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The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

The tail twitched when Aiden called out. "Are you implying I would fall asleep on my porch like an old woman?" a mature voice replied back to Aiden.

"Ah, Suika!" Ryoko called out, before skipping to the front of the porch.

"Oh, Ryoko. You've come to me, hopefully with good news." the red tailed fox observed. And should Aiden follow, he'd be greeted the sight of the naked kitsune on the porch.

"Ho... Is this young man a gift to me? He looks rather arrogant... I'll have you know, after my last pet, I'm not in the mood for training." the kitsune, apparently named Suika, explained.

"No, Suika, this is Aiden. He's the man from the town who might possibly help you find shelter within our city." Ryoko explained.

Suika's brow rose. "I thought a woman would be in charge... Oh well." she shrugged, before glancing to Aiden, not seeming to care at all that she was nude. "Aiden... Your facial expression reads of rules, desires, and an almost oppressive aura surrounds it. I will not hear terms from you. I merely seek to enjoy luxury in the town you come from, but I am able to do without. If you have approached me, it is not because you wish to give me terms and suffocate me with rules in exchange for your favor of welcome shelter, but it is because you need something from me as well... While your facial expression has already revealed much to me, what it is you desire from me is something I would like to know."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

The youth remained silent, deciding not to mount a response to the old woman question. It seemed rhetorical anyway. Fortunately Ryoko called out breaking the moment of silence and his eyes followed the shrine maiden as she progressed towards the kitsune. Watching the interplay between the two, he allowed them a moment between themselves. When Suika spoke to him he initially shook his head.

"I do not have terms for your joining our community. But there are laws. Laws that every member of the community must abide by. You too would need to comply with them if you wish to be part of it. If you can do that, I'm sure you could find a place for yourself."

Aiden paused a beat in his speech, and began to walk towards the kitsune and Ryoko. There was no argument to what the kitsune claimed to see in his expression. Perceptive was subjective, and the only portion he disagreed was the 'oppressive' remark she had made. This earned her a shallow frown.

"Personally, I could use a friendly Mamono's perspective. I would appreciate your help in closing the social divide between humans and Mamono, so that at least some can live together in our City without oppressing one another."

Again he paused. This time Aiden's dark eyes searched our Ryoko, Maria, and Venice. Looking to each one in tear as though his eyes were beams of light drawing attention to them. Finally his gaze turned back to the kitsune. The frown was gone from his face and in it place concern for his comrades.

"More immediately, my brave friends and I could use a safe place to rest. The trek here has been a dangerous one."
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Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Your words mean well, but have you the drive to see your goal to the end?" she asked him, before following up on her question. "For instance... I need energy, as I'm rather famished after having fled for so long, as I'm sure Ryoko has informed you." she said. After Ryoko nodded, she continued. "If I'm to join your community... I will need spiritual energy. If no human will willingly give me their life force, then I must take it by force. It's that reality that makes humans and mamono enemies. How do you expect to bridge this gap between us?"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

He seemed to be prepared for this question, and nodded in acknowledgment of it. As Suika referenced Ryoko, the connection that bought them together, Aiden further drew attention to the role Ryoko was playing in his growing education of Mamono. His left hand rose, and gestured to the shrine maiden.

"Ryoko has informed me that sex is traded by many Mamono. Like meat and vegetables, or any other good. An effort will have to be made to help people get comfortable with this. As it is, there are already sex trades in some communities. I'm not sure of our current position, but I will certainly look into it, and talk with our Mayor about this when I speak with her again."

By now Aiden stood in front of Suika. A hand reached towards her face, fingers seeking to loosely hook at the back of her neck while his face moved closer towards her's. It was all done slowly, so as to give the woman time to turn aside his advance if she chose. If she didn't, Aiden's lips would meet her's as he made the beginnings of an offering of good faith. He drew the kiss out, his lips caressing her own. When he drew back his words would promise more.

"For now, I am willing to give you some of my energy."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Not moving, or reacting in any strong way, Suika allowed Aiden to come forth, and press his lips against her's. Accepting it with a slight smirk, Aiden would feel a curious hand from the fox investigate the 'goods' Aiden had hidden in his pants, before taking her hand away the split second after, before Aiden could react too strongly. "I'll accept that as payment for my protection." Suika announced. "Aiden, you will share my bed tonight. You may not get much sleep, but... Well, you will enjoy yourself at least." Suika promised.

