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Chapter 1

Re: Chapter 1


The catgirl made a noise that was lost in Nadia's sex, as the chieftain clamped her legs tight about the prisoner's head. Nadia soon found the cat's lean, athletic thighs tightening about her, and the cat's salty-sweet juices were smeared over her lips and dribbling over her chin.

Finally, Nadia heard the sexy mewls she had been waiting for, and she was rewarded with a squirting torrent of cum to lick from an exhausted and thoroughly satisfied cat warrior's pussy. But Nadia herself was already on edge and with desperate mewling ferocity, the cat girl plunged two fingers into her pussy and one other into her puckered asshole, pumping and licking until moments later Nadia had to surrender to the feeling and give in to the toe-curling, spine-tingling orgasm.

The two lovers fell to either side of each other and breathed heavily in the afterglow of their intense oral exercise. After some time, the cat girl sat up.

"If we are to seriously discuss terms... then you should know who I am," she said, her slightly furred chest heaving and sweaty with the effort of lovemaking. "I am called Kiana, Sacred Warrior of the Temple of Isil in Goloa, and I am not a leader of any of the tribes arrayed against you, more like a mercenary captain for hire if you will - only I fight where there is need, not from greed. So you see -- I too can promise you that I will advise the tribes to cease their attacks, but some may not listen. And this conflict will not end until the prisoners your colony has taken as slaves are returned to their homelands. There simply cannot be a compromise on that part -- whether you have been leader for a day or a decade, it is your responsibility for what occurs under your banner. If a slaver receives safe haven at your docks, then you are all slavers. It must end."

Kiana sat cross-legged, facing her captor calmly, and Nadia could detect no lies or lack of conviction in the words she spoke.
Re: Chapter 1

Time seemed to pass slowly as Zakiri moved from pleasing one cock to another. The giants begin to encourage her efforts, exclaiming how great her mouth feels to them, and wondering loudly among themselves how rare it is to find a girl who loves to suck cock so readily.

"She really loves it!"

"I know, her tongue is amazing!~"

"My cock is all the way in, her lips are swallowing me!"

"This is the best cum slut yet!"

"I can't help myself, I need to see what her other holes are like!"

The hand on her ass reaches around her waist and lifts her rump higher in the air. Moments later, Zakiri feels a large shaft wedging itself between her but cheeks, with it's tip pointing at the small of her back.

"Mmm, I'm going to redecorate her sweet little ass," a growl came from behind, but she could not look, as her attentions were on the rod she was sucking in front of her. Zakiri's ass cheeks were pushed together as the man behind her slid his member against them, using the natural sweat of her overworked body as a lubricant.

A grunt to her right surprised her, and a spurt of cum landed on her eye, and then was followed by several hot strands launching into her hair and onto one of her newly shaped ears. Moments later the meat stick in her mouth began to throb and then pulled back so that only the tip was still on her outstretched tongue. A large hand reached down and jerked frantically, and soon with a series of grunts he emptied his load onto the slave's tongue and into the recesses of her mouth.

"I'm going in," said the man behind her, and emphasized his intentions with a hard slap of Zakiri's ass. He positioned his member at the tight, puckered entrance to her anus and began to prod. Zakiri knew instantly that the giant man's cock was far too large for her asshole. Her ass had only been taken once before in the raider camp and it had been by a rather small man - even then it had hurt and left her bleeding. Now that pressure began to build again, eliciting a cry from the girl, while at the same time another throbbing member was placed in front of her face, a hand jerking furiously at it, keeping it level with her mouth.

"Doesn't look like she's taking it that well," noted one giant.

"She can take it," grunted the invading man behind her, as he pushed roughly against her body. She could feel her flesh holding on desperately, stretching to its limits but being asked to do so much more.

"Heh - Look at her face. I think she's going to tear."

"Nonsense," came the deep rumble of Jahangir from where he had been standing back and observing. Now he stepped forward, and Zakiri felt his fingertips seeming to dig into her back, near the tip of her spine.

As she had felt before with her throat and ears, Zakiri felt her insides begin to quiver, shift and stretch. Only this time the process was longer - much longer, and for a time she felt as if she had lost all sensation below her waist. That came as a relief for she could no longer feel the futile efforts of the man attempting to rape her anus.

Several minutes went by, and two more hot loads were emptied onto her face, hair, and shoulders, before the sensations began to return to her lower extremities.

When they did, she realized that the man's cock was now fully in her ass, and that four fingers were penetrating her womanhood. Like the sudden breaking of a dam, Zakiri was overcome by a feeling of arousal like she had never felt before. The feeling of the cock and fingers in both her holes was over a 100 times more pronounced than any penetration she had felt, and in an instant she was shuddering under the weight of a powerful, multi-orgasm.

A triumphant laugh bellowed out from Jahangir as Zakiri's spasms came quicker and quicker. "Perfect. Absolutely perfect," he chortled. "Flesh truly is an amazing thing! Now you'll be able to take amazing amounts of punishment in your ass and cunt, but your insides will still retain their strength and tightness. And I've given you a gift too, slave - and I can already see you appreciating it! I've increased your sensitivity to pleasure a hundredfold! Now the merest touch to any of your erogenous zones can send you off to heaven... your pussy, your ass, even your brand new... tail!"

Jahangir's large hand reached out and squeezed something that seemed to be jutting out of Zakiri's tailbone, tugging at it hard. A tsunami of pleasure bubbled up her spine and another raging orgasm quickly squirted out of her love hole, splashing into a quickly forming puddle beneath her.

His hand then stroked the base of what must have been her new tail as though it were a phallus, and immediately Zakiri was fighting to hold back against another orgasm. The pounding in her ass and the schlicking of the fingers in her pussy soon made her efforts futile, and she lost herself in the pleasure of yet another climax. Dimly she was aware of yet another load of cum being deposited on her face, and reflexively she licked her lips and swallowed the sweet tasting spunk.

The sex continued on for what seemed like an eternity to Zakiri, but what was in fact only a small fraction of an hour. By the end, she was covered in cum, and feeling as though her belly, bowels and womb were full of it.

A tired, sweating, but immensely pleased-looking Jahangir settled into the chair in front of her and looked down at her as everyone caught their breath.

"The pleasure can go away as quickly as it appears," Jahangir said instructively, " but you'll find that my improvements will allow you quicker recovery to your stamina than would normally be humanly possible. You've been specialized for sex now. With enough practice and willpower, you could outlast an army of men."

He chuckled and then added, "Well, an army of unaugmented men. Which soon may be a thing of the past, once Shamash-Andulli breaks free of the tower's bonds and extends his rule across the land. Then I will have an entire age with which to remake humanity into something far, far greater."

He leered down at Zakiri, and leaned towards her. "Now I remember you saying something about helping me? Yes, I think it's the least you could do in thanks for my magicks.

"Ever since I entered this tower many years ago, Khanna has always been a mystery to me. Where I am the master of flesh -- living, yielding, adapting tissue that bends itself to survive and grow -- she is the master of stone and ice, a sculptress of no small skill, who animates her masterpieces with the life-essence of slaves."

Jahangir eyed Zakiri with a knowing look. "She'd have enjoyed you, just as she enjoys all those who model for her statues. She'd make you feel as if there were a connection between you and her. For years if needed she will keep you in her domain near the top of the spire, until you begin to trust her, to befriend her, until you would willingly act on her behalf. Then one day she will unveil a statue the likeness of yourself, made by her own hand. And on that day she will use her supposed friendship and false love against you. Convincing you to partake in a spell that will trap your essence within that statue for all time, unless the binding spell be broken or the statue shattered."

Jahangir rubbed his chin idly, then sighed and shook his head sadly down at the girl covered in the sticky fluid before him.

"Monster I may be, but never could I hope to be as cold or cruel as Khanna, with her heart of stone and ice. For she will make a mockery of love. I at least never pretend to any such thing -- and those who do serve me well are rewarded, men and women. I make them into these," and here Jahangir swept his arms out at the giant men who had participated in Zakiri's humiliation.

"Metahumans," he said proudly. "Children of my own make. Stronger, faster, hardier. Sexually more fit than the inferior breeds put on this earth by the gods. I shall make us exalted. The flesh that was once weak shall grow strong. I can forge a man into a weapon. I can make a woman so beautiful as to trap the hearts of beasts and monsters. I can make the perfect warrior, the perfect spy, the perfect lover."

Zakiri saw zeal bordering upon madness in Jahangir's eyes. Which flickered suddenly back into the present.

"Khanna is anathema to my designs. She is a short-sighted bitch, with no understanding of progress. She only cares for guarding this land against some forgotten demon princess that no one but her recalls, and she is willing to sacrifice untold thousands just to create her own army of golems. With her out of the way, I would be the undisputed right hand of the Master, and no one else would dare to challenge me."

