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The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

Re: A Chance Meeting (Occam's Razor and SirOni)

Lani sat there quietly listening to Amunta explain her reasons for keeping them in her home, knowing that even though she could easily escape the bindings the young demoness would probably not be able to take out the woman and her servants. "I...I'm Lani," she finally answered after a few moments hesitation, sounding as if she was on the verge of tears. Lani looked over to Michael for a moment as she thought up a plan, thinking his apparent temper would get in the way of any negotiations he'd try Lani decided that it would be best for her to quickly get them out of this rather than risk more danger to the both of them.

"And... And after you've fed us, what then?" Lani started, trying to choose a route that would least offend their gracious 'host' all the while trying to fight back the tears. "I, I'm on my way to meet someone now and while I appreciate the effort you've gone through I really cannot afford to stay too long." Another momentary pause while the demoness thought up the next part. "But, why don't you come with us? No doubt you'd meet plenty of people traveling with us, you said it yourself that you very rarely get any guests here." While Lani was trying to bargain with Amunta her eyes kept flicking back to the food laid out on the table, a small voice in the back of her head wondering if she could stay just a little bit to sample the fine delicacies placed before the two of them as her hunger continued to grow.
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Re: A Chance Meeting (Occam's Razor and SirOni)

As Michael sat and listened to Amurta through gritted teeth, his arms were busy pulling with all his might on the bindings that held them to the chair, even when his loins forsook him to her beauty. "I'd love to stay and chat......." he grunts, trying to free himself from the bindings, this time heaving with all his might. "But I've got a home to return to. A duty to attend to." he says, then begins to pant.

When it was obvious his own strength was not enough to break the bindings, he slouched down and began to pant from his exertion. "Though, I guess staying here couldn't be ALL bad. What's another day or two on the road of life?" he asks, his exhaustion clear in his voice as he slumps against his chair, his wings buzzing a short noise every once in a while.
Re: A Chance Meeting (Occam's Razor and SirOni)

Michael: HP = 46, PP = 36, EP = 34, Status = Fine
Lani: HP = 66, PP = 42, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Grapple: Michael does not escape his bindings.

Once the plates had been laid out, the servants retreated and stood silently against the wall. Neither Michael nor Lani could hear them breathing. Amunta folded her hands in her lap and smiled as Lani spoke, attempting to talk the two of them out of this situation. The smile on her face slowly grew broader and more menacing, and she let the silence stretch on for a moment as she simply stared at the two of them. Then, she laughed again, the sound a great deal richer and filled with arrogance in comparison to her earlier laughter.

She clapped once, and the chains around their arms suddenly unwound only to secure tightly against their waists, leaving them still stuck to their chairs but at least able to use their hands. "Why, after the meal, I will be providing entertainment for the two of you!" She said, and then laughed once more. "None who experience my hospitality ever ask to leave." She purred, and then briefly shifted her gaze to Michael. "Not even one."

The servants appeared silently once more, and laid plates and silverware in front of the two of them before retreating again. Amunta clapped her hands again, and demanded; "Eat up! I'm sure that you must be hungry!"

Whether they complied or not, it was then that Amunta finally answered Lani; "Oh, tis a most intriguing offer, don't get me wrong.... But the sun does not agree with me, and this land is a highly uncivilized place save for my sanctuary. I'm afraid that traveling is quite impossible for me... Whatever would my servants do without me!? No, I'm sorry, but that is quite impossible..." Despite her denial, the offer obviously interested the woman much more than she was letting on.
Re: A Chance Meeting (Occam's Razor and SirOni)

Lani looks down at the food as it is laid in front of the two of them, her stomach rumbling loudly reminding the young demoness that she hasn't eaten a decent meal since running away from home. The girls heart sinks slightly as Amunta explains her reasons for not wanting to leave the tower, though Lani knows she needs to press on, hers and Michael's freedom depends on it.

"Wha... what if your servants came with you"? She begins, sniffling every-so-often as the thought of her freedom being snatched from the girl slowly becomes too much for her to bear. "And... I'm... going to Archeron..." Not a piece of information Lani would've liked to have given up so easily, but considering the circumstances she thinks it's better to lay the majority of it down. "I-I'm sure there'd be a place for you there... The queen... I'm going to see the queen, perhaps she could help you?" Lani allows herself to pause for a moment to dry her welling eyes.

