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The Island of Professor Rio

Re: The Island of Professor Rio

Re: The Island of Professor Rio

B. May as well set up a camp for the night.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

Obvious choice for me, voting B.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

E. 'I need food, I need shelter.' She looks around the area to check for the weather. [Insert What the weather looks like] 'Alright shelter/food first. The [the other.] 'Also, what is my name?'

(My E Vote - Hunt for Food and build the shelter after checking the weather. Also to get her to try and remember her name.)

Also, as an additional question towards the content - Will there be any machine stuff? Pregnancy/Egging or does that fall under inflation? I think lactation is a given but hey, asking that as well.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

(My E Vote - Hunt for Food and build the shelter after checking the weather. Also to get her to try and remember her name.)

I concur with Diagasvesle, and vote E for the reasons specified above.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

I third this motion.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

B: Got to build a makeshift shelter, Survivor style! + E: Look for something to eat

All checks will be a D20 roll plus the statistic value that matches the type of action closest. If a roll results in a 20 or higher, it counts as a Super Pass aka Critical which will grant a one-time re-roll on a failed check within the same post. But, if a 1 is rolled all Super Passes are ignored for that post.
If anyone thinks this is a bad mechanic then please say so, I do not want the game to be broken.
Strength will help towards lifting/moving objects, damage in combat, and intimidation.
Intelligence will help towards sensory perception, bluffing, and knowledge checks.
Agility will help towards avoiding damage in combat, hiding/stealth, and jumping/gliding.
Stamina will help towards taking less damage in and out of combat and fighting off the effects of hunger.

Weather- DC5: 11+4=15 Pass
Find a suitable location to set up camp-DC10: 17+4=21 Super Pass
Find materials for building shelter-DC10: 13+4=17 Pass
Find something edible-DC12: 5+4=9 Fail, Super Pass re-roll! 14+4=18 Pass

Looking out to the sea you notice some clouds out in the distance. You remember the way these look from school, they have a low chance for precipitation themselves, but they also are the vanguards to larger storms. They shouldn’t be here till tomorrow, unless the wind picks up. They may also miss the island entirely if the wind changes direction. The thought of rain makes you realize you have no place to sleep or seek shelter from the elements at all. You decide to explore the woods to try and find some place to set up a camp.

Not long after entering the forest you happen upon an area with a bunch of downed trees, likely victims of a storm. The trees are about one to two feet across and all of them are at least 4 feet long. With your newfound body these logs are like lifting toothpicks, you gather them together quite easily. Breaking off the limbs and tying them together with vines from some of the other nearby trees takes some time, but there the sun is still out. You head back towards the beach to look for something to cover the logs and make some kind of ‘blanket’ out of, you vaguely remember there being some trees that looked kind of like palm trees. Found them! The leaves on these trees are quite large and thick. After falling off of one of them a few times you finally manage to climb to the top of it. You break most of them free and let them fall to the ground; the next tree isn’t that far away and you might be able to jump to it instead of climbing all the way back down. With a deep breath you push off the tree, the skin veils flare wide and you make the gap with ease. You had almost forgotten you had these! To your surprise this tree also has some oddly shaped fruit hanging from it, they aren’t coconuts but more like spikey oranges. Being very careful, you make a sling from one of the leaves and pluck some. The next tree is a bit further out, but your confidence is on high and you make the jump without a second thought; thinking to yourself that you must look like some kind of crazy pink flying squirrel soaring to and fro. After a few more trees you’ve filled your makeshift sling and there are more than enough leaves on the ground. Floating down to the sand below with great ease you land soft and pose while snickering to yourself that you ‘stuck the landing.’

The sun is getting very close to setting and the orange sky won’t warrant you much more light to work with, so you quickly head back to you camp. Working quickly, you flip the logs you tied together over and prop them against two trees that are fairly spaced apart. You lace the leaves through the vines, trying to cover any holes water might leak from if it rained. There are still a large number of leaves remaining, so you brush out the debris and rocks under the lean-to in order to try and make a flat ‘bed’. After laying the leaves down as bedding, you hang the makeshift sling filled with odd fruit to try and keep some bugs away from them. For right now these strange fruits are all you have but there is no way to know for certain if they are safe to eat. You flop down back into the shelter with a sense of accomplishment as you beat the clock. With your hands resting on your knees, your other new growth keeps your gaze locked. Streams of impure thoughts flood your mind, but they seem less like just being horny or perverted and more like an instinctual need or desire. The large member between your legs starts to thicken and rub against the soft leaves as it lengthens, while the nubs along the shaft start to bulge as well. After letting out a deep sigh you can’t help but think that maybe when you wake up again this will all be over. All of that work has gotten your appetite stirred up and you could probably use a nap.

