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The Colony - Day 2

Re: The Colony - Day 2

Kardas remained flatly calm, although her gun shifted to the new voice, the one demanding respect. 'Considering that the last time i lowered a weapon, someone attempted to rape me, i find your demands of respect to be inappropriate. And i am yet to witness any guarantee of mine or anyone else's safety. Abstergo's word alone no longer holds any value to me. In truth, i have no knowledge of why we are even here.'
Re: The Colony - Day 2

With her placid, gentle, diplomat's smile, Cassidy bows her head in acknowledgement to the Abstergo Captain. In a sweet tone most unlike her, the Asari replies..

"Thank you, Captain. Your offer of weapon modification is very kind, and one my team will be sure to accept.. if, possibly, one at a time. I'm sure you can understand a little caution in these trying times. Although you seem to have a fairly well-established compound here.. can I extend an invitation for you and yours to join us in Firelight? That way your.. Winters, can continue her evaluation of Miss Hayes, while she lends us her technical expertise to get the labs up and running. It might even be a better evaluation, hm? See her at work? Anyway. Lot to swallow, lot to take in.. I'll let you confer with command a moment. I need to round up this ragtag bunch behind me."

One last, sweet smile flashed at the mercenaries, before she turns her back on them. The Asari's expression changes in a flash, back to the cynical, irritated sneer she so often wore.

"-Thank you- Tin Man, Kitten, for retaining your -sanity-. Crazy, get whatever artificial intelligence is controlling you -out- of your head, and Green.. It's okay. We're not going to surrender our weapons, we're not being taken prisoner. Look at these guys. They're well-armed, well-armoured, and organised. If they wanted to take us prisoner, they'd just do it. They wouldn't waste time with negotiation and nice words. So -relax-, willya? And Crazy, if you don't put that gun down I'll shoot you myself. And then tell the nice men behind me with the assault rifles to shoot you as well. We clear..?"
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Skora holstered her sidearm. "It's your call, Blue. You're in charge for the moment." The quirky doctor seemed to like giving everyone nicknames, so she let the "Green" name slide, even though she was apprehensive about what these Abstergo humans might say about her skin once they got a good look at her.

She approached the Abstergo leader. "Just so you and your men don't get itchy trigger fingers on account of my skin - my mother was raped by orcs, I don't have a choice about how I look, but when it comes to the horde, I'll help anyone who'll help me kill them. So if you're willing to outfit me with some equipment, you'll have my thanks. My name is Skora - only the Blue one calls me Green."
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Lullana nods her thanks to the Juggernaut before shooting a quick smile back to the slave. Turning to Sivan she replies <"Apology accepted Brother, our clans will take this no further."> Walking back towards Marcus' cell she whispers to the Orc as she passes <"You and I on the other hand...">
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Emily was thoroughly confused by all of the talking. Who's Kane? Is the Doc Nanako leaving the Alliance? Sounds like there was some rape here before... I'm not leaving my guns behind for anyone. Why is Kiera asking for for a shootout? Finally when Cassidy began spitting out all of the nicknames, Emily's head really begins to spin. Wait a moment... Who's Crazy? Am I Green or Kitten? Why does everyone have so many names?!?!?! Finally, visibly shaking her head, she decides to follow everyone else's lead and sling her rifle over her shoulder, making sure to keep it ready to hand. Emily is quite sure she doesn't trust the guards, or even her team. She is, however, willing to play along a little while longer. Maybe something good will come from this confusion.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

She stepped into the cell. "Hey, get up, we gotta go." She called to whoever was inside the cell. In response, she noticed a tall figure stading up. "Why did you come here?" He asked. "To save you, now let's go." "Wait." The figure walked forward into the light of the corridor revealing him to be a Sithian, a race of large snake-like humanoids, often referred to by humans as Naga. Standing head and shoulders above her, the Sithian was definatly an imposing figure. "You saved my life, I owe you a life debt." The Sithian said, making a bowing motion. "I am completely at your service." "That's nice and all, but we really should be going before the Kensley blasts us into space dust." She said, turning to leave. "Quite right, a proper introduction will have to wait until we are safe." The Sithian agreed. Together the two quickly left the slaver's ship with just enough time to disengage the locks and get clear before the massive dreadnaut's turbolasers vaporized the vessel.