With her lower lip quivering Lani continues. "We can... we can protect you on the road... But if that's not an option... we... we could get you adventurers..." Lani feels uncomfortable about offering to bring people to this woman, though she cannot see what other choice they have. "Let us go... and... and when I'm done in Archeron... I'll bring people here... lie to them... tell them about treasure being here..." Tears now run down the young demoness' face, staining her flushed cheeks and drip onto her clothing. "Please... don't make me spend the rest of my life here..." With her offers on the table Lani slumps forward, her crying now taking her over completely. Whether Amunta chooses to believe it or not Lani is serious about all her offers.
Re: A Chance Meeting (Occam's Razor and SirOni)

Michael remains slumped in his chair, even after the bindings hand released his arms. He sat, listening to Lani's pleas of sorrow, thinking with his big bug eyes closed. "I'm in no hurry to get where I'm going, honestly. But I'd prefer not to spend my life in one place. Unfortunately, I have nothing to offer for my freedom, save my own skill with a firearm." he says, his voice calm, yet there is a hint of anger buried deep within it. He doesn't even bother moving as he inhales a deep breath, then exhales. "I'd offer myself as trade for the girl's freedom, but it strikes me that you aren't willing to let either of us leave here."
Re: A Chance Meeting (Occam's Razor and SirOni)

Michael: HP = 46, PP = 36, EP = 34, Status = Fine
Lani: HP = 66, PP = 42, EP = 40, Status = Fine

"Oh? A noble gesture, to be sure." Amunta replied, tilting her head and smiling toward Michael. "Who's to say that I won't allow you to leave?"

Then turning toward Lani, she frowned and sighed as the half demon began to sob openly. Their host rose from her throne and walked around the table until she stood beside Lani's chair. Then, she leaned forward to lay a kiss upon Lani's forehead, in doing so giving Michael an unobstructed view of her ample cleavage. "Do not worry, my sweet little thing.... I will make you a deal." She said, and then sat on the table, changing the view that Michael was getting from her breasts to one of her wide, barely covered hips.

"If you will behave as a guest ought to, I will release your bindings. Once you have experienced my hospitality and rested long enough to wait out the storm above, I will allow you to go on your way, assuming that you still desire to do so." She glanced over her shoulder at Michael, her back arching slightly, and said; "I offer you much the same, good sir. I will offer neither of you any further violence so long as you do much the same."
Re: A Chance Meeting (Occam's Razor and SirOni)

Lani looks up as Amunta addresses her, explaining the terms of the deal. Sniffling for a moment Lani wipes her nose and the tears from her eyes before replying. "Y... you'll let us leave if we keep you company for a while?" Lani asks weakly, her gave falling over Amunta to the food and back again. Knowing what this woman wants, and knowing Amunta won't let them leave without getting it and will kill them if they try to leave against her will Lani resigns herself to the predicament at hand. And deep down Lani knows that she will benefit from the company as well, since being on the road she hasn't been able to satisfy certain demonic urges. That and Lani is incredibly hungry.

"O-okay... I'll be good." Lani finally replies after a couple of minutes, and wiping her eyes one last time she returns to a normal sitting position.
Re: A Chance Meeting (Occam's Razor and SirOni)

Michael can feel himself warming as he hears her say she'll let them go. Either that, or it was the wonderful view he was getting from his seat. Either way, he felt inclined to believe her. "Well, I suppose I have no choice. I'll not try to hurt you unless you hurt me first." he said, knowing full well that, as a Gunslinger, he was bound to his word. "Plus, it'll be nice to have some company after such a long time on the road."
Re: A Chance Meeting (Occam's Razor and SirOni)

Michael: HP = 46, PP = 36, EP = 34, Status = Fine
Lani: HP = 66, PP = 42, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Amunta smiled and clapped her hands as both agreed to her turns, and their chains released them. Amunata moved off of the table and reclaimed her seat at the head of the table, and then stared expectantly at the two of them. "Well? Eat! Tis for you, after all."
Re: A Chance Meeting (Occam's Razor and SirOni)

Lani stares wide eyed at the food for several minutes, having never seen anything as fancy let alone had the chance of trying food of such quality the young demoness it quite taken aback by it all. Though hunger soon takes the girl over and she quickly reaches out for anything and everything within arms reach, heaping portions of the food onto her plate before shoving it down. In between mouthfuls Lani thanks Amunta for the food.
Re: A Chance Meeting (Occam's Razor and SirOni)

