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RPG RPG Maker [玉藻スタジオ / Tamamo Studio] プレグナント・ブレイブ ~ボテ腹勇者の仔作り大戦略(タクティクス)!~ / Pregnant Brave -Tactics Offspring Plump Belly Hero- (RJ106684, RE106684)

Re: (Pregnancy Brave) プレグナント・ブレイブ ~ボテ腹勇者の仔作り大戦略(タクティ&#

There wouldn't happen to be a translation would there?
Re: (Pregnancy Brave) プレグナント・ブレイブ ~ボテ腹勇者の仔作り大戦略(タクティ&a

1. Download Falo's RPG Maker Decrypter here
2. Unzip the exe file inside the zip file you've downloaded inside the game's folder
3. Run the decrypter and open "Game.rgssad" from the game folder then choose Tools >> Extract all.
4. Now, you should have "Extract" folder that contains "Data" and "Graphics" inside the game's folder. Move that "Data" and "Graphics" folder into the game's main directory.
5. Delete or rename "Game.rgssad" file.
6. Replace the files inside "Data" folder with the translated files (you might want to backup "System.rxdata", "CommonEvent.rxdata" and "Scripts.rxdata" as the traslator suggest).

I hope this could help you :)
So, does anyone has idea about the password to run おまけ.exe? Seem's that I couldn't find hint from the text files that come with the game.

any someone can upload this to another service apparently mega is down again =.= wont load for me anymore
Re: (Pregnancy Brave) プレグナント・ブレイブ ~ボテ腹勇者の仔作り大戦略(タクティ&a

Here's some more interface translation for your viewing pleasure.

Just copy the folder over your Data folder, overwrite the files and done.
As always though, make a backup of your Data folder just in case (modding 101 really.)

First off, let me say many thanks to bakasaru for their patch which allowed me to actually play the game and getting around to my translation.

Here's a list of what has been translated:
All items, weapons, armor, and skills plus their descriptions
All signs
Free Battle screen including descriptions
Recollection screen
All loot messages
Any message that gives you advice on how to play the game
Victory/Defeat Conditions
Status changes
All choices given in story dialogue
Priest dialogue in Chapter 16 room
All names in story dialogue (see Note below)

This is what was NOT translated:
Story dialogue (I might do this later, but don't hold your breath)
H scenes (See Note below)
Enemy/ally unit names (game didn't like it when I messed with those)

Note: I am aware that not all names are translated in some of the H scenes. The actual dialogue for those was not in the text I managed to extract, so I can't translate those anyway until I figure out where they are kept.

Also, if something doesn't make sense in English, it's likely because it didn't make sense to me in Japanese (in which case I simply put in the machine translation or winged it).

Now I'm only one human, so it is likely that (despite my best efforts) I made a few mistakes. Feel free to let me know about any BIG ones. DO NOT simply flood the thread with comments like "You missed a comma here." One grammar error is not enough incentive for me to dive back into the text to fix it (Grammar Nazis be damned.) Also, be specific about where this error is (makes my life so much easier).

Anyway, have fun!

PS. I have a new found respect for ANYONE that translates ANYTHING out of the kindness of their heart. Mad props to all you translators out there.

Edit: bakasaru's patch is also included in mine (since I used his to play the game myself). So there is no need to download both. Applying his over mine will overwrite only a few things, so keep a backup if you want to revert back to the original version. Applying mine over his will not affect his in anyway (since I didn't mess with his already fine work).
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Re: (Pregnancy Brave) プレグナント・ブレイブ ~ボテ腹勇者の仔作り大戦略(タクティ&a

Here's some more interface translation for your viewing pleasure.

First off, let me say many thanks to bakasaru for their patch which allowed me to actually play the game and getting around to my translation.

PS. I have a new found respect for ANYONE that translates ANYTHING out of the kindness of their heart. Mad props to all you translators out there.

AWESOME! Thanks! I'm grateful for all the translation you've done! :)
Re: (Pregnancy Brave) プレグナント・ブレイブ ~ボテ腹勇者の仔作り大戦略(タクティ&#

Here's to hoping a full translation comes out one of these days!
Re: (Pregnancy Brave) プレグナント・ブレイブ ~ボテ腹勇者の仔作り大戦略(タクティ&a

Here's to hoping a full translation comes out one of these days!

Given how difficult the translations are, and that most translation is donated effort, I'm, grateful for anything!

