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Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

The man chuckles a little as she replies. "Oh?" He says in response to her pervert comment, laughing when she says she'll be looking forward to it. "And you're not then? How about you give them a nice meal right now, if you're looking forward to it so much?"
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

"I suppose I am" Suri replied, shrugging. "I did just take a bath, but I guess I could take another one afterwards. Call him here and I'll see what I can do" she said with a wink, wondering if he would actually do it.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

The ranger chuckles again as he smiles. "Well, alright then, and I can sit around and watch I guess. Maybe he'll even give you one of his smaller tentacles so you can enjoy it during travelling." He gives a sharp whistle, and Suri can soon hear the sounds of tentacles approaching.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

"Sounds like fun" Suri replied, and soon enough she heard the sounds of the tentacle monster approaching the two of them. Her tail started to swish back and forth in anticipation as she peered into the trees, waiting for the tentacles to get there and have their way with her.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

The tentacles get closer, starting to slowly make themselves towards Suri, as the ranger grins, the tentacles slowly wrapping themselves around the arms and legs of the unresistant girl.

"You know? Why let the tentacles have all the fun? Why don't I have a go at you as well? What do you say." He says, chuckling a little.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

"Not content with just watching, huh?" Suri asked as the tentacles wrapped around her arms and legs slowly, holding her in place, though she had no intention of going anywhere. "I couldn't exactly stop you if you wanted to, now could I?" she asked, grinning at him as her tail continued to swish happily. "We still don't know each other's names, you know. I'm Suri. Tell me yours and I won't object" she said with a wink.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

The ranger chuckles as he moves closer to her. "No, not really, never got the chance with a pretty catgirl like you, is all." He says. "And I guess not no... and what if I wanted you to object?" He says, moving closer and teasing her. "But no, I'm James...pleasure to meet you."

As he says this last part he smiles, Suri feeling a tentacle prodding at her rear to tease he. "Now then, let's see if these tentacles can make you beg for it... find out how perverted you really are."
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

"Pleasure to meet you too" Suri said, with an exaggeratedly polite tone. She felt the tentacles prod and poke at her rear, teasing her as James pondered aloud whether she would beg for it or not. "Your tentacle buddy is going to have to work a little harder for it if you want me to beg for you" she said, not wanting to just give in right off the bat.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James gives a bit more of a laugh as Suri responded to him, giving a small smirk as he watched his pet do its work. James had no problem watching as the tentacles started to adjust the position of Suri a bit. They forced the catgirl to her knees, bending her forward as they pulled her hands behind her, holding them tightly against her back. The tentacle prodding at her rear continues to poke and tease, prodding and gently circling the tight hole. Another tentacled, ridged and lined with little soft bristles of fur, started to rub itself along her pussy, gently working and spreading her lips just barely as it pressed flatly against her.

Another pair of tentacles worked their way slowly around the catgirls breasts, starting to squeeze and pull on them, playing with her body as it held her helpless, looking to get the girl all worked up with no way of getting herself to the finish line.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

The tentacles slowly repositioned Suri, pushing her down onto her knees and forward, her arms being tugged tightly behind her. The tentacle poking her rear turned up the teasing factor, prodding gently and circling her pucker, causing her to try and bump her hips back unsuccessfully. As she did so another tentacle snaked between her legs, starting to rub at her rapidly moistening slit, the various ridges and bumps parting her folds slightly, its bristly little hairs tickling and teasing her. She let out a gasp as more tentacles circled her breasts, squeezing and tugging at them gently, and she knew that she wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to stifle her noises of pleasure for as long as she could. She only managed to hold out for a minute or so before saying "I can't take it any more, please, master, fuck me, have the tentacles fuck me!"
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James chuckles a bit as Suri seems to break almost instantly under the assault of the tentacles. "What's this, giving in so easily? I thought you said my tentacle buddy is going to have to work for it, did you not?"

He smiles and leans down, planting a kiss on her mouth as he holds her cheek in his hand. "But now you seem to have given in so quickly, without any effort at all. I think I'm going to have them tease you a while longer, considering how easily you gave. I want to see what happens if you're denied a bit more."
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri returned the kiss and whimpered as the tentacles kept up their teasing, but she accepted her position with relative ease. She had never had much willpower, but it was different when the choice was imposed on her. For a few more minutes the tentacles rubbed and poked at her, building her pleasure quickly and then suddenly stopping, forcing her back down before starting up again. She cried out in frustration, bucking her hips in an attempt to push herself over the edge without success. The tentacles started up again, and she began to twist in their grip, slowly losing her ability to think straight as they built her towards orgasm again, only to stop stimulating her just at the edge. "P... please... m... master, let me cum... please..." she begged, looking at James pleadingly.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James looked down at Suri with a sadistic smile, walking around her and gently teasing her with his fingers as the tentacles backed off for a moment. "Let you cum, huh? Alright, I suppose I can...you know, it's funny, you say you're a free girl, but you'd fit so well if you were a slave, wouldn't you?" He teases her a bit more by moving again to face her as he grabs her breasts, groping hard at them.