Michael sits forward and sighs as his wings begin to buzz and he almost stands out of his chair once the chains are released from him, then he looks down at the food. He had been eating hard tack for so long, he was afraid his taste buds had shriveled and died. "Thank you for the food, ma'am." he says, then begins eating in small bites, as if afraid to eat anything large. "It's been so long since I had a good meal. Hard tack for all this time has destroyed my taste buds."
Re: A Chance Meeting (Occam's Razor and SirOni)

Michael: HP = 46, PP = 36, EP = 34, Status = Fine
Lani: HP = 66, PP = 42, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Amunta watches the two of them eat with a smile, taking nothing herself. The food is very good, better than either had had while traveling on the road certainly, but it's also slightly dry. "Silly me! I forgot the drinks.... Would you prefer wine, or water? I suppose I have a bit of ale and whiskey left as well, though both have been sitting around for some time now. Would you like anything? I imagine you must be very thirsty."
Re: A Chance Meeting (Occam's Razor and SirOni)

Michael gulps down a bite and raises the roll he had gripped in his right hand, a bite mark clearly visible in it. "Whiskey if you please. Haven't had a good glass in some time." he says, slowly forgetting the fact that he was in essence trapped here.
Re: A Chance Meeting (Occam's Razor and SirOni)

"Um, could I just have water, please?" Lani asks, her head just popping over the mountain of food she is currently attacking.
Re: A Chance Meeting (Occam's Razor and SirOni)

Michael: HP = 46, PP = 36, EP = 34, Status = Aroused
Lani: HP = 66, PP = 42, EP = 40, Status = Aroused

Resistance (Michael) : 19 + 17 = 36 vs DC 35 = Success.
Resistance (Lani) : 12 + 29 = 41 vs DC 35 = Success.

"But of course!" Amunta replied, and then snapped her fingers. Her servants silently sprung into motion, ambling back to the kitchens and returning with a pitcher of clear water for Lani and a brown bottle with a fading label pasted to it for Michael. "The water is drawn from an underground spring and boiled. It should be quite clean. The whiskey is something one of my former guests left to me, as a gift. It's my last bottle, sadly, but my other visitors have all told me that it's quite good."

Cups made of stained glass were set before each of them, to use as they desired, and both liquids tasted normal. A short while after touching their lips, however, both Lani and Michael felt compelled to drink more, and a pleasant warmth slowly began to spread throughout their bodies. Despite their situation, both of them began to relax, their worries about Amunta gradually easing away. The woman was grinning broadly now, and was finaly showing her teeth - which happened to include a pair of inch long, razor sharp fangs where her canines should have been. "Drink up."
Re: A Chance Meeting (Occam's Razor and SirOni)

Without looking up from her food Lani fills her glass to the brim with water and downs it before tackling the mountain once more. Though the demoness pauses after a minute or so, her fork hanging inches from her mouth as she stares at the water. Without a word Lani puts the fork down and pours herself another glass, this time taking gentle sips of the liquid.

"Wow, this spring water tastes way better than the stuff back home," Unsure why the water tastes the way it apparently does she assumes it's due to it coming from an underground spring. It would seem that Amunta had no need to tell them to continue drinking as the pitcher of water is soon empty, Lani having refilled her glass as soon as she had drank its contents.

With both her hunger and thirst satiated Lani relaxes into the chair once more, though the young demon soon begins fidgeting, a persistent warmth spreading through the girl. Looking over to Amunta the young demoness' mind begins to race, lustful thoughts beginning to form as Lani glances over the Amunta's body, eyes lingering on the older woman's sizable chest and curvaceous hips as she quickly realises her more demonic urges need to be satisfied.

"I-it's getting hot in here," Lani says coyly, her gaze never leaving Amunta as she unties her makeshift leather corset, her own sizable chest bouncing slightly as it's freed from its confines.
Re: A Chance Meeting (Occam's Razor and SirOni)

Michael takes the bottle of whiskey in hand, and pours a glass for himself. "Down the hatch!" he proclaims, then downs the glass in one gulp, then exhaling a contented sigh. "Now THAT is whiskey if I do say so myself." He then pours himself another glass, and this time begins to drink it slowly, taking note of every aspect of the liquor as he does so.

