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The Bath House


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
A luxurious bath house, complete with many baths ranging from cold to hot and a sauna. Character's start out naked. (Possibly Optionally,) only sex based attacks can be used in this arena.
Re: The Bath House

Luciana -> Nadia

Mmm, what a naughty little angel Luciana thought, as she extended her tentacles from her back and began to wave them around in front of her. "I'm fine with the rules. Whenever you're ready."

Nadia vs Luciana!
Name: Nadia
Class: Warrior
Race: Angel

Body: 62
Mind: 26
Spirit: 40

Hit Points (HP): 62 + 26/2 + 40/2 = 95
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 26 + 62/2 + 40/2 = 77
Spirit Energy (EP): 40 + 20 + 26/2 + 62/2 = 104
Speed: 25 + 8 = 33
Dodge: 67 (64 from stats + 3 from knight)
Armor: 3 (Knight)
Resistance: 39
Perception: 64
Stealth: 60
Grapple: 74

Experience: Spent 38 for the purposes of this character sheet
Corruption: 68

Strong of Spirit
Strong of Mind
Two Weapon Fighter (Attack with two weapons at a -4 penalty to attack and damage rolls)
Natural Spirit (Spirit Warrior: Energy Blade, Battle Aura and Energy Wave)
Skill with Bastard Swords (+12 to attack rolls with bastard swords)
Resistant (+8 Resistance)
Quick (+8 Speed)
Greater Energy Pool (+20 Max EP)
Grapple Expert (+12 Grapple)

Mutated (Glowing Skin, Fetish, Tight)
Mutated (Multy-Orgasmic, Tight, Whip Tongue)
Sensitive (+4 to pleasure taken)
*Open Soul (+4 EP damage)
*Tainted Bloodline (1.5x corruption)
*Fertile (gets pregnant on a roll of 2 or higher)

Mutations: Mutations until Nadia becomes Supernatural: 7/12
*Warped (causes 1/2 corruption)
*Faerie (Resist Cold and Electricity 5)
*Greater Wings (Fly at 1/2 speed)
Fetish (Energy Drain)
Glowing Skin - Your character shines slightly in the dark, making them more visible but granting them light to see by. The character gets +2 to Perception, but a -2 to Stealth.
2x Tight (+2 PP damage during penetrative sex)
Skyclad (-2 penalty to non-damage rolls unless naked)
Whip Tongue (+2 PP when giving head)
Multy-Orgasmic: Whenever the character orgasms, they reset their PP level to their max PP - 10.

Whirlwind (Activated) – The character attacks all enemies within range of them, but take a -10 penalty to attack rolls, damage, and Dodge until their next turn. They attack with both weapons, if they have two. Requires Two Weapon Fighter OR Heavy Weapon Specialist.

Rend (Activated) – The character takes a -6 penalty to all of their attacks for the round. If the character hits the same creature with both of their weapons in the same turn, they deal an additional 2d12 damage to that creature. This damage ignores the targets AV, but can only be dealt once per round to any one creature. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.

Whirling Death (Activated) – The character gets a +8 bonus to their melee damage and AV, but takes 4 points of damage per round. This damage ignores AV. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.

Flurry (Activated) – The character takes two attacks with each weapon, totaling to 4 attacks, but all attacks are made at a -12 penalty to attack rolls and damage. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.

Scissor Defense (Activated) – The character forsakes all attacks for the round, and takes a -10 penalty to Dodge for the round. In return, they get a +12 bonus to AV, and automatically attack any enemy that hits them in melee with both of their weapons. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.

Pummel (Activated) - The character can choose to allow whatever action that the creature that they are grappling to succeed, and it will do so before they can take any action. In exchange, unless they acquire some status that prevents them from taking any actions (such as being stunned or put into a submission hold,) they can make 3 attacks with their unarmed attack or a one handed weapon against the creature they are grappling. These attacks use grapple attack rolls rather than grapple checks to determine success. Requires Grapple Expert.

Knight (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to AV, Dodge, attacks rolls and damage for all melee attacks. Requires: Honorable.

Quick Draw (Passive) - The character can draw their weapons without spending a turn.

