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Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Alright, I'm in, pending final approval. Here we go:

Database Entry-Chozo:

A long-dead race of peaceful scientists and explorers, wiped out millennia ago by some unknown galaxy-wide threat. Their ruins dot many planets, some of which are still active in small ways. From what can be gleaned, it was a matriarchal caste society, though females did not hold every position of power, so it may have evolved past the need for a superior gender before the race was wiped out. Their technology was mostly focused in non-aggressive or defensive areas, with a definite focus on hostile environments. The technology is highly adaptable in and of itself, able to be merged with many different components and easily adapting even to technology from other races.

Character-Veda Narasumas:
Veda is a human geneticist and xenobiologist, branching out into many other fields, including spatial physics, archaeology, and historian of the Chozo race, though those didn't come until later.

She was on one of the first interstellar colony ships sent out from Dejarik IV, and managed to convince the rest on her ship not to scrap it for parts once they arrived to find a Chozo ruin. Nothing of it was left active, but they used it for shelter as they explored and cataloged the ruins, learning what they could of the extinct race. Veda spent more and more time among the Chozo artifacts and less time with her own people. She felt a kinship with the dead race of scientists that she never felt among the farmers, builders, and engineers of the people on the colony with her. Eventually, she stole the still-working colony ship and left them all behind, having learned the location of several other planets once inhabited by the dead race.

Unfortunately, since interstellar travel was fairly new then, it was up to cryogenics to keep the passengers alive on the long trips, and there was only enough of the necessary materials to freeze everyone on the initial trip, none left for Veda to use on her lonely trip through the galaxy. She fell back to her knowledge of genetics and after almost a year of research and testing on the way to the first planet, managed to remove the genes that caused aging in her body, giving her the time she needed.

It came at a cost though. Her body needed more to operate, more food, more sleep, more hydration. She began sleeping days at a time, and rapidly running out of food. She managed to counter this with genetics once again. She knew that all beings ate and rested for energy more than anything else. She also knew that some creatures lived off nothing but geothermal energy, kinetic energy, or even solar energy. After another time-consuming procedure, she managed to tie herself to the power of the ship itself, bringing her needs back down to that of an ordinary human.

She lived like this for three planetary visits, carrying an energy cell in a backpack for power as she examined the ruins left on each. On the third planet, she was attacked by a native creature she couldn't handle, and was mauled badly. The last thing she saw before passing out was a live Chozo in a suit of armour she had seen depicted in her studies appearing and killing the creature, saving her life.

When next Veda awoke, she was looking at a view of the milky way galaxy that made it look about the size of a frisbee. It took her a moment to realize that it was a shielded window on the ceiling and not a monitor or viewscreen. She tried to move, but found herself held down in all but her head by some sort of energy field. Looking down at her body made her more confused. It was mostly healed, with a lot of pink skin and very fine scars. It looked like she had gotten expert medical attention within hours of nearly dying, but if she would have travelled this far in her own ship, it would have taken millennia at a sub-light speed. That was when the Chozo walked through a sliding door in front of her. It spoke to her in near perfect English, hampered only by the fact that it was speaking through a beak, and told her all that had transpired. How they had noticed her from the first planet she had visited on her own, how they had sent a warrior to keep watch over her on the second and third planet. How that warrior had killed the creature that had almost killed her, and picked up her broken and battered form, taking her here as fast as she could to be given medical attention. She didn't ask how she had gotten here so fast, for she had records stating that Chozo ships could travel so fast the could reach another galaxy in a matter of hours. She did ask why, however. The Chozo told her that she was a scientist and explorer, like them, that they admired her courage and wished to help her on her journey.

