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The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

No rush, I'm licking between Fear of the Dark and Planetary Census atm. :D
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]
Age: 22
Sex: Dick-Girl (Looks like a dick but is only an extremely enlarged clitoris when she is aroused)
Race: Human
Appearance: Height 5"0" Her breast size is E cup. Long silver hair with red streaks that are the color of setting sun. Her eyes are azure and large similar to a does eyes. Her face is considered cute, while alone in times of masturbation she does, her face clouds and becomes beautiful.
Bio: Nadia is nicknamed mouse due to her petite frame and timid nature. Through on occasion she is known to go berserk. She very much believes the marriage law (meaning no sex till married) She has been through the experience of almost attempted rape till some of her friends rescued her from it. Recently her breasts have began to lactate even through she isn't pregnant. (If she becomes pregnant, her breast size will go to FF or G cup, her breasts will return to normal size when she finishes birthing and weaning and if no more suckling happens.) Finally, she is afraid to date men because of her large clitoris. She has been a victim of groping, usually around her breasts, which has made her very sensitive of them.

Level 1
Experience: 0
Health: 20+75=95
Stamina: 95+40=135 (Unknown Base = factors with your stats)

STR: 15 (base)
CON: 25(base)
SPD: 40 (base)
INT: 20 (base)
(100 points to distribute between those four stats. Base stats are 0)

Edit: I love details, I hope that my character escapes ALOT. Why else do I have such a godawful amount of spd?
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Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

Well...I really don't wish to add a whole bunch of extra factors to all the other statistics I have to do, so I'd much perfer a plain character, details are fine for details but not all the extra flaws/perks please.

As for Lurker, dammit, I totally thought I did it already. @_@ On it now.
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

Does that mean I have to remove berzerk? Because If I do then she's going to be raped easily. Hint* She goes berzerk when something even inadvaderntly touches her vaginal, not her ass through.
Edit: Fine fine removing - and + thingies.
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Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

Diaga, Wraust means both berserk and pregnancy thing. However, if you are worried about being too weak, my character started out as 15/15/45/25 so you don't have to worry about being the weakest person.
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

Diaga, Wraust means both berserk and pregnancy thing. However, if you are worried about being too weak, my character started out as 15/15/45/25 so you don't have to worry about being the weakest person.

This is right. I mean all the factors you added about - str, + this or that. As is, I have it set up that theres also enough luck put into the game that a weak character can out do others, as well as if you're lucky enough + fast enough, you may not even be caught to begin with. Each stat does hold a special thing and each is important but theres also the luck factor added to give you an edge incase you're up against a much stronger opponent. (this of course, if you're really unlucky could backfire and make you lose to a weak opponent too but thats the fun. >.>)

and to say why I don't want the extra factors in is, Every single time a new room is entered. Theres about four rolls done, thats only to figure out what is in the room. Then to figure out what of the things in the room is in the room. Then etc... Every single move has a factor to pull in it. For example, Aya Morioka (Siphon) if you watch closely in his current situation (well -her-), she was tugged by Lilith but her handshake slip. That was a failed pin attack just a hidden one and more subtle. As well as when Quetz(pheonix) saw the tiles when entering the room, that was because she noticed the difference with some factors added. If she hadn't noticed, she may not have been able to examine and.... >.> XD Every single action has a way a character could escape somehow. And so on. So yeah just too many more numbers and it wouldn't be fair if I let one person do it either and none of the others also. If I revise it next go around I may add my own flaws/skills and I may, I thought about it this go but just too much more to add to it. XD
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

Can I still leave the berzerk thing in as a personality defect? It will disappear after a virginity is taken away..
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

You can have her instead of doing a more reasonable thing attack, or so on. And roleplay as if she is berserk, fine. Each character can be played how you think they'd react even if it may not be quite the wisest choice, thats to yeach your own. However, if you mean leave in the stat changes, no. Otherwise yeah you can have everything you stated so to speak just not the stat flaws/perks.

I don't mind more detail to a character, thats very welcomed, just the extra stats on top of everything else is a bit much. lol
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

I took out the stats.. But is her nether regions are touched (not her ass) I am going to use the character in berzerker mode hell yah!
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

I'll set up your room in alittle while, takes a bit to set up the rooms unless you're rather lucky and it comes up an empty room. (though...dunno if everyone wants an empty room or not. Some may like being raped o_O *pokes the name of the site*)
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

I like tentacle rape, but I like romance more, I am very much disgusted by rape between male and female and vice versa even in hentai and manga, but I like any other kind of rape as long as it's not humanoid. No, I am not a romantic at heart. At least I think so... Anywhere my character's a romantic at heart...
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

I think Quetz just jinxed herself.
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

Wow, she is going to either get raped big time or succed masterfully, or do some neutral thing again..
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

This is fun to read lol
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

*pulls off the intercom microphone*: *ahem* This is your captain speaking, there will be a brief intermission while our new dungeon passenger is brought to her cozy room, please stand by in about ten minutes. *hooks the microphone back up*

[and I'll take that as a compliment Zero, ty :p]
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

Zero GIVE HIM REP POINTS! *Everyone else, if you like him enough aka you actually said like in a post then give him a rep point. zero said like!
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

lol bah Diaga your room is the most boring yet :p Completely empty from anything and everything. XD
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

My character is going through a mental breakdown. Suits here character does it not? I'm going offline for a few hours for some sleep.
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

bah bad news guys. >.> The roller site I use just went down or something o_O Its not opening up. -_-'' Gimme a few minutes, might be my connection too. xD If not I gotta use a slower roller -_-'' which means posts may be a bit slower. @_@
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up

Why not use ?