Death from the Draw - The character can draw their weapon and swing with it in the same turn. When doing so, they get a +6 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Requires Skill with One Handed Swords, Two Handed Swords, or Bastard Swords (Talents) and the Quick Draw skill.

Bladesinger: Your character can use their Body stat to determine their attack rolls instead of their Spirit stat when attacking with powers. Requires: Any Spirit Talent that gives powers.

Spirit Ceiling: 21
Note: All attacks use Body to determine attack rolls in place of Spirit thanks to Bladesinger

Battle Aura
The character begins to glow as power surges through their body, granting them great strength and speed temporarily.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X EP upkeep every round.
-The character gets a bonus to melee attack rolls, melee damage, Speed and Dodge equal to 3X.
-In addition, the character cannot attempt to make any Stealth checks so long as this Power is active.

Energy Wave
-Like energy blast, but less direct.
-The character pays X EP.
-Then, the character deals (1d6 + 3) * X damage to all creatures within 1 of the possible ranges:
1) All creatures with a 10 foot radius of any spot within line of sight.
2) All creatures within a 30 foot, 120 degree cone.

Energy Blade
The character conjures a sword formed of pure energy attached to their arm.
-The character pays 1 + X EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round.
-The blade can be of any color or shape that the character desires, and can range from 1-3 feet in length. Attacks with the blade deal (2d4 * X) + Spirit/4 damage that ignores armor.
-The character can attack in the same turn that this power is activated, but only using this power. If the character has the Duelist Talent, they can use this power as their weapon. If the character has the Two Weapon Fighting Talent, this power can be used as one of their weapons. If the character has the Unarmed Fighter Talent, this power counts as unarmed even if it is used to attack rather than that character's hands. The weapon conjured by this power counts as a one handed sword, and gets the attack bonus if the character has the Skill with X Talent.

-Bow: 2d8 + 6 + Body/3 damage, (+62) [2d8 + 27] {100 foot range, 1 shot before reload, reload time 0 rounds}
-Khazidea (Bastard Sword) (+70) [1d12 + 31]
-Phantomfang (Bastard Sword) (+70) [1d12 + 31]
-Attack rolls with weapons: +62 from Body, +3 from knight, -3 from bastard swords, -4 from twf, +12 from skill with bs, total is 70
-Damage with weapons: +31 from Body, +1 from bs, -4 from twf, +3 from knight, total 31
4x darkhearts
100 denarii

Nadia is the child of an angelic mother and a human father, a non to unusual occurrence for her kind. She young for her kind, barely over twenty years old, and for an immortal, she was woefully inexperienced. As a member of the Fey, and an angel to boot, Nadia was in line to become a being of incredible power, but hadn't got there yet when she first encountered demons. At first, she'd fought them fiercely and with incredible skill for one her age, but eventually, she bit off more than she could chew. She was captured by a group of succubi, who took turns draining her essence. For days, she was subjected to sexual tortures, as the demons worked their dark fantasies upon her, but even as she resisted with all of her iron will, she began to enjoy the feel of her angelic spirit being fed upon by her captors. She never gave in, however, denying her captors the pleasure of breaking her, or bearing any of their sinful spawn, and eventually she was rescued by her kin. Several years later, she still remembered her captivity with a degree of fondness that disturbed her, though she had consciously avoided sexual contact ever since then.

Shortly after combating the demons at Artmirst, Nadia reached her twentieth year, and her powers began to develop in full. Her physical strength began to increase rapidly, and her ability to manipulate her energies began to come in. She still hadn't learned much in the way of controlling it, however, and neither had she yet learned to control outside forces in the form of magic. For the moment, she traveled across the lands, staying largely in the wilderness and among her Fey kindred, looking for ways to test herself so as to improve.

Appearance wise, Nadia is tall for a woman, about six feet in height, and fairly muscular. Her skin was a perfect, white creamy color, and completely unblemished despite her years of combat. Her breasts were impressive, but not overly large, sitting at full C-cups and tipped with tiny pink nipples. Her body was muscular, but she also had an appealingly rounded rear end. Her hair was dark red, and fell in loose curls to her shoulders. Her eyes were a deep sky blue. Her most apparent feature, however, were her pair of white feathered wings, which, while not yet large enough to allow her to fly, were growing extremely well.