"H-hey, hold on...!" Maria complained. "Aiden, you're gonna give yourself to this dirty fox? After refusing Clarice even? This is just prostitution!" Maria spat.

"Your companion has quite the intolerable mouth on her, reminds me of a man I knew recently..." Suika hummed with displeasure. "Doesn't matter, it is your issue. You're welcome to stay here under my care. The various wild life will stay clear from a larger presence such as mine, so you may rest easy... Provided you make it worth my while." she reminded Aiden, before standing, and turning, moving with serene grace into the house.

"She's a disgusting pervert..." Maria complained further.

"No offense, Maria... But..." Venice scratched her cheek. "To accept mamono into our society means that we will likely end up with a great many people like Suika here, who need to have sex to survive. If you keep putting such sacred thoughts on the act of sex... You're getting in the way of cohabitation."

"I'll go make tea for everyone," Ryoko quickly departs from the conversation, vanishing into the house after Suika.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden's lips had twitched into a small smile when Suika felt for his manly goods during the kiss. Taking in the kitsune's response to his kiss and offer and nodded in agreement with her comments about spending the night with her. Then as Maria interjected he turned his head half towards her, enough so that he could look at the warrior woman out of the corner of his eyes while still speaking with their hostess.

"It is my hope that our expedition will give her the opportunity to broaden her view."

Then straightening his neck he turned his eyes to bear on the kitune's as she invited the group into her shelter for the night, and reminded him of what awaited him. A nod of confirmation was offered to her, and his lips curved upwards into a warm smile.

"Thank you for the hospitality Suika. I will join you shortly."

Once the kitsune had departed Aiden turned around so that he face Venice and Maria. Just as Venice had finished explaining the reality of merging two cultures. He waited until Venice had finished before he addressed Maria's concerns.

"The difference being Clarice tried to take something that wasn't offered. I couldn't trust her after that. Venice has a point as well. We need to become more tolerant if we expect the Mamono to exert more control over their instinct. In the middle ground we find balance."

With this last statement Aiden's hands came together and clasped one another. It was, in a sense, a three dimensional yin-yang which he used as a visual representation for the harmonic balance he described.

"That doesn't mean sex isn't a special thing. How can something that both sustains and creates life not be special?"

Then, separating his hands he gestured for the two women to come inside the shelter Suika was offering them for the night.

"Minds don't need to change over night, as long as they remain open minds. Come. Rest and refresh yourselves."

Aiden waited a spell, as if intending to walk in with the two. But he wouldn't wait long before going inside. Crossing the doorway into the building he looked around to take stock of the scene. As well as to find an appropriate out of the way place to store his equipment before his night's labors. While shedding his equipment he took the opportunity to drink some water. He wanted to be well hydrated.
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Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Maria turned her head away from Aiden as he spoke. "Whatever, Aiden... Just... Try not to make too much noise for the rest of us to sleep." she sighed, before going inside, along with Aiden and Venice. The insides that greeted them were dusty and fairly abandoned, so it was clear why Suika wanted to get out into some place already clean. What few things they needed were clean though, such as the table, cups, and cushions for them to sit on. "Aiden..." Maria suddenly continued once in the room. "I'd appreciate it if you never called me 'your woman' again. I'm not your woman, especially when you've got Ryoko and now this fox." she said to him with a firm tone.

"Harems are common in the mamono world." Venice announced. "If Aiden continues on his path, he will be unable to stop the gradual collection of mamono who will gather wishing to harvest his essence. I'm not saying you should join them, but think about the culture shock you will experience if you don't mentally prepare yourself." Venice cautioned Maria, who went silent.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Pausing in what he was doing he gave Maria his attention when she called his name. Quietly those dark eyes of his studied her demeanor and bearing as she made her request. Aiden too a moment to reflect. The possessive declaration was made in the heat of battle, but he realized he wouldn't appreciate someone claiming him like that, even if he couldn't help feeling protective of the women who shielded him from harm. At length he bowed his head a little, as if in a brief humble or apologetic fashion, but his eyes remained on Maria's face.

"As you wish Maria. That statement sure did inspire you to get out of a tight spot though."