A. Indulge you desires and play with yourself. [Please specify how: HJ, fingering, both, self-suck, or something else]
B. Try the fruit: 1.Now before going to sleep, 2.In the morning
[If the fruit is safe, then you will have a supply able to reduce hunger by 20 whenever you go to sleep at camp]

C. The cool night air beckons. [Explore the island in the dark: 1-forest, 2-cove, 3-beaches]
D. Try and remember you name and/or other details about your life from before.
E. I just don’t know what to do. [Make your own suggestion]

Health: 60/60
Hunger: 05/80
Strength: 2
Intelligence: 3
Agility: 2
Stamina: 1
Genetic Corruption: 20%-Stable-Succubus Type, Mutagen carrier(Type-B)
Glide- You receive no damage from falling and you can use air currents as a means of travel.
Flexibility- Your body can bend far beyond what a normal human can without any discomfort or risk of injury. This has a variety of uses: hiding in small places, use during naughty fun time, feigning an injury, etc…

Time: Late Afternoon
Weather: Clear, 3 Days until storm hits
As for those content questions: Egging, Lactation, and Machines could all be a possibility depending on how the story goes and who all is encountered.
As for the late post, no excuses…just Mass Effect 3 demon was a big distraction.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

Dig hole in beach, fuck sand.

Did we make a fire? We really should make a fire. We also should take a nibble of that fruit, and see how we feel in the morning.

Fapping probably wastes valuable energy and fluids, honk. We will be eat by dehydration! Divert attention from our kickass new schlong by thinking about old times.
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Re: The Island of Professor Rio

Re: The Island of Professor Rio

B1 and while walking to and through C the Forest she'll try to remember herself [D]
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

B1, A, D, more-or-less in that order. Take a nibble of the fruit, tentative handjob leading to both handjob and fingering, then try and remember after bodily needs are satisfied.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

Just B1 and D. We don't masturbate. We never masturbate. We never needed to masturbate. We don't even know how to masturbate! We always got serviced never needed to learn how to do it to ourselves!!!
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

My vote is for B1 and E. I think we should take a nibble of the fruit, and see how we feel in the morning.

I really don't think building a fire is a good idea. It seems to be a warm, sunny island, so I doubt it would be unbearably cold at night. We know nothing about this place, or what the darkness holds. Building a fire may attract something we don't want to attract, and we will be especially vulnerable while we sleep.

On that same note, we really don't know what is out there. It could be normal island creatures, or it could be other things. Who's to say we aren't the only one like us? If we get some rest and wake up bright and early, we can go searching for other life forms and explore at the same time. If we do happen on another creature such as our selves, then maybe we can take advantage of the situation to satiate our carnal desires.

So to wrap it up....my vote is B1+E. Nibble the fruit, get some rest, and if we feel alright in the morning, go exploring for other sentient life forms. You never know, though, getting a good nights sleep, we may be able to remember something of our past from our dreams.
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Re: The Island of Professor Rio

So to wrap it up....my vote is B1+E. Nibble the fruit, get some rest, and if we feel alright in the morning, go exploring for other sentient life forms. You never know, though, getting a good nights sleep, we may be able to remember something of our past from our dreams.

I second this, this seems like a really solid plan, and makes the most sense.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

B1: Eat the odd fruit now.

I realized that in the last post I mistakenly gave the rolls a +4 for intelligence instead of the actual +3, I am not going to worry about editing the last post, but this time around will be with the proper stats calculated.
Try and gauge if the fruit is safe to eat-DC5: 6+3=10 Pass
Resist the side effects of the fruit-DC10: 2+1=3 Fail

Feeling your face flush as you stare at the throbbing and slowly growing cock, you cannot help but feel ashamed and embarrassed. You quickly grab a few of the leaves and cover your lap up. After shaking off the urges that were welling up, you pluck one of the odd fruit from the sling. Inspecting it in close detail you find that it is roughly the size of an orange with a darker almost red skin. The skin has protruding spikes similar to a pineapple, with minimal force you snap back one of the spikes and tear a bit of the skin with it. Bringing the rind to your face makes your nose cringe a bit as the skin itself seems to have a bitter odor to it, with a quick taste test you confirm your assessment. Debating within your mind you come to the conclusion that the fruit is most likely not poisonous, as that would be a redundant defense mechanism. Slowly peeling the spikey skin off in strips to reveal the soft and juicy white flesh of this natural oddity, you find your mouth start to water with anticipation. Juices run down your hands and arms as you sink your teeth into the succulent morsel. The flavor is very hard to describe but it is reminiscent of strawberries with a hint of grapefruit. After the first bite you can only hope to not lose a finger with how ravenous you tear into the fruit. With each bite you swallow there is an odd sensation building in your stomach like the bits are expanding, like you’ve just gotten back from your third trip to a buffet bar. Licking and sucking the last of the juices from your fingers and hands with such earnest intent to savor the flavor. With a large contented sigh you lean back while patting your belly with one hand.

