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The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

As if with a life of it's own, Aiden's orgasm prompted Suika's pussy to react by suddenly milking his length in waves, starting from his base and all the way to the tip, displaying masterful control over her body as she literally would have milked him for all he was worth without her magics aiding his vigor. Inside of her pussy, it truly was like being in the maw of a great kitsune. With a mere thought, it was evident that Suika could rob Aiden of everything. Milked dry, he felt her tail grace along his balls, and all strain from having just cum vanished. His lust was put back in full force, even thought his vision began to be a little foggy. "I've consumed enough energy from you to account for ten normal men I usually feast from... He-he-he~" Suika chuckled. "I'm surprised that only now are you feeling weakened... But you will of course, continue..." she said to Aiden as if it was a matter of fact. There was no doubt he would continue to so willingly feed her his life force.

"I'm still not satisfied. I won't be satisfied until I've drained you to the last drop and wrapped you into my tails to embrace you for the night."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

I had this mental image of a wolf telling a lamb: "I'll let you 'dominate' me as long as you let me eat you.", when she made her proposal.

Aiden's body shuddered from head to toe in the wake of his orgasm as Suika's pussy milked him of everything he had to offer and a murmuring groan came from him amidst it. When his vision began to grow foggy the youth swayed a briefly before leaning forward and pressing his body to Suika's. He took a moment to adjust to the sensation, and smiled at the fox as she told him of how much energy she was getting from him.

"More than then men. Aren't you a lucky woman."

He answered Suika's declaration about the continuation of their copulation with a hungry kiss. Then, as if inspired the what imagery she describe of what awaited him when he was finally bereft of his energy; those strawberry and cream tails warming him as he slept, Aiden stepped back from the wall and lowered Suika to the ground. There he leaned over, her, laying her down while his arms hooked under the kitsune's legs and lifted them towards his shoulders.

"I've never been with a Mamono before. It's like your body is made for sex .... your pussy just welcomed me into you."

After the transition of positions was made Aiden reached forwards with his hands. One moved to a one of Suika's breasts and began to massage it. The out her moved to her crotch and founder her clit, which he rubbed while building up a fresh rhythm of pistoning motions into her pussy. Given Suik'as magic, he had no need to pause and rest his cock. Instead he went right to work, searching out that pleasure the bought sought.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Rather, my pussy was devouring you." Suika corrected him, hands folding behind her head in a casual manner as she smiled up at Aiden, her tails sweeping around and lightly petting him along his back. The soft, smooth, and silky feeling of her tails made for the best sensation of touch Aiden would have ever felt. "And you're absolutely right, but mamono being built for sex is common knowledge. We are made to entice and arouse, and we do so with extreme efficiency. Many men become overconfident when they pass through mamono who they manage to resist, but even you Aiden, will meet your match, and become a slave if you are not careful. From what I understand... You nearly fell victim already, right?" she asked, reminding him of Clarice, and how she quite easily took over his mind.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"You're honest and straight forward. That's good."

He remarked amidst quickened breathing. But like an athelte he managed to regulate it. Then leaning down he gave the kitsune a light kiss on the lips. In light of Suika's correction he added:

"Then you have a very eager and hungry pussy."

The playfulness faded when Suika reminded him of what nearly happened to him. His lips curved downwards into a slight frown and his brow furrowed as his mind went elsewhere. His gaze became a distance, though his body continued to move against his partner's: stroking in and out of her, grinding againster her, and groping at her enticing form.

"Yes. I've no experiance reisiting magic, and she used it ot take advantage of me. I was warned she'd use my desire against me. But I expected mundane seducation. Then I made a mistake when I realized magic was in use: I withdrew instead of mounting a proper defense. That probably triggered her predatory instinct, making me appear even more like prey."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"That is no different than now, Aiden. You may think that what defines a mamono is the means in which she employs to an end, but you could not be more wrong." Suika chuckled. "Food, survival, procreation, we have these basic instincts and obey them, and like animals we adapt to the environment rapidly in order to continue to thrive. Like myself, I am a noble beast but a beast all the same. Seduction worked well enough, Aiden, but if you had refused to be mine after I got a taste of you, I would not allow you to escape me. That you can settle like this is fine as well, but understand that you will have troubles if you fail to understand the desires of monsters."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden's vision focused back on Suika, as much as it could in his weakening state, his eyes meeting her's.

"Do you really think I did not know your position Suika, or that I accepted your offer just for sexual gratification? You are a hungry monster securing a reliable food source after an exhausting ordeal. Not only am I the only food at hand, I am nourishment in abundance. You would have had little choice but to steal in order to survive. The Mamono I met earlier, however, admitted that people came to her and she fed from these willing men. She had what she needed and she sought to take more, from me. That doesn't seem like survival. But she did mention I looked delicious. Was it instinct, or greed that prompted her? I don't know."