Then straightening up Aiden spoke a mild, "Enjoy your rest ladies.", then began to check the adjoining room, or rooms, in search of the fox whose company he would be sharing for the night. When he found her Aiden closed the door behind him and offered Suika a mildly amused smile. While he spoke, be began to shed his clothes, starting with his shirt; which once deposited on the ground revealed fair skin that refused to tan and wiry yet toned limbs.

"Though I enjoy having plenty of noise in the bedroom, there has been a request for quiet."

Aiden's boots were kicked off, thumping next to his discarded shirt, and with them out of the way his pants and undergarments fell once he had worked them open and loosened his belt. Were they in the proper light, it might catch on the thin sheen of sweat the day's ordeals had brought. His manhood was already roused to half mast by the sights Suika's feminine form offered as inspiration. The youth took a moment to admire Suika, and give her the chance to take in his body as well, before approaching the kitsune, and seeking to embrace her. To kiss her and feel her skin against his so they could build up a friction that would start a fire in both of them.

Heading off to bed.
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Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

In Suika's room, she and Ryoko were together, drinking tea. When Aiden entered, Suika offered a look to Ryoko. "An eager one, he is, despite being my meal for the day." she said to Ryoko. "Tend to the others, tea, and what limited snacks there are available before a meal, Ryoko." Suika told the shrine maiden, who nodded, and left the room, leaving the nude Suika and Aiden to themselves.

"You sought me out immediately. My appearance is normally frightening to normal men, and yet you are... Walking into the mouth of the beast so eagerly, as it were." she said to Aiden, before tilting her head at his slowly hardening length. "As we have sex, you will quickly lose your strength. I would rather not have a limp and weak man on top of me, so you will have to be on bottom. I was well informed by Ryoko that you are not a 'bottom' by nature, but you will have to make a sacrifice either way. Don't worry, I won't crush your spirit." she informed him.

As he neared her, her tails curled at him, like a trap threatening to snare. When he did embrace her, and cause her fat breasts to smush against his chest, her tails came 'round and began to wrap around his body. Pressing his mouth against her's once more, her gesture of affection was actually powerful in comparison to the last time, in the presence of Maria. Her tongue slid into his mouth, but neither took control nor let him have control as her tongue danced around his. Any attempts by Aiden to take control or dominate the kitsune were met with extreme force, the equivalent to a mouse trying to overpower a lion.

Suddenly breaking the kiss, her tails found his wrists and took them off or away from her. "Stand there, and do not attempt to grab or touch me." Suika instructed Aiden, before kneeling down as he'd find Suika's warm breath suddenly washing over his length. One of her soft hands firmly grabbed his length, and directed it towards her lips, before Aiden felt Suika take his cock into her mouth. The moment his length felt the warmth of her lips, he felt Suika suck something out of him, giving him a pleasurable feeling of being sexually drained while Suika herself moaned. Her voice created a vibration that stimulated him further as she seemed to voice the pleasure she was having with tasting the first few drops of his essence. "This taste is..." Suika murmured, looking a bit confused for a moment, before a wide, almost evil grin spread across her face. "Yes... Ha-ha-ha! Well done, Ryoko!" she suddenly congratulated the maiden. And before Aiden might ask why, Suika took his length in all the way to the hilt, his dick sliding through her mouth and down her throat so easily, and without any struggle on her part.

Working her mouth like a second pussy, she went all the way from his base to his tip, deep throating Aiden while her tongue licked around his dick after each forward and backward motion of her head. "So delicious~" Suika moaned again, one of her hands going between her legs to finger herself as she sucked Aiden's manhood, and his energy.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

When Suika made her observations about his not delaying their time together Aiden's response was mild. His posture undaunted despite her descriptive reminder that he was food for her. The youth had already accepted that mentally. For the most part. How his body would react was the only question, and in fact, it was a handicap.

"You said you were famished. I do not intend for you to go hungery while the others eat and drink."

Normally he'd be hard with a woman already, but the idea of being consumed was a hindrance. Or worse, have all control taken away. Which is why he advanced: to add fuel to that fire. Suika's talk of his weakening neared a nod of acknowledgment, but when she mentioned that required her to be on top he gave the fox woman a half smile. The left corner of his lips spiking upwards. Though there was erotic intent in the young man's tone and words, his eyes made it clear he wasn't just going to lay down and be taken.

