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Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James was asleep a while longer, but not too much. He blinked when he saw Suri was already up. "Early riser, aren't you?" he joked with a smirk. He let loose a yawn before shaking himself awake. "Alright...you hungry? Got some trail rations for now, probably best to eat at least something before we get moving."

He let Suri do as she wished, if she wanted to eat or merely sit around as he started to pack up the camp. If it could be called a camp, it was just a tent and some bags. "Carry that bag of stuff." He pointed over to a large backpack. "It's got your axe in it, if we get in a fight, I want you to help."
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri didn't have to wait too long for James to wake up, and replied "yeah, I'm pretty hungry, and I don't like to go without breakfast when I've got a long day ahead of me." She took what rations she was handed and ate them quickly, and then helped James pack up what little constituted the "camp," not wanting to appear too lazy. When they were done he pointed out a large bag and told her to carry it, relating that her axe was inside. "Of course I'll help in a battle. Despite how you met me, I'm not some damsel in distress" she said, walking over and hefting the bag onto her shoulders, preparing to follow James wherever he led.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James chuckles a bit at Suri's damsel in distress comment. "You aren't, are you? Then what were you when my pet fought you? Well, whatever, we should get going. We've got a long way to go."

James finished packing up the camp, thanking Suri for her help as he took a look around a bit, orienting himself before moving off into the trees, Suri following close behind. The trip wasn't too hard, James finding easy paths for Suri to follow. Around midday they stumbled across a road, and the travelling got quite a bit easier. Suri noticed that James' pet wasn't around, or at least, not in visible sight. It was likely following at a distance. James himself had changed earlier the morning in the clothes closer resembling a middle class man.

It of course, wasn't too long on the roads before the travelling pair spotted what appeared to be a group of soldier types, heavy armor, armed with swords and holding shields, along the road.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri's ears flattened at Jame's question, annoyed at it. "Careless, that's what I was" she replied quietly, following him quickly off into the trees. It was actually fairly easy going; he wasn't a ranger for nothing, and he found pretty simple paths through the trees for her to follow. The tentacle monster was nowhere to be seen, though she thought it likely that it wasn't far behind them. Or to any side of them, really. It had proven itself fairly stealthy. Soon enough they came to a road, walking for a while until spotting some soldiers. Suri made sure to walk a little bit behind James, her head bowed slightly as her ears flattened out again; she was going to try to play her part, and seem a submissive enough slave to the casual observer.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James would chuckle a bit at her reply. "Just careless, is that it? I'm not sure, you seemed quite ready and waiting after you lost..."

James snarls a bit as he spots the guards further down the road. He looks back to Suri, who has already made herself look the proper slave. He gives her a small nod of approval as they continue along the road. As they pass the patrolling group, they give a bit of a stare at James, who remains cool under the pressure. Suri, for her part, manages not to alert the guards that anything is up. After a while the men allow James to continue with little issue.

Well out of earshot, James explains a little. "I think one of those guys almost recognized me...we'll have to be extra careful. There's a town we'll be coming up to soon. We can either stay there or make camp out in the woods. I'll leave the decision up to you, what do you think is a better idea?"
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

A slight blush was all James would get out of Suri with his comment, in part because he wasn't exactly wrong. She had been quite eager to feel those tentacles inside her after she had lost... She shrugged away the thought, trying not to let the man rattle her.

The soldiers seemed to be guards on patrol, and they gave the two travelers a brief looking over, letting them pass with little, if any, trouble. From James' comments, though, they had been in significant danger. She pondered their options quietly for a moment, before replying "well, the town probably brings the risk that you'll be recognized, and the dangers of that. If we camp outside of town and get found, though, we'll probably have some explaining to do. I'm not sure, and I really don't have much preference. Whichever you think would be safer."
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James frowns a bit. "Leaving it up to me then? Alright, then I'd go with the woods. It'd be easier to hide ourselves in the brush, and he can alert us if anyone is getting close. Though you give up a nice hot bath for that, might be for the best."

