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Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

Just keep on trying neko, you'll get the hang of it ^_^

If it makes you feel better, i had to debug a non-working version of this code today:
package spriteTest;
* Sprite class jao! ;D

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;

public class Sprite extends Object{
private ImageEntity entity;
protected Point2D pos;
protected Point2D vel;
protected double rotRate;
protected int currentState;

Sprite(Applet a, Graphics2D g2d){
entity = new ImageEntity(a);
pos = new Point2D(0, 0);
vel = new Point2D(0, 0);
rotRate = 0.0;
currentState = 0;

//load bitmap file
public void load(String filename){

//performs affine transformations
public void transform(){

//draw the image
public void draw(){
entity.g2d.drawImage(entity.getImage(), entity.at, entity.applet);

//draw bounding rectangle around sprite
public void drawBounds(Color c){

//updates the position based on velocity
public void updatePosition(){
pos.setX(pos.X() + vel.X());
pos.setY(pos.Y()+ vel.Y());

//methods related to automatic rotation factor
public double rotationRate(){ return rotRate; }
public void setRotationRate(double rate){ rotRate = rate; }
public void updateRotation(){
setFaceAngle(faceAngle() + rotRate);
if(faceAngle() < 0)
setFaceAngle(360 - rotRate);
else if(faceAngle() > 360)

//generic sprite state variable (alive, dead, collided, etc)
public int state(){ return currentState; }
public void setState(int state){ currentState = state; }

//returns a bounding rectangle
public Rectangle getBounds(){ return entity.getBounds(); }

//sprite position
public Point2D position(){ return pos; }
public void setPosition(Point2D pos){ this.pos = pos; }

//sprite movement velocity
public Point2D velocity(){ return vel; }
public void setVelocity(Point2D vel){ this.vel = vel; }

//returns the center of the sprite as a Point2D
public Point2D center(){
return (new Point2D(entity.getCenterX(), entity.getCenterY()));

//generic variable for selectively using sprites
public boolean alive(){ return entity.isAlive(); }
public void setAlive(boolean alive){ entity.setAlive(alive); }

//face angle indicates which direction sprite is facing
public double faceAngle(){ return entity.getFaceAngle(); }
public void setFaceAngle(double angle){
public void setFaceAngle(float angle){
public void setFaceAngle(int angle){

//move angle indicates direction sprite is moving
public double moveAngle(){ return entity.getMoveAngle(); }
public void setMoveAngle(double angle){
public void setMovetAngle(float angle){
public void setMoveAngle(int angle){

//returns the source image width and height
public int imageWidth(){ return entity.width(); }
public int imageHeight(){ return entity.height(); }

//check for collision with rectangular shape
public boolean collidesWith(Rectangle rect){
return (getBounds().intersects(rect.getBounds()));
//check for collision with another sprite
public boolean collidesWith(Sprite sprite){
return (getBounds().intersects(sprite.getBounds()));
//Checks for collision with a point
public boolean collidesWith(Point2D point){
return (getBounds().contains(point.X(), point.Y()));

public Applet applet(){ return entity.applet; }
public Graphics2D graphics(){ return entity.g2d; }
public Image image(){ return entity.image; }
public void setImage(Image image){ entity.setImage(image); }
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Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

Reading this I have a new found respect for game coders.
Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.


Should be "false"
(Just a quick glance diddnt look closly at all.)

@AngelKara. Good! No crying about game designers wanting to charge money for thier shitty games and more respect the the ones who do it for free!

@Neko. Started throwing toghter another sample for you that I will send you as a .gmk file. You can use the scripts as you like but I must insist that you do not touch the sprites (I may black them out or something) as they are 98% of my time spent and I will lose all motivation to make a h-game if they get stolen.
Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

Should be "false"
(Just a quick glance diddnt look closly at all.)

@AngelKara. Good! No crying about game designers wanting to charge money for thier shitty games and more respect the the ones who do it for free!

@Neko. Started throwing toghter another sample for you that I will send you as a .gmk file. You can use the scripts as you like but I must insist that you do not touch the sprites (I may black them out or something) as they are 98% of my time spent and I will lose all motivation to make a h-game if they get stolen.

you can black them out if you want. i have no intentions on stealing some ones work. its not my style. and it wouldn't make sense or me to even try to painstakingly learn this gml process if im just going to cheat in the end. I will hang in there and i want you to do your best with your h-game so i can have competition and a rival to keep my momentum positive.

EDIT: speaking in which of the game maker language,... it makes sense to some extent. now that i know that those " bullshit" words are customized.. i have more control and direction. just got to make sure my sprite don't fall through the floor and move when on the floor and not only when their airborne
Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

Eh I've always had respect for game designers but now seeing it first hand it's much more amazing.
Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

Eh I've always had respect for game designers but now seeing it first hand it's much more amazing.

it must be wonderful to watch a masterpiece in the making.
when i grow up imma be a cool game designer. one of the one who bag all the anime girlz ^_^ lol (jk) but i really cant wait to be master at this

im currently redo-ing my practice game...
Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

I'm also somewhat new with gamemaker, tho I have more unrelated coding experience, so the gml comes a lot easier. But I would be interested in that sample code too once you get it sorted, I'm having a heck of a time getting the knockback quite right, and its very solid in your sample.

Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

im currently redo-ing my practice game...

Why not throw up your practice game so we can give you some guidence?

Edit: @Oberon. Actually the knockback was quite half-assed in the sample (no friction added). Ill be sure to add a little more detail to the knockback in my next sample to help you out.

