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Tentacle Hive

Re: Tentacle Hive

A mix of A&D.

Chainmail, even if merely a shirt, is notoriously heavy(Think 10kg+ hanging on your shoulders, at the least). If we poke something at his legs, which aren't very protected(You can't protect the joints as well as the rest due to movement), the added weight from his chainmail will effectively pin him to the floor without any real means of movement until the chainmail comes off, which is impossible when being prone on the floor.

Thus: Both hunters dart in(Preferably from behind), each taking a stab at the soldier's lower legs or knees(Back of the knees preferred compared to the front due to muscle vs thick bone), then dart out and wait for the "thud" to commence. Then we stroll in, take the girls and walk away with a job well done.

What happens with that soldier afterwards I genuinely don't care, leave him like that or give him a coup de grace, I agree with either.

Re: Tentacle Hive

A mix of A&D.

Chainmail, even if merely a shirt, is notoriously heavy(Think 10kg+ hanging on your shoulders, at the least). If we poke something at his legs, which aren't very protected(You can't protect the joints as well as the rest due to movement), the added weight from his chainmail will effectively pin him to the floor without any real means of movement until the chainmail comes off, which is impossible when being prone on the floor.

Thus: Both hunters dart in(Preferably from behind), each taking a stab at the soldier's lower legs or knees(Back of the knees preferred compared to the front due to muscle vs thick bone), then dart out and wait for the "thud" to commence. Then we stroll in, take the girls and walk away with a job well done.

What happens with that soldier afterwards I genuinely don't care, leave him like that or give him a coup de grace, I agree with either.

Re: Tentacle Hive

A mix of A&D.

Chainmail, even if merely a shirt, is notoriously heavy(Think 10kg+ hanging on your shoulders, at the least). If we poke something at his legs, which aren't very protected(You can't protect the joints as well as the rest due to movement), the added weight from his chainmail will effectively pin him to the floor without any real means of movement until the chainmail comes off, which is impossible when being prone on the floor.

Thus: Both hunters dart in(Preferably from behind), each taking a stab at the soldier's lower legs or knees(Back of the knees preferred compared to the front due to muscle vs thick bone), then dart out and wait for the "thud" to commence. Then we stroll in, take the girls and walk away with a job well done.

What happens with that soldier afterwards I genuinely don't care, leave him like that or give him a coup de grace, I agree with either.

+1 Bandwagon.

Also, it's detailed and thought out posts like this that make me both happy and nervous, because I know that you're applying the exact same amount of effort and detail to your votes on my story.
Re: Tentacle Hive

A mix of A&D.

Chainmail, even if merely a shirt, is notoriously heavy(Think 10kg+ hanging on your shoulders, at the least). If we poke something at his legs, which aren't very protected(You can't protect the joints as well as the rest due to movement), the added weight from his chainmail will effectively pin him to the floor without any real means of movement until the chainmail comes off, which is impossible when being prone on the floor.

Thus: Both hunters dart in(Preferably from behind), each taking a stab at the soldier's lower legs or knees(Back of the knees preferred compared to the front due to muscle vs thick bone), then dart out and wait for the "thud" to commence. Then we stroll in, take the girls and walk away with a job well done.

What happens with that soldier afterwards I genuinely don't care, leave him like that or give him a coup de grace, I agree with either.

Sounds like a good plan. I think it might be a good idea to find out exactly why a single guard leads two naked women into a possibly tentacle-infested terrain, though. This could either mean that the humans are getting careless, that they are unaware of our lair's presence, or that they have something more sinister in mind (baiting us, planting a Trojan horse, etc.). Question is, therefore, is there a possibility for tentacles to communicate with humans? If yes, then maybe the guard, once defeated, could be made to spill his guts (figuratively) before we spill them for him (literally).
Re: Tentacle Hive

A mix of A&D.

Chainmail, even if merely a shirt, is notoriously heavy(Think 10kg+ hanging on your shoulders, at the least). If we poke something at his legs, which aren't very protected(You can't protect the joints as well as the rest due to movement), the added weight from his chainmail will effectively pin him to the floor without any real means of movement until the chainmail comes off, which is impossible when being prone on the floor.

Thus: Both hunters dart in(Preferably from behind), each taking a stab at the soldier's lower legs or knees(Back of the knees preferred compared to the front due to muscle vs thick bone), then dart out and wait for the "thud" to commence. Then we stroll in, take the girls and walk away with a job well done.

What happens with that soldier afterwards I genuinely don't care, leave him like that or give him a coup de grace, I agree with either.

