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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six mearly shrugged. "I've fought out of worse..." she muttered, still contentedly curled up, tail twitching idly as her mind wandered, though still looking attentively to the other creature. "Even still, it's some irony though. Escape from one torture, brought to another..." she mused, more to herself. Now she was closer in the sunlight, the creature examining her would be able to note a few details that would have been hard to see during the mad dash from the ocean- scars, many of them. Much of the black armor that made up her frame- where it wasn't ridged to fit with certain contures of her body- was scarred heavily, seemingly from an exterior source. Whoever or whatever had made her made sure she remembered the experience one way or another.

The Beach
Six -> Alex

The mention of torture seemed to make those scars all along the creatures stand out as if the sun itself was nothing more than a spotlight so they could be seen. It caused Alex to feel a bit of pity for her. It may not compare to the rather drastic abuse that this girl had suffered, but the dragon knew what constant torture felt like, especially when it went a little too far. "It really isn't all that bad. Outside of a match no one if forcing you to do anything. You can wander wherever you please, there are a number of services that this resort offers, and even if they're rather dull and easily intimidated the staff will give you anything you desire." If Alex had come to this place of her own accord she most likely would have stayed. In a way this was a dragon's paradise. That was probably what caused her to fully relax with such a dangerous looking creature so close.

"My apologies for asking, but what exactly are you?" It was probably the worst timing in the world to ask such a question, but not having a proper label for the girl was starting to get a little unsettling. "I've been trying to place what kind of creature you are, but I'm having no luck. I'd rather not refer to you as 'it' in my head while I'm thinking."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

The Beach
Six -> Alex

Six's lamplight eyes steadied on the dragon. "To be honest... I do not know. Sadly my memories after my... change were destroyed, or hidden, or something like that..." she replied, sliding a claw to her temple and resting it in her hair. "All I know is what they called me. Six."

It was odd. She hadn't talked this much since her memories ended, and yet... it felt right. Safe even to confide in someone. This more then anything was making her head spin. After all, as such a abomination, one would expect fear, not idle curiosity.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

The Beach
Alex -> Six

So not even she knew what to call herself, but she at least remembered a name. "Six it is, then. My name is Alexandra, but you may call me Alex if you wish." At that Alex picked herself off the ground and strode closer, her path ending in a spot quite close to Six yet not quite within arms reach to still give the girl some personal space. Once the dragon arrived she went back to sitting, and after a few quick moments to get comfortable she let the rest of her body fall to the sand. Her entire length was stretched out, and her arms tucked themselves behind her head. It was a bit odd laying next to what some people would call an instrument of death, but with the way things were going she didn't seem like all that much of a threat. So Alex simply laid down and let herself enjoy the ocean breeze and the relative solitude. "What do you plan on doing now that you know where you are?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

The Beach
Six -> Alex

Six nodded a little as the dragoness finally introduced herself, before returning to glancing idly out to sea. "To be honest, not sure. How many people you expect here to see me and not immediately reach for the pitchforks? If anything, doing what I always do may be best- keep my head low, and not draw attention to myself..." she reasoned.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

The Beach
Alex -> Six

"I'm not sure, but you'd probably be surprised how many would be accepting. Humans tend to act the same to the other races whether they're dragon or fey or demon. I number of competitors aren't exactly human, so they've probably felt the same kind of rejection." But none of the beings she had seen were quite as extreme as Six was. "But some degree of caution may be wise." That made what she said earlier sound far less convincing, but Alex wasn't one to out right lie. "You shouldn't let that stop you from looking around, though."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

The Beach
Six -> Alex

Six nodded slowly as she was both encouraged and warned, quietly continuing to stare out at the scenery. "I... see," she replied simply, tail continuing to twitch as she listened to the dragonkin. "Thank you, for warning me," she replied, simply nodding at the end while continuing to sit still quietly.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

The Beach
Alex -> Six

Alex nodded as well when Six offered her thanks, and she continued to sit and relax and act like the lazy lizard her people were known for. The next few minutes were filled with nothing but silence from her, and unless Six herself wished to speak more the dragoness was content to simply grace the creature with her presence.

