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The Island of Professor Rio

Re: The Island of Professor Rio

A3, maybe we can find something useful that has drifted ashore from ship wrecks or lost cargo.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

A3: Explore the beaches.

Beach Encounter table-D6: 2, Stumble across number 29
Holding breath under water-DC 5: 7+1+1(Lulla)=9 Pass
Stamina-Keep it up-DC10: 17+1=18 Pass

Deciding that heading back to the beach you woke up on and getting a better look around the island was a solid plan, you head out. After making the trip from camp to the beach a few times now, it is a simple yet invigorating hike. Even with this crazy situation, the beauty and majesty of this strange island still takes your breath away. Within a few minutes the warm sand caresses your feet as the cool sea breeze wafts over you and through your hair. From what you have gathered, this beach faces south. With barely a thought you begin walking, west it is.

The sun is slowly rising to around noon and the walking seems to take forever. It’s just more sand, more surf, and more Lulla Trees with each step. At least you feel like you’ve made some kind of headway as the shore is now facing west with you walking north. Time passes so slowly and you begin to daydream in the clouds…A brief feeling of weightlessness accompanied by the grainy pillow of sand in your face. You must have tripped over something while you weren’t paying attention. Slowly taking to your feet, you brush yourself off and turn around to see what you stumbled over. A large rock, a rock with bubbles foaming on the front, a face with bubbles foaming from the mouth! Astonishment is the only word to describe how you feel once your brain starts processing what this rock actually is. Another girl! You actually found another girl, well at least you think it’s a girl. Her face is quite cute, round with a small button nose and slightly noticeable cheekbones. She is sitting more than half buried in the sand. All you can see is her head, shoulder, and knees. What is even more amazing is the fact that on the top of her head is what seems to be a helmet, but it meets her skin at the forehead. Braids of blond hair hang down around the sides of her hair making it hard to tell if the helmet is part of her head or not. Her skin is a dark brown color which is contrasted greatly by her brilliant blue eyes. She just sits there continuing to stare blankly out to sea and foaming bubbles at the mouth like she hadn’t even noticed you falling over her.

“Umm…Hello? Are you okay?”

You tap her on top of the head.
The girl tilts her head up to meet your inquisitive gaze. Her eyes snap wide and she slurps up the bubbles and gasps. With one quick and mighty leap, she bursts forth from sand and springs to her feet to greet you. Your suspicions are confirmed by the full A cup breasts that bounce slightly. But the rest of her body is just one confounding surprise after another. Her breasts, stomach, inner thighs and crotch are covered in a light tan scale like skin with horizontal lines separating them every few inches. The girl’s forearms and hands are covered in a rock like carapace forming large crab like pincers twice the size of her upper arms. She has the same carapace covering her shins and feet, but her feet aren’t normal. They are held in position as if she was wearing high heels while there is no support under what would be the actual heel and there aren’t any toes on her feet, just a rounded point.

“Hi there! Wow, it sure has been awhile since another girl stopped to talk to me. They usually just leave me alone, but I really don’t understand why…”

She continues to ramble on.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, you mean there are other people on this island? How many? Where are they at? Do you know how we got here in the first place?”

Your mind races with questions and your mouth cannot help but blurt them out. Even if she does look strange, this girl is the only person you’ve met so far.

“Oh of course there are other people, silly.”

The girl leans forward and begins to circle around you, looking quite intently.

“Ah ha, there it is!”
She exclaims as she touches the tip of one of her pincers on your ass.

“Looks like there are thirty six of us now, at least thirty six, I suppose there could be more…”

Trailing off and mumbling like before still staring at your ass.

You look over your shoulder and cough softly to try and get her attention again. She stands up and playfully sticks her tongue out while she clonks herself on the top of the head with her right claw.

“Sorry, I can’t help myself sometimes. Oh where are my manners, I’m 29 and it’s nice to meet someone else who isn’t trying to eat me. There really are so few nice girls here, like Mama 17, 26, 30, and 9.”

Her marking is on her left wrist which she presents to you; even in the hard carapace the tattoo is still perfectly visible.