The travelling pair spot the town around a half an hour later. James checking around carefully before dragging Suri off the road and into the brush. Not too long later they're far from the path, alone and in the quiet. "Well, we should be good hear for the night. It might be good to stop into town in the morning. What do you think?"
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

"The woods sounds fine to me if you think it's better that way" Suri replied, continuing to walk along with James for another half hour before they saw the town, and he pulled her off to the side. "Well, do we need supplies? If we're going to have to go into town anyway, we might as well stay the night there, I think. I had assumed you were prepared enough to bypass the town entirely" she said, giving her opinion on a morning stopover in the town.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James shrugs a bit. "We don't need the supplies, we can manage. But if there's anything you think you need or want, we should probably drop in. Otherwise, I'd suggest we just continued. Help me set up camp, no fire tonight, it would make us too easy to spot to any patrols."

James starts to set up the camp if there's no objections. He doesn't bug Suri if she doesn't give a hand, but he seems determined for some reason, as if he's got something on his mind that he just can't quite shake.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

"I can't think of anything I need. A bath would be nice, but as long as you can stand to travel with me I'm fine without one" Suri replied, soon helping James to set up camp. He seemed worried for some reason, which had her curious. "Is something wrong?"
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James frowns a bit, taking a break from the camp even though it's almost finished. "Not sure. I think that patrolman might have recognized me. I'm worried there's going to be a large search or something." He shakes his head. "Whatever, no point to worry about it now, we'll just have to hope there's enough warning in any case."

He finishes up with the camp and directs Suri inside the tent. "I'm going to go for a quick walk around, why don't you get some sleep?"
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

"Hmm... Alright, if you say so" Suri replied, a little worried about the possibility of a search, but not too terribly much so. "I'll see if I can get to sleep" she said when directed towards the tent, getting in and unrolling her bedroll. Still, she wasn't just ready to go to bed yet... She crawled in, keeping the bag with her axe close by in case soldiers really were searching for them.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri lays down to rest but doesn't fall asleep. She notices outside getting dark, give, ten minutes passing. James still hasn't returned. She doesn't hear anything unusual outside, and the sun has set by now.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri laid in her bedroll for ten minutes longer, wondering how long a "quick walk" would take James. The sun had set, and she considered going out to search for him, but thought that it might not be such a good idea. If there were guards out there, she would probably alert them to her presence pretty quickly before she found him. She decided she would wait about ten more minutes before considering going out to search for him.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri finds herself sitting around another ten minutes, not hearing anything, and James certainly not having returned. As she sits up and pokes her head out the tent, she's a bit surprised at what she finds. Just as she's poking her head out, she sees three men at the entrance to the tent, looking at her. They're all dressed in the armor that she saw before.

"Well well, what have we have?" One of them says, stepping forward.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

After another ten minutes, James hadn't come back, and Suri decided that she would go out to look for him. Just as she poked her head out of the tent, she found that there were three guards staring down at her. Ah shit, I was worried this would happen... she thought as she looked up at them for a brief moment before bowing her head to them. "Ah, sirs" she said, trying to play her part sufficiently, "my master went out for a walk and hasn't returned. I was getting ready to go out and have a look for him, to see if something happened to him."
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

The guards eye Suri for a few moments, looking at her curiously. For a moment they seem to buy what she's saying. "Oh? Who's your master then? Do you have a copy of his papers?" The other guards gave her serious face looks. But Suri had no doubt what these guys would do if she wasn't able to produce papers for them.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri tried to maintain her cool and think on the fly as the guards questioned her, replying "I don't know his name, or much about him, sir. He says I don't need to in order to serve him as he wants me too. As a result I don't have his papers with me, he keeps them himself." She hoped they would believe her and go away, or at least wait for James, and she was fairly certain she didn't have any papers for him anyway. Maybe he would stay away from them if he saw the guards out in front of the tent, or be able to surprise attack them. Whatever ended up being the case, it had better work.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

The guards look at Suri, disbelieving, or perhaps believing, she wasn't sure. They looked at each other for a moment and gave a small shrug. "Alright then, if that's true then you don't mind us waiting here for his return, do you? Surely he'll be able to clear it up and explain when he returns, won't he now?" The guard in charge gave Suri a bit of an evil grin, as if daring her to argue with him.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

"I have no objections to your staying if that's what you think is best" Suri replied, still not meeting their eyes with her own and not liking this situation one bit. If only she could behead the three of them with one swing of her axe... Still, she would wait for the moment to see if James would show up and talk their way out of it. If twenty minutes passed without anything new, she would ask to be allowed to look for him on her own.
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