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[Complete - Full] [Sweetsprite] [RJ217876] (深淵の森RPG2) Forest of the Abyss 2 (Partial Edit DeepL MTL)


Well-known member
May 21, 2018
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Discussion Thread: https://ulmf.org/threads/sweetsprite-forest-of-the-abyss-2-rj217876.12539/

Patch is for 3.3.10! Get Update -> [ ]

Since the translation for the old version of the game died out, I've decided to create a new patch that's compatible with the newest version. I'm aware that this game is updated often, for now I plan on updating the patch to keep up with any future updates.

Translated and Edited:
* Item Names
* Quests Names (half of the Descriptions)
* Skills
* Enemies
* Classes
* States
* Menu Stuff

Translated via DeepL MTL:
* H-Scenes
* Common Events
* Map Stuff (Talking to random NPC's, interacting with things, etc)

Unfortunately the old patch was breaking too much stuff and I had to get rid of it. Too many things mixing together was causing random issues. Good news however is that I've edited all of the Skills, Enemies, Classes, States, and Menu's myself. So it looks nice and makes sense.

Game is fully tested. There should be no crashes or game breaking bugs. If you find something, please let me know ASAP.

Most pictures are translated. I was originally going to translate the pictures for the restraints since they have dialogue but I've changed my mind. It would take too much time for me to scan, MTL, edit, and replace the 50+ pictures there. I'll leave that to someone who does an actual translation.

Otherwise one thing to note is that, due to how colored text works in this game, the way it's translated is kind of jank. Basically if you have a sentence such as: `//c[9] This is the beginning //c[0] of the sentence` the color tags //c[0] fuck with the translation, and degrade it's quality. I plan on brainstorming a way to fix this eventually and re-translating stuff but for now, expect shoddy translation for any scripts that contain colored text.

Fixed! Translation quality for Map Stuff and Common Events should be improved greatly. If you find any bugs or crashes, let me know.

Extract the www folder in the zip into the game folder, and replace all.

Forgot to mention this, but credits to @Danielwain and @ValentineMeikin for their work on the old translation patch.
Credits to @WatcherD for play testing and finding major bugs. Credits to @aelie for fixing them! MTLPatch_v1.5.5 (Work done by aelie) will fix the major bugs listed by WatcherD which includes issues with Momo Shop, Element Multipliers, and Weapon Upgrades.


  • MTLPatch_v1.5.7.zip
    7.7 MB · Views: 119
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Updated the patch for 3.3.10 and improved the translation quality greatly by getting rid of color tags. (No more colored text in game though :c)
Thank you a ton for continuing the translation! Danielwain and some others did great work on it and it's awesome to see you continuing it.
Please take it at your own pace and just do the amount that you feel comfortable with. Burnout's a hell of a beast.
Thank you a ton for continuing the translation! Danielwain and some others did great work on it and it's awesome to see you continuing it.
Please take it at your own pace and just do the amount that you feel comfortable with. Burnout's a hell of a beast.

Thanks! No worries, since this is an MTL with some editing, my workload isn't anywhere near the amount of a regular translator. In fact, most of the hard work at this point is already done. Now all that's needed is some slight edits, squashing out any bugs and fixing crashing issues people come across.

Perhaps, afterwards I will edit the MTL which will take some effort, however I haven't decided yet.
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Updated Patch. Fixes a couple of bugs and crashes. I recommend anybody with the old patch update ASAP to avoid any lost progress due to crashes.
Finally I understand what the fuck I'm supposed to do XD
But even so, I can't seem to find the "Holy Pear" Satan asked for...
New patch update. Fixes issue where states weren't working properly on some bosses.

I also added and MTL'ed the walkthrough that was on the official site.

Finally I understand what the fuck I'm supposed to do XD
But even so, I can't seem to find the "Holy Pear" Satan asked for...

Holy Pear probably isn't the correct translation... but it should be behind the first Dryad you fight lol.
Will you also be translating the text that happens in some scenes, that's outside of the text boxes?
Will you also be translating the text that happens in some scenes, that's outside of the text boxes?

Are you talking about stuff like the chapter screens and config menus? If so yes, but those take a bit more effort so I haven't quite gotten around to it.
There's scenes in the gallery, mostly in the battle animations section, that have text on the left side which looks like the character's thoughts or speech. Not sure where that text actually appears ingame.
There's scenes in the gallery, mostly in the battle animations section, that have text on the left side which looks like the character's thoughts or speech. Not sure where that text actually appears ingame.

I see exactly what you're talking about. Not sure where exactly that text is, I'll need to look for it. If I find it, I'll most likely translate it. Thanks for letting me know about it.
New Patch 1.3:
* Translated OP images, Scene Recollection Buttons, Info Panels. (As far as pictures go most of them should be translated. Don't expect gallery previews to be translated. The scenario text mentioned by @Damoriva on the other hand is on the TODO list.)
* Translated some hard to find text such as "Attributes Multipliers" and "Required Items" hiding away in the plugins.
* Fixed some formatting issues. (The annoying one where Arle's name is combined with the first word of the sentence.)
* More random bug fixes I found on my playthrough.

* Lots of testing needed. (pls)
* Improving the MTL via mass FIND/REPLACE. Done!
* Improving the MTL via editing of the easy stuff like skills, items, quests, etc.. Done!
* Scenario text in scene recollection (That's going to be annoying...), title text at bottom, and red text in scene recollection (Where the fuck is that damn red text!!??).
* Maybe add some pretty colors to text, specifically names because it annoys the fuck out of me that they are just kind of thrown in with the rest of the dialogue text. Done!

I'm not going to catch everything on my own, so if anybody sees something important that should be translated or a major bug, lemme know ASAP.

P.S I apologize for the trash color I used on those menu buttons... I noticed too late and didn't wanna redo it. :cool:
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Patch 1.3.1:
  • Improve H-Scene Dialogue and Common Event stuff.
  • Fix missing or bugged armors.
updated to this 1.3.1 patch and the accessory option of my equipment only lets me equip the gauntlet now, cant equip wristband etc anymore. Just a heads up in case accessories broke. tried as all my classes
updated to this 1.3.1 patch and the accessory option of my equipment only lets me equip the gauntlet now, cant equip wristband etc anymore. Just a heads up in case accessories broke. tried as all my classes

Thank you I will look into it.

Edit: Fixed in Patch 1.3.2
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Patch 1.4:
* Old translation patch has been zapped due to too many issues. As a result, I've edited all of the Skills, Enemies, Classes, States, and Menu's myself. So most things not dialogue should look nice and make sense for the entire game now (Probably not accurate translation though...).
* Fixed missing/bugged skills.
* Fixed states.
* More improvements to H-Dialogue.
* More improvements to dialogue in general.
Patch 1.4.1
* Improve names of maps and locations. (Should be more consistent now)
* Improve Common Text (No more random whitespace hopefully).
* Improve H-Text.
* Fix map names being cut off (Requires new game, old saves don't work)
* Main Characters now have their names in color. (yay)

P.S most of the game has been tested, all that's left is the true final dungeon.
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