“How long have you been on this island for?” As you turn to face her again.

“Well…I can’t say for sure without checking my calendar at home, but it has been at least 2 months.”

“You have a home on this island?”

“It’s just a cave, but it’s safe from all those bad girls out there…like 8 and

“Do you have any clue why we are here or what happened to us? I can’t remember things clearly; everything is fuzzy, is it the same way for you?”

“Listen, we have plenty of time to talk about all of this. Let’s head back to my home first; I don’t like the two of us just standing out here in the open.”

With only minor hesitation you agree and begin following her. You both continue walking north along the beach, soon a small rocky jetty is in sight. Every now and then you cannot help but stare at 29’s tight little ass as she walks in front of you.

“Hope you don’t mind getting wet.”

She says over her shoulder with a smirk and quickly runs and dives into the water.
A moment later she surfaces and waves you in with one of her pincers. You follow her a little ways out and she dives again. Once you are both underwater she wraps her arms around you and swims to a small opening in the rocks. The tunnel is a tight fit for the two of you and the feeling of her small, soft tits pressing against your back is the only thing distracting you from the growing pressure in your chest. Just as you think your lungs are going to burst you see a soft glow just ahead. You both breach the surface and you gasp for air. The inside of the cave is quite roomy with enough space for three to four people to lie comfortably. 29 climbs onto a small ledge at the edge of the pool and sits facing you. Her legs are spread slightly and you can see her crotch, you try to advert your gaze.

“Silly me, I’m so used to swimming. I forgot most girls here can’t breathe underwater.”
She clonks herself again and gives you a playful smile.

“I think I’ll be okay next time.”
You lightly splash towards her and you both giggle for a moment. 29 leans forward with her arms dangling in the water between her legs, pushing her breasts together ever so slightly.

“You just going to float there all day? Why don’t you get up here and we can warm up by the umm fire.”

It is getting a bit hard to tell if she is just that innocent and ditzy or if she is flirting on purpose. You pull yourself up onto the ledge as well and look around the cave. There is a soft light coming from a stone fire pit, but you cannot hear the crackling of flames. A few beams of sunlight pour in through small holes in the walls; they must go all the way to the surface bringing fresh air from the sea breeze in. There is what looks like a well-made blanket and pillows next to the fire pit and a few woven baskets filled with fruits you don’t recognize and some fish you do. She motions for you to sit on the opposite side of the fire pit from the blanket. This place just keeps getting weirder and weirder, the source of the glow and heat in the fire pit are few large beetle like insects with glowing red abdomens. She grabs a nearby stick and prods the beetles, the glow brightens and it begins to get slightly warmer in the cave.
29 grabs a smaller cloth from another woven basket and hands it to you. Running the cloth over your wet arms and legs you find that it is incredibly soft and the craftsmanship is exquisite.

“It feels great, is this silk?” You ask as you start tossing and drying your damp hair in the cloth.

“Yup, Mama 17 made it and the rest of this stuff for me. She’s so nice and doesn’t ask much in return for any of these nice things.”

The two of you sit and discuss things for what seems like hours. You learn that she has even less memory of the time before waking up on the island. She also shares some of her encounters with other girls and how she came to find the cave, she really does love to talk. She shows you the calendar she mentioned before, its just a section of the cave wall with small daily markers broken into groups of seven. The subject of the changes to each of your bodies comes up; she marvels at the thought of flying from tree to tree and compliments the shade of pink of your skin. 29 is quite entranced by you but she also tries to steer the conversation away from her own changes. You press the subject and try and comfort her by getting up and sitting next to her. She is looking into your eyes with tears welling up in hers.

“I don’t know why, but I feel like I can trust you.”
She stands up in front of you.
“With this body I can’t even touch myself.”
She runs the pincers along her stomach down to her crotch.
“Will you please just stay with me tonight…”

You begin to feel very flushed and your cock is starting to thicken from the up close sight of 29’s firm breasts and her teasing of her own body. You nod slowly as that instinctual desire begins to well up inside you again. Before you even realize what you are doing, you have your arms wrapped around her stomach. With no effort you pull her down so that she is straddling your lap. Her face is slightly higher than yours and as you run your hands all over her back and thighs you keep your eyes locked onto hers.