Thanks again SmokinAce27!
Re: (Pregnancy Brave) プレグナント・ブレイブ ~ボテ腹勇者の仔作り大戦略(タクティ&a

this game is broken on my pc T_T

the font don't show up :(

its unplayable for me
Re: (Pregnancy Brave) プレグナント・ブレイブ ~ボテ腹勇者の仔作り大戦略(タクティ&a

mega link dead, I would like to try

https:// mega. nz/#! CU4C0IxT!-d07c_Mv8sm4xVfHnYO6A3cCmijQXtDyN4PdP1EZvvM

Should work. Translation is already applied.

Edit: Added a new link.
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Re: (Pregnancy Brave) プレグナント・ブレイブ ~ボテ腹勇者の仔作り大戦略(タクティ&#

Thanks for the link!
Re: (Pregnancy Brave) プレグナント・ブレイブ ~ボテ腹勇者の仔作り大戦略(タクティ&a

https:// mega. nz/# !M840RSxa!GGxC-xFgGcKv5A47SN6Lp8aFxKZS2m2UCyb3rPYTibA

Should work. Translation is already applied.

THANK YOU! hopefully the game will work since you translated it : D
Re: (Pregnancy Brave) プレグナント・ブレイブ ~ボテ腹勇者の仔作り大戦略(タクティ&#

i got japanese 2k3, vx, ace, and xp so why doesnt my game work
Re: (Pregnancy Brave) プレグナント・ブレイブ ~ボテ腹勇者の仔作り大戦略(タクティ&a

https:// mega. nz/#! CU4C0IxT!-d07c_Mv8sm4xVfHnYO6A3cCmijQXtDyN4PdP1EZvvM

Should work. Translation is already applied.

Edit: Added a new link.

link is dead :(
Re: (Pregnancy Brave) プレグナント・ブレイブ ~ボテ腹勇者の仔作り大戦略(タクティ&#

Remove the spaces and it works.
Re: (Pregnancy Brave) プレグナント・ブレイブ ~ボテ腹勇者の仔作り大戦略(タクティ&a

I can't extract the translation file. Can anyone help me?
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Re: (Pregnancy Brave) プレグナント・ブレイブ ~ボテ腹勇者の仔作り大戦略(タクティ&#

this game is broken so badly >.>

i cant even get the font to show up D:
Re: (Pregnancy Brave) プレグナント・ブレイブ ~ボテ腹勇者の仔作り大戦略(タクティ&#

yggg still not working =.=
Re: (Pregnancy Brave) プレグナント・ブレイブ ~ボテ腹勇者の仔作り大戦略(タクティ&a

https:// mega. nz/#! CU4C0IxT!-d07c_Mv8sm4xVfHnYO6A3cCmijQXtDyN4PdP1EZvvM

Should work. Translation is already applied.

Edit: Added a new link.


Anyone using this download having issues with being unable to cancel choices? It appears I have no back button =(
Edit: Hitting F1 and changing the Esc button fixed it. I didn't change what it was bound to (B), but it fixed it anyway.
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Re: (Pregnancy Brave) プレグナント・ブレイブ ~ボテ腹勇者の仔作り大戦略(タクティ&#

I've been trying to run it, but rpgmaker ace doesn't read kanji for me. So I get an error message like "No such file or directory- Graphics/Tiltles/???????" The question marks are where the kanji would have been in the files. Making dummy files isn't an option, and probably wouldn't work here.

Does anyone have a way to fix this?
Re: (Pregnancy Brave) プレグナント・ブレイブ ~ボテ腹勇者の仔作り大戦略(タクティ&a

I've been trying to run it, but rpgmaker ace doesn't read kanji for me. So I get an error message like "No such file or directory- Graphics/Tiltles/???????" The question marks are where the kanji would have been in the files. Making dummy files isn't an option, and probably wouldn't work here.

Does anyone have a way to fix this?

same here! : O
Re: (Pregnancy Brave) プレグナント・ブレイブ ~ボテ腹勇者の仔作り大戦略(タクティ&a

It's not just a case of switching your Unicode / Administration to Japanese.
You also have to unpack the game while in Japanese mode as the English codepage does not include Kanji. I just tried it, and it works.

Also, RPGMaker Ace, LordofRopes? It's an RPGMaker XP game. Please be sure your have the Japanese RTP for XP.