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The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

As Aiden tried to step away, Clarice took one step towards him with every step he made in retreat. Smiling at him, she displayed the demon's aggressive tendencies as she wouldn't relent making Aiden focus on her. "Well, I'm a mamono!" she stated. "And a rule of thumb would be to know that a city of mamono, is a city filled with lots of recreational sex! Some little pockets of society house such cohabitation, and there's always sex-sex-sex! So it's important that you're prepared to meet the needs of all the mamono you bring into your society!" she informed Aiden.

Suddenly, as if his mind was elsewhere (and it was), he'd suddenly find that Clarice had caught up to him, and was now pressing her breasts against his chest, trying to arouse him further. "And you, cute Aiden, are trying to bring everyone together. That's such a wonderful goal~! I wouldn't mind being with you, forever~ Squirming in your arms as you pump your essence into me~" she moaned with need, her face red with excitement as her eyes remained locked on Aiden's face like a predator. Becoming even more assertive, her hips pressed against his, her crotch pressing against the tent forming in his pants despite what mental barriers he may try to form.

Suddenly, Ryoko was suddenly accompanying Clarice, a similar predatory look on her face. "Me too~ Pump your essence into me~" she pleaded.

Then, both women were suddenly sprayed with water from a magic casting Venice. The sexual allure that was suffocating Aiden's thoughts vanished as both Clarice and Ryoko threw a fit about suddenly getting hosed. "Calm down now." Venice urged them. "If you want a piece of Aiden, we're going to need a lot more help from you than that~"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden was literally staggering as he fought against the demon's influence. Part of him pulled towards her. Part pulled away. His head swam with erotic imagery, her voice turning to dirty moans in his mind, urging him to have his way with her. But Ryoko's warning prepared him enough to mount his shaky retreat. Why couldn't he just find a barrier to put between himself and this woman.

One arm extended, his hand grasping for something to just that. But by then Clarice had caught up with him and his hand found her breast as she pressed up against him. Aiden could feel a deep throaty growl begin to build in his throat as Ryoko and Clarice both urged him to pump his essence into them. Again, a primal portion of the young man coaxed to the surface to rise to the surface. His defense was about to collapse as his loins burned for the two women. Just as he was beginning to stop backing away and stop making advances of his own Venice came to the rescue.

He had been about to bite and grope, grind and strip Clarice and Ryoko at the same time. An expression of confusion flickered over Aiden's face as the smothering allure subsides. Realizing the position he was in with the two wet women he suddenly pushed his hands against Calice's shoulders and backed away once more. A cold anger fell over the youth's dark eyes as a sense of violation came over him.

"No more of that. Not ever."

Turning he walked away and he didn't stop walking until he was back at the door. Ready to make a withdraw from the scene. He nearly did. After all he was a few seconds away from being raped. But he stopped. he reminded himself that Clarice's kind were predators with predatory instincts. In her eyes, he was prey. A meal. That's the kind of view point he wanted to alter. He resolved to give he a chance to try and resist that instinct.

"You nearly raped me, do you realize that? This kind of action isn't something that can be tolerated, not if this is going to work. Not with me, not with anyone. Can you control yourself Clarice?"

A second after that question he looked to Ryoko, disappointment and betrayal on his face.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Aw~" Clarice whined. "It wouldn't really have been rape, not really," she insisted, looking a bit miserable with her clothes all wet. "I only wanted to give you what you want, Aiden. Those feelings that overtook you were merely a part of you I was bringing to light. In the end... It's what you want..." she insisted.

"She's partly right." Venice added. "A Succubus tries to appeal to men's desires. Her magic simply made you lose your inhibitions that would normally stop yourself from pursuing your desires. But," she rose a finger, "While it may not be rape, per se, it's still an impolite thing to have your mind fiddled with."

"I meant no harm, not really!" Clarice insisted. "He just looked so delicious! Forgive me, forgive me!" she pleaded, her hands going to her cheeks as she cowered from the group. "A girl has to eat, you know? I would not have turned him a slave, not really! I'm not evil, not really!"

Maria put her hand on one hip, standing next to Aiden at the door, "Your drive sure falls quickly. You look ready to run away." Maria said to Aiden. "Guess that's what happens when you don't get out of the city much..." she shrugged.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"I'm certainly willing to leave if Clarice doesn't behave herself."