She normally wore a simple white robe, slitted at the legs up to her thighs and fairly open at her chest. She kept a bow, which was normally left unstrung at her hip, with a quiver at her other hip. A pair of long swords hung over her back, crossed so that they were easier to draw and didn't interfere with her ability to move. Each had received a flavorful name, and had been gifts from her human father, though they possessed no power of their own as yet.

What happens to her post DG2 is yet to be figured out really

The OOC section: Herp derp.

EXP record:
Spent 26 exp, earned from assorted good deeds like murdering people's babies.
Bought Skilled, and then 10 points of Spirit and 8 points of Body. Body went from 44 to 52, and Spirit went from 20 to 30
For this: Spent the extra 12 xp, got me a +2 boost to Spirit, a +2 Boost to Body, and Grapple Expert

Also, just a note: Going from DG2 Fey Lord to DG3 Angel changed her racial mods a lot.
For the stats, she got +8 Body, +16 Mind, and +4 Spirit.
She also got a fuckton of racial flaws though, and her many mutations make her already well on her way to falling.

Her expression faltered somewhat as the woman suddenly sprouted a number of tentacles, but came back as Luciana appeared to be ready. Beckoning her closer, Nadia simply said; "Come on then... I am ready."

(Do nothing, for now)
Re: The Bath House

Character Sheet:

Name: Luciana
Class: Succubus
Race: Full-Blooded Demon

Body: 8 + 8 + 8 + 28 = 52
Mind: 8 + 12 = 20
Spirit: 8 + 10 = 18

Hit Points (HP): 71
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 55 + 20 = 75
Spirit Energy (EP): 54 + 20 = 74
Speed: 23
Dodge: 45
Armor: 0
Resistance: 26
Perception: 52 + 3 = 55
Stealth: 52 - 4 + 3 = 51
Grapple: 52 + 12 + 3 = 67

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0


Just a Little Longer: Grants the character an additional 20 max pleasure. +20 PP, in other words.
Greater Energy Pool: Grants the character an additional 20 max energy. +20 EP, in other words.
*Lucky: Grants the character a +3 bonus to all non-damage rolls. Can only be taken once.
Greater Draining: Whenever the character drains another character or creatures energy through pleasure, they drain an additional +6 per round.
Succubus Magic: The character chooses two succubus special abilities. They gain access to those abilities.
Strong of Body: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Body stat. Can only be taken at character creation.
Strong of Body: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Body stat. Can only be taken at character creation.
*Natural Warrior (Grapple Expert) : Grants the character one Talent that they can only take from the Warrior Talents list. Cannot be chosen by Warriors, and can only be take once.
Grapple Expert: The character gets a +12 bonus to their Grapple stat.


*Fertile: The character is more likely to become pregnant, or to impregnate their partner. Mechanically, rolls of 2 or more now indicate success.
*Lustful (RP) : The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies, or accept it if it is offered to them, and are even more likely to give in if they are raped.
Mutated: The character gains 3 mutations of your choice.
Mutated: The character gains 3 mutations of your choice.
Mutated: The character gains 3 mutations of your choice.
Mutated: The character gains 3 mutations of your choice.


Demon: The character is a demon. They gain resistance to Fire and Force, ignoring the first 5 points of damage from sources of either type.
Shapeshifter: The character can change their physical form at will. At any time, they can change their physiology so that they functionally have any of the physical mutations. If they do not have the Supernatural Special Mutation, they cannot exceed the number of mutations that they already have, and cannot replace normal mutations with physical ones. This shapeshifting is limited to the base physical mutations, they cannot get any of the mutations that have requirements even if they have the base mutations. This can be used to hide the more unsightly greater mutations, however.
Supernatural: The character is magical in nature. They can no longer take corruption, and cause any pleasure they deal to other creature to cause an equal amount of corruption. Racial Mutations and other Special Mutations do not count toward getting this.
Tail: The character grows a tail. It can be of any kind that you like. This mutation can be taken as many times as the character likes.
-Venomous Attack: The character's can choose to inject venom with one of their unarmed attacks. If so, that attack deals -10 damage, but the creature affected must make a Resistance check against the character or gain one status effect. The effect is chosen at the same time as this mutation and can only be changed when the character gains another mutation. The possible effects are: Charmed, Horny, Paralyzed or Weakened.
-Corrupting Venom: Whenever the character would deal an attack that injects venom, in addition to the effects of the venom, the creature takes corruption equal to the amount of damage they would have taken without any penalties from the attack, including those from armor. In addition, the character can choose to deal attacks that cause no damage to their recipients when using this ability.
Soul Eater: The character must feed off of the souls of others in order to survive. They cannot regenerate EP beyond 1, and whenever they are at 1 EP they must actively seek to feed regardless of any possible consequences. Whenever they deal pleasure to a creature, they drain half as much EP from that creature.