The youth seemed empathetic to fulfilling the basic needs Suika described. Humans had the same ones. But there were obviously limits to the man's tolerance. Rape. Violation. Theft. He felt strongly about these things. Before he could settle into too brooding of a disposition Aiden shrugged Suika's legs off of his shoulders one at a time. Leaning forwards he pressed his chest against her's, squashing her breasts, and kissed at the nape of her neck. His voice lowered as so as not to hurt her ear.

"You're only the second Mamono I've met, and I know my understanding isn't complete. I'm hoping you'll be able to help educate me."
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Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

When Aiden leaned down, and made his request to her, Suika grinned with intent as her arms wrapped around his shoulders. As she did so, Aiden felt his body become weightless for a moment, his energy waning further. "To survive is not to take only what you need. There is also the competition. Many races take everything they can, especially when enemies are present who threaten them. Orcs will kidnaps humans for breeding so that they have more numbers to fight other races with. The resulting bloodshed determines a winner, and to the victor go the spoils. Those who are still alive experience what it feels like to truly be the strongest. It is during that time that women will take several husbands, and make children with them. They need not more than one husband, but it's a kind of wealth many ambitious mamono seek."

Her tail coming round again, Aiden was given more sexual vigor, such that his hips were moving on their own. "You'll come to understand, Aiden. When we make our return, I will employ this mamono you speak of into my service. She will respond to power, and under my influence, lesser beings will dance to whatever tune I play for them. All I need to say is that this delicious man, she can sample, if she sides with me. You will then see how quickly she will be willing to become your model citizen~" Suika laughed.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Weakened by the draining effect Aiden's body slackened a moment. An expression of confusion crossed his face as the weightlessness followed. When new vigor poured into him again the conversation was becoming a distraction for what his body was being driven to do. His fingers hooked into claws and raked down Suika's form, trailing her curved, and finally coming to grasp at her hips.

There they pulled at the foxed body, drawing her against him as his hips worked, fueled magic. Aiden's pelvis slapped against the fox's in an increasingly rapid pace. The magical vigor had drawn Aiden's attention away from their bedchamber dialog and brought it to bear on mating. The youth's muscled flexed and flowed as he rammed into her. Aiden grunted with each thrust as he sought to force more and more of himself inside of his lover, even though he'd reached the limits their bodies would allow. He still tried to push further.

The grunting suddenly stopped, and so did his thrusts. A low throaty groan that verged on a growl rumbled in his chest, up his throat and out of his mouth. Hilted inside of the kitsune's pussy Aiden ground his hips against his lover's, pressing hard, trying to get just that little bit further in as cum raced up his shaft and rushed into Suika.

Amidst Aiden's release he sighed and shook his head at the kitsune's promise to turn Clarice into a model citizen.

"She was already willing to trade her service for my energy. But I refused her. Why should I work to make her your vassal ? I agreed to satisfy your hunger. Not be your pocket book."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

As Aiden neared orgasm again, she licked her lips, moaning happily. Her pussy continued to suck on him relentlessly and tighten around him, pushing him to his third orgasm, leading his body to tremble from such energy loss as his arms gave out. Falling on her, Suika giggled and wrapped her limbs around him, using him like a body pillow as her tails extended, and nearly mummified him as they wrapped around him so much. "Because I'm going to help you with your little goal of coexistence. This means I shall make up for your faults, Aiden. If you will not make Clarice your's, I will make her mine. It's that simple. Even without your help I will manage, I merely imagined you would like to experience a demon's pussy~"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden's arms shook as his soul leeched out of him, into Suika. It felt as if his cock were a funnel from which all of him flowed out into her. His length twitched inside of her, and then his support gave out. Collapsing atop his lover Aiden trembled in orgasmic bliss. His eyes closed as tails and arms wrapped around him. He lay there, body shuddering with the aftershocks of a third orgasm. His lips curved into a smile when he heard Suika's response to his question.

"Thinking of me first? How endearing."

The youth snuggled into Suika's warm protect and possessive embrace. A hand reached to her face and stroked his lovers cheek.

"Never treat me as anything less than an equal Suika. We can compliment each other well, if we work together."

Then shifting his weight to one side he patted on Suika's left flank. Urging her to roll over and he tried to shift her on top of him.

"Climb on and ride me. You've been a good girl, letting me have my way with you," Aiden gave her a grin then, " ... and I've yet some energy left. I want you to have it."
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Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"You shall be my equal if you prove worthy of such a title. Proving to me you have the ability to gather such power to yourself by forming this bond of coexistence will be a good start. But if you fail, and prove to be weak, I will break you." Suika warned him, before her tail gathered the covers and covered them both up with it. "Your soul has been spent. Any more and your soul will vanish into me." Suika replied. "Do not mistake me. By helping you, I help myself in the long run. But don't worry, have confidence in your ability to accomplish your goal and you will have nothing to fear of me."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden was too tired to keep fucking Suika, which was the reason he encouraged the kistune to mount him. The soft fluffy tails were like a sedative to his weary body. Eyes began to close and his listened to her. His mind a little too muddled to carry on the conversation.