After he had finished his second glass, he slumped forward and leaned on the table, his wings buzzing at different speeds as he felt the alcohol kick in, and also felt something more as he watched Lani unlace her corset. "Yeah, it really is hot in here." he says, drawing his arms within his duster and allowing it to rest on his shoulders as he then reaches out and pours a third drink of whiskey for himself. "To our gracious hostess. May her beauty never falter." he says, raising the glass and then downing the drink in three gulps after his makeshift toast.
Re: A Chance Meeting (Occam's Razor and SirOni)

Michael: HP = 46, PP = 36, EP = 34, Status = Aroused
Lani: HP = 66, PP = 42, EP = 40, Status = Aroused

Amunta grinned broadly as both Lani and Michael began to remove their clothes, watching Lani especially closely as her ample chest spilled out of her leather corset. "Here here!" Amunta said in bemusement at Michael's toast in her honor, though she had no glass to raise in return. After Lani had drained the pitcher of water and Michael had downed a good amount of whiskey, their host clapped again, and the little remaining food was taken away, Amunta having touched none of it. "Now.... I think it is time for the entertainment to begin." She said, and then rose from her seat.

She took a slow stroll around the table, first going around Michael's side and pausing behind his chair. He felt her hands reach down onto his shoulders, and she slowly eased his coat off of his shoulders, though the heavy leather garment remained mostly upright as it leaned against the back of the chair. "So unusual... But unique! I've never seen anything like you before, Michael. This shall be... Interesting, to say the least." Amunta said every word right into his ear, or at least into the side of his head where his ear should have been. Regardless, with the warmth that had spread throughout his body from the whiskey, the feel of her breath against his skin could only be considered pleasant.

She didn't linger for long, however, completing her circuit of the table. When she reached the side opposite the head, the belt around the center of her already revealing garment came off and was set upon the table, and the only thing keeping the cloth covering Amunta's body were the folds of the silky robe. She once more sat on the table, this time a little farther to the side so that Michael could still see Lani from where he sat. The woman leaned forward, her bust pressed together and practically in Lani's face as she leaned forward. "You, my little delicacy... I think I will entertain first tonight." She said, and then took Lani's chin gently with the fingertips of her left hand and tilted her head up. Amunta's mouth descended and claimed Lani's a second later, her lips sealing against those of the young half demon while a thin, narrow tongue darted past and began to explore what lay beyond. At the same time, her right hand traced a line down Lani's neck, past her collar and toward her breasts, stopping only when it reached the first button of her shirt. With a single quick motion, Amunta undid the top bottom, and traced downwards, showing no signs of stopping.
Re: A Chance Meeting (Occam's Razor and SirOni)

Michael practically melts as Amunta speaks into what should be his ears, his gaze relaxing as he begins to slide into an extremely relaxed states. When she took her belt off, however, he could feel his heart beginning to race, as well as several other physical changes he hadn't experienced in quite some time.

When she directed her attention at Lani first, however, he almost leaped out of the chair to take Amunta for himself. However, he was content with sitting there in his chair, his hands clutching the arms with such strength his knuckles would be white if they weren't covered in the strange hide that grew on his skin. His wings began to buzz and his breathing began to hasten, though he kept his mind as focused as he could so as to pay attention to every detail.
Re: A Chance Meeting (Occam's Razor and SirOni)

Lani's gaze never leaves Amunta as the older woman gets up off her seat and moves towards Michael. The demoness bites her lower lip as Amunta makes her way over to the girl, removing her robes belt, its material barely concealing the woman's full figure. Even before Amunta kisses Lani she has her lips slightly parted, the tip of the young girls tongue coming to rest on her bottom lip.

As Amunta leans in close Lani sliders her arms over the older woman's shoulders, letting them lie against her back as the younger girl melts into the kiss, her own tongue dancing against their hosts with perhaps a bit more force than she had intended. All thoughts of trying to escape and even her journey leave the young demoness' mind as she feels Amunta's fingertips glide over her bare neck to her shirt, quickly unclasping the buttons to relieve Lani's breasts of their confines. Lani quietly moans into the kiss as her shirt is finally opened up fully, the air caressing the soft flesh of her chest, her nipples already hard. Opening her eyes reveals a faint red glowing around her iris', and sliding her hands back over Amunta's shoulders Lani grabs a hold of the older woman's robes pulling her close to the young demoness, squishing their breasts together. Releasing the robes from her grip Lani slides her hands under them, her small hands gliding across Amunta's bare waist before gently trailing down and onto their hosts buttocks. For now it would seem the young girl is content with kissing their host.