Circe shook her head to clear the flash of memory. She seemed to remember something similar happening, but she couldn't remember exactly what. Even this most recent flash seemed to fade into smoke as she tried to recall it. Putting it in the back of her mind, she looked up at Marcus.

"I don't know about a conscience, but I have honour. You'll find your peace, if not by the enemy's hand then by my own, I promise that." Looking over the hybrid she frowned. "You'll need to be my slave until then however, to keep from arousing suspicion. Do you think you can do that?"
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Annerose ignores the wolf who seemed to have everytghing under her control, although she briefly thought about shooting it initially, until her HUD told her that it was probably not a good idea. Running past the scene and towards where she was told someone needed help, she rounds the corner, her pistol drawn as she blinks at the two holding down the orcess, "...Are you sure these guys need my help Kiera?"
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Somewhere East of Firelight Base: Carmine Forest (Sector 9), Orc Slave Camp (Inside Marcus' Cell); Circe

Marcus seemed to ignore Circe's brief lapse into memory lane, looking down at her. After a few moments, he clears his throat, catching her attention again.

"I understand. I'll pretend to be your slave for now... Just see if you can at least free my arms without arousing suspiscion." He said, nodding to the smaller bioid.

As Circe left the room, the small area in the barracks fell silent as all attention was drawn to woman, the figure of Marcus dominating her frame from behind. Lullana was standing in front of two male humans, looking between the blindfolded figures. Judging by their uniforms, one was a medic, the other an engineer. She moved over to the orcess companion, tapping her on the shoulder and motioning to Marcus, nodding up to Lullana.

"I've got mine," She said.

Somewhere East of Firelight Base: Carmine Forest (Sector 9), Orc Slave Camp (Barracks); Lullana, (and later) Circe, Marcus

Lullana was about to walk into the cell, right as Marcus was pledging himself to Circe - probably exposing the two... until the Grunt felt a powerful hand grip her shoulder. Almost afraid it was Sivan, Lullana spins, about ready to strike out - only to be stare into the chest of the orc Juggernaut. She draws her arm across her chest in a quick salute, holding it until Karnak did the same.

"<A certain Sister has told me the reason of your visit. You're to find a slave, make it yours, and leave. Your training as Grunt has lasted far longer than anyone else in your clan,>" Karnak said gruffly... From the way he was speaking, and how he was saying the exact thing that Tereani had told her, Lullana knew exacly which 'Sister' had been giving him information, "<Now go. Pick a healthy male or female...>" With a snort, he added, "<Although hard to tell which is healthy. They all have some sort of pasty quality to their skin... Ah, right. Pick a healthy one, go to your encampment, and bed them. Why not one of the two males there?>"

He gestured to the two men she had been eyeing earlier, both blindfolded and chained to the ground, "<They have yet to be chosen... Of course, there are many more here in our camp for you.>

"<Also, just, please lie to Tereani if you don't pick your first slave. Being reassigned is not something I wish to have happen,>" Karnak grunted, giving Lullana a hearty slap on the back. The orcess stumbled forward, gaining her composure as the Juggernaught walked down the long hallway to her right. With a bit of a sigh, Lullana made her way back to the two slaves, looking down at them with slight disinterest. Maybe no one could replace Ethan...

As the thought slips through her mind, someone else vies her attention, tapping on her shoulder. Looking back around, she sees the tall, genetic hybrid the humans had created first, looking down at her with fierce yellow eyes, Circe at least four heads shorter than him. The woman nodded up at Lullana.

"I've got mine," She said.

Abstergo East Campus: 'Greeting' Center (Floor 1); Cassidy, Jethro, Emily, Skora, Kardas and Ninaski

"I... Honestly have no idea which one of you is the leader for the group," The captain looked at Kardas and Cassidy, glancing at Skora as she began to speak.

"So, you were part of this horde... unwillingly, it sounds. Our VIP has some questions you may be able to answer. We may have to decline a... research agreement... but seeing as how Sally is Alliance Property, she may leave as soon as her current testing is finished. Now,,, if you wouldn't mind following my associate, we can show you where this 'Nanako' is," He gestured to the soldier on his right, the one first to respond to his orders.

