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The Colony - Day 2

Re: The Colony - Day 2

Somewhere East of Firelight Base: Carmine Forest (Sector 9), Orc Slave Camp (Inside Marcus' Cell); Circe

The lion man kept his broad back turned to Circe, sitting in a taut, straight position, which must have taken years of training for him to perfect. He didn't move as Circe walked in, save for a twitch of an ear.

"Maybe then I'll find peace," The lion murmured in reply.

Somewhere East of Firelight Base: Carmine Forest (Sector 9), Orc Slave Camp (Barracks); Lullana

Lullana watched Circe walk through the door to the lion man's cell, relieved for a moment that she wouldn't have to put on such an orcish persona around the woman. In all reality, she knew that Ethan wouldn't be here, after Tereani pulled her aside and explained why the human slave of her's had been taken. She probably would never see him again... unless, of course, she could somehow find and rescue the man...

No, that was stupid. With a sight, Lullana leaned against an open wall space, two male human slaves chained to the floor on either side of her. Their hands behind their backs, and eyes covered with a cloth, they couldn't see what was going on... but they could very obviously hear, trying to turn their head this way and that with each noise they processed. They each had on different uniforms, and she realized she could ask Circe what each color meant...

Or, she could just ask them herself, too.

Firelight Base: Sub-Floor 12; Marie, Laina, Ashley and Kalica

Combat Rolls:

Kalica: Attempts to negotiate with the Orcess; uses no EP.

Ashley: Sexes her pet, using all her EP; uses 10 EP.
Sex 1: 9 + 2 = 11 vs. 6 + 2 = 8; Wolf AP: 1/2.
Sex 2: 6 + 2 = 8 vs. 5 + 2 = 7; Wolf AP: 0/2.
Sex 3: 2 + 2 = 4 vs. 7 + 2 = 9; Ashley's AP: 0/3.
Sex 4: 3 + 2 = 5 vs. 10 (Natural 10!) + 3 + 2 = 15; Ashley's FP: 0/5. Ashley orgasms and passes out.

Enemy turn

Orcess: Starts to move out of cover to attack Kalica; interrupted by Kiera's turret.
Attack 1: 1 (Critical Fail) = 4 vs. 2 + 4 = 6; Laina is hit: Damage: 3.
Orcess: Attacks Kalica 2 times, switches weapons, and fires two more times; uses 4 EP.
Attack 1: 4 + 4 = 7 vs. 3 + 4 = 8; Damage: 4. Kalica's Clothing: 1/5.
Attack 2: 8 + 4 = 12 vs. 2 + 4 = 6; Damage: 3. Kalica's Clothing: Destroyed.
Attack 3: 7 + 4 = 11 vs. 1 (critical fail) = 4; Damage: 4 (Critical Fail); Kalica is down to 2/3 FP.
Attack 4: 3 + 4 = 7 vs. 9 + 4 = 13; Miss.

((Both Kalica and Marie can still try to sex the orcess...))/b]

The orcess looks over at Marie, masturbating like a whore without a care in the world, then at the corner where Kalica had popped out from. Grinning, the orcess makes her way over there, hand over the Mechanic's mouth so she wouldn't let out a warning, before jumping out around the corner, grinning at Kalica.

"Too bad, little girl, I think I'll be leaving with all- AGH!" The orcess let out a shout as the turret in the ceiling let off a round - which struck Laina, the Mechanic yelping in pain. She pulled back around the corner, growling, even as Kalica backed up a few steps from the close encounter.

"Kalica, I can't fire at the orcess with Laina so close. I may hit her again. Would you mind telling me why Marie isn't responding to my requests though?"

Before Kalica could answer, the orcess spun around the corner, raising her orc rifle in the air - firing at Kalica. The Runner yelped, only two of the rounds coating her clothing, dissolving her to a nude state in the blink of an eye. Unable to reload with Laina in her arms, the orcess simply drops her rifle on the ground, pulling out her pistol and firing another two rounds - the first one catching Kalica in the chest, right over her heart. The runner was quick to pull the dart out of her breast, but it was too late- her cheeks flushed, her body quaked, and her pussy became moist, her body suddenly needing to be fucked..

