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Tentacle Souls

Re: Tentacle Souls

Lets go with 3 but before remember to apologize for asking, something like this: "I'm very sorry for asking about it my lady, however I have to inform u about something big and probebly unfriendly coming this way." this is best way to get her trust and if we do this enough times she will be less disgusted by us and eventually may even let us drain some off the amulet.

I like this plan. 3.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Lets go with 3 but before remember to apologize for asking, something like this: "I'm very sorry for asking about it my lady, however I have to inform u about something big and probebly unfriendly coming this way." this is best way to get her trust and if we do this enough times she will be less disgusted by us and eventually may even let us drain some off the amulet.

The chance of us getting at her delicious pendant is zero but the hell with it.
Re: Tentacle Souls

1: Damn, we're gonna be a good tentacle.
Re: Tentacle Souls

I love how everyone is trying to make 'Good' decisions. It's really tempting to just make all the 'Good' options really terrible choices in future, just to see people struggling to come up with justifications for picking them. ;)

Anyway, Option 3 wins, with lots of different variations on it being suggested. I can't work them all in, but I'll try and include some of the more interesting ideas.


She's still ranting, but to you it's now just a noise, like static. At the rate that aura's getting closer, it won't be long before it's upon the pair of you...


"DUCK!" you roar mentally, and by some divine grace the woman actually listens. Her instinct kicks in and she drops bodily to the floor, just as an arrow goes soaring through the air where her head had been. It goes sailing straight down the corridor - Christ, at that speed it could have passed through her skull and out the other slide and barely slowed down.

A bellow comes from the distance, a roar of anger and pain, followed by crashing footfalls. The demon comes crashing out of the gloom, and for the first time you get a proper look at it.

It's big. Huge and heavily muscled, it's nearly as wide and tall as the (pretty big) passageway. Its body resembles that of a minotaur - thickset, brown short fur, pillar-like legs ending in hooves - but the head looks altogether different. Reptilian, scaley, armored, it looks more like the snout of a crocodile or dragon. Within it a pink slab of a tongue slides up and down. It's modesty is covered by some kind of white loincloth.
Oh, and it has four arms. Each with terrifyingly proportioned biceps, although thankfully only the upper two of the four are wielding weapons (a huge bone-crushing club and a gargantuan curving sword, respectively). A bow lies discarded on the floor behind it. So that's alright then.

The correct response to beholding such a monstrosity, you feel, would be to scream a little bit, run away, and quite possible wet oneself*. The female warrior does none of these things.

Instead, she bellows a challenge back at the demon, and raises her longsword in a defensive stance.

The demon produces a gargling noise that possibly it thinks is a laugh, and swings its club down almost idly at the woman. Mistake. She darts forward, avoiding the arc of the club, and slides her sword into the beast's flesh just above the hip. She's rewarded with a bellow of pain from creature, which is great, until it goes beserk. Four fists fly out furiously, weapons forgotten. One blow catches the warrior straight in the chest, and she goes flying backwards down the hall, body crumpling and skidding along the stone floor.

"You're not the brightest spark, are you," you mutter insolently. You'll have to act quickly to save her - beastie over there is simultaneously advancing towards her fallen form and apparently trying to grin. It's difficult to say which is more terrifying.

So. Plan. You slide under the woman's top (pausing only briefly to fondle her boobs - life or death situation aside, it's hard to pass up the opportunity) and wrap half your length around her pendant. You drain.

Damn, that's some good energy! OK then, now you need to evolve Magic Sting I. A quick shuffle and writhe; 10 seconds later, that's sorted.

You peek out the top of the woman's top, to see what's going on. All you can see is the inside of a mouth.

"Shit!" Without thinking, you fire off a Magic Sting - hitting the demon right in the back of the throat. It spasms, and falls back, reeling down the corridor. Success!

You slide off the woman's body and try to make it to the side of the passageway. Unfortunately, he spots you - furious, he swings his club down in a savage arc, missing you only narrowly. You try to slide away faster, wriggling frantically across the stone floor. There must be an alacove or crack or something to hide in -

He's advancing on you faster now, trying to grin again. You fire off another magic sting, hitting one his many biceps. A small black mark appears, but he doesn't even flinch. Panicking, you're forced back up against the wall. Nowhere else to go. He raises his club. You screw your eyes shut and fire off one last hopeless Magic Sting.