His laughter was cruel and dark. "So I tell you this. Become my spy. She has chosen you. Let her think that she still has you in her pocket. I have had my fun with you, and she shall readily see that. She will believe that you hate me - which of course you do." He smirked dismissively. "Yet she will not know that you are aware of her intentions - for she does not know that I am aware of how she animates her golems. You know that she intends to betray you in the cruelest of fashions, and thus, she will still think that she can earn your loyalty through sympathy and feigned kindness. You now know that the only master whom will let you live and even reward you for your efforts, is I, Jahangir, the Fleshweaver.

"I wish to know what her beliefs and designs are," he continued. "Learn what her ultimate goals are through whatever trickery or seduction you can utilize. If I know what she intends and how she intends to get it, I can arrange a trap. Much can happen in the lands outside the Tower, much that even the Master cannot sense. Help me conquer my rival, Zakiri, and I shall remake you into a Champion of Flesh. You shall be an honored servant, blessed with strength and beauty, and given slaves of your own to govern. You shall be blessed with long life, and your skin shall turn aside the blades and arrows of your enemies."
For what seemed like an eternity, Zakiri moved from pleasuring one man to another. As soon as she had finished with one and felt his orgasm against her face, another member was shoved in front of her, the giant men returning to her time and again to enjoy her attention. When the hands roughly gripped her waist, Zakiri yelped in surprise, though the member in her mouth prevented her from saying anything or even turning to see what was going to happen. Another released splashed on her face, the thick spunk landing atop her already cum covered cheek, then dripping down to the floor.

Just as she opens her mouth to take another man's release, she feels a slap against her ass. She jumps, her lips coming to wrap around the already spent member before she pulls back and whimpers at the pressure at her back. She didn't have time to complain though, as another member was waiting. Stifling a cry she went back to lavishing her attention on the man before her, silently pleading that the one behind her would somehow lose interest.

But that was not to be. The large man kept trying, sending jolts of pain racing up Zakiri's spine with each failed attempt. It was the hand of her tormentor that saved her however, taking her pain away, though she didn't realize why. She relaxed, still feeling a pressure inside her but nothing else, shamefully returning to pleasing the men before her. When the feeling below her waist did return, she almost screamed in surprise. But it was not pain, it was a vast, overpowering pleasure, stronger than anything she had ever felt, even Jahangir's expert fingering just earlier. She lost herself in the feeling, reveling in it, momentarily forgetting her shame, embarrassment, and despair. The feeling only intensified when the slavemaster introduced her new appendage, it's sensitivity driving her even further over an edge she was already plummeting down.

Zakiri had no concept of time. When she finally returned to her body, to the realization that things other than pleasure existed, she was laying in a pool of cum, her hands roaming over her body and lightly rubbing herself, sporadic shivers rocking her as she unconsciously sought to return to her bliss. But as Jahangir informed her, the feelings faded quickly, returning her to clarity. Her overworked body ached, but just as the slavemaster told her, the soreness was fleeting. She slowly sat up, silently listening to the cruel man's mocking words.

Jahangir's revelations about Khanna shocked the girl. His every word painted the woman in white out as a horror, something evil beyond what she had thought him capable of. The implications of how Khanna might have deceived her, made her feel safe, loved, before betraying her filled Zakiri with dread as she realized that she had already begun to blindly trust the woman who had freed her from the pit. Jahangir must be lying, she thought, staring at the man's sadistic smile.

It didn't take long for Zakiri to come to the realization that Jahangir had no reason to lie to her. She was a slave, property of the tower, and his to do with as he pleased, as he already had. He saw her as nothing but a toy, a harmless, defenseless plaything. He had no fear of revealing his true beliefs or intentions, as there was nothing she could do to stop him. Heart sinking as she herself began to agree with the sentiment, Zakiri looked up as Jahangir explained his plans for her.

Unsure what to believe, what to do, Zakiri closed her eyes and lowered her head as she knelt, covered in seed, on the ground before Jahangir. She had no desire to be a Champion of the Flesh, but neither did she wish to become a statue. All she wanted was to escape this vile place, to be rid of magic and magicians forever. But there was no escape. Her only option was to please her new masters until she could find some respite. Looking up at the evil slavemaster, a look of sullen acceptance on her face, Zakiri fell forward to land on her hands and knees at his feet, almost back to the position she had first been in when she was brought into the torture chamber. "I will do as you say, Master Jahangir," she said, her voice sad but resigned, "Do with me as you will."
Re: Chapter 1

Nadia sighed in the after glow before sitting up herself, "Well met Kiana, you may call me Nadia. I must admit I find the slave trade tasteless." She moves to her feet and walks over to a fireplace and removes a pot from it. "It's not very profitable compared to simply striking merchant vessels or just stealing coin. Also on your trip through town perhaps you noticed that the population of this village isn't that large, there is no way we could support so many slaves in addition to all the ship crews." Nadia calmly poured herself a cup of tea and sipped it quietly, "Tell me Kiana, have you ever heard of the alabastor tower....." She walked over and offered Kiana a cup, wearing a stern, serious look upon her face.
Re: Chapter 1


For what seemed like an eternity, Zakiri moved from pleasuring one man to another. As soon as she had finished with one and felt his orgasm against her face, another member was shoved in front of her, the giant men returning to her time and again to enjoy her attention. When the hands roughly gripped her waist, Zakiri yelped in surprise, though the member in her mouth prevented her from saying anything or even turning to see what was going to happen. Another released splashed on her face, the thick spunk landing atop her already cum covered cheek, then dripping down to the floor.

Just as she opens her mouth to take another man's release, she feels a slap against her ass. She jumps, her lips coming to wrap around the already spent member before she pulls back and whimpers at the pressure at her back. She didn't have time to complain though, as another member was waiting. Stifling a cry she went back to lavishing her attention on the man before her, silently pleading that the one behind her would somehow lose interest.

But that was not to be. The large man kept trying, sending jolts of pain racing up Zakiri's spine with each failed attempt. It was the hand of her tormentor that saved her however, taking her pain away, though she didn't realize why. She relaxed, still feeling a pressure inside her but nothing else, shamefully returning to pleasing the men before her. When the feeling below her waist did return, she almost screamed in surprise. But it was not pain, it was a vast, overpowering pleasure, stronger than anything she had ever felt, even Jahangir's expert fingering just earlier. She lost herself in the feeling, reveling in it, momentarily forgetting her shame, embarrassment, and despair. The feeling only intensified when the slavemaster introduced her new appendage, it's sensitivity driving her even further over an edge she was already plummeting down.

Zakiri had no concept of time. When she finally returned to her body, to the realization that things other than pleasure existed, she was laying in a pool of cum, her hands roaming over her body and lightly rubbing herself, sporadic shivers rocking her as she unconsciously sought to return to her bliss. But as Jahangir informed her, the feelings faded quickly, returning her to clarity. Her overworked body ached, but just as the slavemaster told her, the soreness was fleeting. She slowly sat up, silently listening to the cruel man's mocking words.

Jahangir's revelations about Khanna shocked the girl. His every word painted the woman in white out as a horror, something evil beyond what she had thought him capable of. The implications of how Khanna might have deceived her, made her feel safe, loved, before betraying her filled Zakiri with dread as she realized that she had already begun to blindly trust the woman who had freed her from the pit. Jahangir must be lying, she thought, staring at the man's sadistic smile.

It didn't take long for Zakiri to come to the realization that Jahangir had no reason to lie to her. She was a slave, property of the tower, and his to do with as he pleased, as he already had. He saw her as nothing but a toy, a harmless, defenseless plaything. He had no fear of revealing his true beliefs or intentions, as there was nothing she could do to stop him. Heart sinking as she herself began to agree with the sentiment, Zakiri looked up as Jahangir explained his plans for her.

Unsure what to believe, what to do, Zakiri closed her eyes and lowered her head as she knelt, covered in seed, on the ground before Jahangir. She had no desire to be a Champion of the Flesh, but neither did she wish to become a statue. All she wanted was to escape this vile place, to be rid of magic and magicians forever. But there was no escape. Her only option was to please her new masters until she could find some respite. Looking up at the evil slavemaster, a look of sullen acceptance on her face, Zakiri fell forward to land on her hands and knees at his feet, almost back to the position she had first been in when she was brought into the torture chamber. "I will do as you say, Master Jahangir," she said, her voice sad but resigned, "Do with me as you will."

Jahangir sighed and waved his men off. They retreated to the edge of the chamber, giving Zakiri space to move. The slavemaster stood up and strode over to the forms of Virah and Baherah.

"I'm done with you for the time being," he said, the slyness ebbing away from his voice. "You should consider yourself lucky - though your life will be in more danger under Khanna your situation shall improve considerably. I am told she treats her slaves kindly, as is her custom. You eat well and sleep well, and when the tower rises you shall see the dawning of the sun once more. More than could be said for the slaves who stay down here with me."