“Such beautiful eyes…”

29 is taken slightly aback from the comment, but quickly smiles and leans in close to your face. With little hesitation on both parties, you embrace in a deep and passionate kiss. By this point your penis has become quite hard and erect, it rests gently between 29’s ass cheeks. The sensations coming from it cloud your mind with pleasure, even the slightest movement when she breathes sends tingles up your spine. 29 slides down to the ground in between your legs, she gently wraps one of her pincers around your cock and squeezes.

“Did that hurt? Let me kiss it all better.”

Slowly she eases up the pressure from her claw and slides it further down your shaft. Her hot breath floods over your cock as her lips near the spot she pinched. She repeats this a few times and with each one such a mix of alien pain and pleasure sparks through your body.

“That’s…really intense.”
You manage to eke out between groans and moans. 29 stands up after one last kiss on the head of your pulsating member.

“I think it’s my turn now.”
Placing a claw on each shoulder she pushes you flat on your back, then begins to slowly slide up your body. Even with the carapace of her hands and feet being so rough, the rest of her skin is remarkably soft. She stops with her loins rests just an inch or two away from your face, but as you gaze up at her soft flesh you notice something is missing.

“You don’t have a…you know…a”
29 bashfully giggles.

“See, I forgot again.”
With a small squirm and grunt from her one of the horizontal scales retracts revealing her moist twat.

“It keeps the sand and other things out if I don’t want them, but you I want.”

Memories flood back as you remember that you have indeed had your fair share of experiences with the fairer sex, you are certainly no novice when it comes to giving her a tongue lashing. She starts to open her mouth to say something else but you just bury your face right into her crotch, all that escapes her lips now are moans and gasps. 29 reaches back with her right hand and gently gives your cock a few squeezes with her pincer, and with each squeeze you cringe in response while diving your tongue deeper into her sweet hole. As much as you were expecting it, it did not taste like crab. In fact it didn’t taste like any pussy you had had before now, the flavor of her love juices drive your taste buds mad. You feel like a child and their first taste of ice cream.
After a few more minutes, she releases your cock and begins pounding her claw into the rocks behind you. Feeling concerned you pull your head from her crotch only to find her shoving your face back into with her other claw.

“Don’t stop, not now.”

You oblige her and continue with fervor as you lick, nibble, and suck her tiny pearl of a clit. 29 lets out a massive wailing moan as her orgasm peaks, you can hear the hard pincers grinding against themselves and thank your lucky stars she already let go of you. She slowly slides back down your body, leaving a trail of her love juices all the down your stomach and as she passes over your cock again it makes an audible ‘schilk.’

“I want to show you a little trick.”

She takes in a deep breath and as she exhales bubbles begin to foam from her lips. Kissing the tip of your penis again with the bubbles is almost too much to bear as an odd sensation begins to build.

“I can feel something.”

“Oh you can’t do that so soon.”

29 once again pinches your cock near the base, but this time it is tight enough to form a makeshift cock ring. The pressure continues to build as she moves from bubbling your cock head to your supple and quite sensitive nipples. These intense sensations are driving you mad and you beg her to release you, with a smirk she sucks the bubbles up and swallows the first few inches of your penis. She plays with the underside of it with her tongue, paying close attention to the nubs that rib your shaft. After another moment she quickly releases her grasp and a torrent of your cum fills her mouth. She manages to swallow most of it, but some still dribbles out the corners of her mouth.

“So how was your first time with a penis?”
As she licks some of cum from her lips.

All you can do is pant as your member still pulsates and oozes a small amount of cum. You give her a thumbs up and both burst out laughing. 29 climbs back on top of you, her moist pussy grinding against your softening cock.

“The fun has just begun.”