Came Aiden's response to Maria's jab. He had no desire to stay in a dangerous position he didn't need to be in, and if Clarice was the wrong kind of person he didn't intend to waste time butting heads. That said, having your head messed with was a terrible thing to experience.

But Maria's proding made him think. Should he just walk away from someone who would rape people ... or should they make the effort to punish people like that when they encountered them? It wasn't their mission, however it might be worth discussing.

As he looked to Clarice, and regarded her distressed reaction to his and Venice's position on the matter it seemed that Aiden's instinct was correct. Or maybe she was acting. Maybe both. But he was inclined to both give her the benefit of doubt, and a second chance. A hand raised and made a couple subtle downward motions. Wordlessly bidding her to be calm.

"Don't do it again, and I'll accept your apology. I'm sure you'd find a man more likely to come back for another visit if you won him over rather than using magic anyway. That's how you forge long term, beneficial relationships. It also helps if you don't treat a man like food ..."

After that last comment Aiden pressed his lips into a thin line, as if to express how unappealing that might be to the man Clarice planned to feed from. He paused a few seconds to gauge Clarice's reaction to all of this ... and if it was generally positive he would motion to the pews.

"Lets try this again."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Oh~ I don't think that's really necessary. The sad, lonely, and love staved humans of your society flock to me, seeking a woman's embrace." Clarice waved off his advice. "But~ So be it. I won't use magic like that on you again, not really." she seemed to agree to his request. "If it's information you want, we should meet here every day from noon until 2, for sixteen weeks so you can get a crash course on everything I know about mamono!" she offered.

Venice shook her head. "I'm not sure what Aiden might want to know, but I'm sure he just wants specifics... Like... What, Aiden?"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden just shook his head when Clarice mentioned the lonely, sad, and love starved folk that came to her. It was a symbiotic relationship, but unfortunately it felt like that reinforced the idea that her methods were OK. Which didn't please the youth. He wasn't aboout to argue the matter. It just wouldn't have been productive. Given the situation he remained were he was and refrained from taking a seat.

"Information on Zippangu and any other nearby faction you are aware of would be apreciated. It'd also be good to know about both dangerious and friendly Mamono in the area. As well as some advice on handling the dangerious ones besides 'run or hide'."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Oh-ho-ho~" Clarice giggled. "Zippangu, is it? A fairly social place. As dangerous as it is welcoming. Many mystical beasts roam there, including the great Ryu, the mysterious Inari, and the time controlling bunny people! As long as you don't boast or look anyone in the eye in the lands of Zippangu, you normally should be fine, but... One wrong word, and you will become public enemy number one. They're a land of honor, and traditions, and as a newcomer, stepping on tradition so rudely would warrant a lifetime of rape. Your penis would become merely a practice pole for young mamono there." she giggled. "I am friends with a bunny named Fio there... She's the master of a martial arts dojo within the capital town. In exchange for... Your body... I could escort you there to meet her, young Aiden~" she cooed, taking advantage of her now wet body to show off her seductive body, easily seen through her clingy gown, right down to the stiff points of her nipples.

"If she's lying," Venice spoke up, "I'll just light her on fire. But it's up to you, Aiden."

Meanwhile, Maria didn't look happy about Clarice's offer, looking to Aiden as if expecting him to refuse.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

He listened intently to what Clarice shared with the group. At the mention of time controlling bunny people he took on a curious expression. If he had a question, it went unasked however. Instead he made mental notes of the warnings on etiquitte. A a single slow nod was made. More to himself than to acknowledge anything the demon had said.

Aiden didn't respond to Clarice's offer right away. He mentally weighed the merit; a guide who knew a potentially influential person in Zippangu. His eyes moved to Maria and Venice, both to guage their reactions and seek out some guidance beyond his thoughts on the matter. Though he tried not to let emotion tainted by the recent bad experiance infinge on his descision, it happened away. When he did speak it was descisively, and rather than admire the demon's body his eyes went to her face.

"I apreciate the offer Clarice, but I won't be accepting. However if you care to compose a letter to your friend I would not mind delivering it should we happen to encounter her."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Hmph," Clarice was not pleased, and looked rather insulted to have been refused. "For me, sex means survival. I won't help you any more than this if I can't get some favors too." she said, fitting of her selfish nature as a succubus.

Maria actually looked relieved at the result of Aiden's answer, wiping an arm across her brow as she cleaned the sweat off her face.