He grins and puts one arm around Virah and his other hand on Baherah's slick, cum covered ass. The smaller girl whimpers.

"But perhaps you are having trouble seeing the good position you are in?" he muses looking at Zakiri kneeling in a pool of semen. "Perhaps you deserve a reward for your hard work and efforts to please? Yes. Yes you do."

He looks side to side, from Virah to Baherah. "Take one of your friends with you, with my blessing. I only need one pet project for the coming weeks, and honestly I couldn't decide from among these two which one would get the full treatment. But now I won't have to."

Jahangir grinned. "Go on then. Which one of your friends will you 'save from my clutches?'" He grabbed hold of one of Virah's massive, swollen breasts and squeezed it hard with his hand, causing the girl to yelp in pain. "The lovely little one who squeals so nicely?"

Then he put a hand on the tendril that seemed to have been sucking and pumping at Baherah's clit and squeezed it at the point where it touched the girl's skin, which caused the dazed warrior to jump and groan, her whole body shuddering in what was doubtless a powerful orgasm.

"Or the one who I promised would learn the full penalty for mouthing off to me?" He stroked the tendril and then pulled it hard away from Baherah, revealing a large, thick and throbbing cock that seemed to be growing out from where Baherah's clitoris should have been. The penis was ejaculating thick, powerful ropes of cum over the table below, now that the tendril that had been collecting the cum was detached.

"Annhh...annnhh.. s-s-sorry... so... sorry..." Baherah moaned, for the first time seeming to become semi-coherant.

"I'm sure either way you choose, you're friend will be very grateful. Perhaps you'll be able to convince Khanna to take you both in. Go on then, I'll even let you heroically unchain them and walk them out of my realm." Jahangir motioned for Zakiri to stand and approach. "Quickly now, before my good will fades."
Re: Chapter 1

Nadia sighed in the after glow before sitting up herself, "Well met Kiana, you may call me Nadia. I must admit I find the slave trade tasteless." She moves to her feet and walks over to a fireplace and removes a pot from it. "It's not very profitable compared to simply striking merchant vessels or just stealing coin. Also on your trip through town perhaps you noticed that the population of this village isn't that large, there is no way we could support so many slaves in addition to all the ship crews." Nadia calmly poured herself a cup of tea and sipped it quietly, "Tell me Kiana, have you ever heard of the alabastor tower....." She walked over and offered Kiana a cup, wearing a stern, serious look upon her face.

Kiana sits on her haunches and begins to lick herself clean. When the cup is offered she sniffs at it and then takes it with both hands. She laps at it a little to taste it, then noticing the way that Nadia sips from the rim of the cup, quickly adjusts to mimic her form.

Kiana hissed at the mention of the tower. "It is an evil and corrupted place," she said with disgust. "Our priestesses tell us that it was made long ago in the Age of Wonder, by the servants of the gods. It was supposedly meant to be a defense against the dark forces that feed from the hellpits in the deep jungle - but the jungle is very dark in this age of wickedness, and the tower no longer holds to its purpose. We know only that its servants seek out those gifted with magic, and rarely do any who venture there come back to tell their tales. There is a great power within, of that there is no doubt. Whoever commands the tower, it is said, holds the land within their grasp."

She looks towards Nadia with narrowed eyes. "It is the belief of the tribes that this town is in league with the tower, and that the eyes and ears of the Master are numerous within your walls. It is another reason why the people of this land would see this place burned to ash."

She takes another hesitant sip from her cup of tea and looks Nadia in the eye. "Are they wrong to think so?"
Re: Chapter 1

Jahangir sighed and waved his men off. They retreated to the edge of the chamber, giving Zakiri space to move. The slavemaster stood up and strode over to the forms of Virah and Baherah.

"I'm done with you for the time being," he said, the slyness ebbing away from his voice. "You should consider yourself lucky - though your life will be in more danger under Khanna your situation shall improve considerably. I am told she treats her slaves kindly, as is her custom. You eat well and sleep well, and when the tower rises you shall see the dawning of the sun once more. More than could be said for the slaves who stay down here with me."

He grins and puts one arm around Virah and his other hand on Baherah's slick, cum covered ass. The smaller girl whimpers.

"But perhaps you are having trouble seeing the good position you are in?" he muses looking at Zakiri kneeling in a pool of semen. "Perhaps you deserve a reward for your hard work and efforts to please? Yes. Yes you do."

He looks side to side, from Virah to Baherah. "Take one of your friends with you, with my blessing. I only need one pet project for the coming weeks, and honestly I couldn't decide from among these two which one would get the full treatment. But now I won't have to."

Jahangir grinned. "Go on then. Which one of your friends will you 'save from my clutches?'" He grabbed hold of one of Virah's massive, swollen breasts and squeezed it hard with his hand, causing the girl to yelp in pain. "The lovely little one who squeals so nicely?"

Then he put a hand on the tendril that seemed to have been sucking and pumping at Baherah's clit and squeezed it at the point where it touched the girl's skin, which caused the dazed warrior to jump and groan, her whole body shuddering in what was doubtless a powerful orgasm.

"Or the one who I promised would learn the full penalty for mouthing off to me?" He stroked the tendril and then pulled it hard away from Baherah, revealing a large, thick and throbbing cock that seemed to be growing out from where Baherah's clitoris should have been. The penis was ejaculating thick, powerful ropes of cum over the table below, now that the tendril that had been collecting the cum was detached.

"Annhh...annnhh.. s-s-sorry... so... sorry..." Baherah moaned, for the first time seeming to become semi-coherant.

"I'm sure either way you choose, you're friend will be very grateful. Perhaps you'll be able to convince Khanna to take you both in. Go on then, I'll even let you heroically unchain them and walk them out of my realm." Jahangir motioned for Zakiri to stand and approach. "Quickly now, before my good will fades."
Zakiri's body slumps in relief as Jahangir releases her from her torment. She stayed there, barely holding herself up on her forearms and knees, face resting in the pool of cum, as the slavemaster recounts what the coughing man had told her. Told her about what a blessing it would be to live as a servant of the mages. So far, she could not imagine living with these horrible people as anything but a nightmare. As Jahangir mentioned a reward, she slowly pushed herself away from the floor, coming back to a sitting position as she brought a hand up to wipe her face clean, or at least as clean as she could.

Jahangir's offer shocked the slave-girl. Zakiri had thought both of her friends lost forever, that she would be alone in this horrible place. Her mouth twitched as she almost dared to smile, before she understood the weight of what Jahangir was asking her. Only one? She would only be allowed to free one of her two friends, the two people she had come to rely on since they had been taken. How could she choose between Virah and Baherah? How could she free one and leave the other to suffer at his hands? It was as if the slavemaster had saved her from drowning, only to toss her from a cliff.

She stood up, staring between the two girls as she tried to find some way to decide who she would save. Virah whimpered in pain, tears in her eyes as she stared back, her desperation obvious. In the time before their enslavement, the girl had always been soft, kind, warm, and compassionate. But her time in the slave pit had caused her to withdraw, leaving her a shell of her old self. Baherah, though, looked as strong when the slavemaster had walked her up the ramp to his domain, as she had when she had faced off against a jaguar by herself to protect another member of the tribe. To see her reduced to the mess she was now was almost more than Zakiri could bear. Trying to pick one over the other was an agony worse than any she had suffered so far.

When Jahangir motioned her forward and urged her to hurry, Zakiri knew to do as he said. This was not a man that would hesitate to rob her of her friends again if she tested his patience one bit. Hanging her head to keep her from having to look at the women, Zakiri walked forward, fists clenched at her sides as she silently cursed the horrible man. She kept her eyes down all the way until she reached the table, looking down at Baherah and hoping that freeing the woman from her current state would free her warrior spirit as well. 'Forgive me, Virah, but I need her strength,' she thought to herself, unable to look at the now crying woman, as she worked to undo the restraints holding the warrior woman down. She lifted the woman off the table, and supported her as she turned to the opening in the wall of flesh.
Re: Chapter 1

Kiana sits on her haunches and begins to lick herself clean. When the cup is offered she sniffs at it and then takes it with both hands. She laps at it a little to taste it, then noticing the way that Nadia sips from the rim of the cup, quickly adjusts to mimic her form.

Kiana hissed at the mention of the tower. "It is an evil and corrupted place," she said with disgust. "Our priestesses tell us that it was made long ago in the Age of Wonder, by the servants of the gods. It was supposedly meant to be a defense against the dark forces that feed from the hellpits in the deep jungle - but the jungle is very dark in this age of wickedness, and the tower no longer holds to its purpose. We know only that its servants seek out those gifted with magic, and rarely do any who venture there come back to tell their tales. There is a great power within, of that there is no doubt. Whoever commands the tower, it is said, holds the land within their grasp."