"I like your honesty. But don't forget, you have allowed me to dominate you as I please. Be good to me, and I'll be good to you."

Snuggling into his woman Aiden wrapped his arms around her. Since she had shown restraint he let himself relax and begin to drift off. But before he did he fell asleep Aiden gave Suika a good night kiss.

"I'll prove myself though. You'll see Suika."
Sleep time for Sakuro as well.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"That's the idea, you fool." Suika laughed at Aiden's reminder of general respect to each other. "Now sleep, before you suffocate your own life out trying to get the last word." Suika chided him, her tails wrapping around his face, creating a strange sensation that quickly sent Aiden unconscious...

When Aiden next awoke, he was still with Suika, allowing him to experience his first night waking up in the embrace of a mamono. The sensation that followed was an almost alien one. A sense of belonging, lust, and love were the first things to run through Aiden's mind. Whether he fought them as his consciousness returned was another thing, but such was his morning. "You still haven't eaten." Suika said first thing when he woke up. Reaching into Aiden's own bag, she pulled out some jerky that was stored within, before putting a piece into her own mouth, and moving in as if to kiss him, chuckling as she intended to feed him this way.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

When he woke and the alien sensation creeped over him Aiden didn't immediately open his eyes. Feeling his lover still with him he smiled and squeezed his arms around her. The warm bed and presence of his female companion as he woke was a welcome one, and not just because of whatever strange magic worked at him. Aiden had always enjoyed having a woman to share warmth with him at night and greet when he woke.

"You look good enough to eat."

He responded to Suika's observation, his eyes opening at the sound of her voice. Seeing Suika's inclination to feed him Aiden's smile appeared again, and he moved to meet her kiss. His lips caressed over her's and his tongue slipped into her mouth to take in some of her moisture along with the meat. When he drew back the youth let out a soft 'mmm' while he chewed at the jerky.

"Kitsune flavored."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Suika chuckled. "You're certainly a lot easier to get my tails around than my last." she said with a bit of satisfaction. Taking another strip, she instead this time simply pushed the jerky into his mouth with a gentle motion, feeding him. "Eat a lot, it'll help you recover your energy, he-he-he~" Suika chuckled as if fattening up a pig to slaughter it for the next meal.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden patted one of the mentioned fluffy tails as Suika made her claim. But he refrained from responding until he had swallowed down the jerky she'd given him.

"I like you're tails. As long as they aren't used to restrain or bind."

The youth's mouth opened as the second piece of jerky neared his mouth. After it was inside he gave the kitsune's fingers an affectionate thank you kiss. While chewed at the morsel Aiden gradually straightened up and stretched, though when Suika talked about restoring his energy he gave her a smile. Reaching for his pack he took out his canteen and poured some water in his mouth to wash down the jerky he'd been eating. Afterwards he snuggled up against Suika again and snagged some jerky and quickly ate it, heeding his kitsune's advice.

"After breakfast, we need to talk with the others about your plan to gather the local Mamono."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Various beasts will obey my command, but if I try to take over this area, I will no doubt meet resistance from other powerful mamono who also wish to hold territory..." Suika explained, trailing her finger along his lips, before her intentions began to reveal themselves. "You will of course... Help me crush that resistance, won't you?"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

There was a light in AIden's eyes that suggested he'd been anticipating Suika's request. Though as she touched a finger to his lips that was momentarily hidden by lust. Opening his mouth he lightly bit at the fox's digit, it was an entirely affectionate acted, reinforced as he flicked his tongue over it before releasing.

"That's why I want you to tell the other's your plan. So we will have their support. They may even have suggestions for where we could start."

After explaining Aiden stroked one of Suika's. He took up that same tail and wrapped it around his nakedness to keep warm. Then he resumed eating and drinking like a man who was catching up on lost meals.

"... and after we've gathered a reasonable number of Mamono, we can go to the Mayor and show her a group that is willing to coexist. Integration can be discussed ..."

Aiden eyes became distant while he thought about the future, but it wasn't long before his focus was back on his lover.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Good to know I have your support on the matter..." Suika chuckled with intent, before pushing herself up to stand. "I'm going to have a bath, you go in first, Aiden." Suika said with a tone that would not accept no for an answer. "It's the spring I prepared with my magic, in the back." she announced, but Aiden would know for a fact that no such spring existed upon his first arrival.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

After a (brief) tussel with Maria, fighting through waves of man hungry Mamono, and then fucking one all night Aiden wasn't of a mind to say no to a bath. But Suika's comment about a spring earned her a curious looked from Aiden. After a few more bites of jerky and enough water to wash it all down Aiden climbed to his feet. Leaning over to his kitsune he gave her a kiss before picking up his belongings and moved to find the spring Suika talked about.

"Don't keep me waiting."