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The Game Thread

Re: The Game Thread

Dunno, looks like it's up the air still.

I'd rather a new game than a remake though.
Re: The Game Thread


Caves of Qud. Currently in beta, it is set in a post-apocalyptic world - not all-brown-no-plants-anywhere, though, presumably the end of the world happened long ago enough that flora has returned. You start in a little farming village. There are presumably other civilized areas in the ruins and shit scattered around the world, but I have not seen them yet. Beware the horrible mutants, rogue robots, and hostile flora and/or fauna!

There is a crafting gimmick. AFAIK it's all technological kinda stuff - you buy the "tinker" skill, and you can disassemble stuff for parts, which you can use to make other stuff you have schematics for. All technological stuff shows up as "artifacts" unless you identify them, which is usually simple enough. Such things include drug injectors (potions, pretty much), guns, and grenades.

Food and water management. It's pretty scarce, don't go out into the wilderness unless you've got a fuckton of food, or know how to harvest and/or butcher! You can eat corpses as well, but those suck.

A world map. Occasionally you will get lost. When this happens, it kicks you to the local level map, and you have to evade all the horrible monsters! Presumably you can get unlost and go back to the world map, but the times I've gotten lost that didn't kick in, and I had to walk all the way back manually. There's a skill that helps you get unlost as well

The coolest bit though is the Mutated Human race you can pick. Currently, there are Pure Humies, who get boosted stats and skills from living in there non-irradiated, non-blown-to-the-Dark-Ages arcologies, and the Mutants, who weren't so lucky and had to live in the wastes. During chargen for the mutants, you can pick mutations, using a point-buy system. It's split into physical and mental mutations, which for the most part don't mix. Physical mutations give you shit like claws, a carapace, regeneration, more arms/legs and heightened speed/hearing/vision. It also has some less believable things, like ICE/FIRE HANDS, which you can use to SHOOT ICE/FIRE AT SHIT, but disallow you from wearing gloves. Mental mutations are the fun stuff like telepathy, pyro/cryo/[light]kinesis, super brainitude and stuff. There's also even crazier shit, like teleportation, a space-time vortex, and "Temporal Fugue", which basically makes TIME CLONES out of you.

Note, there IS a way to get access to both, though it's much more expensive than just access to one tree, and IIRC it's not totally free access.

You can also buy a defect, that gives you more points! These're also separated into physical and mental. On the physical side, there are things like amphibious (need to submerse yourself in (very rare, I might remind you) fresh water) and ravenous (you eat a lot), and crazy shit like spontaneous combustion (which I fucking ALWAYS take because it's fucking hilarious). Mentalside there's stuff like narcolepsy (Oh shit it's the dungeon boss heaven or hell let's roZZZZzzzzz), but none of it matters because there is fucking Evil Twin, which is fucking awesome and at an unknown time during your game will spawn a hostile clone who has all of your powers and equipment and holy fucking shit this is the best defect.

For the cons: Like I said, it's a roguelike, which is pretty hard to get into for the non-initiated. And it's permadeath - once your character dies, it's game over, no reloads, (s)he's gone for good. ...Unless you savescum, of course. AND, it's in beta, so it's not entirely stable. But I've only had one fuckup-error so far, so it doesn't seem to be that bad, and there's a lot of content for an unfinished game.

My current character has the vortex mutation and Temporal Fugue, and has a firebomb in his throwing weapon slot. When I ran into a giant enemy crab, I used it, and they immediately both used their wormholes, like they always do. These proceeded to wander around the map, and every wall and enemy they touched was teleported to somewhere else in the world (think if I used it on your chair, your chair would suddenly appear up in a tree in the Amazon or something). The wormhole missed the crab, though, whose armor was so high we could barely do shit to it. So they proceeded to firebomb it and explosions and fire everywhere while I ran like a bitch.
Re: The Game Thread

Since Champions online recently went to free to play, im going to give that a shot. I liked the concept when i read about it in interviews in game informer, so i hope it still seems ok, but the downloads taking forever..my internet must either blow ass hard, or this client is making me crawl slower than a turtle.
Re: The Game Thread

is out.