She looks towards Nadia with narrowed eyes. "It is the belief of the tribes that this town is in league with the tower, and that the eyes and ears of the Master are numerous within your walls. It is another reason why the people of this land would see this place burned to ash."

She takes another hesitant sip from her cup of tea and looks Nadia in the eye. "Are they wrong to think so?"

Nadia put her coat on, remaining nude under it and took a seat with her legs crossed sipping her cup, "That is very accurate however in league would be stretching things. At best we are their scapegoats." Nadia placed her cup down and put her arms on the sides of the chair. "Have you ever wondered why this jungle and the river are still so undeveloped? Or how towns begin to grow then sudden catastrophe strikes them down? That is the tower my dear, I am not the first person to be connected with them, however I shall be the last, one way or another. From what I can gather countless people and cities have been under the tower's thumb for ages, if they begin to grow enough to challenge them something happens, a sudden flood or other disaster wipes them out. However....we have grown quite powerful here, I have enough men under my command to storm the tower and at the very least strip it mostly bare and leave hardly any survivors yet they have not moved to destroy us." Nadia tents her hands in front of her mouth glaring, "I think they have something planned....something that would render all of this moot. They would rule the entire jungle unopposed. If you are truely devoted to freeing your people then we have the same goal...."

She calmly began to drink again, "Removing those mages from their tower. You may not trust us one bit but we might end up being the only thing standing between your tribes and an army of wizards weilding the powers of gods know what...."
Re: Chapter 1


Zakiri's body slumps in relief as Jahangir releases her from her torment. She stayed there, barely holding herself up on her forearms and knees, face resting in the pool of cum, as the slavemaster recounts what the coughing man had told her. Told her about what a blessing it would be to live as a servant of the mages. So far, she could not imagine living with these horrible people as anything but a nightmare. As Jahangir mentioned a reward, she slowly pushed herself away from the floor, coming back to a sitting position as she brought a hand up to wipe her face clean, or at least as clean as she could.

Jahangir's offer shocked the slave-girl. Zakiri had thought both of her friends lost forever, that she would be alone in this horrible place. Her mouth twitched as she almost dared to smile, before she understood the weight of what Jahangir was asking her. Only one? She would only be allowed to free one of her two friends, the two people she had come to rely on since they had been taken. How could she choose between Virah and Baherah? How could she free one and leave the other to suffer at his hands? It was as if the slavemaster had saved her from drowning, only to toss her from a cliff.

She stood up, staring between the two girls as she tried to find some way to decide who she would save. Virah whimpered in pain, tears in her eyes as she stared back, her desperation obvious. In the time before their enslavement, the girl had always been soft, kind, warm, and compassionate. But her time in the slave pit had caused her to withdraw, leaving her a shell of her old self. Baherah, though, looked as strong when the slavemaster had walked her up the ramp to his domain, as she had when she had faced off against a jaguar by herself to protect another member of the tribe. To see her reduced to the mess she was now was almost more than Zakiri could bear. Trying to pick one over the other was an agony worse than any she had suffered so far.

When Jahangir motioned her forward and urged her to hurry, Zakiri knew to do as he said. This was not a man that would hesitate to rob her of her friends again if she tested his patience one bit. Hanging her head to keep her from having to look at the women, Zakiri walked forward, fists clenched at her sides as she silently cursed the horrible man. She kept her eyes down all the way until she reached the table, looking down at Baherah and hoping that freeing the woman from her current state would free her warrior spirit as well. 'Forgive me, Virah, but I need her strength,' she thought to herself, unable to look at the now crying woman, as she worked to undo the restraints holding the warrior woman down. She lifted the woman off the table, and supported her as she turned to the opening in the wall of flesh.

Jahangir stood to the side and let Zakiri undo Baherah's bonds. The fleshy tentacles retreated from the slave warrior's orifices, leaving dripping lines of oozing cum where they had been penetrating her. The large cock that had been cumming under the slavemaster's grip began to droop slightly. Slowly, and leaning a decent portion of her weight on the beleaguered Zakiri, Baherah slid off the table and got to her feet. Her body felt sweaty and slick against her friend's skin.

"An excellent choice," Jahangir said, as he went to stand behind Virah. He put his hands around her hips, evoking another choking whimper from the girl. "I confess, I shall miss doing all the things I had planned for that one," he said. "I guess I'll just have to find a way to make up for the loss. Remember your own task, slave. I will anxiously await your reports."

With that he turned to Virah and reinserted her gag, pulling tight on the straps with a jerk, making Virah give a muffled cry.

Zakiri and Baherah were led through the flesh door by two of the giant men, and then were pointed in the direction of the exit, with a few curt directions. As the two of them walk out, Zakiri notices some of the giantesses she had seen earlier lounging about, naked and looking and smelling of sex. They grinned as they saw the two slaves stumble through the room in their altered and abused conditions. There was no sympathy in their eyes, and Zakiri got the feeling that they would be just as rough with her as their male counterparts had been. But they kept their hands to themselves and let the two pass.

Baherah was silent for the few minutes it took them to find the exit, but by that time she was pulling most of her own weight. Finally, as they came within sight of the door, she spoke.

"Thank you... Zakiri, for saving me from that... that... monster," Baherah closed her eyes as if repressing her own thoughts. "But poor Virah... We can't let her stay with him. She won't last..." Baherah seemed to revert back into herself, shaking her head mutely.
Re: Chapter 1


At her mention of the toxin in his blood, Halrikk visibly swallowed, but said nothing.

"Yes, I suppose I do have a propensity for landing in near-death situations," he reflected ruefully. He returned to silence as he heard the snake-woman slithering next to him, looking at her questioningly as she stared at his face.

"Well, have you a knife, Lady Kiriha? I think I can remove it myself...err, assuming we're talking about my beard?" That she was staring at his lips made him pause apprehensively for a moment. "Also, please do not tug on it quite so hard. It hurts when you do that."

The naga smiled at Halrikk's comments but didn't answer immediately, instead she began to curl her tail gently around the archer's lower body. Then her hands quit tugging at his beard and instead moved to either side of his face, holding it still as she planted her lips upon his own and began to kiss him.

"The beard can wait," she said as she drew back from the kiss. "It's been long enough, I think you should be ready again, no? I want to make sure you're healthy enough for the ceremony."

Her tail coiled firmly but not painfully around him and she pressed her naked form against his own.
Re: Chapter 1


Nadia put her coat on, remaining nude under it and took a seat with her legs crossed sipping her cup, "That is very accurate however in league would be stretching things. At best we are their scapegoats." Nadia placed her cup down and put her arms on the sides of the chair. "Have you ever wondered why this jungle and the river are still so undeveloped? Or how towns begin to grow then sudden catastrophe strikes them down? That is the tower my dear, I am not the first person to be connected with them, however I shall be the last, one way or another. From what I can gather countless people and cities have been under the tower's thumb for ages, if they begin to grow enough to challenge them something happens, a sudden flood or other disaster wipes them out. However....we have grown quite powerful here, I have enough men under my command to storm the tower and at the very least strip it mostly bare and leave hardly any survivors yet they have not moved to destroy us." Nadia tents her hands in front of her mouth glaring, "I think they have something planned....something that would render all of this moot. They would rule the entire jungle unopposed. If you are truely devoted to freeing your people then we have the same goal...."

She calmly began to drink again, "Removing those mages from their tower. You may not trust us one bit but we might end up being the only thing standing between your tribes and an army of wizards weilding the powers of gods know what...."

Kiana listened keenly to what Nadia had to say, momentarily forgetting about her own tea.

"But how can you storm the tower? It's entrances are not well known except to its servants or the mages themselves. It lies beneath the waves until the new moon comes -- four days from now."

Her eyes suddenly grow suspicious again and she shakes her head, "And it makes no sense, why should you suddenly turn on the tower? You have been content to be their scapegoats, as you say - but if you did not continue, you would be destroyed by one of those catastrophes you blame the tower for. Do you really fear us more than them? And even if the tower is to blame, your cooperation with it in the past can't be ignored. The tribes will not fight alongside you - and we don't have the boats to get close to the mages in the first place."
Re: Chapter 1

Jahangir stood to the side and let Zakiri undo Baherah's bonds. The fleshy tentacles retreated from the slave warrior's orifices, leaving dripping lines of oozing cum where they had been penetrating her. The large cock that had been cumming under the slavemaster's grip began to droop slightly. Slowly, and leaning a decent portion of her weight on the beleaguered Zakiri, Baherah slid off the table and got to her feet. Her body felt sweaty and slick against her friend's skin.