"I suppose our fair city won't be getting along with demons any time soon." Venice observed, before heading for the door outside.

Ryoko pouted. "I wanted to have sex with Aiden and Clarice..." she whined, before waving goodbye to the demon, and the demon waved back, clearly mutual friends.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Rather than silently departing Aiden offered the demon a small empathetic smile when she professed that sex was not just a fact of life, but her very means of survival.

"I understand. The truth is, I likely would have accepted were it not for your misuse of magic earlier. Thank you for your time Clarice."

Which probably didn't help Maria's nerves. A slight bow was offered to Clarice to express some respect for her religious station. Then, straightening up he turned about and withdrew from the church, and continued to walk. He waited for the others to join him before looking over at Ryoko.

"Do you have an idea where that Kitsune might be?"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Ryoko nodded to Aiden, "Right this way~" the lewd shrine maiden announced, leading the way. They went from the northern boundary of the city to a rather vague location to the east. Off the path and through the forest they traveled, until the afternoon sky began to become dusk, the sky turning a tinge of orange. Exactly as Maria explained as well, Aiden was assaulted by various monstrous women, more than he had ever been in his life. A harpy flew by and tried to kidnap him. An arachne nearly caught him in her web. A small band of orcs tried to capture everyone, but were chased off by Venice, Ryoko, and Maria's powerful abilities. And several more times after that did harpies try to make off with Aiden, one even managing to catch his shoulders before Ryoko shot her down, and forced the bird to retreat, cursing the maiden along the way.

"Why does this area seem so much more dangerous!?" Maria exclaimed, tired after trying to protect Aiden so ferociously.

"I'd imagine it's Aiden's fault. He's always the objective of our attackers." Venice suggested. "Usually women like us are ignored."

"Learn to share, greedy birds!" Ryoko shouted, firing bolts of flame at a few harpies circling around their group, their eyes on Aiden. When they flew away, she heaved a heavy sigh. "They're endless..."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden tried to help out in the fights. He really did. But he was more often than not out classed the Mamono his three defenders turned away with far greater ability. Maybe he contributed with tactical observations and advice, but physically he wasn't a match for the Mamono. Though it frustrated him how little help he was in direct conflict, he kept his mouth shut. Maria, Ryoko, and Venice had enough to worry about. His ego and pride would just have to suffer some bruises.

"How do they keep finding us? Smell? You can't keep fighting Mamono like this. If you do, you'll be worn out when a real threat emerges."

After the harpies were chased off Aiden took a look around at the terrain. No matter where they went, there were going to be Mamono. The canopy of trees would give us cover from fliers. But there were all manner of other creatures amidst the forestry. While he considered this he sheathed his sword and checked over his comrades for wounds. Then patched and tended to what wounds they had earned as best he was able.

"We're going to need a way to conceal me."
I'm going to head off to sleep. That was a good posting marathon. I'm reluctant to go.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Finding us..." Venice hummed. "Rather, they seem to just be passing by and notice we have a male in our group, so they attack." she suggested, before the young vampire turned with a bright smile towards Aiden. "Oh! Let's dress you up like a woman! They'll surely leave you be then!"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

I knew someone was going to suggest that ...
Aiden frowned at Venice when she made the suggestion of dressing him up like a woman. The idea did not appeal. The reputation he'd garner for dressing like a woman throughout their expedition would reflect poorly, and Aiden needed to be taken seriously. The idea of concealment through clothing still had merit though, and he considered this before speaking.

"I'm not going to dress like a woman for the entire duration of this expedition. But I could wear some robes and a hood. Or a cloak and cowl: something to hide my masculine features."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Won't help!" Venice announced firmly. "We'll just have to push on. It's a good thing though that none of us require sexual energy, Aiden, otherwise you would be on trouble." she informed him.

"I think I need a little sexual-" Ryoko began, before a green vine suddenly shot forth, and wrapped around her ankle, pulling so hard that she fell to her side on the ground with a large, "EEEK!" in response. "H-help!" she cried.

Just then, Aiden would notice several alarune come out of hiding from the ground, their flowers sprouting from the ground. The first one that grabbed Ryoko giggled. "Lots of room for seeds~" she cooed, before Ryoko was bound, and held suspended in the air in an erotic display, with various perverted tentacle vines wrapping around her breasts, and curling over her crotch.

