the cafe area. Luckily, no servents screamed as she crawled along behind the vampire, but even still she felt trepedation as she followed her in...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Six, others?

Opening the door, Pale pays little attention to the others, as she attempts to lead Six to a corner table without attracting attention. Sitting down, she orders a pizza for herself.