Vestigial Wings: The character has grown vestigial wings. Not very useful, but can look however the character likes.
-Wings: The character's wings grow slightly, allowing them to glide. The character no longer takes fall damage.
Horn: The character gets a horn or horns, usually located somewhere on their head.

Pheromones: -4 to Stealth checks and friendly characters are more interested in sex (xivvix)
Appendage: The character gains a small tentacle growing from their body. Not nice to look at. If this mutation is chosen 4 times, then the character gains the Tentacles Special Mutation as well.
Appendage: The character gains a small tentacle growing from their body. Not nice to look at. If this mutation is chosen 4 times, then the character gains the Tentacles Special Mutation as well.

Appendage: The character gains a small tentacle growing from their body. Not nice to look at. If this mutation is chosen 4 times, then the character gains the Tentacles Special Mutation as well.
Appendage: The character gains a small tentacle growing from their body. Not nice to look at. If this mutation is chosen 4 times, then the character gains the Tentacles Special Mutation as well.
Tentacles: The character has a number of tentacles that they can use for a variety of purposes. If used for penetration, the character deals and takes pleasure as if they were penetrating their opponent, and can impregnate as if they had a penis. In addition, group grappling rules no longer apply against the character unless the creatures that they are grappling with also have this Special Mutation. The character can, while in a grapple, attempt to grapple another creature so long as they win their grapple check for that round, but if they do, they also need to succeed on an attack roll against the targeted creature.
Odd Skin: The character has unusual skin in some way, whether that be by just having an odd skin color, or by having fur or scales.

Massive Breasts: The characters breasts increase in size. How much is up to the player, but it has to be a significant change. (BurningGold) Can only be taken by female characters.
Lactation: The character begins to lactate, and any pleasure they take due to their breasts being touched is increased by 2. Can only be taken by female characters.
*Masochist: when a character takes health damage, d4+1 of total taken is taken as pleasure damage as well (xivvix)

Succubus Powers:

Dazzling Beauty (Passive) : The character is perpetually the center of attention, and will always be looked upon with lust. All creatures able to see the character take a -10 penalty to their Perception stat, and whenever they deal Pleasure damage to a creature, it is increased by +6.
*Charm: The character pays 10 EP, and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character, or gain the Charmed status.
Aphrodisiac Fluids (Passive) : Creatures who swallow the character's sexual fluids have their Resistance stat decreased by 2d6 temporarily. Creatures reduced to 0 Resistance by this ability gain the Horny status. This Succubus Power can be taken up to 3 times.
Energetic Foreplay: While causing pleasure to a creature in a way that does not result in the character taking pleasure themselves, the character may pay X EP in order to deal an additional 2X Pleasure. The maximum value of X is 10
Rhythm: While penetrated in a hole other than the mouth, the character may take an additional 2X Pleasure each round. Any creatures penetrating them take an additional 3X Pleasure per round, so long as they would take pleasure from the penetration in the first place. The maximum value of X is 5.



The OOC section:

"Hmm... How compliant of you" Luciana replied as she slowly walked through the waist-deep water towards the angel, her tentacles waving as she felt out how Nadia might react to her approach. When the angel seemed not to make a move she lunged forward, attempting to hold her prey's arms steady with her tentacles.
Re: The Bath House

Stats, round start
Luciana: HP = 71, PP = 75, EP = 74, Status = None.
Nadia: HP = 95, PP = 77, EP = 104, Status = TYRANNY! D:
Initiative: Luciana = 19, Nadia = 14.

