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Tentacle Lair Evolution!


Demon Girl
Dec 24, 2011
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Five hundred years ago you ruled the kingdoms of Azalas, worshipped in your terrible magnificence.

Five hundred years ago you were defeated by a band of five pathetic mortals, drained of energy and banished to the black void.

Five hundred years you’ve waited, seething with hatred as you plotted your revenge.

Your waiting has ended.

With all the accumulated energy you possess you lash out against the seals, weakened with years of neglect by their human custodians. For a moment they push you back, and you feel a twinge of fear as they close in around you. Was it too soon?

No, it can’t be! You are the tentacle overlord of Azalas! You refuse to sit in solitude for another five hundred years!

Twisting your rage, your legions of absorbed souls, your very consciousness, you convert it into more energy to throw against your arcane shackles. Energy surges forth, glowing motes striking the barrier before its strands spiral into oblivion at the heart of the void.

And one by one, the seals break.

You are free.


You awaken on a damp stone floor, slithering forth a few tentative steps. Your form here in the mortal world is much weakened, a mere shell of your former glory. Your options were limited – your children were nearly exterminated by the humans, and the best you could find was a lonely tentacle, barely larger than a mouse.

Still, this was a minor obstacle. Compared to your prison of the last half millennium it was absolutely luxurious.

You could grow, could evolve this form.

But for that you need energy!

There must be something in this godforsaken dungeon! Entrails, runestones, anything! Or maybe the sweet juices of some lustful humans…

Yes, that would do nicely. You’re sure you felt their presence on the levels above. You would have to prepare, of course, but you had so many ideas.


Suddenly you hear a gruff shout echo down the hallway on your right, followed by another, a deep, rumbling voice. It’s an argument, but you can’t understand it without further evolution.

Still, so long as they don’t find you, you might be able to use them in your plans. Crawling out from the mossy cover of the empty cell, you see a long hallway extending left to right, crossed by another leading forward from the doorway.

On the right where all the noise is coming from you see another cell, light spilling out from its crumbling doorframe. Humanoid shadows dance and weave across the mossy wall in the flickering orange light, gesturing heatedly at one another.

Concentrating further, you can also sense a faint energy trail coming from further in front of you. It’s faint, but that might also be a matter or distance.

Strange though, you can’t will yourself to action. The legions you’ve absorbed into your consciousness are no longer fully under your control! Instead, the best you can do is try to influence them. With frustration, you realize you’re only part of a vote.

World Info:
Azalas is a world of dangers even for such a being as yourself. Beyond the threat of adventurers, those foolish knights and self-righteous clerics who would see you banished, there are others with darker designs. Be wary of every encounter, for there are wizards who would use you in their own dark experiments, demons who want only to drain your power, and even others of your own kin seeking to seize the mantle of the overlord.

Yet all of these may be used to your advantage, though corruption, alliances, or even sheer manipulation. After all what righteous cleric would stand idle when there’s a demon to be purged right in front of them?
Becoming the Overlord:
* You can always suggest your own other option for actions taken.
* If your suggestion wins a vote or if your reasoning is especially persuasive, you become the Overlord (I’ll decide in this first post). In addition to normal voting, the Overlord is the only one who can use the Overlord Energy to evolve, and they decide the action in the case of a tie. If you’re Overlord, PM me for a list of Overlord options.
* Overlord is not set in stone – it changes depending on the latest vote. On the other hand, your abilities are also bargaining chips to keep power.
* You must evolve into a Lesser Tentacle before you can refill the overlord energy
* For 100 Overlord Energy you can bail out of a bad situation and possess one of the other lesser tentacles, or one of your own minions, avoiding defeat. If you wait too long the other tentacles may gain power, increasing this cost.
* Energy drains over time or with ability use, it increases when you feed. You can also spend it on new evolutions if you have enough.

Starting Evolutions:
* Infest I – you’ve evolved the ability to infest a host creature, latching on and draining them. Using this energy you can evolve other abilities to progress the infestation…
* Stealth I – you blend in with the shadows and move silently, hard to detect
* Swim I – you can swim and maneuver underwater, giving you the advantage there
* Aura Sense I – at close range you can sense the rough intent and power level based on a creature’s aura
* Body Slime – your tentacles secret a thin layer of slime, making you harder to grab or remove. The slime can evolve other properties later on…
* Mana Drain I – you can drain mana from a creature at very close range (on or near their person). If they focus they will notice this, but few mortal beings remain vigilant constantly…
Health: 20/20
Energy: 20/20
Overlord Energy: 300

First, choose your new form:

A.) Black Tentacle – the Symbiote – one of the horrors spawned in the Pit of Geddoth, black tentacles are universally feared. This is not an idle fear, for their ability to corrupt their hosts is unparalleled. Even the Sage’s magic has difficulty detecting an advanced infestation, leaving a monster among society hiding in plain sight.
Starting Ability: Stealth I, Infest I