She slides back and forth along the length of your shaft; it isn’t too long before you are back at full attention. With her taking the lead, the two of you fuck and grind well into the night. You pump two full loads into her pussy before you both pass out from exhaustion. Your dreams are still filled with the hazy faces and places, but at this point you could care less about them, you are just happy to be in a nice warm bed with a nice warm body next to you. You awaken before 29 and once you wipe the sleep from your eyes another surprise awaits you this morning. 29’s skin has changed color. It’s a dark pink that matches your skin tone, soft scales that were tan are now a very light pink, and even her claws are a very dark pink. You can’t be certain, but her breasts might be just a bit fuller. What should you do this morning?

A. Steal all of her possession and leave while she is asleep. [A2-As an alternate to this: Kill her and take everything back to your camp]
B. Prepare a breakfast for the both of you.
C. Wake her up immediately confront her about the changes.
D. Kill her in her sleep and make this your new home. [Da-As an alternate to this: Keep her bound as a sex slave]
E. Hmm, I just don’t know what to do… [Make your own suggestion]

Health: 60/60
Hunger: 20/80
Strength: 2
Intelligence: 3
Agility: 2
Stamina: 1
Genetic Corruption: 20%-Stable-Succubus Type, Mutagen carrier(Type-B)
Glide- You receive no damage from falling and you can use air currents as a means of travel.
Flexibility- Your body can bend far beyond what a normal human can without any discomfort or risk of injury. This has a variety of uses: hiding in small places, use during naught fun time, feigning an injury, etc…

Camp & Key Items:
Basic Shelter- Keeps you dry, warm, and well rested…but that’s about it.
Lulla Fruit- High chance to cause an itis like effect upon consumption and the resulting sleep is very deep and hard to be stirred from. The upside to this is that once you wake up from this sleep you gain a +1 to the first check during the next post.

Time: Morning
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

C Strength in numbers! We made a new friend! But what the hell is going on?

God, I hope this doesn't turn into Battle Royal. That book is two shades of fucked up, and I don't want that here!
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Re: The Island of Professor Rio

Da. Of course.

EDIT: A with a Dash of Da. :p
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Re: The Island of Professor Rio

Re: The Island of Professor Rio

C. I think having an ally would be valuable, and we also need to find out what's going on.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

C, with a dash of Da.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio


Chain her up first and then test to see how subservient she is with a Dash of being a dom. Alternatively, if she doesn't wake up as she is being chained or tied up, make Breakfast and then wake her up.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

See Bee!

Also, didn't we just get up when we found her? And like, then it was all morning and shit?
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

A few things I wanted to address before I head to bed.

The taken: Had to look that book up, Something similar to that could happen depending on how things pan out. But, that would be one of many different ways stuff can happen. This could turn into a grand action packed escape, or a fight to conquer the island and enslave all the other girls, or just a simple romance where she lives out her days on the island with 29 or some other girl. It is all on yall how this plays, ive just account for most scenarios and story boarded them.

GargantuaBlarg: This particular encounter took up the entire day. Exploring the beach took most of the morning hours, then meeting 29 and walking to home ate up the rest of the morning hours, the two of them talked well into the evening, and finally fucked and passed out in the later evening. The other 5 encounters that could of happened all required different times, I will make a note to place how much time the encounter eats up in the checks section. There was one other that would of taken the whole day up as well, and two that were just a few hours. It all depends on the dice.

I will get started writing the next post whenever i wake up, but please dont hesitate to keep voting. I will tally everything once i get up...gotta say swing shift sucks :(
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

I think we should do B with a little bit of C. Prepare a nice breakfast, and confront her about the changes while you two eat. I'm sure we'll need the energy from the meal, we might decide we're horny again and need some morning love. Or the both of us could go find one of those bad girls she told us about, and teach them a lesson, if you know what I mean.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

Ehhhh... friendly B, or panicky C...? Hmmm...

