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Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
Reputation score
Name: Suri Dahan
Age: 22
Level 0 Trait: Axes
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):

Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.): Despite her unassuming appearance, Suri is actually fairly aggressive. She's quite the gamer, and is used to playing games in a very uncooperative way, oftentimes being something of an ass to the NPCs if given the chance.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.): She would actually be wearing clothes in the EGG normally, something fairly unassuming. She envisions herself with the cat ears/tail for reasons of cuteness in her mind, but they aren't necessary. Your move, bitbot.


Suri received the letter in the mail, a little untrusting of it, though she opened it. It was from the well know company Chamber Corp, who had recently been given a lot of news coverage in regards to their new VR product, called the EGG. It appears that someone had entered her into the running of the beta testing of the product, as it was entering it's final phrase, and she was now invited to test it out.

Curious, she figured the worst case it was some sort of prank, and Chamber Corp would refuse her. After all, they were a well know business, and trusted, even in light of some of the rumors on the internet about the contents of the EGG, though mention had been made at how good the game itself was.

She met the receptionist, a nice lady who had her fill out a small forum, before handing her off to a tech who escorted her into one of the testing rooms. She was given quick instructions, and told that when she finished, one of the developers would be waiting to help her out with any questions she had.

As she got into the egg and it closed, it flashed a few lights, saying it was calibrating on a screen, as he chair adjusted a little to make her quite comfy, before a screen popped up in front of her.

Game Settings
Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consent Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): This is left vague on purpose, a number can't properly convey this setting.
______(Feel free to add new ones, though I may not run it if I'm not into it)

After filling out those options, it gives her two more sets.

Easy =Normal= Hard Insanity

Starting Location
-Forlorn Forest
-Haunted Ship at Sea
-Monster Island
-Player Created - _______

Optional - Plot line ?

The last field gave her a bit of confusion, looking like it was a text entry screen, apparently she would type in a few keywords or a phrase and it would generate a plot from that.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri eyed the letter carefully as she read it, somewhat suspicious. For this to be real someone would have had to have entered her into the lottery for the final stage of testing for the EGG. Of course, that wasn't impossible. Her friends had pretty strange senses of humor sometimes, and they knew how she liked games. She decided she might as well try it out; it looked legit. She made her way to Chamber Corp and talked with the receptionist, filling out a few forms before being led by a tech to the testing chamber and instructed on the use of the EGG. When she was all strapped in she looked at the game settings. Hmm... So the rumors were true, this game is totally perverted. Or at least, you can make it that way. Well, it's not like I mind that... she thought, entering in her preferred settings.

Humans: Y 3
Male/Female: Y 3
Female/Female: Y 4
Pregnancy: Y 2
Birthing: Y 2
Non Consent Sex: Y 4
Slavery: Y 3
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y 5
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): Varying
______(Feel free to add new ones, though I may not run it if I'm not into it)

She pondered the last bit for a long time, but just couldn't think of anything off the top of her head that she would enter. She decided to keep the difficulty on normal for now, and thought for a moment about the setting before picking the Forlorn Forest. She ignored the optional plot generator, likewise not knowing what she would enter in to that space.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri watched as he settings faded, her entire perception fading as it went dark, silent and lost feeling of the world around her. She felt as though she was floating for a moment, the world quiet and black. A few more moments and she watched the world turn white, as she watched a world build itself in front of her.

First the ground spread out, shaping itself with contours and building out objects, simple ones, before becoming detailed, textured, the sky forming itself high above, dark, starlit with a full moon. Around her she watched and smelled as the trees became fully formed, smelling the sent of the woods as the ground beneath her gave the sounds of dirty being smushed between boots. The world formed itself, and she appeared to be on a small camp somewhere in the woods, a campfire nearby and a small tent close by, with sleeping roll. An axe lay next to it, likely hers, with a pack, filled with food.