The other arm you are propping yourself up on starts to wobble and twinge as it slips out from under you; barely able to catch yourself just before you would of slammed your head into one of the trees supporting the lean-to. Your head is swimming, arms and legs feel weak, and your eyelids feel like they have the weight of the world tugging them closed. Struggling to get to your feet, stumbling face first into the pile of leaves with an audible thud.

Flashes of people and places, familiar yet lacking something key, become the myriad of images that dance in your dreams. The home you grew up in is so vivid and as you step into it a large family portrait greets you. A small family: Mother, Father, and two daughters. The colors are so bright and almost jump to life at you but all of the faces are smeared or warped. In an instant you are pulled from the home and your life is rushing by, school, work, dating, and the university. All the faces, all the places, all the names, everything distorted. It is there but just out of reach. You try and reach for them but each is pulled just as you get close, this dream just teases at your memories. Another set of images begin to surface. That bad dream you thought you had before replays, that engine sound just pounding and the feeling of helplessness. Something else, something new…a cage, less restraints but still that feeling of helplessness still remains. Bars, bars, bars, bars, bars, bars as far as you can see, an endless hallway of cages with restless shadows stirring within them. Loud footsteps deafen everything else and the cages grow still as they get closer. You press your face against the cage and watch as a figure in a long flowing white coat approaches. He stops right in front of your cage and his head turns and looks you dead in the eyes, with an instinctual fear you recoil back to a corner of the cage. The man’s face is shrouded by his short red hair and large glasses that reflect what little light there is, which keeps his eyes hidden by a shining piercing gaze. A large menacing grin creeps across his face with words that seem to ebb out of pure darkness.

Oh my lovely 36, the fifth Succubus; fight and become what I need to complete the research. My sweet 36...

With a gasp you jerk awake to meet the morning sun piercing the tree line. You stand up out of the lean-to and stretch, those were some very strange dreams but there is no way that you slept from dusk till dawn. While you begin to move about, it becomes all too apparent that you feel way better than you have any other morning of any other day. Something catches your eye while you stretch, you bend around and see a small brand or tattoo on your left buttock…
Thirty…Six? I’m 36?!?
After a few moments of trying to cope with all the crazy antics going on, you realize that just standing around isn’t going to make anything happen.

A. I’m probably going to be here awhile, may as well get the lay of the land! [explore the island: 1-forest, 2-cove, 3-beaches]
B. Those small islands might be safer than this large island. [swim or try to glide to one of the small islands: 1- Tiny island to the right, 2- Mid sized L-shaped island straight ahead, 3. Tiny island to the left, 4- Mid sized island in the middle of the cove.]
C. Fortify the camp. [possibility of building alarms, basic traps, or other things]
D. There is still the option of trying to escape the island and swim for the mainland.
E. Hmm, I just don’t know what to do… [Make your own suggestion]

Health: 60/60
Hunger: 0/80
Strength: 2
Intelligence: 3
Agility: 2
Stamina: 1
Genetic Corruption: 20%-Stable-Succubus Type, Mutagen carrier(Type-B)
Glide- You receive no damage from falling and you can use air currents as a means of travel.
Flexibility- Your body can bend far beyond what a normal human can without any discomfort or risk of injury. This has a variety of uses: hiding in small places, use during naught fun time, feigning an injury, etc…

Camp & Key Items:
Basic Shelter- Keeps you dry, warm, and well rested…but that’s about it.
Lulla Fruit- High chance to cause an itis like effect upon consumption and the resulting sleep is very deep and hard to be stirred from. The upside to this is that once you wake up from this sleep you gain a +1 to the first check during the next post.

Time: Late Afternoon
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

A3 Find a beach party and join in. Maybe someone will have clothes for us to wear, and we would be very grateful for it.
Re: The Island of Professor Rio

Bah. Much as I'd like to see our heroine get some smexings in...

...I'm going to have to go with E - spend a little time trying to remember more about our family, and in particular what our name is. "36" is a really poor name for a potential partner to be crying out.