"If that's the case, then I should start on top, and you can take that position when I weaken. There is no reason either of us should be denied. Hopefully my stamina will hold out long enough for us to use a few different positions."

After talk of each of them getting a turn riding the other, to which Aiden seemed intent on maintaining a relationship of equality in the bedroom, and their lips joined he was soon wrapped up in fluffy tails. Aiden's lips worked tenderly against Suika's. His tongue wrestled with her's, not for control, but in a mimicry of the act of copulation. Neither seeking advantage, nor surrendering, but working with her's to find out what they both enjoyed. His hand's weren't idle either, and they sought to caress the kitsune's body with the curiosity of an explorer discovering new lands.

By the time Suika pulled him away with her tails Aiden's cock had risen, and was hard, like a proud horn. Her instructions about not touching her spurred a moment of confusion in Aiden's expression. At least until she kneeled infront of him. Then the confusion turned to an appreciative smile. Feeling her breath on his cock, it twitched upwards as though of it's own accord. It throbbed hot in her hand.

When she took him into her mouth Aiden shuddered with pleasure, then the draining hit him and he lost balance for a second. His hands rose, instinctively moving towards Suika's shoulders for support. But he steadied himself, recovering from the initial shock of the new experience, and managed to keep the kitsune free of his grasp.

"Look up at me. I'd love to see your beautiful eyes while you suck on me."

With his head and eyes lowered to watch Suika suck on him, Aiden seemed to enjoy the visual display as much as the sensual feeling. A questioning expression came on his face when Commented on his taste ... and Ryoko. But the question disappeared, replaced with a lusty groan the rolled from his open mouth as Suika moved past her initial sampling and took his entirety into her. His body trembled as the fox took his cock into her throat and his breathing deepened. It didn't take more than a minute of Suika's attentions before Aiden's ball were churning, preparing his orgasmic release. Aiden's hips began to move a little. Testing the kitsune's comfort with the act before he either restrained himself, or worked his hips in sink with Suika's bobbing to meet her each time.

"Hu, hah! I'm about to cum."

He warned quickly, incase the kitsune had any qualms about swallowing a man's sperm.

"I get there quick the first time."

Aiden offered as explanation between quickened breaths. He didn't try to hold back his release, expect perhaps if it looked like Suika needed time to get out of the line of fire. For all he knew holding back weakened the flow of energy between them. But more personally, it felt so much better to let go and send his seed forth. Muscles flexed as the tide of cum spilled out him. His eyes remained fixed on Suika, intently watching her face, the emotions playing out in her eyes, and his cock working in and out of her mouth up until the point she either accepted his orgasm into her or directed it away from her. Aiden's chest would heave as a sign of sexual relief escaped him afterwards.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Suika chuckled, "In the presence of a beauty such as myself, forgive me if I don't believe your intentions to be entirely benevolent." she told him, before getting back to business. When told to look up, she did so, and with an amused smile, allowing him to see her shining emerald eyes of beauty. "Be careful you don't end up falling in love with me," she warned him, before continuing to suck him off. "Mmm... Mmph... Ahh..." Suika moaned simply from the act of using her mouth alone as she clearly enjoyed the act of sucking him dry. And when Aiden announced his approaching climax, he'd feel his twitching balls found in the gentle grip of Suika's hand, lightly pressing upwards as if to encourage his load, and squeeze it all out. Keeping her mouth around his dick, she took his length in all the way, one hand grasping his balls and lightly squeezing them, while the other hand went around to grope his ass. When he did cum, Aiden could hear Suika drinking all that went down her throat.

Suika milked his length until his would not offer a single drop more. Pulling his length out with ease, Suika grinned at his cock. "Be happy, Aiden. If you were any normal man, you would have been at your knees after being drained like that." she informed him, before rising up, standing on her feet, and bringing his hands to her chest, placing his hands against her sizable breasts before her tails let his arms go. "I'll make you a deal, Aiden." the kitsune offered. "I come into your city, help you with... Whatever your goal is, I don't care, and... If you'll be mine..." her hands rose to hold his hands against her breasts, encouraging him to grope her. "I'll let you 'dominate' me however you please. I can imbue you with such a magic that your body doesn't falter after I've fed from you. Be in my bedroom when I so desire and I'll allow you to enact all of you sexual desires upon me~" she offered.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden's only confirmation that his motives weren't completely altruistic was a light hearted laugh that joined Suika's chuckling. Later, as Suika worked to encourage and coax every ounce of cum his climax offered from him Aiden let out a deep throated lusty growl. A primal venting, and voiced satisfaction with the fox's endeavors. His cock twitched and pulsed, releasing it's payload into her.