I'll go B. We can ask 29 about the changes over breakfast.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

C: Wake 29 up and discuss the changes + Da: Bend her to your sexual will

Stamina-Keep it up-DC10: 4+1=5 Fail
Determine what causes the mutations-DC15: 14+3=17 Pass

You pull on 29’s shoulder and roll her over onto her back. Her arms and legs sprawl open as she flops over, she is still sound asleep while bubbling at the mouth slightly. The magnificent view of her tight body lying before you, coupled with the scent of last night’s sexual escapades, stirs that instinctual desire once again. You still don’t know why these dirty urges have been influencing you so much, but you are starting to not care anymore. Waking her up and finding out why she turned pink should be what you are focused on…maybe waking her up to more of the same from last night would be nice. Slowly and cautiously you move down to between her legs. Your eyes narrow with disdain, the scale that was covering her pussy is back in place. Using two fingers you try and pry the scale up, you are met with little success. Next you try using your full grip and are met with the same success rate. 29 gurgles slightly as she rolls back over facing the fire pit. A quite naughty thought races through your head, there’s always a backdoor. With another gentle push you continue rolling her onto her stomach. Her small tight ass just beckons to be squeezed and who are you to deny. You place a hand on each cheek and push and pull them ever so lightly, after a moment of playing with them you spread them apart revealing her tight pink pucker. As luck would have it, this part of her is still entirely human.

You try to build up some saliva in your mouth to use as a lubricant, but after just waking up your mouth is rather dry and just water would dry too quickly. Another naughty thought encroaches upon you as you being to massage your tits with both hands. You bite your lower lip as you tweak and pull your nipples; slowly you caress your body with your right hand as it slides down to your waiting pussy. Teasing the lips slowly it begins to moisten, you plunge two fingers inside yourself. Your large cock throbs as you tease your nipples and ravage your pussy with your fingers. After just a few minutes you’ve built up enough juices to sufficiently soak your cock so you can easily enter 29’s waiting ass. With a sinister smirk stretched across your face you begin to stretch apart 29’s ass cheeks again. On your knees in between her legs, you line up the head of your slick cock with her tight hole. With a feral grunt you lean forward and force the full length of your penis inside her in one swift motion. She gasps and screams awake, her initial response is to flail and struggle but you easily pin her arms from this position.
Leaning next to her ear you whisper to her.

”What are you doing!?!”
”Something happened while we were asleep, you turned pink.”
”Why didn’t you just wake me up!?!
”You’re awake now.”

You pull your hips back and your cock slides a few inches out, as each set of nubs stretches her ass you can see her wince. Without you being completely on top of her she finds this to be a chance to try and get away. She manages to make it to her knees and elbows but you scoop both your arms around her waist and pull her back. You are currently sitting on your knees with her skewered on your cock.

”Why, why are you doing this? Let me go!”

With your left hand you pull her braided hair to the side and kiss her neck as you whisper.

”I want you in every way; I want you to be mine.”

You begin fucking her rhythmically with your knobbed cock giving the sensation of anal beads. Only from the few experiences last night you have already managed to find a good pace that grants you great pleasure while keeping the experience going as long as possible. You rub and caress her body, cupping her breasts, and rubbing her concealed crotch. Even though she protests greatly, 29 begins to moan and grind in response to your movements. 29 looks over her shoulder and you can feel an odd pressure.

”Finger me, please give me more!”

You run your hands down to her crotch again to find the scale had retracted and her pussy was already quite damp. With your left hand you tease her clit and lips as you squeeze two and then three fingers into her moist hole. Her moans grow louder and louder with each thrust. 29 cums hard and you can feel a flood of her juices wash over your fingers and down your palm. After a few more moments her moans build again and she cums once more. You can feel yourself reaching your limit.

”Tell me! Tell me you’re mine!”

Starting to thrust harder and faster, bottoming out and nearly pulling out with each motion. You strain as the pressure is so intense, but you have to hold out till you break her. But it was useless, you cannot hold it back any longer and bottom out once more as you cum deep inside her ass with the force of a cannon. You aren’t really sure if she came again as the moaning was a bit hard to tell apart from each other. You both collapse onto the makeshift bed and your softening cock pops from her anus as it dribbles a bit more cum onto her inner thigh. 29 rolls over, her face very flush and her eyes are watering, and kisses you.

”I’ve been so lonely…and if you really want me I will be yours.”

She smiles widely and you quickly embrace her in a hug with a kiss on the forehead.

”Remember why I woke you, you’re pink.”