Before Suri has time to complain again about the continued teasing she feels herself suddenly stuffed in both lower holes as the tentacles dive in. It's painful in a way, the sudden entry, but oh so pleasurable as she cries out in an orgasm that's been denied her so many times before. The tentacles don't stop moving inside her even as her walls clamp down on them. They fuck her hard, moving in and out quickly, using her body for great enjoyment. Even as she's coming down from her first climax, she quickly feels a second one gathering, but the tentacles start to slow down again, possibly tormenting her or just giving her a chance to rest.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

At Suri's request the tentacles backed off, infuriatingly enough, and James moved in to tease her instead. She couldn't take much more of this, the teasing driving her insane as her new "master" taunted her. As he moved around to face her she looked down, biting her lip as she refused to answer him, not sure even what she could say against him. He began to grope her ample chest roughly, and just as she's about to break down and beg again for an end to the torment the tentacles answer her unspoken pleas, thick tendrils suddenly penetrating her pussy and ass.

The sudden, deep penetration was painful, but she barely noticed, as it also drove her to perhaps the most powerful orgasm she had ever felt. She screamed out incoherently in her pleasure, her love juices leaking plentifully to the ground as she thrashed a little in the tentacles' grasp. Vaguely she considered that maybe it wasn't so bad to be a slave, to be teased like this. After all, it had made the end result so much better... Even as she came the tentacles didn't stop, fucking her hard, and it only prolonged the intense pleasure she felt. The thrusting only got faster, until Suri was bouncing back and forth, her body shaking as she was used roughly. Finally they start to slow down again, even as her pleasure built towards a second peak, and she let out a quiet mewl of displeasure which, on retrospect, bothered her; she wasn't sure she wanted to like it this rough. "Ahhh, they can go as fast as they like, I can take it..." she finally said, trying to put on a tough face and essentially ask them to pick up the pace again without having to ask.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James laughed a bit as Suri said they can go fast. "Oh? Trying to get them to be rougher are you? Well, I'm afraid that's not going to happen, that's not why they stopped." He smirks at her as the tentacles leave her, leaving her feeling empty.

Of course, Suri would notice quickly why, as she's repositioned and left open for James, who she now noticed had removed his pants, member erect and ready for usage. He grabbed her waist as he stepped forward, and before Suri could complain, thrust forward, entering deeply into her pussy. He wasn't quite as thick as the tentacles, but it was the first time in the EGG that she'd felt a real cock, not just tentacles. He started to thrust in and out, wordlessly as he focused on enjoying her body. It wasn't too long before he was throbbing and ready to burst. Suri reached a climax from the fucking finally after the tentacles had left her so aroused. Her body clamped tightly on James when he was deep inside, causing him to release himself in her. He groaned as it all came out and she felt the sticky cum fill her up.


It was later, both of them had bathed again, it was still dark out. "We should rest for the evening, we'll make for the border in the morning" He told her. Suri had been giving a maids outfit to wear, better then her rags at least, though she'd probably prefer the return of her armor.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Even slowing down wasn't enough for the tentacles it seemed, and they withdrew from Suri completely soon after the man spoke, almost drawing a cry of protest from her. Still, they quickly pulled her closer to the ground and spread her legs wider, presenting her for James, who had taken off his pants. She could see that he was already fully erect, and as ready for her as she was for him. Her tail swished behind her excitedly, and she couldn't help but shudder in anticipation.

She didn't have to wait long before the man walked forward, slamming his hard cock into her fully in one go. She let out a lewd moan of pleasure, her intense arousal having fully prepared her for the penetration. He wasn't either as long or as thick as the tentacle had been, but he was still more than able to satisfy her. His quick, deep thrusting soon had her on the brink again, and she let out whimpering moans, trying to avoid his eyes with her own. Thankfully he was quiet, choosing not to taunt or tease her, focusing completely on the act, and it made her feel good about herself; at least he was enjoying her. Soon she felt him throb inside of her, and knowing that he was about to cum inside her set her off. She let out a squeal of pleasure, her body shaking as her insides convulsed around his length, bringing about his own orgasm and milking him of his cum.