"An excellent choice," Jahangir said, as he went to stand behind Virah. He put his hands around her hips, evoking another choking whimper from the girl. "I confess, I shall miss doing all the things I had planned for that one," he said. "I guess I'll just have to find a way to make up for the loss. Remember your own task, slave. I will anxiously await your reports."

With that he turned to Virah and reinserted her gag, pulling tight on the straps with a jerk, making Virah give a muffled cry.

Zakiri and Baherah were led through the flesh door by two of the giant men, and then were pointed in the direction of the exit, with a few curt directions. As the two of them walk out, Zakiri notices some of the giantesses she had seen earlier lounging about, naked and looking and smelling of sex. They grinned as they saw the two slaves stumble through the room in their altered and abused conditions. There was no sympathy in their eyes, and Zakiri got the feeling that they would be just as rough with her as their male counterparts had been. But they kept their hands to themselves and let the two pass.

Baherah was silent for the few minutes it took them to find the exit, but by that time she was pulling most of her own weight. Finally, as they came within sight of the door, she spoke.

"Thank you... Zakiri, for saving me from that... that... monster," Baherah closed her eyes as if repressing her own thoughts. "But poor Virah... We can't let her stay with him. She won't last..." Baherah seemed to revert back into herself, shaking her head mutely.
Zakiri couldn't bring herself to look at Virah as she walked Baherah out of the room. She knew she was condemning the girl to a hell she herself had bargained her way out of. The slavemaster's words, at once both mocking and sincere, brought a lump to the girl's throat, but she fought it back before replying, "Y-yes, Master Jahangir. T-thank you for allowing me to serve you." Head bowed, she strengthened her grip on Baherah and left the torture room, knowing that even if she never returned, she would always remember it.

Following the giants obediently, Zakiri said nothing as they lead the women out, ignoring as they leered at the naked, cum covered women. Every so often one of the giants would reach out to fondle one of them, drawing a grunt from Baherah, but a surprised moan of pleasure from Zakiri, her increased sensitivity taking over her senses when her breasts, crotch, or tail are touched. The tail, which she had been able to get a better look at now, was like that of a fox, just as Jahangir had altered her ears to resemble. Hanging down to her knees, it's coloration matched the blonde hair on her head, matted to her skin by the almost endless orgy she had succumbed to earlier.

Thinking back on this, she noticed how the giant women seem languid, relaxed, and pleased even after obviously having been through perhaps the same thing she had. Had their minds been altered by Jahangir so that they would enjoy being sex slaves? Or had they simply come to enjoy it on their own, giving in to the pleasure and surrendering their freedom for it? Would she eventually have given in if Jahangir hadn't allowed her to leave? Will Virah?

Baherah's concern only compounded the guilt Zakiri felt, both for leaving Virah, and for choosing the warrior simply in the hope that she could help her survive this place. "We can't go back for her!" Zakiri said quickly, biting her lip as she realized how that must sound. "N-not yet. Jahangir would just capture us again. Let me take you to Khanna. If she claims you, you'll be safe from him." As she spoke the words, she was acutely aware that she herself was proof they were untrue. She led the warrior woman towards the exit, reaching a trembling hand towards it as if afraid that their release was all some cruel joke by the slavemaster, and that they would be snatched back from the edge of safety. Finally she swung the exit door open wide, eager to be free of the hideous den of the Fleshcrafter.
Re: Chapter 1


Zakiri couldn't bring herself to look at Virah as she walked Baherah out of the room. She knew she was condemning the girl to a hell she herself had bargained her way out of. The slavemaster's words, at once both mocking and sincere, brought a lump to the girl's throat, but she fought it back before replying, "Y-yes, Master Jahangir. T-thank you for allowing me to serve you." Head bowed, she strengthened her grip on Baherah and left the torture room, knowing that even if she never returned, she would always remember it.

Following the giants obediently, Zakiri said nothing as they lead the women out, ignoring as they leered at the naked, cum covered women. Every so often one of the giants would reach out to fondle one of them, drawing a grunt from Baherah, but a surprised moan of pleasure from Zakiri, her increased sensitivity taking over her senses when her breasts, crotch, or tail are touched. The tail, which she had been able to get a better look at now, was like that of a fox, just as Jahangir had altered her ears to resemble. Hanging down to her knees, it's coloration matched the blonde hair on her head, matted to her skin by the almost endless orgy she had succumbed to earlier.

Thinking back on this, she noticed how the giant women seem languid, relaxed, and pleased even after obviously having been through perhaps the same thing she had. Had their minds been altered by Jahangir so that they would enjoy being sex slaves? Or had they simply come to enjoy it on their own, giving in to the pleasure and surrendering their freedom for it? Would she eventually have given in if Jahangir hadn't allowed her to leave? Will Virah?

Baherah's concern only compounded the guilt Zakiri felt, both for leaving Virah, and for choosing the warrior simply in the hope that she could help her survive this place. "We can't go back for her!" Zakiri said quickly, biting her lip as she realized how that must sound. "N-not yet. Jahangir would just capture us again. Let me take you to Khanna. If she claims you, you'll be safe from him." As she spoke the words, she was acutely aware that she herself was proof they were untrue. She led the warrior woman towards the exit, reaching a trembling hand towards it as if afraid that their release was all some cruel joke by the slavemaster, and that they would be snatched back from the edge of safety. Finally she swung the exit door open wide, eager to be free of the hideous den of the Fleshcrafter.

Baherah nodded wearily, "Yes, you're right. We can't free her as we are now. I'll follow your lead. Anywhere else is better than this place."

No other insidious perils stood in their path, and the exit door swung wide with a moan revealing a stone passageway steadily rising upwards and around a corner. Immediately beyond the threshold, five white skinned guardians awaited, their eyes black and aware. Four of them were statues of men, powerful in build and unique in appearance. The fifth was the woman that had been the guide for the foreign mages through the long underworld trek to the tower. Now Zakiri saw the statue's face clearer and recognized it as bearing and incredible resemblance to Khanna.

"You were let free?" inquired the Khanna-statue, in a voice that was like and yet-unlike the mage's own, as if Khanna had been speaking in a tunnel, and her voice was echoing off of long walls of stone. The black pools seemed to gaze between the two, taking in the new and altered appendages.

"He continues to play his cruel games," the statue said. "I apologize for the way he has treated you. A master has an obligation to treat those bound to him with dignity, but the Fleshweaver is incapable of that. We shall bring you to Mistress Khanna. There you will find shelter."

The female guardian turned and marched up the slope. The four male guardians came to either side of the two slaves, but did not lay a hand on them. "Follow. We shall take the quick rise to the top. You shall not have to walk far."

The party moved around the corner of the winding hall and arrived at a straight corridor with several doors and a steep stairwell visible at the end. Stopping at one of the doors, they found that it opened into a tiny closet, with a grate for a floor and no ceiling. Stepping inside at the female guardian's indication, Zakiri and Baherah could see that there was a long shaft rising above them with a distant light glowing near the top.

The guardian closed the door and told them to wait. Then with a sudden jerk, the slaves found that the grate began to ascend slowly up the shaft. It was slow going, and suddenly Baherah gasped beside her.

"Not again..." she groaned, and looking down Zakiri saw that the cock that now protruded from her friend's crotch was erect and throbbing. "I... I can't stop it... the feeling will drive me crazy. It was one of the things he did to me... to make me break... he forced me to beg for release... and the more I refused, the worse it got! Oh gods, Zakiri, he hasn't freed me at all! He's made me into this... this... ahnnn..."

Baherah winced and sunk to her knees, gripping the cock and fumbling awkwardly with it. As Zakiri watched the warrior playing with the monster cock, she felt a pang of arousal, multiplied many times over by the alterations that Jahangir had worked on her.

In the small rising lift, only the two of them were present - the guardians had left them alone to ride the grate to the upper levels.
Re: Chapter 1


Akashka pulled her white courser, Grammel, to a halt and dismounted. It was noon, and time for lunch as well as a bath. The humidity of her jungle homeland was unlike that of the distant windy plains from which she had come, following the coastline down south until she had reached the mouth of the Eldest River. Now that there was a source of fresh water nearby, the enchantress intended to restock her waterskins and wash away the grime from her long journey.


Visions of the majestic tower of Carad-Ul thrusting from the waters of the Dreaming Sea filled her mind, and she could not help smiling at the memories of how that place - once a bastion of the gods against the demonic influences of this land - had been corrupted and turned into a stronghold of hedonism and wanton desire.

Her one regret was that she could not be here to watch the once mighty tribal cities fall, one by one, to be replaced with slavers, cutthroats and servants of the corrupted tower. Lilith had promised that it would be so, and that her daughter would rise to rule the land from the tower.

Akashka knew that her time would be coming soon. Lilith had many servants within the jungle and secret cultists within each of the tribes and towns - even some in the shrine city of Goloa and distant Elastor.