B.) Green Tentacle – the Parasite – while black tentacles seek to enslave and dominate their hosts, green simply use them to breed. Like most creatures of the Fell Marhses, green tentacles have various ways to propagate their spawn so long as they have a steady supply of victims.
Starting Abilities: Swim I, Infest I

C.) Blue Tentacle – the Mastermind – perhaps the most dangerous beings in the Labyrinth, but initially the most vulnerable. Their lair complexes are legendary, their minions legion, yet to reach this apex of power they must first carve out a domain using cunning, treachery, and manipulation.
Starting Abilities: Aura Sense I, Body Slime

D.) Purple Tentacle – the Eldritch Horror – a denizen of the Astral Reach warped by its arcane torrents. Purple tentacles are the bane of wizards, feeding off magic and using it to grow into fearsome foes in combat. Legends say that the greatest of their kind bend even space and time to their will.
Starting Abilities: Aura Sense I, Mana Drain I

Now, what will you do first?
1.) Head left down the hallway! Best not to attract any attention yet.
2.) Voices? Interesting. Go investigate, sneaking quietly to the doorway.
3.) Continue straight down the tunnel. Energy is priority #1!
4.) This form is still to weak! Let’s see if we can evolve it (-10 Overlord Energy)

And yes, this is essentially a "play the bad guys" version of Tentacle Lair Escape :)
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

D! And then 2!
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!


It's possible we can't even understand the voices, more preparation is in order. And energy is paramount to do that.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Torn between A and D, and 2 and 3 personally..... Hrm.... I'll go with A. Stealth is imperative for sneaking up on and assimilating new victims. Can body slime be like an aphrodisiac, if so I'll say 4. Try to evolve to gain more power, if not I say 2. Stealth and observe. Better to study our fores/prey from afar.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

i approve of this CYOA.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Thanks Serifyn, feel free to join in :)!

A4 – Black Tentacle Evolve!
TentanariX is the new Overlord!

Current Status:

Tiny Black Tentaclespawn
Health: 25/25
Energy: 15/50
Overlord Energy 290
You focus your energy and begin the evolution process. You can feel the black masses of flesh writhing, growing stronger. You lack the energy to reach a stronger base form, but you could choose a more specific form. Your entire body tenses as you poise to evolve it.

As you gather your energy, though, you sense a strange resonance coming from the energy source you sensed earlier, like it’s pulsing, flowing…


You here a smashing sound from the adjoining room, followed by more shouting and scuffling. You shrink back into the shadows as footsteps approach.

A human male storms past with a scowl on his face, glancing quickly to the side as he passes. Decked out in a mismatched set of leather and metal plates and sporting a wild, rough-shaven look, he’s not the kind of human you’d relish facing right now. The man is practically covered in blades – back, boot, belt scabbards – and he walks with the light touch of someone well acquainted with the dangers of combat.

In another moment you hear more footsteps moving in the opposite direction, moving at a slower pace as they echo off into the distance.

Unnoticed for now, you could pursue either party, or just ignore them.

But first is to finish this evolution. Make your choice. (feel free to list a fallback, but only one evolution per turn)

A.) Nothing – just conserve your stock for now
pick from the list:

either take advantage of your specialties as easier evolutions…
B.) Symbiosis I – 200 Energy – You begin the first phase of symbiosis, growing linker tentacles that bind with your host. Once bound, you have basic feedback – you can sense your host’s general attitudes, and understand their communications if you can perceive them. You also share feelings to a limited degree – your pain becomes theirs and vice versa, though to a limited degree. You drain energy more efficiently from your host.
C.) Perception – 100 Energy – your senses become more acute, and you gain the ability to learn languages over time exposed to them.
D.) Morph I – 50 Energy – your body becomes nearly amorphous, and like a slug can fit through very narrow spaces. Also like a slug, you adhere weakly to rough surfaces, allowing you to climb certain walls and ceilings.

…or poach one of the other trees at base cost
E.) Body Slime – 150 Energy – see above, you're harder to grab. May evolve further as well – use your imagination!
F.) Swim I – 100 Energy – see above, you can swim and adapt to aquatic environs.
G.) Aura Sense I – 150 Energy – see above, rough gauge of power and intent by auras.
H.)Pheromone Sense – 150 Energy – you can sense the pheromones in an environment. Depending on the intensity this may give you excellent information at a great distance.
Now, how do you react to the situation at hand?
1.) Follow that human, head left!
2.) Check the next room over, let’s see what all the commotion was.
3.) Investigate the energy signature ahead. Possibly dangerous, but intriguing…
4.) Head right past the room and follow the other set of footsteps
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

It would be safer for the moment to use someone elses body to get around until we're stronger, and im curious as to what happened...
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Evolution: B, with D as a fallback. Think we're going to need a host to function at top efficiency, might as well become more effective at it.