Suri let out a soft sigh of satisfaction as James pulled out of her, having emptied his load into her womb with the tentacles'. She couldn't think of a time when she had felt so much pleasure, and now she basked in the wonderful afterglow for a long time before being instructed to get up and follow her "master" into the hot springs again. It was a tiny bit worrisome that she was leaking so much cum, as she wasn't sure if she wanted to get pregnant and carry this man's baby to term so early in the game, but she barely thought about it, following him without complaint and slipping into the water.

The water was the perfect temperature, and she sighed happily as she scrubbed herself off, cleaning the cum and sweat off of her body, paying special attention to getting the dried cum out of her long brown hair. She was silent throughout, unsure what to say, and thinking besides. That was amazing... I thought the game would be good, but not that good. And... this guy... She looked at James briefly before turning away. He doesn't seem too bad so far. It wasn't very nice, teasing me that way, but it felt so good, I don't think I could complain. Maybe it won't be so bad to pretend to be his slave...

Once they both were clean Suri got out of the water and dried off, and found herself given a maid's uniform to wear. "Pervert" she said again, taking it and slipping on the lacy panties he handed her, and then the thigh-high stockings and garter belt. The bra was similarly lacy, but the dress was surprisingly practical, more cute than sexy, so at least she would maintain a little bit of dignity if they ran into others. "Rest sounds okay with me. Where am I going to sleep? My bedroll only had room for one, I think" she asked, hoping she wouldn't have to sleep with nothing between her and the cold ground.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James gave her a bit of a raised eyebrow look as she mentioned the bedroll think. Though he did have a bit of a smile on his face as she donned the maid outfit. "What, are you hoping I'll say 'We'll share'?" He chuckles a bit. "Don't worry, I have a tent and my own bedroll. You'll have to stay in the same tent for protection of course, but we'll have separate bedrolls. You'll need your energy for the morning travel. We're headed west, towards sold old ruins. It's the headquarters for the smuggling operation, and we'll need to stop for a few things."

James explains a bit more if Suri questions him. Talking about how the whole slave freeing thing was a fairly big operation, and they needed to stop at the headquarters to get passes and documentation that would allow them across the border.

He sets up the tent, having Suri help, before laying down for the night to rest. "He'll let us know if there's anything out there" James said, it took Suri a moment to realize he meant his pet.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri let out a sigh of relief, replying "no, I was dreading having to sleep on the floor of the tent. I'm not always looking to fuck I'll have you know. Still, that's good to hear. I assume I won't have to pretend to be your slave when we're around the smugglers, right?" The last part was hopeful; she wasn't sure how much groveling to him in front of others her dignity could take. It seemed like this whole smuggling business was a big deal around here, so apparently a lot of people weren't very happy with the enslavement of demihumans. Demihumans. The thought amused her as she swished her tail and flicked her cat-like ears, happy with the game's little enhancement.

In any case, she helped James set up his tent, and then went into her own to get her bedroll out, taking it back to the tent they would share and unrolling it beside his. As she slipped into her bedroll for the night, the ranger assured her that "he" would let them know if someone was outside, and she raised an eyebrow as she wondered what he meant before finally realizing that he meant the tentacle beast. What a convenient pet... she thought, laying flat and closing her eyes. Before she went to sleep, though, she said "thank you, by the way. For helping me. I'm glad I ran into you instead of someone who really would have enslaved me. The sex wasn't bad either."
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James shrugs a bit as Suri thanks him, he gives a small smile though. "You're welcome. Sorry you had a bad introduction, though. We'll have to see how far we make it in the morning. It's a long journey, and who knows what we'll run into." He let out a bit of a sigh as he settled in for sleep. "Now get some good rest, you'll need it."

The night would pass eventually, and Suri would find herself the first awake in the morning.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri slept peacefully, and awoke bright and early in the morning. In fact, earlier than James did. Shrugging, she got out of her bedroll and rolled it up, looking around to see if there were any other ways she could prepare them to get going without waking him up. She didn't see anything, though the thought crossed her mind that she could make breakfast for the two of them... She discarded the idea quickly. He didn't need to know that she was a terrible cook until he forced the issue. With nothing else to do she crawled over beside him and knelt, not wanting to wake him up before he'd gotten his proper sleep.