"Now, as for... you," The captain nodded to Kardas, "'Crazy', as your comrade calls you. What can I do to make you believe our offers of peace?" The captain crossed his arms, eyeing the woman with her pistol still at the ready, "...New pistol, maybe?"

"Leave my circuitry alone, or else I won't help you control Archibald! It's not like I'm asking you to kill EVERY Abstergo soldier you encounter. Just the ones who made you like... whatever you are.

"Like every Abstergo soldier, since they're all responsible for the sins of the past."

The soldier to the right of the group sidled over to them, nodding as he approached.

"Jenkins," He said, in a sort of awkward greeting. His face was covered up by a helmet like the captain and the other soldier, "...Nice joke about the eye," He said, looking over to Jethro.

((Post incoming for the other group tomorrow. Their recent epic rolls have forced me to think of a different action for the Orcess.

Re: The Colony - Day 2

Jethro smirks slightly as he hefts his rifle up and rests the top edge of it on his shoulder, his hand still gripping the handle and trigger as he looks over at the soldier who claimed his name to be Jenkins, his right eye whirring and clicking several times as he scanned over the soldier's form to make sure he was in fighting condition, still slightly distracted by the argument in his head. "Fine. But no killing sprees until Nanako is under our protection. We need her alive." "Works for me. We'll probably need her when they shoot you full of holes anyway."
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Kardas tilted her head to one side as she considered, or perhaps processed the offer, depending on one's way of thinking. "I'll believe it when I see it, and comfirm it fires properly. If you are sincere about peace, would you consent to being my hostage for the duration of our visit here? No harm will come to you as long as no harm comes to us," she suggests in her usual blank, emotionless voice.

She did lower her pistol halfway, however; causing it to point at the ground near their feet rather than trained for an attack, a sign that progress was at least being made in negotiations. Or at least that she no longer believed it was nessesary to have it trained for the kill. "What are the specifications of this new firearm you propose?"
Re: The Colony - Day 2

"Heh," Emily grunts. "I can't tell either, most of the time. So far, *she* just desparately *wants* to lead," Emily states pointing at Cassidy. "We'll see."

"Do you actually have anything better than Horde weaponry? I haven't seen the alliance carry anything much better than a pea shooter so far."

Emily is still wary of everyone in the room, and keeping her rifle close to hand.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Lullana sighs as she once again examines the men. After a moments considration she carefully removes the cloth blindfold from the Engineer "You are mine now slave." she says gruffly so everyone could hear her. As she kneels down to remove his shackles she whispers softly in his ear "If you help me I can see to it that you return to your friends... play your part well.". Standing again she tugs at the chain, using it as a leash to hold the slave. "Now come!" she barks at the man before turning to Circe. "I am impressed, the Lion-man seems to accept you. I am sure Tereani will be pleased with your new pet but you must make it clear that he is your property now, do not let them take him from you." Lullana's face darkens slightly as the thought brings back a painful memory before grunting and nodding to the exit. "Are we done here?"
Re: The Colony - Day 2

A sigh. She hadn't wanted to use this logic. Not in front of the Abstergo mercenaries, but if they were going to force her hand..? Fine.

"Well... as far as I see it, I'm in charge. Tin Man just got out of prison, Kitten.. while sweet, and a surprisingly good shot, has just got out of being a -slave-, and Green... well. She's half-Horde, how can she be trusted? And Crazy here, well.. we just met her. If she doesn't want to believe you, though, she can stay here. On her own. Anyway! Pleased to meet you, Jenkins.."

Alliance Property.. Sally Winters. Has to be another genetic cross. Surprising. Didn't think they'd got it down pat just yet. Not without me, at least. Maybe -that's- why they've been chasing me..? Secrets about their little genetics programs..?
Re: The Colony - Day 2

"Don't worry about it Emily," Skora said to the former slave. "Blue wants to call herself the leader, so let it be. An argument here wouldn't serve any of us."

Her tone was reassuring to Emily, but obviously her words held a separate message for Cassidy. She was the leader in name only for now. She had a long way to go if she was going to actually be their leader in truth, if such was what she truly desired.