But she couldn't stay on a beach for the rest of her life. "Miss Six..." She rose to her feet and brushed herself off, her own tail now twitching to fling a few stubborn grains of sand from her scales. "Should you find yourself wishing for a match I offer myself as an opponent. I'm using this tournament to train myself, so I'll be accepting any and all challenges issued to me." Her neck and joints were stretched, and after having rested for so long they gave a few creaks and pops. "If you would like me to try and find something for you I wouldn't mind. Otherwise I'll be taking my leave. I have a vampire to find."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six nodded a little at the dragon's remark, and yet she kept herself still, partly still recovering from her big swim to get here. "K," she replied, but didn't stir, her eyes half lidded. It was nice, in fact, to relax for once in her existance, even though she knew the respite was going to be temporary.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

The library
Pale -> Luciana

As Pale opens her eyes she finds herself in the library, still with Luciana on her arms. A look at the shadows through a window shows that sunset is approaching. Pale also notices that while her clothes have been returned to her, she still needs a bath.
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

The Library
Alex -> Pale and maybe Luciana

Leaving the hybrid where she lay Alex walked back toward the resort. As she did she wondered whether Six would be fine by herself. The girl was surprisingly relaxed, and should people walk by they should be able to clearly see her now that she was exposed. It would give both them and her time to react to each other before anything foolish could happen, or at least Alex hoped so.

As she started finding a larger crowd the dragon's thought shifted to her target. She wondered where to start looking, and she figured she should start where she had last seen the supposed vampire. She entered the library and immediately started for that dark corner where she first found Pale and Bakan, and lo and behold the sneaky little nightwalker was there. Alex immediately started approaching, but as she got closer she noticed that someone else was being held in the vampire's arms. That eased her mood a bit, but it wouldn't be enough to stop her.

"Pale." The dragon stopped once she was right beside the still bound pair, and she made sure she was looking at the pale woman in the eye. "We need to talk."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

The library
Pale ->Alex/Luciana

Surprised, Pale looks at Alexandra and lets go of Luciana. "Uh...hi Alex. Look, I'm...sorry for knocking you out, but I was really mad at Bakan and...and I thought you might get into my way..." Pale answers the dragoness, her voice trailing off towards the end as her gaze shies away under the imposing gaze of Alex. Lifting her gaze she continues, hesitating: "Is...is there anything I can do to make it up for you?"
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Naltaibur > Six

The masked woman sat at the bar, staring out at to sea, and put her sixth glass back on the table, emptied. She was about to order a seventh... but shot to her feet instead. "What am I doing?! This is no time t-hic- to be enjoying myself with drink! There is evil to fight! Wrongs to right! Innocents to be saved, and jus to be ticed!"

"Amigo!" she turned to the barman. "One for the road!"


"You there!"

The masked night elf had stumbled about the beach after her sudden declaration. A lot of it had been in circles, but she had finally found an opponent - a glossy black woman, of sorts, curled up in the sand.

She pointed slightly to her left. "I smell the smell of DISHO-hic- DISHONOR upon you! You poor, misguided woman - but surely, within your HEART, you know that a TRUE WARRIOR follows the path of TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS!"

She threw the remainder of her drink aside. "Come! I will show you the error of your ways! Ándale!"

A snap and a puff of smoke obscures her from sight, and when it clears, she is gone.
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

->Enigma, Tamonten

"Oh, you're awake, are you feeling better now? I was a bit worried when both of you passed out earlier"
Knowing neither of them would have any solid memory of what actually happened, Auralice acts accordingly in hopes of keeping the experience to herself. She slithers up to the human and coils around her body, once having lightly restricted the warrior in her grasp she strokes her captive's head as if she were a pet, a light blush appearing on the serpent's cheeks.
"I... have the two of you met before? We, never exchanged names... I'm, Auralice."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Naltaibur

The soothing sounds of the surf was unlike anything that Six had experienced thus far, especially considering her old habitat. Perhaps being here wasn't that bad, she began to reason, as her eyes started to slowly slide shut...