Letting her shimmering robes loosen and fall to the earth, the enchantress stood proudly displaying her body for any to see. It was a form worthy of a daughter of Lilith - beautiful and enticing, the kind that could make men fall at her feet at the promise of a sensual touch.

Stepping into the river water, Akashka stooped sensually and splashed water over her body. She cupped hand fulls and let the liquid fall in rivulets down her body, glistening on her skin and wetting her length of hair.

A low whistle came from behind her, and Akashka turned to see three men armed with spears leading two bloodcats on crude leashes through the jungle. The creatures were felines about the size of a large dog, and were used by tribals in the north jungles in much the same fashion - though they were looked upon as guards and living weapons, never as pets. A quick glance confirmed that these two large cats were males, meaning that they would be more aggressive and have a deathlock bite, should they choose to rend into her.

"What do we have here?" said the man who was not holding a leash. "A beautiful woman riding alone along the Eldest? You must not be from here, else you might have known these are dangerous lands. It's not safe for a woman like you to be alone - lucky you are that we're here, and are willing to guide you to safety."

The men all smile. Somehow, Akashka doubts that these men are inclined towards her safety.
Re: Chapter 1

Baherah nodded wearily, "Yes, you're right. We can't free her as we are now. I'll follow your lead. Anywhere else is better than this place."

No other insidious perils stood in their path, and the exit door swung wide with a moan revealing a stone passageway steadily rising upwards and around a corner. Immediately beyond the threshold, five white skinned guardians awaited, their eyes black and aware. Four of them were statues of men, powerful in build and unique in appearance. The fifth was the woman that had been the guide for the foreign mages through the long underworld trek to the tower. Now Zakiri saw the statue's face clearer and recognized it as bearing and incredible resemblance to Khanna.

"You were let free?" inquired the Khanna-statue, in a voice that was like and yet-unlike the mage's own, as if Khanna had been speaking in a tunnel, and her voice was echoing off of long walls of stone. The black pools seemed to gaze between the two, taking in the new and altered appendages.

"He continues to play his cruel games," the statue said. "I apologize for the way he has treated you. A master has an obligation to treat those bound to him with dignity, but the Fleshweaver is incapable of that. We shall bring you to Mistress Khanna. There you will find shelter."

The female guardian turned and marched up the slope. The four male guardians came to either side of the two slaves, but did not lay a hand on them. "Follow. We shall take the quick rise to the top. You shall not have to walk far."

The party moved around the corner of the winding hall and arrived at a straight corridor with several doors and a steep stairwell visible at the end. Stopping at one of the doors, they found that it opened into a tiny closet, with a grate for a floor and no ceiling. Stepping inside at the female guardian's indication, Zakiri and Baherah could see that there was a long shaft rising above them with a distant light glowing near the top.

The guardian closed the door and told them to wait. Then with a sudden jerk, the slaves found that the grate began to ascend slowly up the shaft. It was slow going, and suddenly Baherah gasped beside her.

"Not again..." she groaned, and looking down Zakiri saw that the cock that now protruded from her friend's crotch was erect and throbbing. "I... I can't stop it... the feeling will drive me crazy. It was one of the things he did to me... to make me break... he forced me to beg for release... and the more I refused, the worse it got! Oh gods, Zakiri, he hasn't freed me at all! He's made me into this... this... ahnnn..."

Baherah winced and sunk to her knees, gripping the cock and fumbling awkwardly with it. As Zakiri watched the warrior playing with the monster cock, she felt a pang of arousal, multiplied many times over by the alterations that Jahangir had worked on her.

In the small rising lift, only the two of them were present - the guardians had left them alone to ride the grate to the upper levels.
Although she felt a twinge of disappointment at Baherah's willingness to leave Virah behind, it was lost amidst the sea of relief Zakiri felt at the knowledge that they would soon leave the vile place. Wasting no time, she led the warrior woman through the creaking door almost as soon as it opened, but stopped short at the sight of the white guardians. Khanna's kind voice is something of a comfort after Jahangir and his minions' mocking lustful tones, even though the slavemaster's warnings rang in Zakiri's ears. She nods dumbly at her Mistress' words, silently following the animated statues through the hall and entering the closet with Baherah at their urging.

When the grated floor began to rise, Zakiri gasped in surprise, having never experienced a device like this. Her attention quickly focuses on her companion, however, and her apparent and urgent need. For a few moments she stares as Baherah begins to stroke her new appendage, not realizing that she had slowly sunk down beside her until her knees hit the metal floor. Each time Baherah's hands awkwardly ran over her member, Zakiri felt the urge to leap forward and help her any way she could, her body growing hotter by the second.

"Me too," Zakiri said, almost whispering to the warrior woman before her as she fought to keep her hands away from both Baherah' body and her own. "He changed me too." Her arousal grew with every passing moment, quickly overtaking her shame, reluctance, and resistance. She slowly reached one trembling hand forward until it pressed against the head of Baherah's member, gasping when she felt the now familiar texture, as her other hand shoots between her legs. "I... I can help you..." she said, breathing heavily and licking her lips. "I want to help you... however you need me to."
Re: Chapter 1


Although she felt a twinge of disappointment at Baherah's willingness to leave Virah behind, it was lost amidst the sea of relief Zakiri felt at the knowledge that they would soon leave the vile place. Wasting no time, she led the warrior woman through the creaking door almost as soon as it opened, but stopped short at the sight of the white guardians. Khanna's kind voice is something of a comfort after Jahangir and his minions' mocking lustful tones, even though the slavemaster's warnings rang in Zakiri's ears. She nods dumbly at her Mistress' words, silently following the animated statues through the hall and entering the closet with Baherah at their urging.

When the grated floor began to rise, Zakiri gasped in surprise, having never experienced a device like this. Her attention quickly focuses on her companion, however, and her apparent and urgent need. For a few moments she stares as Baherah begins to stroke her new appendage, not realizing that she had slowly sunk down beside her until her knees hit the metal floor. Each time Baherah's hands awkwardly ran over her member, Zakiri felt the urge to leap forward and help her any way she could, her body growing hotter by the second.

"Me too," Zakiri said, almost whispering to the warrior woman before her as she fought to keep her hands away from both Baherah' body and her own. "He changed me too." Her arousal grew with every passing moment, quickly overtaking her shame, reluctance, and resistance. She slowly reached one trembling hand forward until it pressed against the head of Baherah's member, gasping when she felt the now familiar texture, as her other hand shoots between her legs. "I... I can help you..." she said, breathing heavily and licking her lips. "I want to help you... however you need me to."

Baherah shuddered and moaned deeply as soon as Zakiri's hand pressed against the head of her alien member, and precum dribbled out and over Zakiri's fingers almost instantly.

"It's so wrong," Baherah moaned, "but yes... yes, Zakiri, I need your help. Please, make me cum. I can't take it any longer!" The amazon spread her legs wider and slipped her hand away from her cock and down into the slit of her former womanhood that glistened wetly below it. She arched her back and let her free hand roam over her breasts, rubbing one of them in a circular motion. Her moans came frequently now, and every new touch that Zakiri bestowed upon her made her quiver and twitch with arousal.

Zakiri could feel the member pulsing in her hand, and a hunger for the monstrous thing welled up inside her. Its head was a deep crimson and threatening to meld quickly into purple. Hard veins ran up its side, giving its surface a natural ridged feel that she knew would feel amazing if pushed inside her.

It was clear that it wouldn't take much to make Baherah explode with pleasure, but who knew how much might come out. It seemed to still be growing, stretching against the skin to become larger and thicker.

Sweat glistened on Baherah's skin. Her smooth, lean figure seemed to be an exemplar of what a warrior woman should be, and it was a cruel fate that had turned her into this lewd, moaning toy that was craving release.

Zakiri was not immune to the lusty thoughts herself. She felt a wetness in her nethers swell from just the first few proddings of her own fingers. Her body was reacting to the situation as though she were an animal in heat. A wave of sensation raced up and down her spine, from her tail up to her ears.

Baherah's eyes were needy, her mouth held open and her tongue visible as though she were a dog begging for her owner's scraps. Her fingers began to disappear between her lower lips and pinch at her own nipple.

"There's so much inside me," she whispered, "it hurts to keep it in..."

The lifting grate continued its slow ascent up to the top.
Re: Chapter 1

Taya embraced Arwia tightly, her mind overwhelmed with confusing emotions. She nodded at Arwia's words and clasped her body tight to Awria's breasts. She held her for a long moment, enjoying the comforting act. Tears began to well up and she stifled the urge to weep.

When Arwia pulled away and smiled at her with her angelic face, Taya could not help but be overcome with a feeling of love for the priestess, and tears began to roll down her cheek as she smiled back at Arwia, in total awe.