In the middle of the room, Ashley was urging her pet to screw her again - and luckily, he was able to push through and begin pumping into Ashley's slick pussy, sloshing about her cunt filled with his seed. Moaning in need, the woman felt her own orgasm building as she felt the wolf pumping in and out of her... And even though a small thought of sanity has returned to her lust-driven mind, it was all lost as she felt herself on the edge... finally descending into a world of bliss as she screamed in absolute bliss, spraying her pussy juices onto her wolf's cock. Her orgasm lasted for minutes, thanks to the Aphrodisiac, leaving Ashley completely drained of energy as her wolf humped away at her rear, too tired to even hold the front of her body up...


Marie: Jumpsuit: 0/7.
AP: 0/2, FP: 2, MP: 4, EP: 6/8
DX10 Pistol: 0/4 Rounds/clip, 7 clips.

Laina: Medium Armor: 11/15; Grappled with 37 points.
AP: 3/4, FP: 6, MP: 0/4, EP: 7/7
DX10 Pistol: 3/5 rounds/clip, 13 clips.
Orc Pistol: 8/8 Grn. Rounds/Clips (1 clip), 8/8 Pnk. Rounds/Clip (1 clip).
Omnitool: Unlimited charges.

Kalica: Runner armor: 5/5.
AP: 0/3, FP: 2/3, MP: 10, EP: 6/9
Modified DX5 Pistol: 9/9 Rounds/clip, 7 clips.

Ashley: Civilian Clothes: 0/7
AP: 0/3, FP: 0/5, MP: 4, EP: 12/12
DX2 Pistol: 3/3 Rounds/clip, 15 clips available.
Devlin Peacemaker: 1/1 Rounds/Clip, 13 rounds available.
Wolf 2: No Armor.
AP: 0/2, FP: 0/3, MP: 2, EP: 6/6

Grunt 1: Dead; 1 EXP rewarded.

Grunt 2: Dead; 1 EXP rewarded.

Grunt 3: Dead; 1 EXP rewared (+1 for Kalica).

Wolf 1: Dead; 1 EXP rewarded.

Wolf 3: Dead; No EXP rewarded for Kiera's kill.

Grizzy (Dire Wolf): Dead; 4 EXP rewarded.

Orc Beast Apprentince: Armor: 17/20; Grappling Laina with 37 points.
AP: 6, FP: 8, MP: 18, EP: 12/12
Unknown Weapons.

Firelight Base: Floor 2, Command Center; Annerose, Commander Winters, Kiera (Representation).

"Well.. If you're tired of losing to me, we do have a team in the Garage who need some help," Kiera said to the pilot.

"Yes. While I can't order you around in this state of Anarchy, I'd like it if you just went to check up on them, please?" Commander Winters asked.
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Re: The Colony - Day 2

Lullana examines the two humans...She had to bring back something to keep Tereani happy and either of these two looked ample. As she wouldn't know if the men would tell her truthfully she decided she would ask Circe what each of the uniforms meant before making her mind up, a higher ranking human was sure to be more impressive than an ordinary soldier and despite her frustration at her loss she would still like to do her sister proud. Who knows, if she could prove herself again then maybe Tereani would be able to help her find Ethan...
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Firelight Base: Sub-Floor 12; Marie, Laina, Ashley and Kalica

The orcess looks over at Marie, masturbating like a whore without a care in the world.
((Whee, more smutty stuff!))
Masturbating like a whore? Yes. Without a care? Nope. Marie is trying to get off, and failing. Her pussy demands something longer than her pistol, her thighs demand something to wrap around, her skin demands something warm to caress it...

"I need... I need..." Marie sits upright, hands still working her parts, looking at everyone still standing. That wolf... busy... Kalica... ew, a Runner?... the yellow woman... she did this, she can damn well finish... and she looks so padded, too...

So thinking, Marie staggers to her feet, letting the pistol drop with a sucking noise, spreading her arms and dashing at the orcess, fairly leaping at that toned yellow body, to rub her needy self against that flesh...

((Marie tries to tackle the orcess so she can hump her. Sigh... Marie can hit her, but does she have the mass to take her down? Of course not...))
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Re: The Colony - Day 2

Completely exhausted after her orgasm, Ashley lay beneath her pet, on the border of consciousness. It would be a while before any sense came back to her, meaning she was out of the fight. Which might be a good thing, considering her luck up until now.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Two Miles East of Firelight: Abstero Security Checkpoint; Cassidy, Jethro, Emily, Skora, Kardas(!) and Ninaski(!)