The effect of the shout was instantanious, as Six shot upwards from her nice comfortable curl to a tensed crouch, tail lashing wildly around her as she looked for the source of the voice. Her eyes narrowed as she spotted the creature, only to raise a eyebrow. And she thought she was a peculiar specimen, not only was the creature accosting her a multibreed like she had become, but also wearing flamboyant clothing, complete with mask.

As her opponent vanished, Six let out a hiss of forced annoyance. "You'll pay for ruining my nap," she growled, the innocence she showed before quickly fading. As she glared around to figure out where the elf had gone, a blackened void swiftly opened up under her feet, loose sand and then the halfbreed falling through it.

"No, wait, what's going on, NOT AGAIN!!!!"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alex -> Pale

"Don't move." That was all the warning Pale would receive before the dragon's hand leapt out and slapped the vampire hard on the cheek. Before the woman could recover she would find Alex grabbing her jaw and forcing her to turn back so they could speak eye to eye once more. "If you EVER sucker punch me like that ever again I will make sure to use my claws to carve my name into your back."

Now that all the wrongs she had suffered from Pale had been made right the anger in Alex's voice faded in an instant as she sat down. "Now, it's my turn to apologize. I'm sorry for what I did during our match. Even if it was by the rules I still feel like my inexperience treated you far more brutally than you deserved. So I am here to make amends. You may ask me for anything, and if it's within my power I shall try to fulfill it."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

The library
Pale ->Alex/Luciana

Beyond her face swinging to the side, Pale barely reacted to the slap. Sighting, Pale answers: "Right now, all I want is a nice, hot bath." A smile appears on her face as she continues "I might take you up on that later, though. Thanks for the offer."
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Zaro'Alk -> Tomonten
Beach - Rock-Shelf Edge.

The pale swordswoman's cheerful, friendly personality did make her unintentional stay on this small land-mass more... interesting, it was good to have some sort of contact with people, supposedly, it was enriching. Then again such a lively attitude did not mesh well if all the memories, both recent and far away, this Tomonten was out of place in her mind but fitted well here. The beach was peaceful, capable of soothing hearts made colder then her own and some well-meaning socializing did not disrupt the calm very much. Tamonten's cheerful response about the Giantess 'doing most of the winning' caused a slow quirk of the eye-ridges, and the beast-featured female huffed with no real response to that nor the explicit order to do away with the pretense of being gentle; practice was practice.

Letting go of the short, simple and almost robotic hand-shake, from lack of greeting people like that, Zaro calmly watched her much lighter counterpart walk away, and immediately set about stretching her heavy, thick legs and powerful yet supple arms, ensuring her limbs and spine were loosened up, limbering up to wisely spend the time it took for the one-armed warrior to collect and prepare her sword and stance. At that same point Zaro was shaking a leg lightly, the tail swaying side to side in a lackadaisical manner; all an outward calm as adrenaline began to course through inhuman veins, however little but it helped to mentally prepare her. To practice mock-fighting without the intent to cut down and kill something was... unusual, and often done so alone, but with a target, so to speak, she would have to consciously fight down those artificially augmented predatory instincts

So she closed the distance between them a little, taking in the details of the pale-one as she changed from light-hearted to emotionless and prepared to fight. The Dragon-Demoness retained most of her own emotional expressions as though her features were permanently pressed into a calm, thoughtful or scrutinize opportunistic form whilst the she-giant dropped into a bestial stoop, still retaining a easily noticable advantage in height and swiftly shifted her body sideways with the five-foot long branch-spear held much in the same way as a sword in the right hand, the left loose and fingers open to act in defense or to grab and distort a limb's bone with ease. Ears perked, eye-ridges narrowed over slitted pale-yellow optics, she looked about as un-approachable as possible without consciously trying; she was quite aware of the benefits from utilizing psychological manipulation in or out of conflict but never felt her pride swell, it was an intuitive and instinctive process that fared poorly when forced to appear different. But now it was all predatory intent with caution with impassiveness most typical... rarely did the Giantess blink as she circled her prey, no, her 'training... partner'? That unfamiliar phrase seemed to work.