29 sits up and looks herself over. She looks quite puzzled and the two of you go back and forth trying to figure out what happened. 29 explains that in all the time she has been on the island nothing like this has happened to her, but she has known of other girls that have changed over time. Like the stories of number 8 she had heard from 17 or the differences in 23 between the first time she saw her and the last time she ran from her. Something seems to cause the mutations, but what is still a mystery. 29 shrugs it off and doesn’t seem to mind being pink or maybe it’s that she doesn’t mind being like you. She begins to grab some fruit and dried fish. With a low scream she collapses and drops the food, she clenches around her waist. It had to be immense pain as she passes out. You can see some kind of movement beneath the skin around her ribs. Small nubs being to poke out from her below her armpits, within minutes two small arms have grown out. Covered in that same carapace as her claws, they are two section appendages with three two section digits. The skin around the small arms hardens into the carapace as well; it spreads around to her back and up to her shoulders. All you can do is stare blankly.

”It’s me…He said I was the fifth.”

Once you’ve had some time to process everything you decide you should wake her up again…a bit more gently this time. She wakes easily to your touch and takes the news a bit better than you had expected. 29 begins laughing and giggling while she plays around with her new arms, lifting objects and rubbing them over her body. With a devious grin she tries to reach for her crotch with the arms and is made absolutely ecstatic by the fact she can feel her own pussy again, but just barely. You interrupt her joyous explorations and attempt to explain your theory of what happened: That somehow having sex with you can cause her to mutate but you still aren’t sure on the specifics, along with the fact that there could be 4 other girls with this ability to change people. During this conversation and brainstorming session 29 is distracted as she tries to find a comfortable resting position for the new arms, eventually she settles on crossing them and having the hands cup the opposite breast forming a natural bra.
29 gives you a hug with both sets of arms and kisses you softly on the cheek.

”Thank you for the gift, I hope you can give me another one soon.”

Although your efforts to turn 29 into your personal slave didn’t end the way you had hoped, an unusual devotion that borders on obsessive worship has developed within her. Before any more sunlight is wasted you must decide how to spend the day.

A. Forget the day, let’s just keep fucking! [Please suggest what type of sexual activities. This will progress the time to the next morning and uses 29]
B. Experiment on yourself with yourself. [Suggest how, if no suggestions given the default self-suck will be selected. This will progress the time to afternoon. 29 can be instructed to preform 1 action during this time, see C/D/E or assist in the experiment]
C. With the storm approaching and no telling how long it will last, stockpiling supplies might be wise. [This will progress the time to evening. 29 can be instructed to stay behind, help you search, or search on her own. This has the option to also last until late night]
D. Maybe someone 29 mentioned could shed some light on what you are. [This will progress the time depending on the encounter either selected. 29 can be instructed to accompany you to show you the way, tell you the way to get to them, or head there on her own.]
E. While there is still plenty of daylight, might as well get a better idea of the surroundings. [Explore one of the following locations: 1-forest, 2-cove, 3-beache, 4-Tiny island to the right,5 Mid sized L-shaped island straight ahead, 6-Tiny island to the left,7-Mid sized island in the middle of the cove. This will progress time depending on the location selected and encounter. 29 can be instructed to stay behind, help you explore, or explore on her own.]
F. Hmm, I just don’t know what to do… [Suggest your own action and/or 29’s]

Please add Eat if you would like them to have breakfast before the day begins. This will delay the other choices: Afternoon to Evening, Evening to Late Night.