Luciana: Grapple Nadia.
Attack: 1 + 67 = 68 vs 0. Unresisted. Nadia is grappled.
Stats, round end
Luciana: HP = 71, PP = 75, EP = 74, Status = Grappled.
Nadia: HP = 95, PP = 77, EP = 104, Status = Grappled.
Re: The Bath House

Luciana easily restrained Nadia's arms, and it seemed as if the angel wasn't resisting at all. "You claim you want a match, and yet you stood here and let me do as I pleased... You just want to fuck, don't you~" the demon taunted as she tried to restrain Nadia further.

Attempt submission hold
Re: The Bath House

"A dominant one, I take it?" Nadia quipped as Luciana's tendrils grabbed her wrists and spread her arms out wide. "I must say, while I can appreciate this sort of thing, I do prefer that my contact be more... Intimate." Nadia continued, and then pulled inwards and rotated within the water, trying to force Luciana into a seat and simultaneously place herself within the other woman's lap, straddling and facing her.

At the woman's words, Nadia smiled slightly, and replied; "Perhaps I just wanted you in my arms, Luciana?"

Attempt submission hold!
Nadia's grapple is 74.
Things that matter for this fight:
2x Tight, Whip Tongue, Fetish: Energy Drain, Open Soul, and 39 Resistance.
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Re: The Bath House

Stats, round start
Luciana: HP = 71, PP = 75, EP = 74, Status = Grappled.
Nadia: HP = 95, PP = 77, EP = 104, Status = Grappled.
Initiative: Luciana = 17, Nadia = 19

Grapple: 9 + 67 = 76 vs 89 = 15 + 74. Luciana is put into a submission hold.
Stats, round end
Luciana: HP = 71, PP = 75, EP = 74, Status = Grappled, Submission Hold, In the arms of an angel.
Nadia: HP = 95, PP = 77, EP = 104, Status = Grappled.
Re: The Bath House

"I can understand that, I suppose" Luciana replied as she tried to subdue the angel, though she didn't expect Nadia's swift movement, which forced her back into a seat, and allowed the angel to sit straddling her lap. The demon said nothing, instead trying to turn the grapple her way with her tentacles. Why is everyone so much better at this than they look?

Attempt to break submission hold
Re: The Bath House

Nadia smiled warmly at the woman who was now underneath her, the two of them so close together that their noses were practically touching together. "Now... I've got you right where I want you, Luciana." She said, with a giggle. One of her hands darted out, and grabbed one of the tentacles that were waving around her. "You were right you know...." She continued, her voice low and sultry as she guided it down into the water until it was pressed against the entrance into her flower. "I did.... Just want to fuck." She forced the tip past her lips, and up into her tight flower.

Grab a tentacle and give it a kiss.... With her vagina!

Nadia's grapple is 74.
Things that matter for this fight:
2x Tight, Whip Tongue, Fetish: Energy Drain, Open Soul, and 39 Resistance.
Body/2 = 31.
Re: The Bath House

Stats, round start
Luciana: HP = 71, PP = 75, EP = 74, Status = Grappled, Submission Hold, In the arms of an angel.
Nadia: HP = 95, PP = 77, EP = 104, Status = Grappled.
Initiative: Luciana = 7, Nadia = 9

Nadia Grapple: 4 + 76 = 80 vs 69 = 2 + 67. Nadia wins, probably to much audience cheering.

Luciana Pleasure Damage Taken: 11 + 21 + 4 = 36 - 13 = 23.
Damage from Resisting: 5

Nadia Pleasure Damage Taken: 11 + 17 + 6 + 10 = 44 - 20 = 24.
Energy drained from Nadia: 12 + 4 + 6 = 22.

Luciana's Grapple: 13 + 67 = 80 vs 94 = 17 + 76. Nadia wins.
Stats, round end
Luciana: HP = 66/71, PP = 52/75, EP = 74, Status = Grappled, Submission Hold, Penetrating, In...another part, of that same angel.
Nadia: HP = 95, PP = 53/77, EP = 82/104, Status = Grappled, Penetrated.
Re: The Bath House

Nada moaned as Luciana's tendril slid up into her body, her soft folds wrapping around the tentacle eagerly. Her eyes widened as she felt her soul slipping away, the familiar sensation causing her even more pleasure as she began to bounce up and down on the tentacle inside of her. "This... Hah... Is... How.. These contests... Hah! Are supposed... To be won!" She moaned, squeezing and rolling her hips in an attempt to milk the cum out of the appendage buried inside of her.