Only to hear a bellow. A gleaming steal sword has sprouted from the front of his chest - and weilding it, the female warrior! She looks grim and battered, but very much alive.
The beast's body dissolves in a flash of light, leaving only his weapons on the floor.

And your Magic Sting goes sailing through the gap where he once stood, and hits the woman right on her leather chest armor. Flinching, she looks down at you, murder in her eyes. She levels her sword.


Option 1) Scurry back and attempt to escape.

Option 2) Evolve Aura Detect II really, really quickly. Hopefully the short range telepathy it provides will be enough to let you tell her it was an accident.

Option 3) You know what, screw this. Roll to the side and go on the attack, pelting her most vulnerable spots with Magic Sting.

Option 4) Other.

Health: 25/25
Energy: 47/60 (pendant boosted the max)
Morality: 25/100 (Almost-noble)
Re: Tentacle Souls

4 other, Evade any attacks she throws at us as we try to apologize to her, that we didn't know she was going to just come right up behind the fucking thing like that and save us, and to grow up about her pendant, that if we hadn't done that she'd likely be dead by now but that thanks to us she is alive to fight another day and that we'll need each other to survive. If she persists to attack us without calming down though, then thump her on the head lightly, saying 'Baka," to her in a slightly friendly manner.
Re: Tentacle Souls

2. Remember to say the phrase "What? This is the thanks I get for saving your life a second time!?"

She has a code of honour, it is probably her greatest weakness.
Use it.
Re: Tentacle Souls

2. Remember to say the phrase "What? This is the thanks I get for saving your life a second time!?"

She has a code of honour, it is probably her greatest weakness.
Use it.

Actually this makes three times.
1. Distracting the gobbies
2. Avoiding the arrow
3. She is not X-mas dinner :p

Oh and make sure to mentioned that we barely took anything from the pendent...or maybe its the boob groping she is more upset about.

I would also say not to try and actively avoid her, but instead take a cowering posture and wince like a lot.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Actually this makes three times.
1. Distracting the gobbies
2. Avoiding the arrow
3. She is not X-mas dinner :p

Oh and make sure to mentioned that we barely took anything from the pendent...or maybe its the boob groping she is more upset about.

I would also say not to try and actively avoid her, but instead take a cowering posture and wince like a lot.

I can confirm she was unconscious and didn't notice the boob groping (she didn't notice the pendant drain either) . She's angry because in the heat of the moment she thinks you're trying to finish her off whilst she's vulnerable, which obviously she takes as supremely dishonourable.
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Re: Tentacle Souls

3: and fuck her once she's almost dead.
Re: Tentacle Souls

I would say 1, but it's hard to shake the feeling that a pissed paladin will be hard to escape from. Therefore, 2. At the least, if we survive it'll still be a useful upgrade to have
Re: Tentacle Souls

2. It WAS an accident! We were trying to attack the monster but she finished it off first and he poof'ed! It the god damned truth!
Re: Tentacle Souls

2. If this 'honorable' paladin doesn't believe us after saving her life 2 or 3 times, she's not worthy of the title paladin.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Man, this chick's a bitch. Also retarded apparently. Let's get outta here.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Man, this chick's a bitch. Also retarded apparently. Let's get outta here.

She's a paladin, of course she's a stuck up twat.

We just need to stick with her for protection for a bit... then when we're big and strong we can steal us some pristine chastity
Re: Tentacle Souls

She's a paladin, of course she's a stuck up twat.

We just need to stick with her for protection for a bit... then when we're big and strong we can steal us some pristine chastity

Alas our pure intentions are quite evil we shall be the best corvert op tentacle ever
Re: Tentacle Souls

True, powerful evil is all about deception and manipulation.

The most effective way to lord power over someone is to make them think your actions are done for their benefit.
Re: Tentacle Souls

I vote 2, but if she keeps up the attack, switch to 3.