Health: 60/60
Hunger: 30/80
Strength: 2
Intelligence: 3
Agility: 2
Stamina: 1
Genetic Corruption: 20%-Stable-Succubus Type, Mutagen carrier(Type-B)
Glide- You receive no damage from falling and you can use air currents as a means of travel.
Flexibility- Your body can bend far beyond what a normal human can without any discomfort or risk of injury. This has a variety of uses: hiding in small places, use during naught fun time, feigning an injury, etc…
Relationship: Worship – Compelled to follow and protect 36 for unknown reasons.
Health: 120/120
Hunger: 30/100
Strength: 2
Intelligence: 1
Agility: 1
Stamina: 4
Genetic Corruption: 45%-Stable-Water Type
Lesser Burrowing- Can burrow into loose soil like sand. Can be used to hide or ambush. Cannot move while buried.
Lesser Swimming- Gains gills that allows breathing underwater without any bonuses to underwater movment.
Carapace- Further reduces damage from combat or other injuries by 1.
Camp, Key Items:
Camp: Crab Cave
While offering great protection from the elements and predators this shelter has only one entrance that can only be accessed by swimming. Must pass a DC5 check to hold breath, failure risks injury and losing the rest of that turn to recover. Having gills will nullify this check.
Key Items:
Lulla Fruit- High chance to cause an itis like effect upon consumption and the resulting sleep is very deep and hard to be stirred from. The upside to this is that once you wake up from this sleep you gain a +1 to the first check during the next post.
Silken sheets and pillows- Providing all the comforts of home that are quite distant on this island, these items were a gift to 29 from 17.
Torchlight Beetles- Provides light and warmth so long as they are kept fed.
Woven baskets- Makes storage of goods easier. Six on hand, three used. One dried fish, One Lulla Fruit, One regular assorted fruits.
Time: Late Morning
Weather: Partly cloudy, 2 Days until storm hits.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

Edit: Eat first, but none of that sleeping fruit.

C Spend a good portion of the day foraging for food with miss 29. While doing that, ask her more about the other girls on the island. Specifically, where the friendly ones live. Also, figure out names. Numbers are impersonal. I vote we call her Amphitrite, after Poseidon's wife.

After that, come back and have more experimental sex. See if ejaculate is the key to the mutations. Doing it by making out with 29 while fingering her, while she gives us a hand job.
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Re: The Island of Professor Rio

I suggest we eat first, then we should focus on C. with 29 helping us. If we have any time left over B. Might be a good way to pass time till the storm passes. I think we could off on A. For a while after our last naught fun session~ :p

In short: Eat, then C followed by B if possible.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

Edit: Eat first, but none of that sleeping fruit.

C Spend a good portion of the day foraging for food with miss 29. While doing that, ask her more about the other girls on the island. Specifically, where the friendly ones live. Also, figure out names. Numbers are impersonal. I vote we call her Amphitrite, after Poseidon's wife.

After that, come back and have more experimental sex. See if ejaculate is the key to the mutations. Doing it by making out with 29 while fingering her, while she gives us a hand job.

Re: The Island of Professor Rio

Edit: Eat first, but none of that sleeping fruit.

C Spend a good portion of the day foraging for food with miss 29. While doing that, ask her more about the other girls on the island. Specifically, where the friendly ones live. Also, figure out names. Numbers are impersonal. I vote we call her Amphitrite, after Poseidon's wife.

After that, come back and have more experimental sex. See if ejaculate is the key to the mutations. Doing it by making out with 29 while fingering her, while she gives us a hand job.

Re: The Island of Professor Rio

Hey everyone, there is one thing I wanted to go over before it goes any further.
The numbers are there for a reason, and I had hoped to maintain this as spoiler free as possible. The "formula" given to all of the girls that causes the initial accelerated mutations is also altered to interfere with certain synapses in the brain related to long term memory while also increasing the rate at which new information can be processed, think of it as a way to encourage adaptation. Unlike our heroine 36, most of the other girls were relatively alert while in the observation stage.(the cages mentioned from her dream)
Most of the others also gave in further to the corruption process which lead them to lose access to more of their memories, like our dear 29.
During that time they become attached to the numbers as a means of identity since they have no sense of a former self.
I realize that some of you might not like this, but it is part of the story.
This is the spoiler i was wanting to hold off on, but at three different preset locations there is in fact a list of all the subjects. Not just their names but it also reveals a good bit more, but if i mention any of that it will just take all the fun out of it.
So could everyone just please bear with it for now.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

Rem..... I don't think anyone voted for D......
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

Eat breakfast, followed by C - go out gathering supplies, together with 29, until late night. Safety in numbers, and all that.

I get the feeling we should hold off on more mutating sex until we have a better handle on what-all it does. Don't want to turn 29 into a burbling sex-drone, after all.