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Aika sues supermeme


El Presidente
Staff member
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
I would like to sue supermeme on the grounds that he fails at internet.

Is there anyone who will defend supermeme?
Re: Aika sues supermeme

The silence says it all. But to hell with it.

Re: Aika sues supermeme

I suggest someone who knew supermeme to be the judge, so SirOni or nunu or someone similar.
Re: Aika sues supermeme

I'll be the judge then, but the judge rules that the court case wont be able to start until tomorrow, once the judge has come from work.
Re: Aika sues supermeme

Re: Aika sues supermeme

HOLD IT!!! ... er (changing characters since Dark got to Pheo... I mean... Ace attorney first* ... can I be the judge?
Re: Aika sues supermeme

SirOni got there first, I'm afraid.
Re: Aika sues supermeme

If you need a lawyer to help you, Aika, I can help. After all, court cases normally have a lawyer for each side
Re: Aika sues supermeme

SirOni got there first, I'm afraid.

*scrolls up and reads post that was somehow missed. Facepalms*

BAILIFF!!! I CALL BAILIFF!!! I got to test my stun gun on somebody...:D
Re: Aika sues supermeme

*runs in and tackles gameguru to the ground*
Re: Aika sues supermeme

*ish watching while wearing his suit* Anyone need a prosecution attorney?
Re: Aika sues supermeme

Sure Burrito, you can be my attorney.
Re: Aika sues supermeme

OKAY! On with the case.

*bangs his gavel* Okay, first court case hearing today, whats the charge?
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Re: Aika sues supermeme

Your honor, I would like to sue supermeme on the grounds that he fails at internet, and his failure at internet has caused me and my forum mental and physical (in the case of the forum) harm.

((Sorry, rushing out. Be back in a few hours.))
Re: Aika sues supermeme

Hrmmmm, I'll allow it. Does the defendant have anything to say?
Re: Aika sues supermeme

Your honor, we of the defense would like to say that the plaintiff is full of crap. My client was a victim of society and a giant douchebag at heart, so he had no control over his actions during his days of running rampant in the forums.

We would also like to plead innocent.
Re: Aika sues supermeme

"The client had no control over his actions..." are you trying to plead insane?

In any case, allow me to make my opening statement.

On the proboards forum "The Unofficial LineMarvel Forums" a user by the alias "supermeme" registered for the forum. He proceeded to harass and insult several members with no obvious signs of being provoked.

Furthermore, he created a second account for the purposes of starting an argument between the two accounts to cause internet drama. He admitted to being underage, and even sent me an email which had his real name attached.

Lastly, he changed his IP to purposefully evade the ban I placed upon him and once again joined the forum under the name "supersonic" with the intent of once again disrupting the peace.

Later, on the new vublletin forum, he once again registered, illegally, since this is an adult forum. It is at this point I would like to bring my first piece of evidence to the court's attention.
Re: Aika sues supermeme

No, we aren't pleading insanity. We are pleading innocence. Supermeme is just too retarded to know better. He's not mentally sick, but only stupid. However, he is still innocent.
Re: Aika sues supermeme

Objection! This is clearly an attempt to steer the court away from the facts: Supermeme was a Douchebag. He was a Flamer. He was the biggest asshole ever. That is my objection, your honor
Re: Aika sues supermeme

Can we have the baliff escort this man out, please? This court does not need any outbursts.