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ADV Ci-En [Super Dimension Awakening Laboratory] Succubus Reborn

Hunting trap is a 0 cost card that absolutely annihilates it tho.
You have about 20 beasts in your deck. 3 trap cards hardly stop it.

You can't have every counter in your deck tho, so you build against the best strategies.
That's why Maria is so strong. She counters everything.
Not as strong since Starving Succubus was nerfed.

Personally the new beast isn't what caught my eye the most. It's the 5 cost forced temptation card (Enchanting Ring). You know how some cards have temptation actions that you can do on your turn that have no impact on gameplay whatsoever?
That's been in the game for a few versions now.
I tried to get it a working deck with it but it was simply too expensive.

I had better luck with an indefensible Idol.

Black Iron Succubus, doesn't even need to rely on them. She lowers the value of all cards 3 and up
No, only of DLRs. Bad / missing translation.
No, only of DLRs. Bad / missing translation.
Oof for real?
Guess google translate didn't do it right then.

You have about 20 beasts in your deck. 3 trap cards hardly stop it.
I don't know if 3 health is a lot...
Dies immediately to hunting trap, and if you have first turn advantage, or manage to get player advantage, then a farmer with bunnygirl will kill it.
Black Iron reduces all machinery 3 and up by 1, not just the DLR crew. It turns pursuit ring into 2 cost, and enchanting ring into 4 cost. Makes those cards much higher value and more practical to be honest. I'm also feeling the new beast card being pretty insane, built an unga bunga bunny/bloomer beast deck with harapeko and the dragon crew for extra board control, and it's dumb effective. Speaking of that, you guys haven't discussed it too much so far but yeah.... ever since harapeko got changed I've felt like she's stronger than ever before honestly. It's a really tiny package that can give you extreme amounts of board contest -

- harapeko as leader so you can reliably have her out without needing to put more than one and it minimizes the impact on the rest of your strategy
- the dragon package, triple of both the 4 cost dragons.
- triple big breasts which you probably were running anyway at this point
- harapeko is your #1 priority for the first big breasts, and pump out dragon balls always unless all your dragons are gone and the game isn't over for some reason.

Literally even a full stall deck can put that crap in and contest the board while building up their life gain and stuff. Getting a free dragon of your choice every two turns on top of everything else you do is pretty hard to deal with. It's kinda unlucky when you actually draw too many of your dragons in hand, though.

Also man I'm kinda sad that black iron keeping her unseal status after dieing from the field was a bug.... I kinda liked it honestly, it made her pretty threatening. I'm glad she still keeps pursuit that a bloomer gives her permanently at least, if that was a bug I'd be very sad. Overall black iron feels -slightly- weak to me, due to DLR's being bootycheeks and the fact that even when she's on the field with permanent long handle, pretty much every deck has some removal or something to get her off the field without having to fight her, which is very costly for her. Any deck that -doesn't- have the removal in hand literally just loses, though, which sounds great on paper but I've never had it happen to me. The main reason I put her in any deck right now, aside from just for fun, is for the leader skill.
where is the download button? i can't find it
On the blog (Ci-en) linked in OP, you need to create an account and follow the dev to see the download buttons on their posts. There is a subscription plan, but following is free. Someone will probably correct me, but I think supporters get the latest builds, while followers get last month's build
On the blog (Ci-en) linked in OP, you need to create an account and follow the dev to see the download buttons on their posts. There is a subscription plan, but following is free. Someone will probably correct me, but I think supporters get the latest builds, while followers get last month's build
Followers and supporters get the same build when it comes to cards.
Supporters just get to see the latest sex scenes while followers only get 3 or so at the moment.
Supporters just get to see the latest sex scenes while followers only get 3 or so at the moment.
Squeezing scene implemented in the supporter version Basic 36 types, 39 scenes

The trial version includes only 12 scenes of 10 basic types.
New version:

Getting screen-tearing on some squeezer animations with this version, which is new (last one I played was the Jan version). Only seems to happen when full screen's on.

I can get around it by forcing full screen with an external program rather than using the in-game setting, but it's not ideal. I'm lacking the expertise to identify other possible solutions.
Damn it they nerfed black iron -again-. Her buff, that she has to sacrifice a creation to get, only lasts until the end of -her- turn now, instead of persisting through the opponent's turn. And with that, goes the last bit of her value. Down to the bottom with nurse and nun you go.
Hasn't that always been the case?
I feel she has always been underwhelming, even though she is one of my favorites design and poses-wise...

Getting screen-tearing on some squeezer animations with this version
Which ones specifically?
Last edited:
Getting screen-tearing on some squeezer animations with this version, which is new (last one I played was the Jan version). Only seems to happen when full screen's on.

I can get around it by forcing full screen with an external program rather than using the in-game setting, but it's not ideal. I'm lacking the expertise to identify other possible solutions.
Enable vsync on your graphics card.
Damn it they nerfed black iron -again-. Her buff, that she has to sacrifice a creation to get, only lasts until the end of -her- turn now, instead of persisting through the opponent's turn. And with that, goes the last bit of her value. Down to the bottom with nurse and nun you go.
Dude... Nurse and Nun are sooooo bad. Black Iron's at most on the same level as the student now.

Bunny Girl still the being the best squeezer is so weird. Usually the original cards get worse as more complex and unique cards get introduced, but bunny girl is so damn consistent.
I would say Cheerleader Girl is even a notch above Bunny Girl as she is doesn't requires Bloomer Girl to reach full potential.

The new squeezer might be even better. From their blog post it seems she can produce 3 mana if she has big boobs and is unsealed.
New squeezer is definitely not bunny or cheerleader level. Although she gives 3 mana when unsealed and big breasts, she's also harder to unseal than most and if she's unsealed you got bigger problems to worry about than 3 mana per turn anyway. It's surprisingly easy to reach her instant win condition if you build around it, but it's still gimmicky. If you use standard energy levels then she's probably mid to low tier, but higher energy levels will make her one of the strongest in the game. She doesn't bring much to the table outside of the threat of her instant win gimmick, which holds her back in standard play compared to other squeezers.

Interestingly, if you use breastfeeding card on her so you can get rid of her milk value and turn it into healing, then you can use her 2nd and 3rd skill on yourself without penalty. This isn't that useful though because the bondage from her 3rd skill is kinda useless and her second skill doesn't do anything without milk value, so it's only useful for trying to unseal quickly. It would be more interesting if bondage disabled a guardian's ability to block, meaning you could squeeze passed a guardian on the board that's got bondage on it. I think the idea currently is to use it in a stall team focused around breastfeeding and the new cards.

I expect her to get buffs because she fits the creator's fetishes. She'll probably be top tier in the future, let's be honest.
new update on Ci-en
the newest card paizuri scene is finish
Buff to immoral sister changing her anal ability?