She smiled for a moment as she watched the game give her a pop up "Game Start!" before she took a step in this world.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

It was strange a little bit scary, this feeling of floating in the blank nothingness while the EGG processed her settings, but it soon passed as the world slowly formed in front of Suri. At first it was very simple and unimpressive, but in time the graphics improved until they were completely lifelike, even the smells of a forest being recreated. She seemed to have been set down in a small camp with a suitable weapon, a tent, and some supplies. The game indicated that it was time to start, and she walked forward, sitting down in front of the campfire and looking up to the night sky. She wondered if she should go somewhere. Maybe since it was night she was supposed to go to sleep, and something would happen? She decided that she would sit by the campfire and wait to see if something interesting passed by, or if she got tired enough that sleep was an option. If it was, though, what a weird way to start a game.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri realized now she was a little different, as she finally took stock of her clothes. She first off realized on her head appeared to be cat ears, and she definitely was now aware there was a tail growing out her backside. Her clothes were simple, a blouse covered her chest, modest as some bits of leather armor covered other parts of her. On the lower half of her body was a skirt, which had a hole in it for the tail, and leggings as well, that went up to her thighs, mostly for looks, but had some useful and tasteful patches of leather to serve as armor, and her boots were a nice, sturdy leather pair, quite comfortable.

She passed the time staring at the fire, until she thought she heard the sounds of movment coming from outside the camp.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

As Suri sat, she took a good look at herself for the first time since setting foot into the virtual world. She approved of her clothing; despite the perverted nature of the game, it was modest and tasteful, and even a bit functional, with leather padding to protect some of her more vulnerable areas from attack. The leggings were a little bit questionable, but still in good taste. The main thing of interest to her was that she seemed to have an extra appendage. She reached around and grabbed at it, pulling it around to see what seemed to be a cat's tail, brown-furred to match her hair. She tried to move it on its own, and with a little bit of effort she managed to swish it back and forth a little. Reaching up she found that she had matching little cat ears, and she smiled a little. Oh wow, this is so cute. I had heard rumors that you could change your appearance in the game just by envisioning them when the world was starting up, but I didn't think it would actually work she thought, but she was soon driven back to reality by the sounds of movement just outside the light of the fire. She moved slowly towards her axe, wondering if she had any better idea how to use one in game than she did in real life. "Hey, who's there?" she shouted, in case it was someone who could understand.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri doesn't get any reply as the movements continue, and shortly she sees with her vision, a little better now than she realized, as something appears to be crawling out of the underbrush...

She's moderately sure it looks like a tentacle, and given the nature of the game, she's quite sure that if she's right, she knows what it might do to her.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Hmm... A tentacle? Already? Suri thought as she picked up the axe, feeling the weight of it for a moment. It was a pretty hefty piece of equipment, but nothing she couldn't handle. She waited only a moment before darting forward, trying to bring the large axe down and cut the tentacle in two.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri charges forward, swinging her axe down hard at the tentacle, which lands with a thud on the ground as the tentacle quickly moves itself out of the blow. Dirt is briefly kicked up and Suri tries to withdraw her hands, just barely getting herself free as the tentacle wraps itself around the air that her arms just occupied. Luckily she catches a glimpse of another tentacle jumping and shooting itself towards her, managing to swing the axe up and bisect it in mid air as it flops to the ground. She noticed there were quite a lot more than she first expected, as they now start to appear from all sides of the camp, slowly surrounding her.

Suri 5/5 FP | 0/10 AP
Tentacles 4/5 HP
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri's blow didn't even come close, the tentacle easily dodging her axe while another tentacle tried to wrap her arms. A trap? she thought, quickly jerking back and swinging her axe upwards as another tentacle darted towards her from the trees, cutting it cleanly in two. She backed off into the camp a bit, but noticed that more tentacles were coming from behind her. And to either side. Where are all these coming from? This doesn't look good... she thought, readying her axe. She would try to use hit and run tactics, cutting at the tentacles and then backing off to protect her backside from the others.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri manages to carefully examine the battlefield, noticing the approaching tentacles enough, one of them is a bit ahead of the others, and Suri is able to bring her axe down on it clipping it as it tries to get away but doesn't quite manage it, the others slow at this, but continue forward. Unfortunately for Suri, it seems only the ones in her vision slowed, as she feels both her upper arms grabbed from behind, pulling backwards as something strikes her back like a whip. She feels tired more than pained, but knows that with her arms like that, it's going to be difficult to fight back, even though she's managed to cut a few of them already.