+1 but kill soldier
Re: Tentacle Hive

Sounds like a good plan. I think it might be a good idea to find out exactly why a single guard leads two naked women into a possibly tentacle-infested terrain, though. This could either mean that the humans are getting careless, that they are unaware of our lair's presence, or that they have something more sinister in mind (baiting us, planting a Trojan horse, etc.). Question is, therefore, is there a possibility for tentacles to communicate with humans? If yes, then maybe the guard, once defeated, could be made to spill his guts (figuratively) before we spill them for him (literally).

Tentacles are only capable of communicating with humans who have been around them for a long period of time, several months at least. It takes time to build the connection when a species doesn't have the hardware for it. Some certain attuned humans might be able to communicate from the get go though.

Tentacles are locally rare and generally not considered much of a threat. It's generally assumed that the forest is mostly safe, wildlife(bears) and the occasional bandit notwithstanding.


A2 with some specifics.

This is just too juicy of an opportunity to pass up.

"Now?", You ask the slightly more experienced hunter.

"No. Wait until he passes, then strike at his legs.", he advises.

The time comes, you both launch yourselves forward out of the trees, extending your needles mid-flight, aiming for the back of his knees, hoping to immobilize him. You strike just above your aim, the other hunter hits exactly in the back of his knee. You both retract your needles to try to keep from breaking the thin blades if he bends.

As you leap away, preparing to strike again, he drops down to one knee in a howl of pain, trying to using his spear to keep from falling entirely. The soldier comes from the front and tries to deliver a full slap in his face. He quickly sacrifices the support from his spear and tries to swat at the soldier. His strike lands, the blade of the spear cutting into the flesh of the soldier, drawing a little bit of blood. The soldier screams in rage through the mental link, closes the distance, and lays the guard flat on his back with a powerful slap. Still angry, the soldier wraps himself around the guards neck, strangling him quickly.

The girls were not idle during all this. They've been trying to run away, but due to their shackled feet, they can't get very far before the feeder reclaims their chains. Oddly enough, they aren't screaming like the other one. They just stand there, eyes wide, but mouths shut, a mute visage of terror.

What do you do?

A. Fuck them now. This will tire them.
1. Leave them afterwards. You'll all take as much as you can and exhaust them​
2. Take them with you. They'll be slow due to the chains and the energy drain​
B. Let them go. They'll still be chained together, as you don't have any way to free them from their chains.
C. Begin taking them back to the hive.
1. Travel by the path as much as you can.​
2. Travel through the woods directly back.​

Option X. Try to collect the girl for earlier. There's a chance she's still there.
Option Y. Don't bother.

Options are done regardless what other choices are made. Just figured I'd clear that up, make it less confusing.
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Re: Tentacle Hive


Fruitful Hunting 3 Lovely Ladies for Da Hive.
Re: Tentacle Hive


These women can actually walk and they're already shackled so we won't have to worry if they attempt to escape.

Also, while the idea of a couple of tentacle monsters casually strolling down the path with their latest find does sound somewhat humorous I'll have to vote for the shorter route.
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Re: Tentacle Hive

C2Y - no reason to bite off more than we can chew
Re: Tentacle Hive

Got to play bandwagon here, C2-Y. I'd say two is a nice haul.
Re: Tentacle Hive


You decide to leave them be for now. They'll be plenty of time to get your fill when you're all back at the hive. Their terror is replaced by confusion for a moment, it seems they're familiar with the reputation of your species. You don't give them any more time to ponder the situation as the soldier who replaced the feeder in carrying the chain(by wrapping it around his body), gives them a tug to get them to head off the path and into the forest. You and the hunter take this time to at least drag the guards body off the road, wisely following in your path to erase the girls footprints. It's hard work, but you can catch up while the soldier leads your prizes into the forest.

About 40 feet off the path, the feeder ponders something, "You think we should go back for that first girl?"

"Yes, there were some extra shackles on that man. We could restrain her too. She should be able to walk by now.", The soldier responds.

"No.", you think to the group, "It'll take us enough time to lead these through the woods. We'd be taking a risk just to collect a very tired girl to slow us down."

"I don't like it.", the soldier grumbles, "But this hunt has already gone better than I could have expected."

Your conversation, if telepathy can be called that, is cut short by a call in the direction of the path

"I've found something!", A male voice calls out, "It's a body! Don't recognize the poor bastard though."

"Make sure they don't yell!", The hunter says sharply.

The feeder reacts to the command, instantly leaping for the mouth of the blonde girl. You aim your leap for the opening mouth of the black haired one, muffling their shouts with your width.

"It seems our choice to get off the road was the right one.", you say to the group from the confines of her warm mouth, even as she tried to bite you. Fortunately, tentacles have adapted to counteract this inevitability.

"What do you mean, 'don't recognize him, you dolt.'. Looks like someone, or something, found poor Alder and strangled him as he was going off for a fuck with those girls.", says another voice from the path, "the question is, where are the girls? They're expensive."

At that the women instantly stop trying to scream. It seems this was a group they were familiar with, and were more afraid of than you. It just served to confirm your suspicions that they were slaves or prisoners. Tentacles may fuck their captures, but they don't brutalize them like slave owners tend to or execute or maim them like the law most definitely would.

With no further delays, you continue your slow trek through the woods, you and the feeder still both resting in the girls mouths. It's slow going. Traveling through a forest isn't easy for a human, let alone one in shackles. Luck seems to be on your side today, barring some scratches and a few bruised shins, you succeed in getting the girls back to the hive entrance. It's a fairly small hole in a mountainside, off the beaten path.

You enter, triumphant victors from todays hunt. The women stumble a bit as their eyes adjust to the bio-luminescent gloom of the slime. Your group lead the women down the tunnel toward the main chamber you started from, still being used for girl storage. There are 4 tunnels that branch off from this in a fan shape, like a pair of forks in the road. The left most tunnel leads to several birthing chambers, where women are impregnated and egged over and over again. Most women only end up there after a year in captivity. The embryos develop better when the host isn't trying to reject them. The middle left tunnel leads to the main feeding rooms. This is where tentacles feed and where women find themselves after a few weeks to a month or two, depending on how strong willed they are. The middle right tunnel leads to the breaking chamber. This is where new women are brought to be broken down and your eventual destination. The right most tunnel is one you've never been down. There's just something in your being that tells you that you aren't supposed to go that way, not yet at least.

You walk the girls to your destination, the slime seeping through their toes as they walk. When you get there, there are some 15-20 other girls there, most of them either unconscious or trying to yell through a feeder pumping aphrodisiac cum into their stomachs while another tentacle fucks them. You push the black haired girl into the slime wall, she reaches out her hands to brace herself, just like you knew she would. The slime understands your intention and gets to work on the chains, changing it's acidity to eat through the iron while it wraps up her arms to immobilize her. The slime on the floor also starts on the shackles on her feet. The soldier does the same with the tall blonde.

Which one do you want?

A. The tall blonde.
B. The brunette with the big butt.

Option X. Anal
Option Y. Vaginal

Fledgling Hunter
Energy: 55/75
Health: 40/40
Experience: 125/250
Size: 6 feet long
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Re: Tentacle Hive

Oh, I've got a wonder. Do you guys like shorter, more frequent updates? I thought I'd try that style, allow you guys to have more choices and more of a feeling that you're in control rather than maybe that I'm railroading you. After all, part of the reason I'm doing this is as an exercise to hopefully get better at writing a different kind of narrative.
Re: Tentacle Hive

BY and I'm pretty much in favor of whichever writing style keeps the author most interested in updating regularly.
Re: Tentacle Hive


The feeder had chosen to start with her as well, already working his length in and out of her mouth, providing a steady stream of semen while his tail flicks a nipple to increasingly pleasant reactions. By the time you curl your way up her thighs and line yourself up with her pussy, she's nearly dripping from the effects of the semen.

You decide to tease her a bit, rubbing up and down her dampening slit, see if you can't get her to try to get her to push herself back on to you. You're rewarded with a pained whine and she shakes her lovely hips from side to side as much as she can. That's enough you decide, and you quickly slip yourself in. She lets out a sweet little moan as you enter. Quickly, you find her most sensitive spots and begin pumping your way in and out of her, making sure you hit them all on the way in and on the way out. Then, you hear her voice a lot clearer and a new pressure from above. It seems the feeder has decided he's given her her fill and it's time he get his. She's surprised at this new intrusion, but too drugged on semen and pleasure to care anymore. She unashamedly screams her pleasure into the wall. He breaths get shorter and her mouth makes shapes but no sound comes out. She's on the edge. You speed up a bit to push her over and bring your tail in to flick at her clit. She delivers one final scream and her walls begin to pulsate over you tightening her up around you. You don't care, you keep going for another minute or two as she sags there in a daze, supported only by the slime binding her hands to the wall. You dive deep one final time and release a torrent of cum into her still twitching pussy. You feel her energy flow into you and remove yourself from her well used slit, a gout of cum pouring out as you do.

You've grown! You're now a foot and a half longer and a half inch thicker in diameter.

You've got access to two different upgrades now
1. Hypodermic needle. Your needle is now hollowed out and capable of delivering a potent aphrodisiac. You can upgrade yourself later to make different compounds to induce any number of states, sleepiness, euphoria, a hallucinatory state, or just straight out death. Two charges of injectables per day.
2. Bone spear. Your needle becomes significantly larger, improving its durability and armor penetration capabilities. The best benefit is that you don't need such pin point accuracy to do damage anymore.
Re: Tentacle Hive

1 We have the soldier for taking down opponents so that you can strike. The needle will help capture preys and take out opponents.