Sand shifted and rose as the formerly slow, heavy woman added a bounce to her currently animated step, moving around and strafing her foe a few feet to her left then then changing direction towards the right flank, or looking for a weakness as she quickly closed the gap, giving Tomonten some warning before sudden, slightly horizontal flashes of the right arm struck out with the short spear towards her left side, perhaps not to directly impact with the pale woman's body but more then certain to garner the defensive reflexes required before Zaro broke off to the right, intentionally trying to push the shorter one towards the rocky walls while lunging forwards with a downwards strike to the leg - to provoke her to move and fight. Heart's tempo grew as the formerly calm Giantess gained new life, aggression held in check but available for use.
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Pale/Alex

Luciana blushed as Pale hugged her, and returned the hug as best she could as they were teleported to the library. Soon enough, though, she spotted an imposing dragonness coming their way, and she quickly disengaged from the hug, standing aside as they interacted. Clearly something had gone on between them before the demon had gotten there, and she didn't want to interfere. When Pale mentioned a bath, she remembered against that her entire lower legs were covered in mud, and she considered taking one herself. In fact, she considered following Pale into the bath...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Maya -> Vira & Ione
Vira -> Maya & Ione

"Hmm~ I'm glad to hear that~" Vira replied, her smile widening as she shifted her legs slightly to allow for a better view of her moistened slit.

She then turned her gaze to Ione beside her, considering her comment about providing shade. "As for you shading us, there's a tree right there if we want shelter from the sun," she said, pointing to the tree that she and Tomoe had briefly sat under earlier. "Although, if you have something...better...in mind," she continued, a seductive tone slipping into her voice, "...I'd be more than willing to consider it~"

As she awaited the girls' reactions and responses, Vira's mind began to wander in anticipation about the position she found herself in between the two women. 'Best. Vacation. Ever,' she thought, noting offhand that the only thing that could make it better was if Rachel was here to enjoy it with her.
Ione -> Vira & Maya

Pleased at Maya's enthusiasm over Vira's 'flower', the alraune grinned widely and turned her attention to Vira when she addressed her. Hearing her comment on the shade that could be provided, Ione chuckled. "If I provided the shade, I'm only sure I could cover one of you best. Unless we got close... and squeezed together real well..." Looking to the tree briefly, pondered for a moment before continuing. "Hmmm... I'm sure that tree won't mind providing a little shade for us to enjoy ourselves in..."

Offering a hand to help Vira up, and one to Maya as well, Ione waited for both of them to respond so they could travel over to the spot. "Come... let us seek shade and comfort there shall we? I know I'd enjoy it ever so much... laying in under the tree leaves with such beautiful blooms as the both of you." Smiling warmly at the two, Ione's thoughts began to turn inward to just what kind of experience she was soon to share with both of them, and to that thought she could feel her face warm up even more.

As Vira shifted her legs in display, Maya's gaze is seemingly sucked in again, given far too many interesting things to look at right now. The two women might even notice her gulp, in a way not unlike someone looking at something tasty. "Ooo... If I hadn't just came out of the water, I'd be blaming you Vira for getting my panties wet." she protests playfully, now hugging her hands to herself and evidently flushing with arousal. As the two talk to each other, Maya steps closer now and listens attentively as her eyes flit from one to another, eyeing up every curve and feature. Taking the offered hand, and in fact hugging right up to Ione's arm right away, she follows the pair to the nearby tree. Having only just arrived in this strange place, and walking straight into a threesome with two alluring new partners like this was incredible. Was she not so distracted, she might even worry that she'd somehow arrived at that "Heaven" place she had heard about before.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alex -> Pale/Luciana

"As you wish." With her business done Alex nodded her head toward both Pale and the tentacled woman as an apology for making such a scene before she finally left.



Once she was outside the dragon realized that the sun was starting to set. It's been a long day, and between entering a match with two people, getting knocked out by a sneaky vampire, and getting acquainted with a surprisingly friendly nightmare Alex realized she hadn't had much time to actually eat something. A growl from her stomach made this painfully clear, so she set off for the cafe that was near. As soon as she arrived she sat at one of the open air tables, and soon enough a waitress passed by and asked for her order. A few minutes the small chicken plate was ready, and she simply sat and lightly ate while watching people pass her by.