For her own part, Skora believed that there may come a time soon when she would depart from this group. She wasn't going to hang around a place where she wasn't trusted, and her purpose here was to find a way to help the humans somehow strike a blow against the horde. She wasn't certain yet that this group was up to it. If such were the case, she'd look elsewhere. Maybe she'd invite Emily to come along. The human ex-slave was the only one in this group that didn't seem completely alien to her - and the same primal motivations were in her as well: freedom and revenge.

"So," she said, looking now to the 'associate' soldier whom the captain had indicated. "Lead on then?"
Re: The Colony - Day 2

"No, you're right, Skora." Emily resigned herself to wait with patience. After all, it was a whole lot more comfortable to just stand there waiting, staring at the other human soldiers then it ever was waiting for Azog to let her cum. Her once balanced her on the knife's edge for days..., just to see if he could.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Abstergo East Campus: 'Greeting' Center (Floor 1); Cassidy, Jethro, Emily, Skora, Kardas and Ninaski

The Captain seems to be completely ignoring Cassidy now, focused entirely on Kardas. After a few tense moments, he pulls the still-collapsed rifle from his back, running an index finger over the biometric lock, ensuring Kardas wouldn't be able to run off with it. He walks over to the Pilot, handing her the collapsed weapon, before pulling the rather large pistol off his hip. He holds the sleek Magnum up for Kardas to take a look at it, before turning the grip and offering it to her.

"This thing is my baby. It has six round capacity, a heavy kick, but can puncture through modern armor. The laser sight mod is just for extra precision, but if you ever get a vario suit like this -" He gestured to the black, full body armor he wore, "-It syncs to it and provides live-fire solutions automatically. You keep that one, but give me my rifle back when you leave," The Captain said, "Cause it's not gonna work without me anyways. Now, anything else you need me to do as your hostage?"

Jenkins watched the entire interaction, glancing between Cassidy (The apparent leader) and his actual captain.

Firelight Base: Sub-Floor 12; Marie, Laina, Ashley and Kalica

Combat Rolls:
Ashley: Sleeps.

Marie: Secures grip, uses remaining 'goop' to destroy the Orcess' armor (bonus to creativity); Uses 4 EP.
Grapple: 9 + 1 = 10 vs. 9 + 4 = 13; Orcess is still grappled.
Break Clothing 1: 10 (Natural 10!) + 9 + 1 + 2 = 22 vs. 10 (Natural 10! Fuck!) + 2 + 4 = 16; Orcess loses all clothing.
Marie still has 2 EP.

Kalica: Grinds against the Orcess; uses 1 EP?
AP Attack 1: 7 + 3 = 10 vs. 4 + 2 = 6; Orcess takes 1 AP damage.


Orcess: Attempts to escape the double grapple; uses 4 EP.
Escape grapple 1: 3 + 4 = 7 vs 7 + 1 + 1 = 9; Orcess is still grappled.
Escape Grapple 2: 7 + 4 = 11 vs. 8 + 1 + 1 = 10; Orcess is grappled with 15 points.
Escape Grapple 3: 10 (Natural 10!) + 10 (Dammit!) + 6 + 1 = 27 vs. 6 (Autofail); Orcess breaks free of both Kalica and Marie in an epic way.
Moves towards the ramp and past Annerose; provokes an attack of opportunity from Kiera's turret.

Attack: 7 + 4 = 11 vs. 1 (Critical Fail) = 4; Damage: 2 (Critical Damage Multiplier).

Whatever bright stroke of genius made it through Marie's lust-driven mind was a brillant one. Some of the green goop was still on the orcess' bright yellow skin, so the human quickly scooped it up on her hand, grinning wickedly as she smeared the thick gunk around the orcess' tattered armor, gleefully watching as the stuff spread across her clothes, the remains falling to the floor. Grunting, the orc thrashed about, her tits unrestrained, flexing her muscles as she pulled at the two woman who, in all reality, were 'dainty' compared to the orc. Kalica began to grind her crotch against the orcess, making little mewls as she did. Realizing what was going on, the orcess looked down at Kalica with fiery red eyes.

