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Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

When Suri pops her head out of the tent, she sees the three guards still standing there, though it would be more accurate to call it sitting. They'd started a small campfire and were waiting. When she popped her head out she got a nasty look.

They responded in the negative for her permission to look around.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri resisted the urge to growl in anger at the nasty look she got from the guards as they denied her permission to go out and look for James, quickly popping back into the tent to think things over for a bit. Maybe something really has happened to him, and he's just not coming back. Which leaves me with big trouble. Or... Maybe I could just sneak out the back... Maybe James has noticed that they're waiting around for him outside and is hanging back waiting for me Suri thought, eventually grabbing her axe out of the backpack and then putting it on before crawling out the back of the tent, trying to slip quietly into the forest.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

It only took Suri a few minutes to gather up all her stuff, although she had to do it quietly and carefully as to not alert the men right outside her tent. Moving carefully, she managed to sneak out the back without making too much of a sound. She reached the edge of the woods and was just slipping among the trees when she heard a shout.

"Hey! Where'd that bitch go?! She escaped! FIND HER!" it was one of the men, looks like they had poked their head into the tent for some reason. She could probably try to run, or maybe it'd be better to hide in the trees or the brush, and hope they wouldn't find her.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

It wasn't long before Suri had managed to gather up the things she would need, and she managed to quietly slip out of the back of the tent without being noticed. So far, so good she thought, quietly edging towards the trees. As soon as she reached them, though, she heard the soldiers yell out that she had escaped. Dammit, they would pick just this moment to check up on me, wouldn't they? she thought angrily, deciding to try and make a run for it, at least until she found a better place to hide. The men were in armor, after all, and they surely would be slowed down enough by it that she could outrun them at least for a while. Of course, she had never been the most athletic or well-conditioned person, so they might simply be on an even playing field, but for the moment she would run like she'd never run before.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri makes a dash for it. Finding she's able to move quite well through the woods, at least, until her dress gets caught on something, tumbling her to the ground. Fortunately though it seems the guards hadn't been able to catch up, and she lost them somewhere back in the woods.

Her worries are mildy increased though when she notices something moving in the brush...it reminds her of tentacles, again...
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri ran as fast as she could, which wasn't incredibly fast, but she was still making good time through the forest. Just as she was starting to get too tired to run any further, her dress caught on a bit of the underbrush, and she tumbled head over heels to the ground. She scrambled to look back, to check on the soldiers, but they were nowhere to be seen. Good, I've outrun them she thought, panting as she recovered from the sprint. Suddenly she was aware of a rustling sound, something moving in the underbrush, and she reached back into her pack, pulling out her axe. It reminded her of the tentacles. Maybe it was the tentacles. Still, she waited as silently as she could, waiting to see what it was that was approaching...
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

I am the worst person :V

It took a few more moments before the stalking thing in the brush to appear. It was dark, hard to see, but as it came closer Suri did identify them as tentacles. If they were James' or not...harder to tell. One of them grabs her by the legs, lifting her up into the air, the other grabs her arms, binding them behind her. A last one wraps itself tightly around her waist and between her legs. She couldn't think of any reason it would do this other then to tease her. If she opened her mouth at all to make any noise, it stuck another tentacle in.

But it didn't rape her, instead it moved her through the woods, dangled upside down as she was. It was a short trip, though the tentacle between her legs kept moving back and forth to tease her.

Of course, any arousal she had accumulated was replaced with worry when she saw what lay at their destination. There was James, beaten up and bruised on the ground. The tentacles released her now, hoping maybe she could help.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

After a few moments the rustling stopped, and out of the underbrush came a number of dark, hard to see tentacles. Suri watched them carefully, trying to determine if they were the ones that James kept as a pet or not. It was impossible to tell, though, and fighting would be too loud. She could only wait and hope. A tentacle grabbed her by the legs; not a promising start for the catgirl's hope. As she was tugged up into the air another tentacle wrapped firmly around her arms, tying them behind her back and against her pack, and a third wrapped tightly around her waist and between her legs. Still, she didn't cry out; her fear of the guards that might be behind her much greater than her fear of the tentacles.

Still, there was enough room for Suri to still hold out some hope, as the tentacles didn't rape her, instead beginning to pull her into the forest. As it did, the blood started to rush to her head, her vision getting a little fuzzy as she hung upside down. It didn't help that the tendril between her legs kept rubbing around, teasing her through her lacy black panties and starting to arouse her more by the minute. It was thankfully a very short trip, but she didn't much like what was at the end of it. Laying there in a clearing was James, his body beaten and bruised, and he didn't seem to be conscious. The tentacles dropped her on the ground next to him, and she panicked. Quickly she checked for a pulse and breathing, and then for signs of any injuries other than the obvious bruises. She wondered if there was a first aid kit of any kind amongst the things she was carrying on her back, but she hoped dearly that she wouldn't need any such thing... The catgirl wasn't sure why she felt so bad, why there was a dark, heavy pit in her gut. Was she already this attached to the ranger? She pushed the thought out of her head quickly.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

After the momentary rush of panic, Suri gets it together as she checks for a pulse. It's there, light. It doesn't look like she can do much but try to make him comfortable, though she does have some first aid supplies in her pack. They're still currently surrounded by forest, and it's dark out, so she suspects they'll be safe here for the moment. As she did what she could, the night continued, silently.

