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Synthia (BlueSlime)

Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"I have been thinking, and there is no way I can see in which it works. The way the trap is set up, if a third person tried to force their way in, defeating the first trap, something else would happen, but that is beyond my knowledge, I can't detect what exactly would happen, I only know it's something, and I assume it would be bad."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia stood upright, "Then what about fighting our way through his guards? We're all quite capable... how many would we have to hack our way through in order to corner him with all three of us?"

Synthia was loathe to fight the overlord two on one. As far as she was concerned, they needed Max's magic, and she didn't - couldn't - leave Gerald's side. She fed off of him in battle, it was his presence that fueled her twisted battle-lust - making her a more effective fighter. And she knew that he fought for her as well. Apart they were nowhere near as powerful as when they were together.

Having to leave Max or Gerald behind in the final fight would be a critical blunder, she felt. Ultimately, if forced to choose, she would rather face her potential end with Gerald by her side. Max at least, if he got away, could round up another force to contain or possibly defeat the overlord at a later point. His magic was essential to the continued safety of the land. And that included her little boy, Bryn, who still needed to grow up in a safe world.

Synthia would have laughed if her emotions weren't so tied to her virtual son. The EGG was making her feel the exact tugs of motherhood that she would feel if it were all real - and who was to say this experience was any less real than outside of the EGG? It was all perception and cognition - and now in this place and time, Gerald was her husband and true love, and Bryn was her son needing protection, just like all the townsfolk she had been fighting to protect this entire time.

She looked back at Max, hoping the old man would tell her some good news, that there were only a few enemies barring the way and that they might be able to power through them without too much wear and tear.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Max shakes his head. "I'm afraid this is independent of which way we travel, even if we fought our way through every soldier he had and every trap in this place, in the end, still only two would be able to fight him."

Max seems also troubled by this, knowing likely well what choice Synthia would make, though he had also considered the thought of fighting the overlord himself.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia gazed at Gerald and then took his hand. "I can't leave your side my love, I'll fight with you against the overlord." She pressed her head against her husband's chest, appreciating his warmth and the hard muscles that she and grown used to resting her head against in her phantom memories of the years spent as this man's lover. She looked at Max. "If there's anything you can do to help us before leaving us behind, we'd appreciate it. This will not be an easy fight without you."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Max nods at the two. "Of course, I think there may be a few spells I can cast on you that will help before you enter the room. However, I only have a limited amount of casting power... what sort of things were you looking for? Offensive boosts,defensive?"
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia considered briefly. "Offensive, I think. He's weak and trying to recuperate from the battle in the field. We need to hit him hard and fast with everything we have. A fast battle will work in our favor, so anything you can do to boost our offense, Max. It'll be appreciated."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"I have a great many things, I think. I'll try and give you all the long term ones I can, but I'm guessing you want some of the more powerful short term ones as well, in order to try and defeat him before he has a chance to react?" Max says, as they've been walking through the lair, he's been leading them towards the final confrontation, Gerald staying quiet as Synthia holds herself against him.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Yes, Max, exactly as you say," Synthia said quietly. She held Gerald tightly by her side, thinking in the back of her mind that they were headed into battle against a very powerful foe - one who might kill one or both of them. She tried to concentrate on Gerald's figure, remembering nights of bliss with him, so that she might put away her fears and fill her mind with the battle lust that aided her and made her a potential titan in combat.

"As much as you can give us to let us strike immediately and put him on the back foot."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Max nods, considering the words as they continue to walk. Synthia was almost amazed that they haven't gone past any trap or monster so far. It seemed roundabout, but if it got them there without trouble, it would likely be worth it...

"Right then, I've got a few spells then that I think will work out well for you." He says, flipping through a book he withdrew from a pouch. The group was now standing outside a large, metal door, as Max seemed to go over what spells he would use. "Before you go in...let me just say, if you don't succeed, I plan to fight him myself..."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"If we don't succeed... well, then we'll wish you all the best from wherever we are." Synthia gave Max a small salute with her sword and then looked at the metal door in front of them.

"Is he beyond this door then? Cast your spells when ready. Gerald - we'll run in and start swinging as soon as we see him. No need for words. It's all been said already."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Gerald nods at Synthia, giving her a kiss before Max casts his spells. And cast them he does, seemingly all at once, so that they would all have time to properly go to their full extents. Synthia didn't have much time to consider what the spells were, but she knew they were powerful.

Gerald bust open the door, running in with Synthia behind him as they found the overlord. He appeared to be his suit of armor, but cracked, dented, half formed as it looked at them with hatred in his eyes. They hadn't been paying attention, but had they looked back they would have seen the doorway no longer existed.


Active Spells
Haste - 2 Attacks, +2 Attack/Defense - 3 Rounds
Magic Weapon - +1 Attack - Full Combat
Forceful Blows - 75/25/5% Chance of +1/2/3 damage on hit. - 5 Rounds
Power Strike - +5 Attack - One strike
Windstrikes - 50% Chance for double attacks - 4 rounds
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia rushed forward, her sword blazing both with Max's magic and her own small nimbus of power as she sought to slash into the overlord with as much strength as she could, using her power attack magic to cut into him with her first blow, and letting the wizard's spells carry her blade into additional attacks.