"I don't... like... CATS!" She shouted, finding strength from nowhere, as she literally threw Kalica and Marie from her body, roaring in anger. The orcess glared forward at Anne, running towards the pilot; before she could raise her pistol, the apprentice bowled Annerose over, the small woman doing a summersault before reeling out on her back, staring at the ceiling. Groggily, she sat up, watching as the yellow orc roared up at Kiera's ceiling turret. Kiera had apparently been able to fire off another round, blood running down the woman's leg.

"No, they don't need help. Does it look like they need help?" Kiera asked, rather sarcastically, into Anne's headset, "They look perfectly fine. I mean, I can't see them, so they must be fine."


Marie: Jumpsuit: 0/7.
AP: 0/2, FP: 2, MP: 4, EP: 2/8
DX10 Pistol: 0/4 Rounds/clip, 7 clips.

Laina: Medium Armor: 11/15.
AP: 3/4, FP: 6, MP: 0/4, EP: 0/7
DX10 Pistol: 3/5 rounds/clip, 13 clips.
Orc Pistol: 1/8 Grn. Rounds/Clips (1 clip), 8/8 Pnk. Rounds/Clip (1 clip).
Omnitool: Unlimited charges.

Kalica: Runner armor: 5/5.
AP: 0/3, FP: 2/3, MP: 10, EP: 3/9
Modified DX5 Pistol: 9/9 Rounds/clip, 7 clips.

Ashley: Civilian Clothes: 0/7
AP: 0/3, FP: 0/5, MP: 4, EP: 12/12
DX2 Pistol: 3/3 Rounds/clip, 15 clips available.
Devlin Peacemaker: 1/1 Rounds/Clip, 13 rounds available.

Annerose: Jumpsuit: 7/7
AP: 2, FP: 2, MP: 4, EP: 6
DX10 Pistol: 4/4 rounds/clip, 7 clips.
Wolf 2: No Armor.
AP: 0/2, FP: 0/3, MP: 2, EP: 6/6

Grunt 1: Dead; 1 EXP rewarded.

Grunt 2: Dead; 1 EXP rewarded.

Grunt 3: Dead; 1 EXP rewared (+1 for Kalica).

Wolf 1: Dead; 1 EXP rewarded.

Wolf 3: Dead; No EXP rewarded for Kiera's kill.

Grizzy (Dire Wolf): Dead; 4 EXP rewarded.

Orc Beast Apprentince: Armor: 0/20.
AP: 3/6, FP: 8, MP: 18, EP: 4/12
Unknown Weapons.

((Here's what happened to Jenn... and an introduction to Lurker's new character.))
Firelight Base: Floor 2, Command Center; Commander Winters

Commander Winters stalked around the command center, pacing as she looked at Kiera's representation.

"Commander, if you wouldn't mind stopping? I'm afraid you'll wear a hole through to my circuitry."

Finally coming to a stop, she turned completely to the AI's hologram, clearing her throat: "Kiera, has there been any sort of communication from Jenn? Or her guards?"

"No ma'am, there hasn't been any report from them-" At that, Cassie turned, storming towards the elevator, calling back to Kiera.

"Kiera, take over and keep an eye on everyone for me. I'll be back shortly."

"But..." The elevator doors closed moments after Cassie entered them, a slight frown on Kiera's 'face', "...I wasn't done talking...

"Ooo, Abstergo... AND Sally!"

Firelight Base: Sub-floor 1, Barracks; Jenn, Halmond, Simmons, Reya and Commander Winters

The freight doors make a little ding as they slide open, Cassie cautiously stepping out into the hallway. She keeps her eyes peeled, peering up and down the adjoining hallway, before rounding the corner to the medic's office, when she spotted something she wasn't quite expecting.

Simmons, Halmond and Reya were all piled atop each other, completely naked, with half-flacid phallus between Simmons' legs. They were all covered with each others cum, semen dripping out of every orifice on Halmond and Reya. She slowly picked her way past the discarded weaponry, clothes, and even Reya's helmet, looking down at the passed out figures. Near them were three vials to medical aplicators, empty. She quickly typed in the code to enter the infirmiary, walking in and spotting Jenn, resting with her back against the medical table, her legs spread as cum dripped from between her thighs and out of her mouth. Gasping, Cassie quickly rushed over, kneeling down next to her, peering over her nude body - while also telling herself it was only to find the best way to wake Jenn - when the young woman gasped awake, her eyes wide.