Then she closed her eyes as the red headed girl brought her glowing hand towards her, and let the pleasant static course through her head, and then flow throughout her whole essence. It was the gentlest, most loving feeling she had ever felt. She gasped in surprise and then let out a slow breath, as if her very soul was being relieved of its aches and pains.

"It's so... nice," she said, her eyes still closed. "It's more than beautiful. I knew that magic could be wondrous, but never before did I know it could do this."

She slowly opened her glistening eyes, and stared back at Arwia with longing. "I cannot give you back this truly amazing sensation - but I want to show you my love as well. I... I have to show you how much your words and touch mean to me..."

Taya moved forward again, her hands gently coming to rest on Arwia's shoulders, and again she brought her lips to Arwia's. This time the kiss was firm, passionate, tender, and perhaps even desperate, for the brown haired slave felt a need in her soul, and it was to love Arwia, both physically and spiritually.

The pain and horror of her years of servitude was washed away, and she felt born anew, and the tears that ran down her cheeks and dripped from her chin were tears of joy. Her breath quickened, and she moved a hand down to cup Arwia's breast, and placed a knee in between the priestess' legs, then raised it upwards to spread them.

"I... I love you," she whispered, fearful of speaking the words out loud but knowing in the moment Arwia had graced her with that heavenly smile that what she said was true.

In her mind, what Arwia did was such a simple thing. Sharing their feelings for each other, with the girl she'd had feelings for since a time she could not recall, Arwia saw it as only one step above a kiss. And to her, that was the most intimate thing two lovers could do with each other. When Taya insisted that she must make thank Arwia in turn, again, Arwia displayed her modesty. She raised a hand, shaking it a little.

"Really, it's alright!" she insisted, "I'm just glad I-" she began to say, before Taya's lips met her own, drawing a cute squeak of surprise from the maiden's lips. Her eyes wide, Arwia placed her hands on Taya's shoulders in a similar manner Taya had placed her own on her. The knee that came between her legs caused her thighs to bunch together instinctively, before her leg pushed them apart.

An admission of love. Arwia was warned, and had seen the consequences of letting her face be seen by other's. Those who gazed upon her, and were attracted to the fairer of sex, would find her beauty mesmerizing. Although Arwia hardly expected that another woman would hold such desires. She felt it was safe, and even antagonized the situation by nurturing the emotions Arwia mistook for friendship.

Staring back at Taya's lovestruck eyes, Arwia felt humble in the slave's embrace. Glancing down at her spread legs with an embarrassed flush, Arwia blinked at Taya with uncertainty. "Taya..." she whispered, sounding a little afraid, "I cannot say that I feel the same way... I will still accept your love, but I cannot return anything but my kindness to you..." she tried to explain to her. If Taya would truly expect Arwia to return her feelings of love, Arwia knew that she couldn't. She felt that Taya was most certainly her friend, and so, she wouldn't wish to cause her any emotional harm.
Re: Chapter 1

Baherah shuddered and moaned deeply as soon as Zakiri's hand pressed against the head of her alien member, and precum dribbled out and over Zakiri's fingers almost instantly.

"It's so wrong," Baherah moaned, "but yes... yes, Zakiri, I need your help. Please, make me cum. I can't take it any longer!" The amazon spread her legs wider and slipped her hand away from her cock and down into the slit of her former womanhood that glistened wetly below it. She arched her back and let her free hand roam over her breasts, rubbing one of them in a circular motion. Her moans came frequently now, and every new touch that Zakiri bestowed upon her made her quiver and twitch with arousal.

Zakiri could feel the member pulsing in her hand, and a hunger for the monstrous thing welled up inside her. Its head was a deep crimson and threatening to meld quickly into purple. Hard veins ran up its side, giving its surface a natural ridged feel that she knew would feel amazing if pushed inside her.

It was clear that it wouldn't take much to make Baherah explode with pleasure, but who knew how much might come out. It seemed to still be growing, stretching against the skin to become larger and thicker.

Sweat glistened on Baherah's skin. Her smooth, lean figure seemed to be an exemplar of what a warrior woman should be, and it was a cruel fate that had turned her into this lewd, moaning toy that was craving release.

Zakiri was not immune to the lusty thoughts herself. She felt a wetness in her nethers swell from just the first few proddings of her own fingers. Her body was reacting to the situation as though she were an animal in heat. A wave of sensation raced up and down her spine, from her tail up to her ears.

Baherah's eyes were needy, her mouth held open and her tongue visible as though she were a dog begging for her owner's scraps. Her fingers began to disappear between her lower lips and pinch at her own nipple.

"There's so much inside me," she whispered, "it hurts to keep it in..."

The lifting grate continued its slow ascent up to the top.
As soon as Baherah's hand moved off the member, Zakiri's own eagerly took it's place. She stared down at the naked, moaning warrior women, hungrily taking in every inch of her form in a way she had never dreamed of before this day. Her fingers, slick from Baherah's precum, slid up and down the pulsing rod faster and faster as Zakiri grew more aroused from the way her friend moaned and squirmed. Meanwhile, her other hand delved deep inside her, driving the slavegirl even further along her own path of pleasure.

"I-I'm sorry Baherah," Zakiri said as she pulled her hand away from the member. She slid forward, bringing her knees to either side of the woman's thighs. "I need it too." With that, Zakiri swung herself forward, positioning her dripping wet pussy over Baherah's rock hard member. She took a moment to steady both herself and the rod below her, before she sunk down onto it. As she did, she threw her head back, gasping in pleasure, before leaning forward. Without thinking, she placed her hands down on top of Baherah's large breasts, the palms of her hands sliding slightly over the erect nipples as she kneaded the soft flesh with her fingers.

For a brief moment, Zakiri stayed where she was, the feeling of Baherah's thick member inside of her preventing her from doing anything more than marvel at the way it felt. Before long, though, she felt her strength returning, her knees unlocking, and her desire increasing. With a soft moan she pushed herself up, then let herself sink back down, letting gravity do the work while her body trembled in delight. Turning to look down at Baherah lustily, her strange new ears twitching, and her tail swishing on the floor between the warrior woman's legs, Zakiri finally let the sensation take over and began to slide up and down on the woman's member.

Moving faster and faster, Zakiri plunged the member deep inside, moaning louder with each thrust. Almost without her meaning to, the tip of her tail began to prod against Baherah's clit, doubtlessly sending little bit's of pleasure to the warrior woman, but also further stimulating Zakiri. As she felt the cock inside her throbbing more urgently, she could also feel the tension in her own body building up. Just like in the slavemaster's chamber, Zakiri lost all sense of everytihng else but the pleasure in her body, and the altered woman beneath her. With a lusftul cry, Zakiri felt her inner walls clamp down around the member inside her as the wall of orgasm broke and a sea of pleasure rushed through her body.
Re: Chapter 1


In her mind, what Arwia did was such a simple thing. Sharing their feelings for each other, with the girl she'd had feelings for since a time she could not recall, Arwia saw it as only one step above a kiss. And to her, that was the most intimate thing two lovers could do with each other. When Taya insisted that she must make thank Arwia in turn, again, Arwia displayed her modesty. She raised a hand, shaking it a little.

"Really, it's alright!" she insisted, "I'm just glad I-" she began to say, before Taya's lips met her own, drawing a cute squeak of surprise from the maiden's lips. Her eyes wide, Arwia placed her hands on Taya's shoulders in a similar manner Taya had placed her own on her. The knee that came between her legs caused her thighs to bunch together instinctively, before her leg pushed them apart.

An admission of love. Arwia was warned, and had seen the consequences of letting her face be seen by other's. Those who gazed upon her, and were attracted to the fairer of sex, would find her beauty mesmerizing. Although Arwia hardly expected that another woman would hold such desires. She felt it was safe, and even antagonized the situation by nurturing the emotions Arwia mistook for friendship.

Staring back at Taya's lovestruck eyes, Arwia felt humble in the slave's embrace. Glancing down at her spread legs with an embarrassed flush, Arwia blinked at Taya with uncertainty. "Taya..." she whispered, sounding a little afraid, "I cannot say that I feel the same way... I will still accept your love, but I cannot return anything but my kindness to you..." she tried to explain to her. If Taya would truly expect Arwia to return her feelings of love, Arwia knew that she couldn't. She felt that Taya was most certainly her friend, and so, she wouldn't wish to cause her any emotional harm.

Taya stopped kissing Arwia and put her face into Arwia's shoulder.

"I'm sorry," she said simply, keeping her face hidden. "I don't know what came over me."

Her leg retreated slowly from between Arwia's thighs and her arms came to simply embrace the young priestess. For a long while she stayed there hugging her, as if unwilling to let go, but finally she did pull back. Her eyes were puffy and her face red. She sniffed and drew her arm across her nose.

"I think it best if I left," she said hurriedly. "The masters will be expecting you soon, and I have other tasks to attend to."