I may not be able to post the sample untill tommarow sence Im going to be posting it for everyone to download (I have to protect a few things).
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Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

here is my discarded 1st attempted. it has all the knowledge ihave of the system

Left- left key
right right key
jump- up key
( only can move when and after airborne if you hold the direction key)


  • 1st try.zip
    1.2 MB · Views: 0
Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

here is my discarded 1st attempted. it has all the knowledge ihave of the system

Alright this is much easier!
Lets address the most basic issues first...

1. Q: Why do I have to jump to move left or right?
A: Your sprite images are not lined up (one is further down than another at some point). Your character will be standing just fine but when you go to move it will change to the walking sprite which appears slightly lower, putting his foot underground. Fix this by reloading the sprite sheets and position the lowest part of your character right on the line. Also make sure that the sprite images are the same size (You already did this good job!).

2. Q: Why am I jumping forever?
A: You need a line that specifys that you can only jump when touching the ground. Say... somethign like... If there is a colision at a certian point (0,1 relative of course) THEN set the verticle speed. Theres a little more to midair movements but its actually better for you to experment. Thats how new things are leaned and discovered.

Ill add more when I think of it. This should give you a good start on your next attempt. Not bad for your first try though! Keep it up.
Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

second try
feel a lil better with this one
works a little.
but cant figure out why am i gliding down when im still... when i move in mid air i fall normally, but when still i dont. also im trying to input the only jump when collision, but it keeps fuckin up... but eh, im making progress,


  • 2nd try.zip
    1.2 MB · Views: 0
Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

Should be "false"
(Just a quick glance diddnt look closly at all.)

That class is a working version, and that method call is in a constructor, so no, it should be "true" since that constructor initialize when i create an object of that class ^_^

Also, that class is only one of five classes in the program, so it is dependent on a lot of code i didn't include.
EDIT: Semi-working lol, stil havn't fixed the rotation algorithms XD

@Neko: My first game maker game wasn't even playable XD I couldn't even figure out how to apply velocity algorithms XD So you will do fine since you seem to be learning this at a rapid rate ^_^

@Kara: That is one of the reasons i have such a huge respect for anyone that can make a game, it's complicated as **** XD
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Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

second try
feel a lil better with this one
works a little.
but cant figure out why am i gliding down when im still... when i move in mid air i fall normally, but when still i dont. also im trying to input the only jump when collision, but it keeps fuckin up... but eh, im making progress,

you didnt click the relative box on your collision check in your step event, so gravity is always on. But thats not the issue you are concerned about, but it limits your jumps some.

When you arent pressing a side key, you have friction on quite high, so your jumps are very slow, as is your falling. I would probably remove the friction from the release key event, or put it much lower, accompanied by a reduction in hspeed.

I need to head to work, or I'd look over it more, rydin can probably help you more anyhow :)

Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

Hey, I always wanted to make an H scrool game.
Your history is not bad!

But i never made an game :3 thats why im gonna learn how to make an 2D game, all the AS3 stuff.. on flash, of course.

Also, i wanted it to be optimized, smooth, no laggs.. all that.

so if i come up with something, i'll post here. First im on just the non-H engine.

anyway, why dont you guys just dont make it on flash? It may have an good spread on web.
Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

Should we start a "I'm gonna learn how to and make a game" count?

Btw, Neko, did you make your new avatar?
Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

anyway, why dont you guys just dont make it on flash? It may have an good spread on web.

I would not recommend this, stick with game maker.
Flash is widely used on the web yes, but so is java, php and js (Javascript, not java). These different languages has their pro's and con's. However, they have a common con: They are hard to learn if you are new to programming.

I am currently learning java which is one of the easier web application language, i have studied it intensively for about 9 months, and im still working on simple 2D sprite animation and positioning.
Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

well.. not getting too off-topic, I really think the project should be made for the web. Does not have to be flash, could be an combination of HTML5/CSS3/JS .. but flash is the only think i know.

You can see all the works i've done (works that are open-source):

As I said, i dont know html5. But theres alot of cool examples too:

I mean.. it would be easier to support if it were on the web, not an .exe
anyway, sorry for posting on THIS topic about my engine (on planning, but i think it will be pretty good, i've already alot o thinking):

This sort of off topic wont happen again X3
Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

Well, a flash based game is indeed easier to spread, since there is plenty of hosting sites, like fire in a hot and dry day of summer, but flash is harder to learn and requires more efforts to make a good game.

Considering that a game with porn spreads easily whether you want it or not, that most of the best free h-games are build on a freeware game engine and that everyone hate toonpimp(joking), i'll have to say that sticking with game maker is the best choice.
Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

Alright here ya go.
.gmk file of previous sample with a few small changes.
Its not a .exe file so most people wont be able to run it (Youre not missing anything).
Also I have to stress the importance of not using the sprites I included in this sample.
If you have questions about any of the lines just ask and Ill try my best to explain it in detail.

In other news my real game is comming along quite nicley! Almost finished with the first level and even started playing with some sprites and designs for the second.

Character-wise I finished the jump sprites (still need to do falling) and even made one h-death.

No official enemies yet. Although I did jot one down in my philosophy notebook last week that I may trace into paint with the tablet and start making 16-bit.
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Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

Should we start a "I'm gonna learn how to and make a game" count?

Btw, Neko, did you make your new avatar?
If your gonna start that list, make sure i'm first. I will be a legend.

And no i didn't draw this, but i am aiming to draw one in the future.... like an epic neko or something

downloading file now rydin32