The group, after greeting one another, starts towards the compound, keeping their weapons at the ready, with Jethro in the lead. It was still a long walk from the entry gate to the 'greeting compound', the only area they could currently access. Standing between two more immense guard towers, the saw the large, glass double doors had been blown open, revealing the greeting area inside the compound.

"That doesn't look good..." Emily murmured.

((The building is still 'blank'... But someone in the group CAN scan it to see what's on the inside...))
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Kardas gives a slight shiver mid-step as they approach the building. "I just came in contact with their security system," she reports. "I'm not powerful enough, nor good enough at this to actually change anything, but I can usually get read permissions..."

She begins to concentrate and then her face goes completely blank. "Accessing internal sensors. Scanning for life signs. Compiling data into three dimensional graphical display. Transferring compiled data to transmitter," she murmured over the next 30 seconds or so, until a small device in her left hand sprang to life, displayed a transparent 3d model of the data she had downloaded from the security network.

"Handy trick, eh?" she declared smugly even as she analysed her own map. "It's still a bit of a weird feeling when you come into contact with a computer. Good thing I have to actively search for one; otherwise people could just try to nasty software straight into my brain. Wouldn't that be a nasty shock? I wonder how much control an external program could have; I mean, if it was specifically written to go after me it could probably do all sorts of nasty things, but just a general program, I wonder how it'd cope with my brain. Not enough to try it out, mind you, this is just pure speculation..." she babbles on as other study the map.

((Well, that's me down to 1MP. Gogo gadget minimap? :3 ))
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Jethro raises his left eyebrow as the woman speaks like an automaton, then turns his head slightly to look at the 3D map when it pops up. "Very nice." he states, then smacks the right side of his head with his right hand before returning it to his rifle. "Hey. Why can't you do all that fancy schmancy computer crap? You're an AI too." he seems to talk to himself, then shakes his head a couple of times before looking back at the map "Any clue as to where we can find Nanako? Or some more weapons and ammo?"
Re: The Colony - Day 2

"Handy indeed. Mind transferring it to our HUDs? Should get a decent connection at this range, and it'd be good for all of us to have a hard copy. In case we get split up. Rather than plan our route from here,though, let's move in and see what's what. You never know what may have happened to the layout with debris and the like.. we may even run into Abstergo trying to extract with our girls. Oh, and, Crazy? Try not to announce our presence with your inane babbling. Let's go, Tin Man. Only way is forwards."

This, the Asari decides, seems like a good time to draw her pistol, and she thumbs the safety off before following Jethro into the large greeting area. Her body language, however, broadcasts wariness, and the Asari's eyes flick over the large guard towers. An open area.. great view.. not much cover. This was bad.

((With Jethro in point, advance into greeting compound.))
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Somewhere East of Firelight Base: Carmine Forest (Sector 9), Orc Slave Camp (Barracks); Lullana

Deciding to keep to herself, Lullana just waited for Circe to reappear... And trying to ignore the orcs near her, sitting at a table - all of them with female human slaves chained to the chair legs. They were talking lightly, eyeing the orcess.

"<Let the idiot sit by herself. She deserves not our attention... trying to hoard a slave to herself.>"

"<Tch. We could teach the pathetic woman a lesson, as the Commander was afraid to.>"

"<You know why the Commander couldn't... Tereani.>" The three orcs continued to talk, getting louder as they did - unashamed that Lullana could hear them.

Abstergo East Campus: 'Greeting' Center (Floor 1); Cassidy, Jethro, Emily, Skora, Kardas and Ninaski

As the group steps into the small entry way, careful to step over the glass, Kardas accesses her programming... only for a very unfamiliar presence to reach out and 'touch' her, invading her privacy.

"Who's this in my network- Oh.. An Enhanced Human," A silky, feminine voice said in Kardas' head, "Sorry dear. I'm keeping an eye on the AI not five feet from you - the, uh, 'Tin Man', as the blue one says. Seeing your code at work just made me... irritable. My name is Kiera, the Firelight Base AI.

"I do love how you Enhancies don't require a HUD Device. You're head is quite cozy, even though I just basically... Mind raped you."