"Not a normal man ..."

He mused when Suika rose to her feet. His eyes remained stationary as she rose allowing himself an opportunity to take in her nakedness before meeting he found her face again. His hands, having been guided to fox's breast's took the que and ran with it. His finger massaged, then needed, and gripped at the two mountains of flesh. Occasionally a thumb would brush one of her nipples or flick at it.

".. is that what you meant earlier ... why you're making this offer?"

He waited a moment for a response. He was curious, but the answer didn't change what he had to say next. While he spoke his hands moved away from Suika's breast, but not her body. Following the lines of her ribs the circles around to her back and then descended along to her spine until he found her butt cheeks. There he gripped into her and drew her lower half snugly against his. After that initial pull his hand rose against and his arms circled around her waist. As she read his reaction to her proposal, she could tell there was serious though given to it. Temptation. But a small reluctance.

"You'll me mine, if I will be your's? That is tempting. For more than one reason, I will need to be able to forge relationships with other women. Is that something you can accept as long as you remain my priority?"

As if to help encourage Suika to remain open-minded about the prospect of the need to share him, he rocked his hips forwards. His crotch ground against hers like the lapping of a wave against the shore, and his cock slide over her skin. Aiden took a moment to enjoy the sight and feel of the woman before he went on. The act of sexual stimulation and discussion seeming to be natural for Aiden.

"I'd also need to know this magic wouldn't change me into something else. I've heard horror stories about demons turning men into incubus for example."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"I'm making this offer simply because of the fact that I want you, Aiden, to feed me more of that delicious essence you have in such plentiful amounts within your body." she answered. "You need not worry about any effects of being by my side. And as far as other women are concerned, you could be sleeping with the other women here all tonight, I shall not care in the least. However, I suggest you do not try my patience when I hunger for you, and you do not answer my call. I may... Have to take... Several substitutes..." she chuckled evilly. "And as it has been revealed in the human world, wives do not appreciate their husbands being seduced by women such as myself."

One hand around his back pulled Aiden closer, sliding his length between her legs, and under her pussy. "Answer me now, Aiden. Will you be mine?"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Dark eyes studied the kitsune's face as she talked. Seemed to like what he heard, his lips subtly curling upwards as she gave her response. The feeling her hand take his stiff cock in hand and guide it to her sex caused him to glance down briefly. When he looked up again his face moved close to her, his lips brushing against her own ask he voiced his response.

"I will be your man, my kitsune."

As he voice his willingness to be her's, and claimed the kitsune as his own, Aiden's hands grasped for her haunches again. This time he lifted her up and holding her, carried Suika over to the nearest wall where he pressed his body against her's to hold her there. Aiden's lips and hips pressed forward. Lips to kiss lips; hips to urge the cock Suika had guided to her sex into her. As he sought to enter his woman Aiden murmured against her lips.

"Now let me feed you. I want you to feel my energy coursing through you. Filling you."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Picked up, Suika gave Aiden a wide grin that showed him her toothy maw of razor sharp teeth so dangerous that if she chose to bite him, Aiden might be aware that his life would end. But she only displayed her pleasure with his choice, not a threat. Her arms and legs wrapped around him, holding herself to him as he carried her over to a wall. "I will swallow every last thread of your essence you part with. Given how much you seem to hold within you, I fear you will get no sleep at all, Aiden~" Suika chuckled, before leaning forth, and pressing her mouth to his neck, biting playfully as her tails wrapped around the entirety of his back. He might as well have been in blanket as she provided such warmth.

A spare tail helped Aiden's cock find it's way to her pussy, and he was easily swallowed inside of her depths all the way inside, a force within her pulling him deeper, before it felt as if all of her womanhood tightened around him, squeezing his dick.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

She might have been a soul devouring monster, who just said she would eat him up, but Aiden took the giving and consuming of spirit energy in an erotic fashion befitting their actions. Sukia's love bite earned her one of the youth's throaty growls he used to express his sexual desire.