"Jenn!" Cassie said, gently touching the woman's shoulders, "Are you okay? What happened?"

"Simmons..." The woman groaned, "I don't know how... but she has a penis... and... and... and it's wonderful..." Jenn gasped, adding a lusty note to her voice, before getting ahold of herself, "I.. I don't know why... Or what's in her... But it's just so... so... addictive... I just... need..."

The woman closed her eyes and took a deep breath, looking up at Cassie.

"She thought I was unconscious... went to have sex with Reya and Halmond.. I knocked them all out..." Jenn grinned a bit, "B-But... Honestly, Commander... Right now?... It's... really hard not to... ju-jump you... So... Would you mind?" She nodded to the medical injector, just out of reach, with enough of a dose to knock someone Jenn's size out cold. Taking the needle, she pushed it against Jenn's arm, administering the dose, the woman letting out a mixed gasp of pain and pleasure. Cassie gave her an odd look, but, before the medic could explain, the sedative took it's course, Jenn shivering for as she passed out. With a bit of a sigh, Cassie leaned back, looking up at the ceiling.

"Kiera, open up 4 rooms for me. We're going to keep them locked until further notice."

"As you wish, Commander. Do you want any helpo moving them?"

"I don't think there is anyone else right now."

With a bit of a sigh, Cassie put her arms underneath Jennifer and lifted the fallen medic up, picking her way around the women outside the door and down the hallway, depositing Jenn in a room not too far away. She did the same with the others, with Simmons being the last. She was about to set the woman on the bed when Simmons' eyes popped open, the Mechanic leaning up and licking the Commander on the cheek. More in surprise than disgust, Cassie drops Simmons to the ground, giving the woman just enough time to pounce on the rabbit, grinning down at her.

" C'mon, Commander... Don't be so cold... I just need some more..." Simmons whispered, moving down to kiss the rabbit woman on the lips. Cassie moved quick, however, quickly drawing her legs close to her chest, her muscles building up tension before she unleashed a powerful kick into Simmons' abdomen, sending the woman flying into a wall. Cassie scrambled out of the room, the door sliding shut and locking behind her. She took a few moments to rest against the wall opposite the door, panting, just a tiny bit, before standing and moving back to the elevator...

((And sadly, there goes Jenn. I really wanted to do a post about her succumbing to Simmons.. But quickly realized I'm not talented enough.))

Firelight Base: Floor 2, Command Center; Xerabus and Commander Winters

The commander walked out of the elevator doors, straightening her officer's jacket, keeping her eyes on her hands.

"We'll need to get food to them in those rooms still. Also, let me know when we have another medic, I might have- Shit!" The commander looked up just in time, jumping backwards at the sight of a genetically modified human, taking on the form of a bug. She reached for her pistol before realizing it was Xerabus - a creation she herself had protested in Alliance High Command.

"Where did you come from, soldier?" Cassie asked, staring at the woman with pink eyes.

"She just kind of... showed up," Kiera said, 'looking' over to Xerabus, "Like... Wasn't on my sensors, but was suddenly in the command center, showed up."
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Re: The Colony - Day 2

The bioengineered Thrull raised what would have been a eyebrow at the reaction. "I kinda got the impression something was up, so I came to check was all. Is there a problem, Commander?" she asked inquisitively, leaning a little onto her left leg, her claws flexed a little as she looks over the pairsome, antennai twitching. Beyond the light red coverings that kept her more unmodest areas secure, she was more or less naked, her chitonious plates more then likely the wrong type of camo for this type of operation, but she didn't seem as concerned, just impassive at the look of her superiors.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Kardas shook her head as she accepted the weapons, holstering her own pistol in the process. She took a moment to run her eyes over the new revolver, studying it and giving a slight nod. "No further objections, just stay close..." she said, before slumping visibly and shaking her head. "Whooboy, I didn't think we'd get through that one," she says almost with a chuckle, before glancing over at the rest of the alliance troops. "So, shall we continue then, team?" she asked with a grin, showing an outright blatant disregard for the supposed authority of the Asari.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Skora smirked. "We were waiting on you, Kardas. Nice to know you aren't actually going to start a firefight. I think the Captain here must like you... he's letting you hold his gun."

