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Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I hadn't even made that connection.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Just a thought...

Should we jump things to the point where Siphon's ship gets back from the scouting mission, or a little after? That might both get things going again, as well as making a nice point for new characters to hop in.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I'm thinking yes. Per the seeming request (not officially requested but the impression I got), Pale's character Daina has been removed. All references to her will be replaced when Copper get's Sho in here. At some near point I'll be bringing in one more character to fill things out, as she'll be able to shed some light on the Sentinels themselves.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I hadn't even made that connection.

It's funny what the mind comes up with at 7am. I do things unconsciously like that too, sometimes.

I'm thinking yes. Per the seeming request (not officially requested but the impression I got), Pale's character Daina has been removed. All references to her will be replaced when Copper get's Sho in here. At some near point I'll be bringing in one more character to fill things out, as she'll be able to shed some light on the Sentinels themselves.

Just lemme know when and where, I suppose, and what I might need to add to the character sheet. And no, Siphon, I did not save the...wait, yes I did. Nevermind. Want me to add that 'link' bit to the sheet or is that going to come out later?
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

By now it would be mostly well known amongst everyone except Burrito's character and Wolfs. So yeah, go ahead and add it in, the rest will figure it out soon enough.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

If you're talking about about the stuff that you told me about this weekend, Siphon, then I think Shrike's character might also not know about it...Assuming that the character is still in.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

More or less, though I'm going to slow down more the more of these slower games pick up again. And yeah, I don't think Veda would know, but that's a rather quick fix, isn't it? :D
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Allrighty. Added in the mental stuff, though you're still going to have to poke me and let me know when I'm actually in.

And I'm sure the group here is fully capable of not metagaming, so I'm not worried about it.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Ok after some thought on this, I have decided I am going to bump the current progression up by TWO years in this line.

During this time all has been mostly quiet. All of you will have been to Alverus by now (think Atlantis only much larger and brighter lit). The war still is on, but for the time being the Ascendant Empire forces haven't been able to get here .... until today.

Everyone is to meet at the Peltas Station where we all originally met for further details.

In the mean time, you, the players need to decide what else your characters might have done over the last two years. What will be a constant are the following.

You all have visited Alverus now.

Daina apparently was killed during a micro-singularity experiment, and Siphon was silent for some time. Eventually he ended up getting close with someone else less than four months ago (Copper, that's your cue.)

Other than this, fill in the blanks as best as you can, and report for duty! With any luck this will spur some movement, if not .... well .... We'll have to see.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Just a couple of notes:

As I stated in my first post-jump post, the actual Warden is no longer present. The shipyards named after him still are, though.

Also, although Toryn now effectively has a super computer in his head, he hasn't figured out how to properly control the data flow, so he gets rather nasty headaches...
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter


All my character has gotten in the last 2 years is a set of ears and a cloak.
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I might also ask for an edit to your post, Burrito, since I hadn't intended for Toryn to be in his armor. That's what the lungs comment was intended to convey, since it was his damaged lungs that required him to wear the armor unless he was on one of his ships.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Time to play the fish out of water *laughs* And per my ideas, Sho's older in this incarnation. I wanna play somebody legal *laughs*
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Some added back ground information regarding Sho and what's happened over the two years.

Six Months Ago: A rouge Gou'ald began conducting experiments upon any humanoid she could get her hands on. Wraith, Human, Draque, Enoly, it didn't matter to her, only that they were humanoid. Many tried finding her to stop this, all failed.

Three Months Ago: The same Gou'ald, using the war with the Sentinels as cover, took her experimentation to the next level, and aggressively began capturing test subjects. Amongst one of them was Sho. Realizing her subject was already an advanced human, or Hok'Taur, as was the slang for such a person. She immediately took her experiment on her to yet a third stage, attempting to integrate telepathy into her subject. She succeeded, but was killed by Siphon himself before she could transplant the symbiote into Sho and take her over, but not before irreparably damaging the device, causing it to glitch with Sho still inside. This limited her telepathic connection to only one person, the one she was closest to, Siphon. As such, the two of them can communicate over even long distances, as far as a hundred light years even. Both of them have honed this to the point they can accurately gauge if the other is in need of help, provided they are within range of each other, and both can see into each other's minds with crystal clarity. It's a known fact that this could be used to determine if the other is telling the truth regarding anything, even if they have been temporarily compromised.

Special Notes:

The name of the Gou'ald was Nirrti.

Siphon entered the device in an attempt to pull Sho free while the glitch occurred, and was altered slightly himself, which is why both of them share the same link so strongly. In Siphon's case, it allowed him to project his thoughts in a telepathic manner to most other species due to his already advanced brain(s).
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Small explanation of a habit Toryn's begun displaying...

I've begun having him take deep breaths, as sort of a thought-focusing method. This is to try to keep the mass of information he got from overwhelming him with the previously mentioned headaches. It's not as effective when he's doing a lot of thinking, but it's something...so he's using it.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I would just like to point out Burrito, a couple points in the Starcraft universe that you seem to have forgotten.

- The Protoss know exactly where they came from, they were created by an ancient race and abandoned because they failed to meet expectations.
- The Zerg were made by the same race, after the Protoss were by quite some time. They have actually been at war for about half of the Protoss civilization's lifetime. The Hive Mind actually rebelled against the ancient race and defeated them, killing them off and adding their genetics to the Hive.

I figured you had either forgotten these, or had shifted it to fit better in this, but I couldn't stop myself from pointing it out.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Thank you for pointing these out. I did kinda change it around to fit the RP, but it hasn't been forgotten.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

okie dokie :D
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Just making a note here, as I realized there's the potential for confusion. Like Burrito, I'm going to have to designate my mental stuff, I think. Anything simply italics is going on in Sho's head. Anything italics and underlined is something she's sharing with Siphon.

Now I just need to remember my own rules and I'll be good.