Ride that tentacle!

Nadia's grapple is 74.
Things that matter for this fight:
2x Tight, Whip Tongue, Fetish: Energy Drain, Open Soul, and 39 Resistance.
Body/2 = 31.
Re: The Bath House

As Nadia giggled and grabbed a tentacle, Luciana relaxed somewhat. Alright, I can win this if I think. She's putting herself right where I want her to be she thought, allowing the angel to pull the tentacle beneath the water with little resistance, and then penetrate herself with it. She let out a gasp as the angel's tight pussy squeezed her tentacle, a flashback to her fight with Pale briefly flitting through her mind. "What a dirty little angel you are" she said, emboldened as she felt the angel's soul being sucked into her body. The demon allowed Nadia to ride her tentacle for all she was worth, trying to break her arms free of the angel's hold.

Break submission hold
Re: The Bath House

Stats, round start
Luciana: HP = 66/71, PP = 52/75, EP = 74, Status = Grappled, Submission Hold, Penetrating, In...another part, of that same angel.
Nadia: HP = 95, PP = 53/77, EP = 82/104, Status = Grappled, Penetrated.
Initiative: Luciana = 1, Nadia = 4

Nadia Grapple: 11 + 76 = 88 vs 76 = 9 + 67. Nadia wins.
Pleasure against Luciana: 7 + 21 + 4 = 32 - 13 = 19.
Damage: 7.

Pleasure against Nadia: 8 + 17 + 6 + 10 = 41 - 20 = 21.
Energy Drain: 11 + 4 + 6 = 21.

Luciana Grapple: 2 + 67 = 69 vs 79 = 3 + 76. Nadia wins.
Stats, round end
Luciana: HP = 59/71, PP = 33/75, EP = 74, Status = Grappled, Submission Hold, Penetrating.
Nadia: HP = 95, PP = 32/77, EP = 61/104, Status = Grappled, Penetrated, Wear the scarf, ride the succubus.
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Re: The Bath House

Nadia moaned lewdly, her passionate noises uninhibited as the angel continued to rock her hips onto the tentacle buried inside of her. She giggled between her lewd noises at Luciana's words, but offered no comment back. Instead, she began to squeeze her inner walls with every buck of her hips, her wings spread wide behind her.

Ride that tentacle!

Nadia's grapple is 74.
Things that matter for this fight:
2x Tight, Whip Tongue, Fetish: Energy Drain, Open Soul, and 39 Resistance.
Body/2 = 31.
Re: The Bath House

Luciana threw her head back and moaned lewdly as Nadia rode her tentacle, distracted too much by the wonderful feeling to try and escape the angel's hold. "You're good at this for an angel" she muttered, pondering just letting Nadia have her way with her, but she quickly pushed that out of her mind, trying to grab the angel's arms with her tentacles and pull them off of her.

Same as above
Re: The Bath House

Stats, round start
Luciana: HP = 59/71, PP = 33/75, EP = 74, Status = Grappled, Submission Hold, Penetrating.
Nadia: HP = 95, PP = 32/77, EP = 61/104, Status = Grappled, Penetrated, Wear the scarf, ride the succubus.
Round 1
Initiative: Luciana = 12, Nadia = 9

Luciana's Grapple: 3 + 67 = 70 vs 88 = 12 + 76. Nadia wins.

Nadia's Grapple: 2 + 76 = 78 vs 83 = 16 + 67. Luciana wins.

Whole lot of nothin' happens.

Round 2
Initiative: Luciana = 10, Nadia = 6

Luciana's Grapple: 9 + 67 = 76 vs 95 = 19 + 76. Nadia wins.

Nadia's Grapple: 6 + 76 = 82 vs 76 = 9 + 67. Nadia wins.
Pleasure against Luciana: 14 + 21 + 4 = 39 - 13 = 26.
Damage: 8.