She winked, and gave a playful elbow to Emily as she moved onwards. She was pleased that this strange encounter was over with and the group would be moving on. She didn't want to be wasting time.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Abstergo East Campus: 'Greeting' Center (Floor 1); Cassidy, Jethro, Emily, Skora, Kardas and Ninaski

((Kardas gains the Aster Magnum. Rounds/Clip: 6, Damage: D3, Rounds: 6 (not including those loaded).
Mods: Laser Sight: Adds +1 to ranged to-hit rolls.
VARIA Addon: Adds +2 to ranged to-hit rolls, as well as an extra point to the damage die when in a Varia suit.))

The Captain looks over to Skora, the joke apparently far too lofty for him to quite understand.

"She's holding both of them, even though the pistol is her's now."

"Uh. Sir, aren't you going to lead the way?" Jenkins asked from the head of the group. The captain shook his head.

"Just take them to the locker room, Jenkins. I'll be near the pilot so my head isn't blown off," The man said... rather cheerfully. With a shrug of his shoulders, Jenkins turned on his heel and marched towards a door on the east side of the wall. It led down a hallway where several barricades had been set up, giving them a nice choke point - even if the cover was constructed from desks and a snack machine. Moving through the hallway, they passed by the show room, with weapons ranging from the very first pistol made by Abstergo, all the way to the latest and greatest. As Jethro glanced towards the weapon cases, the Captain was quick to say:

"They're all fake weapons. Plastic. We just have them out here for visitors."

The door Jenkins took them through next had been blown open, with a replacement door sitting in the threshold. Across from them was another open door, stairs behind it leading up to the second floor. On either side stood two Abstergo soldiers, both in Varia suits, watching the group walked by. The followed the hallway for a while, around several corners and past a lab area, only for Jenkins to turn right, towards a door guarded by two soldiers once more. They nodded to him as they let the group pass by into the locker room.

The entire middle section had been turned into something of an armory, it seemed, with weapon and armor cases lining the lockers. Four men stood guard, but none of them in Varia suits - in fact, these four didn't even look like soldiers, wearing basic bullet-proof vests. Along the back wall was a short, red-headed woman with olive skin, glaring at the wall in front of her. Her arms were secured behind her back. Jenkins began to speak to the closest man.

"These are alliance soldiers. They're here for Dr Nanako, so if you wouldn't mind?" The man saluted, nearly dropping his rifle, before turning and running to grab the doctor, "One of you can go with him if youw ant. The rest, go ahead and pick out either a weapon or a modification." Jenkins looked back to the group, "We'll give you some spare ammo too."

((Choose either 1 weapon or 1 modification. Kardas is exempt from this because she's already received a Magnum.))

Pistol: Available to Everyone
Aster 18: An 18mm pistol designed to pack a punch. It can go through very light armor.
Rounds/Clip: 8, Damage: d2, Ammo: 2 clips.

Sub Machine Gun: Available to Cassidy, Jethro, Kardas, Ninaski
Nullifier: Large clip capacity meant to harrass enemies and keep them in cover.
Rounds/clip: 20, Damage: 1, Ammo: 3 clips (Automatic).

Semi-Automatic Rifle: Available to Jethro and Kardas
Aster Unagi: An SA rifle that packs a bit more of a kick than the standard issue Alliance rifle.
Rounds/clip: 10, Damage: d3, Ammo: 1 clip.

Fully-Automatic Rifle: Available to Jethro only.
Tempest X11: An automatic rifle designed to maim. Can easily fit assault modifications.
Rounds/Clip: 20, Damage: d3, Ammo: 2 clips (Automatic)

Laser Sight: Adds +1 to ranged to-hit attacks, but takes away -1 to stealth rolls.

Silencer: Forces enemies to make a spot check when attacking from stealth; deals 1 less damage die (can never be less than 1 damage).

Extended Clip: Adds an extra 10 rounds to any clip.

Perfect Bore: Adds two extra damage die to your weapon.

Double Clip: You only use 1 EP to reload every other clip.

Switcher: Allows a semi automatic weapon to fire in full auto. This cannot be removed.