She had managed to get him into what seemed a comfortable position. It was morning now, and James' eyes flickered a little, maybe he was waking up.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri sighed with relief as she found that James was still alive, though his pulse was fairly weak. There were no signs of any other life-threatening injuries either. Taking her pack off and rooting through it, the catgirl found a first-aid kit, but there wasn't much that she could think to do with it now that she had it. Instead she used the pack to prop James' feet up, and then slid under him a bit, cradling his head in her lap to try and keep him comfortable. It was dark, so they would probably be safe, but she couldn't be sure of that, and she was especially paranoid right now. She decided to stay up through the night and keep watch along with the tentacles.

It was a long, cold, quiet night. By dawn Suri was quite tired, but thankful that nothing had come around to mess with them. At some point James' eyes began to flicker, and it looked like he might be waking up. The catgirl gently stroked his hair, encouraging him awake, though not being forceful about it, and she didn't say anything in the case that he might have a headache.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

It was morning. The sounds of the forest waking up could be heard as James groaned a bit. He blinked open his eyes, finding it hard to focus. He tried to speak but his voice was a little raspy. He took his time and went slow. He managed to form a few words, asking for some water.

Suri had some in her pouch, and could give it to him without a problem. He slowly drank, trying to focus his head. He looked at Suri, a little worry in his eyes, but not in his voice. It took him a long while of drinking before he said anything. "How'd you find me?"
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

It took James a while to wake up, groaning and blinking for a bit, seemingly having trouble focusing. All the while Suri gently massaged his temples, trying to help and to chase away the headache he was undoubtedly feeling. Finally he managed to get out some raspy words, asking for water. She had anticipated this during the night, and had found the water in her pouch and made it easily accessible, so she picked it out and gave it to him, allowing him to drink slowly. To his question she quietly replied "your pet brought me here. So what's this about? Those guards get you, or something else?"
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James sips quietly at the water a bit longer, still gaining his focus. He nods at the question after a minute. "...Guards...yes, them. I remember them." He growls a little under his breath. "You escaped them then. Good."

He closes his eyes, as if his headache just got massively worse and he was fighting it off. "We have to...leave, get somewhere else. New location. Safe..."

He looks like he's trying fairly hard to think, but he's having a tough time of it. "Nearest road...we need to find one, travel till we get...somewhere."
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri watched James with concern as he began to babble, insisting that they got somewhere safe. It was as if he had a concussion, and it was really screwing with his brain. "Shhhhh" she whispered, a finger lightly touching his lips. "You're in bad shape. You couldn't get us past security in a town or anything. You need to rest before you try anything. This probably isn't a good place, but do you really think you could move?"
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James quiets after a moment. Babbling going away as Suri presses her finger to his lips. For a moment he seems content, almost at peace. That look doesn't quite go away even as he closes his eyes, pausing and taking a deep breath to collect himself. He takes his time, speaking quietly.

"You're right..." He says. "...yes, right." Repeating himself, once or twice. He pauses again, trying to collect himself. "Move...no..." He tries to shake his head lightly, stopping after just barely the first movement.

He relaxes a little, letting his rest in Suri's lap. "Okay...rest. Just...not long..."
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Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri smiled down at James, gently massaging his temples again. "Alright. When you can get up we'll get up and go. And hopefully we won't run into any of those damn guards again" she said, content to sit there for another few minutes before making him get up.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri watches over James as he slowly lets himself fall to rest. He's tired she can tell, but he clearly doesn't want to fall asleep. He's worried probably. Worried of what might be out in the forest, and if Suri could handle it on her own.

The time passes quietly except for the sounds of the forest. For the most part though, it was quiet. There were small chirps and other sounds, but nothing that put her at alert. At least, until now.

Suri blinked once or twice, she had almost dozed off herself. A quick look at the sky placed the moon right above her. It was late, and morning was quite a ways off. She listened carefully and looked around frantically for what might have alerted her. She hears it again, the sound of something massive moving through the forest.

She can't tell though, where it is, or where it's going. The sound is too massive, all enveloping, all around her. It takes it once more. She's not sure where it is, but it sounded louder, it could be moving towards them, or maybe it's just passing by. But it's loud, it's probably big, whatever it is.

She didn't have very long to come up with a plan.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Time passed, minutes, maybe more. Suri couldn't tell, because she started to feel her tiredness. She almost fell asleep a time or two, until finally she was put on high alert. She didn't know why, actually. She blinked, her ears flicking as she strained to hear and see in the moonlight. Finally she heard it again; the sound of something incredibly large. Again the sound came, and closer this time. Quickly Suri tried to drag James into the nearby underbrush, hoping to hide and wait for whatever it was to pass, because nothing good could be that big.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri doesn't waste any time in her decision. Running was not an option with the shape James was in, and neither was fighting, unfortunately. Hiding was probably her best bet.

She manages to find some underbrush nearby, enough to cover both their forms she thinks, she hopes. It takes a few moments before she feels they're hidden effectively, all the while the sound getting slowly closer. She takes cover, hiding and staring out into the moonlight.

She sees what made the noise only a few moments after getting into position. The trees part, some actually falling over as she sees an absolutely massive slime move past. Its direction indicates it was headed right past where she and James just were moments ago.

The 'thing', for that's all it could be, simply a massive 'thing', was purple in color, shimmering and shaking lightly in the moonlight. It moved sort of by rolling, simply sliding forward over the brush. She could have sworn the thing was as big as a house.

And unfortunately, it seems to have stopped, as if it expected prey here, and there was none to be found.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri scrambles into the bushes with James, squeezing herself into them and looking out into the clearing. There wasn't any time to spare, either, because whatever it was coming their way arrived just then. The trees parted, some of them crashing over, and the most enormous purple slime she had ever dared to imagine came into the clearing. It was just immense, to a ridiculous degree, almost the size of a house. It stopped in the clearing, waiting, for what she didn't know. She stayed perfectly still and quiet, not wanting to alert it to her presence.