"That was the plan from the start, lover."

He half moaned the words as he was taken in by her pussy. His grip tightened on the fox's butt as her pussy flexed around his lips. Hilted inside of her Aiden ground his pelivs against the kitsune's. First forward to saw in length forward and back in small measures, then he rotated his hips in a clockwise fashion, sliding his cock around her walls. The youth explored his lover's sex, and when he found a spot, or angle, than coaxed the moan sounds of pleasure, he worked at it, probing his length forward and back. Aiden's own breathing had begun to quicken again, his voice briefly broken by a groan.

"W-what does it feel like ... hn-uh ... to have my energy inside you?"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

No matter which way he turned his length around or thrusted, Suika was pleased most when Aiden was feeling the most pleasure, and as a result, giving her more of his energy. When he found his chosen spot and began to push against it, Suika moaned now that he was getting further along into the act. "Having your energy inside me is at first, a warm feeling." Suika whispered into his ear as he moved himself around inside of her. "Feeling your dick, so full of energy, gradually give all of your essence away to me makes me feel nothing but pleasure to experience your warm essence filling my belly~ But most of all..." She extended her tongue, and slowly licked Aiden's ear. "The sensation of your very existence... Melting away into me... Is a pleasure that no other in this world can compare... To truly become one with your very soul~"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Suika's lick at his ear earned her a nip at her neck from Aiden. Then a quick kiss was pressed to the spot he had 'attacked'. His response to the kitsune's description was a hungry smile behind it.

"Good. Because I'm going to make sure you feel that way ... a lot."

When he realized Sukia gained the most pleasure from his own Aiden's search stopped, and he began to drive himself into her with earnest. His pace, moving away from exploratory, built up. With each stroke into Suika's pussy Aiden hilted himself and ground up against her to apply a moment up pressure against their sexes. Then he drew out only to spear and grind her again. As his moans built up, and he started to hammer Suika harder against the way, he sought out her mouth to muffle the sound of his pleasure. His tongue moved to find her's and, moans vibrated agains her lips and in her mouth.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Your loyalty to me will be rewarded~" Suika replied, before one of her tails graced against his balls, and he felt a sudden warm energy spread through his loins. The warmth gave Aiden renewed vigor, apparently the magic she spoke of that would renew his energy enough to keep having sex. But rather than his own energy, it felt of a different nature. Instead of getting energy back, he mere felt Suika's magics only giving him what he needed to keep having sex, and thrusting into her. Still as he thrust into her, he was being sucked of his energy. Even the strain of having cum recently simply vanished. "Until your energy is exhausted... Your lust will never fade." Suika announced to him before the kiss took place. Her emerald eyes never showed weakness, only hungry lust as she stared into Aiden's eyes. No matter how hard he may thrust, it would only begin to feel painful for him before it ever felt painful for her.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Fortunately for Aiden, he wasn't trying to hurt Suika. Or prove anything. He was enjoying the act of sex, and feeding his lover. All with eagerness of youth. Eventually his pace leveled off. The force he applied to each thrust became consistent, less erratic, and he settled into a rhythm. Trusting to the support of the kitsune. The tickle of her tail on his balls made him shudder a little and the eerie sensation of borrowed vigor sent his senses into a moment of confusion.

Aiden trusted in the kitsune's limbs to support her as he released his grasp on her hind quarters and ran his hands up her body. Squeezing at the sides of Suika's breast he withdrew from their kiss and leaned back a little so his hand could have better access to her cleavage. Groping her fondly Aiden gave a final thrust into Sukia's pussy. He help his shaft inside her but kept pushing, as if trying to get further inside of her than their bodies would allow.

This triggered the building pressure in his loins and warm gooey cum shot into the fox woman. Rather than cry out Aiden's grip tightened on Suika's breast as a stress means of stress relief, then relaxed as the intensity died of his first wave died down; though his cock continued to convulse and spurt jets of sperm inside her as the orgasm waned. With an exhalation of breath he lowered his head to kiss Suika's chest, then leaned forwards and gave her lips a light kiss.

"Hungry eyes. Don't stop looking at me with those hungry eyes."

Time for me to sleep.