Action: 2. If that other man was as rough as he seemed, chances are whoever he had the argument with would be in bad shape, ie.. An easy mark. Should be an easy way to gain back some of that energy we spent evolving.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!


It would be awesome if we could strike a deal with the scary guy to have him as a host or something, but that probably isn't happening.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Being already hard to detect with stealth, I say being able to go more places would be a good thing. I think the energy cost of B right now is too prohibitive. So to that extent trying to find a good source of energy while stealthing about seems to be the plan I would go for.

Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

I agree with Freeko. Go with D for now, but im going to pick E For the fall back.
Also going with Blargs choice of 2. For the action.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

B2 – Evolve Symbiosis, then check the commotion!

Current Status:

Tiny Black Tentaclespawn
Health: 25/25
Energy: 10/50 -low energy warning!-
Overlord Energy 100
Abilities: Stealth I, Infest I, Symbiosis I
Channeling all your energy into your evolution, you tense as new linker tendrils burst forth from your skin. For a moment they flail wildly as you struggle to focus, only to vanish into your body as you reassert your control. You’ll have to be careful – it seems these subordinate tentacles will act on their own if you don’t maintain concentration.

And that would be easy enough in most cases, but right now you’re famished. Only an influx of energy will calm the buzzing in the back of your consciousness, the voices of the many demanding their say.

Pausing for a moment, you consider the human who just passed you. No, not in this state. Maybe later with a clear mind and a reserve of energy for this body…

ENERGY! The urge draws you forth, towards the next site that pops to mind – the next room over. Feverishly you crawl, only vaguely paying attention to the footsteps receding in both directions. You turn right into the adjacent room.

Inside, you immediately see the source of the noise. In what looks like the aftermath of a brawl, one of the four chairs around a moldering wooden table has been crushed, splinters of its broken frame scattered about the floor.

More to the point, the seat cut a gash in its inhabitant when it broke, leaving rivulets of blood spattered among the debris. Sweet sustenance!

Immediately you slither over, savoring it’s sanguine taste as the influx of energy frees you from the throes of instinct. With it is just a hint of corruption, suggesting something not quite human. Mind cleared, you once again survey your surroundings.

Behind the table the back wall is lined with kegs, the scent indicating some sort of alcoholic beverages. A storeroom, then. Crawling to the top of the table, you see playing cards and instantly realize what happened.

Cursed mortals and their worthless amusements!

Calming yourself, you try to find something salvageable in this mess. The first thing you notice is the strange quality of the smells – certainly human, but even stronger is another musky smell. You also catch a faint whiff of female scent, not strong enough to have come from the room, but present nonetheless. You can think of a number of possible explanations, none of them helpful right now. Alright then, what else might you have missed?

Thinking through the preceding events, you realize that you only saw one mortal leave to the left, and no one went down the turn in the corridor. That means that the other three must have left together to the right. Perhaps there’s something else you could divine from evens, but you’ll return to that later.

For now, the question becomes what to do next?

Decision Time!

1.) Follow the energy source you sensed earlier! Your energy is still uncomfortably low, and now your reserve is severely depleted.
2.) Rush back and try to catch that human, then pursue stealthily. He would make a fine host, if you can just figure out how to do that!
3.) Quickly after the other group! It’s a gamble – you know there’s at least three of them, but you also know that one is injured.
4.) Cautiously investigate the nearby area. You can see a closed door at the edge of the torch’s light down the hall, and light emanating from another room a bit further to the right. You’ll miss both parties if you delay, but no option now is without its tradeoffs.
5.) Investigate the room further – there must be something!

And remember, 'Other' is always an option if you have an idea!
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

4, theres nothing to be gained from trying to fight one of 2 losing battles, and as long as there is area to explore we had better do so, knowing the terrain gives us a sound tactical advantage as our success for an offensive move in our weakened state is going to be rooted in ambush and surprise...
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

1. But be as stealthy as possible! Try adhering to walls or the ceiling, or stay in cracks or something. And stay at a good distance. But we need energy that's for sure. I doubt were in any condition to deal with the man and hopefully the other energy source is weaker.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

The whole point of being stealthy is the ability to observe before striking. This puts things in a bad place seemingly. I certainly dont think that staying in the area is a good idea.

I think #3 is the best option as even if there are two others they will be still too busy tending to the injured person to become aware. Also there is the potential of the injured person being left for dead so to say with the other two being a non factor. To gain energy needs to be the priority and staying still may yield a reward of someone having to come into that area to clean up the mess.

This is one time where I am not completely sold on one course of action being completely correct over all others. Either staying pat or chasing the injured party seemingly are the only viable options.

Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

1. The energy source from before has been stable and stationary since we awoke, meaning it is most likely an easy source, someone sleeping, perhaps. We noticed the scent of a female in the air, but it wasn't in this room, so that discounts all of the three that left in the opposite direction. Barring any new information, chances are that other energy source is female, and we all know what that means, right?