The map appeared in front of Kardas' eyes - but also in front of everyone that had a HUD from Firelight.

Floor 1
((Wow... I am suddenly un-happy with the picture quality of these maps... I may upload them as something different soon...))

Red - Jethro
Dark Red - Emily
Dark Green - Skora
Green - Ninaski
Blue - Cassidy
Purple- Kardas

Light Blue/Gray - Nanako

Floor 2

"...Oh, look, one of our VIPs, Nanako," Kiera said to everyone, "In the Northeast section of the building, in the locker room, apparently. I can't get a lock on our other VIP..."

"Psst," Kiera whispered to Cassidy, "...There's someone in this building you'll be interested in. Second Floor, in the dormitories. She's a -very- big fan of that Video that's been circulating around the Extranet... Yes, -THAT- one."
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Re: The Colony - Day 2

"Okay, okay, voice in my head, voiceinmyhead," Kardas said in a panicked tone as she froze, speaking even more rapidly than usual and hugging herself slightly. "Program without proper permissions detected, attempting to quarantine program," she declared, before shaking her head slightly. "No... this is... helpful?" she says cautiously, as if not entirely sure.

"Quarantine aborted by user. Internal threat settings set to maximum level," she informed herself. If the AI currently piggybacking her brief link in so much as blinked the wrong way, her internal security would begin trying to fight it off; although one could only hope it was strong enough to manage.

"Wait, who are... AI... right... okay," Kardas said with a slow nod, perhaps not even aware she was speaking aloud. "N-Now... now you behave yourself. And rape is a naughty word, I bet your mother wouldn't like you using language like that. Then again, she might be the one who added it to your vocabulary... alright, so we know where this Nanako person is that is apparently important; where's their armoury? Last known location of this other VIP? And where are the hostiles? Why can't I get a read on any of Abstergo's goons?"
Re: The Colony - Day 2

"What, without getting any revenge?" Circe said, dropping her orc voice and walking up to tap Marcus on the shoulder. "Are you just going to give up? The Titan of Kensley, killed by a bunch of oversized gremlins without even putting up a fight. That how you want to be remembered?" Backing up, Circe waited for him to turn to look at her, where she'd motion for him to stand up and then wait for his reaction.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

As the map was uploaded to Jethro's brain, he shakes his head several times and rubs his right eye for a few seconds before groaning. "Dammit, I hate that. Feels like someone just poured battery acid in my brain. At least I can navigate now. Lead on, Archy." he speaks as one of the LED lights on his head turns red and his eye does as well, his rifle raised to his shoulder and aimed down the sights as he advances.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Somewhere East of Firelight Base: Carmine Forest (Sector 9), Orc Slave Camp (Inside Marcus' Cell); Circe

The lion's right ear twitched.

"A human traitor. Ironic she'd call me the Titan of Kensley. Did you defect before my insubordination? Or after?"

Marcus turned around, glaring at Circe, unabashed by her near-nudity.

"They think they can reason with me by bringing in a pathetic human like yourself? Betraying your own kind? I'm not even fully human and I wouldn't dream of high treason."
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Circe smiled, resting a hand on her hip. "If I wanted to betray my own kind, I would have shot you, or left you to rot here." She left out the fact that she didn't have any lethal ammunition. "Instead, I'm giving you the chance to come with me and keep fighting. In essence, I'm giving you the same choice that was given to me, except I could choose between living to fight again, or sucking on orc dick for the rest of my life." She knelt down next to Marcus. "Don't think for a second I have any interest in working for these xenos. I'm just doing what I have to to survive because I know that by living I can help humanity better than if I chose the easy way out. I need you if I'm going to do that."
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Somewhere East of Firelight Base: Carmine Forest (Sector 9), Orc Slave Camp (Inside Marcus' Cell); Circe

Marcus shakes his head, looking up at Circe with a sad smile.

"Go back to sucking orc cock. At least that way Cassie wouldn't be ashamed her heroine betrayed her in such a way.

"If we're done, traitor, I'd like to wait for my punishment. If it comes in the form of combat, I'll at least be able to face my demons from The Kensley in blessed hellfire."

Abstergo East Campus: 'Greeting' Center (Floor 1); Cassidy, Jethro, Emily, Skora, Kardas and Ninaski

"Yes... Voices inside your head..." The AI's pleasant voice suddenly became sinister, hissing inside Kardas' mind,"Now, go, hunt, FEED!