Re: The Game Thread

its no where nearly as good as the first.
Re: The Game Thread

I can't seem to defeat the skull boss even with the billions of guns, lightning shooters and rockets.
Re: The Game Thread

I can't seem to defeat the skull boss even with the billions of guns, lightning shooters and rockets.

Did you..... UPGRADE???

No, but in all seriousness, if you're actually having a problem, I dunno what to tell ya. It took me two bombs (I had 4 of those bomb Cool-down Reduction things), 3 Rockets, 6 Guns, 6 lasers, 4 Lightning shooters, all at level 5, but he went down.
Re: The Game Thread

Did you..... UPGRADE???

No, but in all seriousness, if you're actually having a problem, I dunno what to tell ya. It took me two bombs, 3 Rockets, 6 Guns, 6 lasers, 4 Lightning shooters, all at level 5, but he went down.

I've upgraded all my weapons. I've got 4 rockets, 20 lightning shooters and 18 guns all max level and I still can't kill the skull boss. And I have several magnets and 2 foil modules. I am getting a fuckton of money from him though.
Re: The Game Thread

May want to trade out most of those lightning shooters for lasers. Lasers seem to be pretty damn powerful.

May also want a few bomb CDR ones as well. Dunno how much damage the bomb actually does, but I'm pretty sure it's quite powerful as well.

Currently, I have 42 lvl 5 Lasers, 10 lvl 5 Magnets, 7 lvl 5 Pistols, 5 lvl 5 Bomb CDRs, 4 lvl 5 Rockets, 4 lvl 5 Lightnings, 4 lvl 5 Foils, and 4 lvl 5 Boosters. Boss gets dead. Doesn't get past my front row of laser modules.
Re: The Game Thread

I just defeated him. Replaced 8 guns with 8 bombs, the boss was just about to leave the screen when he finally blew up.
Re: The Game Thread

Just found out that 78 lvl 5 Lasers kills the boss just as he makes it fully on-screen. More would probably hasten it further, but I like my magnets. And the 4 lightning shooters are really there as more of a 'this way I fill the entire space' thing.
Re: The Game Thread

"Which". A pretty surreal horror/puzzle game. I would go into detail, but in order to fully absorb the atmosphere, you have to play it without knowing anything.

Game is by Mike Inel.

Re: The Game Thread

I know that quite a few of you may already know about it, but let me bring up . It's a 2d platforming sandboxey RPG thingamajig partially inspired by Minecraft. Though it's drastically different.

It's rather addictive and I've been playing it a lot recently. A big thing about it is that you can start to build your own small town and as time passes, and you reace milestones and requirements, specific NPCs will move into those houses and stick around. A lot of them give you services that in some cases you'll need in order to advance in the game.

There's a fairly large amount of content already, but it's still in development and constantly improving. (As if you haven't already heard that a million times in past few months?) It can take a bit of getting used to, and also a bit of research if you don't like experimentation, but I heartily recommend it for

For those of you who despise steam or are less generous for any number of reasons,
Re: The Game Thread

I was actually thinking about starting a thread for Terraria to see who was interested in starting a map together. But we have the Minecraft server now so I decided not to in the end. I do like it, but I prefer Minecraft even though Terraria does have more content other than explore and build.
Re: The Game Thread

duke nukem is boring. its just a generic shooter with a thin vaneere of duke. this means its only slightly worse than i expected.
Re: The Game Thread

I'm pretty sure this is the wrong thread for that type of game.
Re: The Game Thread

"Which". A pretty surreal horror/puzzle game. I would go into detail, but in order to fully absorb the atmosphere, you have to play it without knowing anything.

Game is by Mike Inel.

This game. Is one of the most horrifying experiences ever.
Re: The Game Thread

. Play it now.
Re: The Game Thread


The key is to Nyan the leeks.
Re: The Game Thread

Oh Goddammit. I'm hooked.


lol... you and me both!

Anyway, here's a cute little (English-language) VN game I found that I enjoyed. No hentai, but cute (and a little grindy) nonetheless. I rather enjoyed the idea of learning about magic a la Harry Potter:
