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RPG [TechnoBrake] Leviathan (RJ183185)

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Re: [TechnoBrake] Leviathan

is there an easy way to get all ingredients? like cheat engine? or has anyone made a table for cheat engine?

Just cheat yourself a bunch of the currency, beat the game once (relatively easy with the silver set), and buy everything you need from the bard dude that appears in the village in new game +. Though he doesn't have some ingredients, like mandragora roots. I couldn't be bothered to find all the necessary junk with cheat engine, so just currency seemed like the best route to me. The game plays through pretty quickly if you start with the higher tier gears.

Btw did anyone find/remember where the Aquarius relief is? This last one is bothering me.
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Re: [TechnoBrake] Leviathan

Aquarius is from the lake in M10. Also I'm looking for the scene in the 2nd crystal from the left on the top row of the CG gallery. Anyone know where that one is from?
Re: [TechnoBrake] Leviathan

Aquarius is from the lake in M10. Also I'm looking for the scene in the 2nd crystal from the left on the top row of the CG gallery. Anyone know where that one is from?

I...don't think I ever would have found that, much thanks. For the life of me I can't remember where that scene is from, but pretty sure it's from prostitution of some sort.
Re: [TechnoBrake] Leviathan

I looked at someone else's save to get a clue of where its from but its just labeled as "Anal" and the person inside is just a generic "male" name. If it helps you remember where the 3 prostitution scenes I do have are from Galio (he fucks her), the soldier in the west area (arm pit fuck), and the guy in the southern cave (tit fuck).
Re: [TechnoBrake] Leviathan

can someone pls reup the 1.20 ver ??? the mega link is dead :(
Re: [TechnoBrake] Leviathan

is there an easy way to get all ingredients? like cheat engine? or has anyone made a table for cheat engine?
I can create map exclusive for NG (you need to restart all over) ...
and you will get max Money, 99 each food and drink, 99 Log and 99 Stone ...
99 Potion HP and MP (Small) ...
I won't give any metal like Bronze or Silver tough ...
Just cheat yourself a bunch of the currency, beat the game once (relatively easy with the silver set), and buy everything you need from the bard dude that appears in the village in new game +. Though he doesn't have some ingredients, like mandragora roots. I couldn't be bothered to find all the necessary junk with cheat engine, so just currency seemed like the best route to me. The game plays through pretty quickly if you start with the higher tier gears.

Btw did anyone find/remember where the Aquarius relief is? This last one is bothering me.
Aquarius from Wide lake at center ...
Choice :
1. Bath
2. Use Elf Incense
3. Take water (use empty bottle
4. Have a drink (fully refill thirst)
you need to have an axe ...

Choose 4 (goddess will appear) ...
Chose "No" (2nd choice) 3x and she will give Aquarius Relief ...
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Re: [TechnoBrake] Leviathan

High res map for anyone interested. It only has major land markings and the exit directions for that particular map. Also, I can't for the life of my find large snake scales.

Edit: Added 3 heroine complete save.

Whats inside it: Full Bunny Suit, Apocalypse Set, All 3 Heroine quest resolved, Virgin run (except 1 adaptability for Ares relief)

Anyone can make sorta makeshift material list based on that image? Which cell contains which mats.
Re: [TechnoBrake] Leviathan

Guys, how to get out of Orc prison? (Im referring to the place you are put when you lose to an orc)
Re: [TechnoBrake] Leviathan

Guys, how to get out of Orc prison? (Im referring to the place you are put when you lose to an orc)

I usually get out by sleeping a few cycles. Eventually MC will pass out and the Orcs will think she died from too much sex and toss her out. (She'll be warped to "base" camp.)
Re: [TechnoBrake] Leviathan

In case anyone is still interested, a list of monster drops with prices:
ゴブリン: (1 エロ攻撃) HP:120 [ゴブリンの牙 (50), ゴブリンの骨 (100)]
タランチュラ: (1) HP:100 [ケモノの牙 (50), 毒袋 (50), 糸 (50)]
シーフ: (1) HP:110 [ロックピック (100), ヒーリングポーション(小) (300), 鉄 (100)]
マッドマン: (1) HP:120 [念の篭った泥 (50), 松明 (0)]
ゾンビ: (1) HP:130 [腐肉 (50)]
コウモリ: (1) HP:50 [獣の生肉 (200), ケモノの牙 (50), ケモノの羽 (50)]
ハニービー: (1) HP:50 [毒袋 (50), ハチミツ (500)]
スプラッシュ: (1) HP:65 [マジックコア (50)]
スカベンジャー: (1) HP:75 [獣の生肉 (200), ケモノの牙 (50), ケモノの皮 (50)]
スネーク: (1) HP:80 [獣の生肉 (200), ウロコ (50), 毒袋 (50)]
ゴースト: (1) HP:90 []
パンシー: (1) HP:90 [白い花 (100), 赤い花 (100), フェアリーキッス (50)]
クラゲ: (1) HP:95 [小型触手 (50), 透明な皮 (50), 小魚 (10)]
プラント: (2 あやしい花 エロ攻撃) HP:150 [花粉 (50), 変わった種 (50), 毒袋 (50)]
ミミック: (2 エロ攻撃 宝箱出現) HP:160 [ヒーリングポーション(小) (300), マナポーション(小) (300)]
ゲイザー: (2 エロ攻撃) HP:150 [魔力を帯びた目 (100), 触手 (100)]
ゴブリンシャーマン: (2 エロ攻撃) HP:150 [ゴブリンの牙 (50), ゴブリンの骨 (100)]
ゴブリンアーチャー: (2 エロ攻撃) HP:180 [ゴブリンの牙 (50), ゴブリンの骨 (100)]
ドラゴンフィッシュ: (2 釣り) HP:180 [ウロコ (50), 活きの良い魚 (50), 大魚 (100)]
レイヴン: (2) HP:110 [黒鳥の羽根 (100), 獣の生肉 (200)]
ジェリー: (2) HP:130 [人工のゼラチン状の触手 (100), マジックコア (50)]
スコルピオ: (2) HP:130 [毒袋 (50), 小型触手 (50)]
クラウド: (2) HP:140 [雲糸 (100), マジックコア (50)]
狼: (2) HP:140 [ケモノの皮 (50), ウルフスキン (100), 獣の生肉 (200)]
咎人: (2) HP:180 []
バンデッド: (2) HP:180 [ロックピック (100), ビール (300), ヒーリングポーション(小) (300)]
スケルトン: (2) HP:200 [骨 (50)]
マンハント: (3 あやしい花 エロ攻撃) HP:210 [ブンガ・バンカイ (5000), 花粉 (50), 毒袋 (50)]
疲労したオーク: (3 ) HP:170 [オークの牙 (200), オークの骨 (200)]
鬼殺し: (3 釣り) HP:190 [大魚 (100), 雷魚 (300), 魚の角 (200)]
ゴブリンリーダー: (3 エロ攻撃) HP:210 [ゴブリンの上質な牙 (100), ゴブリンの上質な骨 (200)]
オーク: (3 エロ攻撃) HP:220 [オークの牙 (200), オークの骨 (200)]
ドワーフ: (3 ) HP:230 [ドワーフの杯 (200), ドワーフハンマー (200)]
ウーズ: (3) HP:170 [質の高いスライムゼリー (200), マジックコア (50)]
邪教徒: (3) HP:180 [マナポーション(小) (300)]
ローグ: (3) HP:190 [ロックピック (100), ヒーリングポーション(中) (500), ウィスキー (300)]
アラクネ: (3) HP:190 [蜘蛛女の脚 (200), 毒袋 (50)]
ライオン: (3) HP:190 [ケモノの牙 (50), 獣の生肉 (200), 獅子の鬣 (200)]
旧い騎士の絶望: (3) HP:200 []
アーマーフライ: (3) HP:200 [昆虫の鎧殻 (200)]
カマイタチ: (3) HP:200 [昆虫の鎌 (200)]
自警団: (3) HP:210 []
レイス: (3) HP:210 []
ゴーレム: (3) HP:210 [魔力を帯びた人形 (200), マジックコア (50)]
魔石ダンデリオン: (3) HP:220 [魔石ダンデリオン (200)]
グール: (3) HP:220 [腐肉 (50)]
オークウォリアー: (4 エロ攻撃  オーク武器をドロップ) HP:230 [オークの上質な牙 (300), オークの上質な骨 (300)]
パンドラボックス: (4 エロ攻撃 宝箱出現) HP:250 [ヒーリングポーション(中) (500), マナポーション(中) (500)]
ゴブリンナイト: (4 エロ攻撃) HP:220 [ゴブリンの上質な牙 (100), ゴブリンの上質な骨 (200), ゴブリン族の鎧の破片 (300)]
ミノタウロス: (4 エロ攻撃) HP:250 [ミノタウロスの角 (300), ミノタウロスの骨 (300)]
ナーバス: (4 ) HP:250 [ウロコ (50), 小型触手 (50), 触手 (100)]
マルノミ: (4 エロ攻撃) HP:500 [大型ヘビのウロコ (300), 小型触手 (50), 触手 (100)]
コカトリス: (4) HP:210 [コカトリスの肺 (300), 獣の生肉 (200)]
サクブス: (4) HP:220 [サクブスの翼 (300), サクブスの角 (300), サクブスのしっぽ (300)]
フルメタルビースト: (4) HP:230 [獣の生肉 (200), ケモノの皮 (50), 獣の鎧 (300)]
インプ: (4) HP:230 [インプの翼 (300), インプの角 (300)]
キリングニードル: (4) HP:230 [大型昆虫の羽 (300), 殺人針 (300)]
アサシン: (4) HP:230 [ヒーリングポーション(中) (500)]
ソーサラー: (4) HP:230 [マナポーション(中) (500)]
シャドウ: (4) HP:240 [ホムンクルスの尾 (300), ウロコ (50)]
デュラハン: (4) HP:250 []
ドラキュラ: (4) HP:250 []
ベルゼブブ: (4) HP:250 [ベルゼブブの頭骨 (300), 大型昆虫の羽 (300)]
重装自警団: (4) HP:260 []
ワイバーン: (4) HP:280 [ワイバーンの牙 (300), ワイバーンの翼 (300)]
欲しがり屋のイアン: (4) HP:400 []
ひねくれ者のガリオ: (4) HP:400 [ガリオの家の鍵 (0)]
アーマーゴーレム: (4) HP:520 []
オークの王ゲルガガ: (5  ) HP:410 [オークの王の杯 (500), オーク砦の宝物庫の鍵 (0)]
盗賊リーダー アルマ: (5 盗賊団のリーダー) HP:400 []
自警団リーダー ソアラ: (5 自警団のリーダー) HP:400 []
教祖: (5 邪教の教祖) HP:450 []
教祖(鎌): (5 邪教の教祖) HP:450 []
サイクロプス: (5 エロ攻撃) HP:450 [サイクロプスの目 (500), サイクロプスの指 (500)]
フェニックス: (5) HP:380 [不死鳥の羽根 (500), フレイムコア (500)]
メデューサ: (5) HP:380 [メデューサの髪の毛 (500), メデューサの眼 (500)]
スフィンクス: (5) HP:390 [魔獣のティアラ (500)]
ゴブリンロード: (5) HP:390 [ゴブリンのクラウン (500), ゴブリンキャンプの宝物庫の鍵 (0)]
ゴブリンロード(騎乗): (5) HP:390 [ゴブリンのクラウン (500), ゴブリンキャンプの宝物庫の鍵 (0)]
アイズ: (5) HP:390 [穴の多くあいた頭骨 (500), 魔力を帯びた目 (100)]
クラーケン: (5) HP:400 [クラーケンの墨 (500), タコ (200), 触手 (100)]
バフォメット: (5) HP:400 [魔力を帯びた山羊の頭骨 (500), ケモノの皮 (50)]
キマイラ: (5) HP:410 [合成獣の牙 (500), ケモノの皮 (50), 獅子の鬣 (200)]
ナイトメア: (5) HP:450 []
ベヒモス: (5) HP:450 [ベヒモスの角 (500), 獣の生肉 (200), ケモノの皮 (50)]
ドラゴン: (5) HP:600 [ドラゴンの牙 (500), ドラゴンのウロコ (500), ドラゴンの生肉 (1000)]
旧い月の占星術師: (5) HP:650 [太陽の鍵 (0)]
ドラゴンゾンビ: (5) HP:700 [腐肉 (50)]
オラクル: (5) HP:800 [オラクル・ハート (0), 魔力を帯びた目 (100)]
アポカリプス: (6) HP:1200 [アポカリプス・ソウル (10000)]
レヴィアタン: (6) HP:1800 []

(sorry for the formatting, but I couldn't come up with anything better and kanji are nearly unreadable at lower sizes)

I don't think all of them actually appear in the game: there are entries on this list for the dwarf, village leader and bandit leader; none of them seem to be actually attack enabled.

On a funny note: stat-wise Apocalypse set seems to be simply stat-equal of the armor you're fighting Leviathan in.
Re: [TechnoBrake] Leviathan

going out from the ORC PRISON

1> in the room go to the south wall in middle and action there ( weee secret passage to middle jail
2 > go and acition to the jail door there and take item- go back to your jailroom
3> WASH or somethign with the water the thing you got from the middle room before putting it on ground or the orc will see it after entering
4> go front door and incite the orc to enter and wee orc fell on ground and you escape ( if you didnt washed or something the trap before putting it the orc notices and jumps the trap and kill you )
Re: [TechnoBrake] Leviathan

I can create map exclusive for NG (you need to restart all over) ...
and you will get max Money, 99 each food and drink, 99 Log and 99 Stone ...
99 Potion HP and MP (Small) ...
I won't give any metal like Bronze or Silver tough ...

Aquarius from Wide lake at center ...
Choice :
1. Bath
2. Use Elf Incense
3. Take water (use empty bottle
4. Have a drink (fully refill thirst)
you need to have an axe ...

Choose 4 (goddess will appear) ...
Chose "No" (2nd choice) 3x and she will give Aquarius Relief ...

that would be nice
Re: [TechnoBrake] Leviathan

going out from the ORC PRISON

1> in the room go to the south wall in middle and action there ( weee secret passage to middle jail
2 > go and acition to the jail door there and take item- go back to your jailroom
3> WASH or somethign with the water the thing you got from the middle room before putting it on ground or the orc will see it after entering
4> go front door and incite the orc to enter and wee orc fell on ground and you escape ( if you didnt washed or something the trap before putting it the orc notices and jumps the trap and kill you )

I usually get out by sleeping a few cycles. Eventually MC will pass out and the Orcs will think she died from too much sex and toss her out. (She'll be warped to "base" camp.)

Thanks both of you, much appreciated. I really was on my nerves trying to get out of that damn prison :eek:
Re: [TechnoBrake] Leviathan

I can also make the witch at south sell more item ...
(basic item, without ore or enemies drop) if someone request this, I'll make it ...

also, can someone provide link for FULL game ver 1.2 ?
I don't think there's loli or shouta in here ...

that would be nice
here you go ...
extract this file, and put it inside the Data Folder of Leviathan game ...

Start New Game,
and just follow it, when you active, you already have a lot of item ...
Cut Tree (and obtain cheat item), use Log, use Firecamp ... done ...

you don't have to worry about most of thing for quite a long time ...
(better take priority to craft and upgrade equipment instead, since you don't need any basic need item for a long while ... or just buy the extra from the witch house)


  • Leviathan 1st MAP CHEAT.zip
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Re: [TechnoBrake] Leviathan

could someone upload ver 1.30? (or at least sent me a link for version 1.20 please), also is there any guide for the missions and where i can get items to craft equipment?
Re: [TechnoBrake] Leviathan

sorry for the necro, just want to inform that this game updated to ver1.50
the blog says it has:
1 new dungeon (ghost ship)
2 new equipment ( tube top and tight skirt)
2 new H-event

the blog post are on 11-29 so probably still no link around
Re: [TechnoBrake] Leviathan

sorry for the necro, just want to inform that this game updated to ver1.50
the blog says it has:
1 new dungeon (ghost ship)
2 new equipment ( tube top and tight skirt)
2 new H-event

the blog post are on 11-29 so probably still no link around

I'll update the partial once a link is out (or around if I'm busy).
Re: [TechnoBrake] Leviathan

going out from the ORC PRISON

1> in the room go to the south wall in middle and action there ( weee secret passage to middle jail
2 > go and acition to the jail door there and take item- go back to your jailroom
3> WASH or somethign with the water the thing you got from the middle room before putting it on ground or the orc will see it after entering

It's actually the food bucket you stick the metal rod in to make it slimy so the ork will trip up on it.

4> go front door and incite the orc to enter and wee orc fell on ground and you escape ( if you didnt washed or something the trap before putting it the orc notices and jumps the trap and kill you )
Re: [TechnoBrake] Leviathan

are there links for ver 1.50 yet, i can't find any
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