"Really though, dear, I'm not that threatening. Your program really is quite cute, and I promise to only use the word rape when I mind rape you again. Because, as you and I know, mind sex is the best sex. As for all those teensy questions you asked me, I haven't the slightest. I mean, where all of that stuff is. Their armory is probably located somewhere below us, but I see a room full of display cases not too far from here. The other VIP, Sharon Hayes, was somewhere on the second floor when her signal stopped functioning. As for the Abstergo Employees... ah, soldiers, I can't 'see' them, because I have no way of tracking them. As soon as you all come across one, I can tag their frequency and light them up on our maps."

"So, Jethro," Kiera sad innocently into Jethro's head, "...Aren't you pissed at Abstergo?"
Re: The Colony - Day 2

As soon as the voice became sinister, Kardas' security programs kicked in, beginning to try and violently eject the foreign presence from her mind. When the voice revealed its joke, she did her best to retract those orders, but at least some of the progress was done before she could cancel it.

"Don't DO that," she practically shouted. "It might be funny for you, but how would you feel if an unknown foreign program started reading through your sourcecode or something? If you don't behave yourself I'm giving you the boot, I can't afford you messing with me when we're going into a serious situation here. And honestly, 'somewhere on the second floor'. My short term memory is better than that; aren't you computers supposed to have perfect recall? Can you give me a location of that last ping, or was someone been messing with your memory banks?"
Re: The Colony - Day 2

What Kiera got as a response was something akin to a mental raspberry as Archibald responded to her message. "Baldy here doesn't hold as big a grudge as I do. After all, they're the reason I'm stuck in his head. Speaking of, GET TO WORK GETTING ME OUT OF HERE!" the AI yells at the end of his statement, Jethro kicking in his two-cents back to Kiera. "Oh, don't mind him. He's just pissed I let you lock him down when they were throwing me in jail. But yes, I hate them, but the last thing we need is mercenaries shooting us full of holes."
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Circe's expression soured. "So, you're just a coward after all." She said standing. "You want to know the difference between us? We were both captured in battle, but where you're just going to sit there and die, I'm going to keep fighting so that I can return to Cassie with the orc leader's head." She had been worried the orcs would be evesdropping on her conversation, but now she didn't care. "So I'm fighting for the orcs, that doesn't mean I'll be helping them. From within their ranks I can figure out where their strongholds are, what their strengths are, their weaknesses, so that I can use those against them."

She tossed her orc pistol in front of Marcus. "You're responsible for Firelight's weapons, wouldn't you like to build a better one of these?" Without waiting for a response she turned away. "I'm giving you a chance to make up for your failures, to prove to Cassie that you're worth returning to her. Because if you don't, I certainly know I won't be able to fill your position." Talking about the Commander in such a casual way caused a heat to rise in Circe's chest. As she waited for Marcus's reply, she clenched a trembling fist.
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Re: The Colony - Day 2

With everyone else talking to invisible AIs, Cassidy follows the trend with an annoyed huff.

"Great, Kiera. Care to tell me anything -useful- about this girl? Name, position, skills..?"

She also, directs an irritated glare at two of her companions. Tin Man, and Crazy, in her own terms.. and nudges Jethro, none too gently, in the back.

"Come on, keep moving forwards. I swear. If Cassie sends me one more squad member with an AI in their heads, I'm just going to shoot them and be done with it. Get your head in the game before someone takes it out for you, Tin Man! As for you, Crazy.."

A slow, disappointed shake of the head, before she checks the map, and wheels right.

"Come on, this way. Let's get to Nanako, then worry about other things. Kiera says there may be more of our people inside - we'll get them later. Nanako is top priority."

((Head East))

"...Just... don't fall over and hurt yourself."
Re: The Colony - Day 2

"Hey, I don't have any AIs in my head... er... except the one that's in there now... but I didn't exactly invite her in, did I?" Kardas shot back as she followed along with the group, still in a huff. "Besides, it's not like I sought you out; I was doing just fine without you, only to be marched back into the base I just broke out of," she pointed out with a raised index finger.

"Who ever had the brilliant idea of giving an AI a sense of humour anyways," she added with a mutter.