Pleasure against Nadia: 11 + 17 + 6 + 10 = 44 - 20 = 24.
Energy Drained: 12 + 4 + 6 = 22.
Stats, round end
Luciana: HP = 51/71, PP = 7/75, EP = 74, Status = Grappled, Submission Hold, Penetrating.
Nadia: HP = 95, PP = 8/77, EP = 39/104, Status = Grappled, Penetrated, Practicing for the Rodeo
Re: The Bath House

Nadia moaned wordlessly, her sky blue eyes glowing as she felt herself on the verge of cumming from riding on Luciana's tendril. She leaned down as she continued bucking her hips, forcing the tentacle inside of her as deep as it would go with every motion. "Ha... yes! Cum.... With me!" She moaned, trying to outlast her partner just long enough to feel Luciana's cum fill her up before the angel came herself.

Acquire delicious cream filling.

Nadia's grapple is 74.
Things that matter for this fight:
2x Tight, Whip Tongue, Fetish: Energy Drain, Open Soul, and 39 Resistance.
Body/2 = 31.
Re: The Bath House

Luciana tensed up as her efforts at escape came to nothing, and Nadia rode her tentacle well. As her pleasure built, she slowly retracted her other tentacles back into her body, no longer interested in fighting against the pleasure that the angel was giving her. As Nadia angled herself better for deeper penetration Luciana moaned longly and lewdly, finally relaxing completely in the angel's arms. "Ahhh... yes... let's cum together!" she shouted, having completely lost sight of her goal in all the pleasure, letting Nadia do as she pleased. It wouldn't be long before she unleashed her demonic seed into the angel's womb.
Re: The Bath House

Stats, round start
Luciana: HP = 51/71, PP = 7/75, EP = 74, Status = Grappled, Submission Hold, Penetrating.
Nadia: HP = 95, PP = 8/77, EP = 39/104, Status = Grappled, Penetrated, Practicing for the Rodeo
Initiative: Luciana = 4, Nadia = 20.

Nadia's Grapple: 4 + 76 = 80 vs 79 = 12 + 67. Though I'm pretty sure this was supposed to be unresisted.
Pleasure against Luciana: 8 + 21 + 4 = 33 - 13 = 20. Orgasm.
Damage: 4

Pleasure against Nadia: 9 + 17 + 6 + 10 = 42 - 20 = 22. Orgasm.
Energy Drained: 11 + 4 + 6 = 21 (Isn't Soul Eater supposed to drain more on orgasm?)

(For fun) Pregnancy Roll: 3. Obviously, this doesn't need to be followed. It's just for the hell of it.
Stats, round end
Luciana: HP = 47/71, PP = 75, EP = 74, Status = Grappled, Submission Hold, Penetrating, Stunned by Orgasm
Nadia: HP = 95, PP = 77, EP = 18/104, Status = Grappled, Penetrated, Stunned by Orgasm

Obviously it's not necessary to follow the stunned thing either. Kinda just using this as practice to make sure I remember to track everything in the future.
Re: The Bath House

(Yes, Soul Eater drains double if their partner orgasms, which I somehow forgot to include in the mutations post. I fixed it though, unless the edit didn't go through. Nadia should be unconscious, but as the match is over she gets her energy back anyway. Also, we both have fertile, so there would literally be a 0% chance of failure in this case.)

Nadia's bucking became wild and random as her body began to shake with pleasure, and she pulled Luciana into a kiss just before the demon's seed began spurting into her. Moaning into the other woman's mouth, Nadia's soft folds began to spasm around Luciana's tentacle, sucking all of the cum that the demon was shooting up into the angel's womb even as her own orgasm allowed the demon beneath her to gorge herself freely upon Nadia's soul.

After coming down from her climax, a blushing Nadia faintly drew away from the kiss, her hold on Luciana weak and the demon's appendage still buried inside of her. Had this been any other place, this would have been an extremely dangerous place to be for Nadia, her energies drained and in the very lap of a demon, but as she had noticed when she had battled Tomoe, her power restored itself completely a few seconds later. Shifting her hips, Nadia allowed the tendril buried within her to slip free, and a white stain began to spread through the water as some of Luciana's cum leaked out of her body. "That... Was great.... Luciana." She panted, resting her forehead against her partner's as she recovered from their "match." "So... Call it a draw? Maybe settle the score next time?"