Suri 4/5 FP | 0/10 AP
Tentacles 3/5 HP
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri saw that one of the tentacles was out farther than the others, and quickly capitalized on the opportunity, cutting it in two as it realized its mistake and tried to retreat. She smiled as the tentacles slowed down; perhaps she was doing good damage to it. Her illusions of that were dispelled as her arms were gripped from behind and held in place while another of the tentacles slapped her back like a whip, drawing a yelp from the girl. It hurt a bit, but not as much as she expected something like it should; mostly she just felt more tired. Maybe this was one of the game's features? In any case, she had bigger things to worry about. She tried to swing the heavy axe around beside her, wanting to free one arm and then work on freeing the other. It would be an uphill battle considering her restrained nature, the weight of her weapon, and a general lack of skill and experience in combat, though.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri finds herself unable to get enough momentum to get the axe swinging well enough to hit anything, she just barely stops herself from topping over, as the tentacles whip her again, this time across her breasts, as she notices some sort of slime from it stays, starting to dissolve at her clothes, her struggles fruitless as the tentacles continue to hold her body, things were quickly going downhill for the girl, and she remembers the rumors that almost everyone who played loses their first fight.

Suri 3/5 FP | 0/10 AP
Tentacles 3/5 HP
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri's efforts with her axe came to naught, nearly resulting in her losing her balance and falling into the tentacles completely, but at the last moment she kept her proper footing. Unfortunately the tentacles kept up their assault, whipping her breasts and leaving a strange slime that started to dissolve her blouse. Definitely not good. Everyone I knew who played this said they lost to their first monster, so maybe the game likes to throw a tough one at you right off. Still, I won't give up she thought, trying her best to swing her axe again and shake her arms free, hopefully finding somewhere to run and catch her breath.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Kanna manages to slip her arms loose from the tentacles, just barely, as she steps forward, spotting a tentacle aiming right for her as she steps out of the way deftly, bringing the axe down upon it, severing it and a few other tentacles that were to close to the swing. Of course, this blow made her slow to react as she was whipped again, across the ass as a tentacle wrapped around her waist from behind, trying to pull her to the ground as she felt her clothes dissolving down there.

Suri 2/5 FP | 0/10 AP
Tentacles 2/5 HP
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

With a determined effort Suri managed to wrest her arms free from the tentacles and cut up a few of their brothers, smiling at her progress. Of course, that left her open to another attack, this one targeting her with a swipe across her ass, another tentacle wrapping around her waist and dissolving her clothes. It seems like I'm getting close... But I'm starting to get tired. Come on, Suri, pull it together she thought, swinging the axe again, this time with a little less force, which would hopefully allow her to react quicker to any new attacks than she had been.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri tries to move again, but finds as she starts to swing her axe, the tentacle at her waist gives a quick jerk, sending her off balance as she falls to the ground. She finds herself whipped once again as tentacles make their way to grab her arms and legs. The whipping tentacles strike right between her legs, at her crotch, and although a shocking feeling, she almost feels aroused by it, but fighting it off.

Suri 1/5 FP 0/10 AP
Tentacles 2/5 HP
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Seemingly anticipating her attack perfectly, the tentacles jerked at Suri's waist unexpectedly just as she swung her axe, causing her to lose her balance and fall to the ground. More tentacles swarmed around her, grabbing at her arms and legs as her crotch was whipped. She let out a loud yelp, partly in surprise, partly due to the slight pain that it caused. Still, there was something interesting in the feeling, something exciting... No, have to focus. I'm not totally down yet she thought, trying to roll around onto her back and swing wildly at the tentacles, hoping to sever a lot of them in a few quick blows, and perhaps get her ass in a less vulnerable position.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri tries to struggle again, only getting another whip across her crotch for her struggles, as the tentacles pull tighter, starting to stretch her out. Suri is surprised at the whipping, because not only does it cause her pain, but it causes her arousal, as she feels her lower lips moistening in an anticipation now of what she knew would be next, now that the tentacles have bested her, and bested her they have, as she doesn't even feel the strength to hold on to her axe.

They start to pick her up, dangling her by her wrists in the air, seemingly as more come from the woods, deciding what to do with her...
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri's attempts at struggling are in vain, as the tentacles grip her arms tighter, and she receives another firm whip across her crotch. She wriggled a little in the tight grasp of the tentacles, dropping her axe as they stretched her out a little, by now very tired; despite the slight bit of pain, she could feel herself beginning to get wet, partly because of the whipping, partly in anticipation of what was to come. The tentacles lifted her up by her wrists, holding them together over her head with her feet swaying just off the ground. More tentacles came from the woods, and they seemed to pause, as if having some sort of bizarre discussion amongst them about what to do with her. She swayed back and forth, trembling a little in anticipation; it had been a while since she'd last had sex, and many of the rumors had raved about how good the monsters were. She couldn't wait.