She backed away and began gathering her garments from the floor.
Re: Chapter 1


As soon as Baherah's hand moved off the member, Zakiri's own eagerly took it's place. She stared down at the naked, moaning warrior women, hungrily taking in every inch of her form in a way she had never dreamed of before this day. Her fingers, slick from Baherah's precum, slid up and down the pulsing rod faster and faster as Zakiri grew more aroused from the way her friend moaned and squirmed. Meanwhile, her other hand delved deep inside her, driving the slavegirl even further along her own path of pleasure.

"I-I'm sorry Baherah," Zakiri said as she pulled her hand away from the member. She slid forward, bringing her knees to either side of the woman's thighs. "I need it too." With that, Zakiri swung herself forward, positioning her dripping wet pussy over Baherah's rock hard member. She took a moment to steady both herself and the rod below her, before she sunk down onto it. As she did, she threw her head back, gasping in pleasure, before leaning forward. Without thinking, she placed her hands down on top of Baherah's large breasts, the palms of her hands sliding slightly over the erect nipples as she kneaded the soft flesh with her fingers.

For a brief moment, Zakiri stayed where she was, the feeling of Baherah's thick member inside of her preventing her from doing anything more than marvel at the way it felt. Before long, though, she felt her strength returning, her knees unlocking, and her desire increasing. With a soft moan she pushed herself up, then let herself sink back down, letting gravity do the work while her body trembled in delight. Turning to look down at Baherah lustily, her strange new ears twitching, and her tail swishing on the floor between the warrior woman's legs, Zakiri finally let the sensation take over and began to slide up and down on the woman's member.

Moving faster and faster, Zakiri plunged the member deep inside, moaning louder with each thrust. Almost without her meaning to, the tip of her tail began to prod against Baherah's clit, doubtlessly sending little bit's of pleasure to the warrior woman, but also further stimulating Zakiri. As she felt the cock inside her throbbing more urgently, she could also feel the tension in her own body building up. Just like in the slavemaster's chamber, Zakiri lost all sense of everytihng else but the pleasure in her body, and the altered woman beneath her. With a lusftul cry, Zakiri felt her inner walls clamp down around the member inside her as the wall of orgasm broke and a sea of pleasure rushed through her body.

Baherah's fingers gripped tightly around the floor grate as Zakiri eagerly took over the working of the slave girl's cock, rubbing the pulsating rod with an tight, working grip while slipping her free hand into the dripping slit beneath, causing Baherah to arch her body as she began to spasm with pleasure. Her mouth formed an 'O' shape and stayed transfixed as Zakiri's hands pulled, rubbed and prodded all her sensitive bits.

Once the cock slave seemed to be nearing a state of climax, Zakiri could contain her desire no longer, and selfishly mounted her friend, easing herself onto the rod, delighting in the full sensation it gave her when she had dropped as low as she could go. Baherah moaned louder than she had before and licked her lips.

"Yes... yes, Zakiri," she moaned. "Just like that, mmm... ah gods, it's like you're sucking me in... I can't hold out much longer..."

So saying, her hands rushed to grip Zakiri at her hips and when the fox girl began to move, the warrior moved with her, thrusting her hips in rhythm to push as deeply into Zakiri as possible. As both women began to lose themselves in the rigorous, animalistic fucking, Zakiri's tail instinctively found a way to heighten their already vertiginous plunge into wanton sexual debauchery.

At the moment Zakiri's inner walls clamped tight in a rocketing orgasm, she felt a sudden explosion of warmth jetting into her womanhood. The warmth continued to spread, and spread, mixing with her mind-breaking climax, until she felt her belly beginning to distend, and a slickness began to spurt out of her, splashing down her thighs and onto Baherah's belly. Even then, it did not stop, and in the midst of her zenith, Zakiri somehow managed to note Baherah's loud, lewd gasps and shudders with each new spurt of seed pumping into Zakiri.

With a clang, the metal grate came to a halt and four hinges snapped into place, locking the lift in place. Standing next to them through an open doorway was Khanna, who was looking down at them with with her mouth slightly agape and her hands clenching tightly against her dress.

Without warning, Baherah's hands began to grip Zakiri tightly again and she started to buck strongly again. Helplessly, Zakiri began to immediately get aroused again, and it seemed as though the two of them, despite mental and physical exhaustion, were destined to begin the cycle over again.

"Damn him!" muttered Khanna as she watched the two slaves lose themselves in lust before her. "He's doing this to mock me."

Red faced, Khanna knelt down and began to pull the slaves apart from each other. Her touch was cool, like cold stone hidden in the shade on a sunny day, and it had a calming effect - although not enough to immediately overwhelm either of the lovers rutting on the ground before her.

"Be still, Zakiri. I will see to you soon," she said as if trying to placate the inflamed passion within the fox girl. In promise, Khanna's fingers brushed against Zakiri's breasts, sending a ripple of arousal fluttering through her. With an effort, Khanna then took Zakiri by the arm and pulled her up, off of Baherah.

Gouts of cum oozed down in a steady stream, and Zakiri felt her womb emptying onto the floor below.

"Sit over here now," Khanna said, indicating a place on the floor just behind her, before the mage turned her attentions on Baherah, whose soaked member was still - against all evidence to the contrary - throbbing and erect and looking as if it was ready to spill just as much seed as it already had.

Khanna muttered a spell, and a small humming filled the air around them. Then the mage dropped to her knees and put a hand on Baherah's shoulder.

"I will release you from the lust that you are in," she told Baherah, and as she did so, Zakiri saw that her breath was visible in the air around her, as though she were speaking in winter and the very heat of her words could be seen in the cold air. "Just relax and let your body react naturally."

Without another word, Khanna brushed her hair back and then leaned forward, wrapping her lips around the monstrous tip of Baherah's cock. The warrior slave groaned, but her body seemed to be calmer than before.

Khanna began to lick and slurp around the shaft, her icy breath still visible as she exhaled around the rod of flesh. After a few swirls, Khanna began to take more and more of the shaft into her mouth, and Zakiri noticed that the member had steadily begun to shrink to a more average size. When it had reduced to a size of seven inches, Khanna was able to fit the entire thing into her mouth, and her hands went to where it's base met Baherah's pussy, and began to rub quickly. Baherah moaned lightly, and then sighed. Then with a jerk and a gasp, she came, and when she was done and Khanna had spit out the contents of her mouth onto the floor, Baherah seemed to fall into a deep, but content sleep.

Slowly Khanna turned to Zakiri, who who had begun to masturbate furiously while watching the mage's efforts. Placing her hands against Zakiri's slick lower lips, Khanna sent a wave of coldness through the fox slave, that went from the tip of her overly sensitive tail all the way up her spine and into her mind. Soon enough, Zakiri felt the supernatural arousal fade and be replaced with a soothing and natural feeling of pleasure.

"Lie down on your back, Zakiri," Khanna said, and when she had done so, the mage brought her cool lips and tongue, which felt like ice to the touch, down to brush against Zakiri's womanhood. Khanna licked slowly and uniformly, her tongue covering as much of Zakiri's flower as she could. Soon, Zakiri felt her climax building, and after several minutes of the mage steadfastly licking her cunt she managed to reach her peak and felt her body lose all rigidity as she came into Khanna's dedicated mouth.

A deep urge to sleep took her then, and when she next awoke, both she and Baherah were lying naked next to each other on a bed of silk sheets and fluffy goose-down pillows. The air was cool, but not cold enough to bother them in their nudity. There were no windows, and the light of the room glowed from several light crystals placed at even intervals around the chamber. Both of them had been bathed, it seemed, and Baherah was still fast asleep.

The room was spartan in amenities. The bed was accompanied only by a single small circular table with two chairs, and a bowl of jungle fruits on top of it. There was only one obvious exit, a door to the right of the bed. No one seemed to be around besides the two of them. Looking down at Baherah, Zakiri saw that she had apparently been turned back fully into a woman. Suddenly hopeful, Zakiri felt her own body, but was dismayed to feel the ears and tail still present on her. They were still sensitive, but no where near the level that they had been when she had left Jahangir.
Re: Chapter 1

Akashka stopped stood straight up allowing the water to sensually drip down her luscious body as heard the man whistle at her before speaking. She smiled and laughed to herself, These fools are probably planning on ravaging me. Thinking I am a weak and defenseless woman bathing in the river, perhaps I should play along and let them see they do not know who they deal with. She thought to herself as she decided to play the innocent and sweet part. She quickly covered her breasts and pussy and ducked down in the water to where only her head was showing. "I-I-I'm sorry, S-sir. I d-did not think anyone w-was w-w-watching. Yes, I am n-new here to these p-p-parts. W-would you p-possibly b-be kind e-enough to g-guide to a settlement of some sort?"