Charging, Maria went to try and chop Ryoko free, before an alarune attacked her, and held her arms over her head, restraining her from attacking. "D-damn it! Let me go!" she demanded.

A few vines came for Aiden, some wrapping around his legs, but a quick sword slash was all it took for him to free himself before he saw a large pillar of flame, with it's base being Venice, who was burning the vines coming for her. "Aiden!" Venice shouted. "Chose one, I'll save the other!" she announced.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Confusion crossed Aiden' face. How would that not help, he wondered. Maybe Venice just wanted to dress him up like a woman. Slowly his head shook his head at the thought. That would be the sort of teasing thing she might do to test him, or get a rise out of him. Before he could comment on the subject of sexual energy, Ryoko was assaulted by a sinister plant woman. Her surprise gave Aiden a moment to ready himself and slash through vines seeking to entangle him as well.

"Hey, those are my women!"

Aiden called out possessively as the alarune molested Ryoko and bound Maria. He was about to follow Maria example, and perhaps end up in the same situation as she had. But he felt the heat of Venice's flames and had a better idea. Using his sword, he quickly hacked down a leafy branch. Then sliding his shield onto his back he quickly collected the branch and swiped it through Venice's flame. Brandishing fire as a weapon now he was ready to burn with fire and slash through restraining vines. A nod of confirmation was given to Venice and he moved to free Maria. His crackling torch purshed forwards to burn the plant woman holding her.

"Let them go and and leave you leafy sluts, or we'll turn you into a camp fire."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Who's your woman!?" Maria growled at Aiden's announcement, before the alraune saw the fire in Aiden's possession and immediately pulled her vines back with a squeal. "Hiiii~!" she screamed, freeing Maria in the process. Without restrictions, Maria turned and slashed her huge blade angrily at the alarune, slicing a dozen of their vines and causing them all to retreat back underground in fear.

Following the sound of crackling fire, Ryoko landed with a thud into the ground upon being saved by Venice. Fearful as they had been routed, the rest of the alraune fled as well. "We really can't let our guard down." Venice noted.

Meanwhile, Ryoko cried. "Why did you pick her over me, Aiden! You egg head!" she pouted jealously.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"You heard me."

Was Aiden's only response to Maria's outcry.With steel and fire in hand he narrowed his eyes on the withdrawing plant women. This was just getting silly. You'd think after so many monsters were fended off they'd stop for a while. Word would spread that it wasn't smart to attack this group. Or maybe word was spreading that there was a man in the woods. His thoughts were interrupted by Ryoko's jealous cry and pouting. He frowned at the woman.

"Maria didn't try to help Clarice molest me ... Next time we have sex you're getting punished too."

The last sentence he emphasized, as if he already had plans for the sexual ordeals Ryoko would have to endure before getting back into his good graces. The stern expression on his face didn't last long though and he was quick to remember the waves of monsters they'd been having to deal with.

"We're going to need to find a defensible campsite before it gets too dark. Sleeping might not be safe, but you three are going to need some rest and food soon."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Ryoko grunted at Aiden, "Have sex with Maria instead, you love her more." she gave him the cold shoulder.

"Well, we can't stay here and try to defend ourselves overnight." Venice argued. "We have to keep going until we reach-"

"We've reached the fox!" Ryoko announced, pointing to a small house in a clearing of trees.

Venice hummed. "It looks... Like a terrible hiding place." she commented.

Aiden would see that they stood at the side of the house, as a bit of the porch was in view. He would see just around the corner, a fat and fluffy red tail with a creamy tip that almost looked like a delicious desert. It swayed through the air casually, as if beckoning someone to draw near...
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden didn't pay much mind to Ryoko's cold shoulder. He wasn't entirely happy with her either. Instead, he was going to correct Venice, who seemed to misunderstand what he was meant when: finding a defensible camp site, rather than staying put. But the point was made moot when Ryoko pointed out the house with a fluffy tail poking out of it. An eyebrow rose in response to the display.

"It looks like a trap."

Briefly he looked over his comrades to see how they took the scene. They were all tired, and they might come to think the house could serve a respite against their struggles. Aiden wasn't so sure. Before moving towards the house he circled the clearing, looking for any further caution inspiring signs. When he did leave the brush to advance on the house, assuming nothing screamed danger, he stopped half way to it and raised a hand to try and get the attention of the tails owner.

"Hello. Are you awake in there?"
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