((Feel free to do several rounds of combat at a time, unless something odd or pivotal happens in the combat.))
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia and Gerald rush into battle as she feels her harness tighten. She knows that she has to focus, and defeat the overlord as soon as possible, and the best chance would be on the first strike. Running forward with Gerald moving along another route, moving to flank the half formed beast, she brings her sword down hard upon it, as Gerald gets a distracting strike with his axe. Synthia feels Max's magic bring more power to her blows than she remembers herself able to deliver usually as her sword comes around again in a flourish, striking the overlord as he stumbles. He growls, an angry, guttural, bestial roar at Synthia, as he attempts to strike her. She rolls out of the way just in time, barely avoiding the huge blade. Gerald gets a fire in his eyes as he hefts his axe. He strikes the overlord once, Synthia seeing as Max's magic materializes, the axe leaving a glowing trail as it works at full power. The overlord stumbles, and Synthia moves forward to strike. She feels the magic working again as she sends out four quick strikes as her harness gives her more arousal, feeling love for Gerald at the strike he gave the overlord. Her attacks though are blocked by the overlord, all but one which manages to just make him angrier when he yells at Synthia.

However, his distraction has given Gerald enough time to heft his axe again, running, leaping towards the overlord as he brings it down in a massive overhead swing. The sickening sound as the axe just reaves away at his armor, just strands of it remaining, as the black essence of the overlord is visible. In his rage he strikes Gerald with his fist, sending the man flying backwards into a wall, as he drops his weapon, stunned by the force.

Of course, this won't do as Synthia looks at the beast, anger over the hurting of her lover evident as she takes her sword, driving it through it, right where the heart would be, she feels the first of Max's magic fading, but that matters not. The rest of the armor crumbles, staying still in the air for a moment before clattering to the ground, Synthia spots the dark essence of the overlord, but watches, a bit surprised, as the essence flows into her sword...
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

The power coursing through both herself and Gerald was amazing... and it worked exactly as she had hoped. The battle was over in less than half a minute, yet in that time a great and terrible battle had roiled across the floor in a series of blindingly fast and powerful blows.

Synthia's love and adoration of Gerald welled up inside of her as he delivered a crushing blow, rending the armor of the overlord in half, exposing its dark core. When she saw Gerald struck across the floor by a gauntleted fist, her eyes narrowed and she immediately struck back, a final killing blow that destroyed the armored overlord.

The dark essence seemed to travel down the length of her blade and then absorb into the steel, giving Synthia pause, but with nothing left to kill, she didn't over think it at the moment, instead turning and running to Gerald's side, cradling his head in her hand as she knelt down beside him. She saw that he was only temporarily stunned, and so allowed herself to simply look at him appreciatively and help him sit up.

"It's over, my love," she told him. "The Overlord is defeated. Whatever remains of him, it's been absorbed into my blade. We can go tell Max --"

She looked up at that moment and realized that the door they had entered by was no longer there. She then turned her gaze to look around the room and see if there was another exit.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia watches as the doorway reappears, Max standing behind it as he looks in, surprised to see both of them and no overlord as he enters. "What's happened, it's over already?"
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Your magics suit our fighting styles well, Max. And Gerald really can push them to the limits," she said, stroking Gerald's head. "The dark essence from the Overlord seemed to drain into my sword, Max. Maybe you should take a look at it."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Max nods at the pair. "Good... though... that does worry me a little." He says, going over and looking at the sword, which now had an obvious aura of darkness.

"I believe if I understand this creature correctly...then it's spirit is now in your sword. From what I know, it will remain dormant for 24 hours, but after that, anyone to touch or pick up the sword will be possessed by the overlord."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Would destroying the sword destroy the overlord? Or would he just seek out another object to possess?" Synthia asked, regarding her blade now with a frown. That sword had been with her through a lot, and it would be a shame to have to discard it, but it was just a bit of steel... the local weapon smith could make her a new one. The real power came from within her, she knew.

"I'd like to end his threat permanently, but if we can't do that, then let's find a place where the blade cannot be reached. Lock it away and let it be lost for thousands of years. May it be his eternal prison."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Max shook his head. "No, destroy the sword, and he'll posses the hammer that breaks it." He says. "Yes, sealing it would likely be best, though I'm not sure of a location, and we'd only have a day to reach it. Perhaps stuff it deep in some dungeon. Put a warning next to it. Who knows."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia recalled watching a certain film involving hobbits and wondered aloud, "What if we were to cast the sword into a volcano full of melted rock... wouldn't that destroy the overlord?" It was a hopeful answer. There must be some way to destroy the fiend. If she or Max couldn't do it, there still must be some entity in this universe that could unmake it.

"If it really can't be destroyed by any means we have at our disposal, then I suggest we place it in a chest and find a place to store it out of anyone's prying eyes."

She helped Gerald to his feet, and then stood over the blade. "Safe to pick up for the moment, yes?" She eyed Max. If he reconfirmed that it was, Synthia would use a strip of cloth or a glove and pick the sword up carefully. "Okay let's not waste time. Max, where do you think the best place to bring it would be? If nothing else, we could get it to a suitable container, like a chest of some sort, and then we could transport that to wherever we wanted."