Her and the Chozo talked for the week she was confined to healing, and she learned she was on an observation ship the size of a small moon, and on it were all the surviving Chozo in the universe. She found out that to save her life, she had been infused with Chozo DNA, which strengthened her physical body enough to survive the ordeal. In exchange, all the Chozo wanted was her to not reveal their continued existence, and to continue her research. Once she finished healing, they gave her a Power Suit of her own, modified to her proportions, and a small ship, both highly advanced and even more highly upgradeable, and sent her on her way. She first went back to the planet she nearly died on and retrieved everything she needed from her old ship, mostly her genetics lab and the artifacts she collected from the first planets she went to. She has been to dozens of planets since, collecting data and upgrading her suit and ship with almost every ruin explored. Having been around for such a long time, she has encountered or heard pieces about almost every race out there, though she tries to stay out of everyone's way, content to be alone in her ruins. She does have a soft heart however, and has been known to stand up and help those that need it.

After being enhanced by the infusion of Chozo DNA, Veda's physical capabilities were enhanced beyond that of any human. Once inside of her Power Suit, her durability is increased exponentially, allowing her to take massive damage and still remain combat ready. The suit itself, though genius Chozo engineering, is compatable with multiple weapons and equipment systems. Her suit is directly connected to her nervous system-to take it off quickly, it only requires a mental command, and vice versa. The suit has almost no programming, so it is unable to be hacked. However, it does have a data storage component, which is where Veda puts a lot of the information she aquires.


Veda's suit has been upgraded many times. While traveling, she has even found upgrades that change her suit to another, with upgraded characteristics.

* Power Suit - Built for her by the Chozo people. It is integrated with her body, acting as a sort of second skin, not only does it provide shielding in battle and augmented physical strength, but its life-support systems allow her to survive in water and even space without additional equipment.
* Varia Suit (which allows her to survive massive temperatures) - With the Varia Suit, Veda is able to survive extremely high temperatures.
* Gravity Suit (her current suit, as above plus allows Veda to move in water as if she wasn't) - The Gravity suit negates the effects of water, allowing Veda to move and jump normally even while submerged.

Veda's suit also has other attributes, such as allowing her to breathe and survive in space, and a meter that shows how close she is to danger.

The suit is compatible with many equipment systems, and thus, it's applications are nearly endless. Because of this compatibility, Veda has amassed a huge stockpile of abilities and powers throughout her lifetime. These include practical ones, such as the Space Jump (allowing her to repeatedly jump on air, and reach places otherwise inaccessible), the Morph Ball (allows her to be folded down into a ball about two feet wide, and go into otherwise unaccessable areas. How this is feasible is a mystery, even to Veda, though she believes the Chozo must know), and the Grapple Beam (allows her to shoot out a electromagnetic beam that she can swing on. She may also use this ability to pull something to her).


* Power Beam - Veda's standard beam. Can be fired continuously.
* Wave Beam - Fires three oscillating waves of energy. Has a limited homing effect and can disrupt electronics.
* Plasma Beam - Launches streams of molten energy that can ignite some enemies and melt ice.
* Bombs - energy based concussive explosives that can be used while in the Morph Ball.
* Missiles, which are rockets which are able to bring down larger creatures. Can fire up to six at a time, and home in on enemies.

She can also charge her beams for a more powerful effect (a charged Power Beam is stronger than three missiles).

The Power Suit has several different Visors. Among them are the...

* Combat Visor - This default visor is standard for battle and provides Veda with all the general information she needs.
* Scan Visor (which allows Veda to scan a target for attributes, abilities, and weaknesses. The bigger the target, the longer the scan) - When Veda uses the Scan Visor, a magnifying reticule will appear in the center of her visor, this reticule picks out anything that can be scanned. From creatures to computer terminals.
* The Thermal Visor (allows Veda to see in infra-red) - The Thermal Visor allows Veda to track enemies using their heat signatures. Not only does this visor help locate enemies hidden in dark areas, but it can be used for acquiring alternate targets on enemies. A thermal scan can often find a hidden weak spot on an otherwise difficult enemy. Not only that, but thermal scans show other clues that the naked eye can't discern.
* The X-Ray Visor (allows Veda to see in X-Ray vision, obviously) - The X-Ray Visor allows Veda to peer through walls to find hidden passages and even see invisible objects. This visor also helps track any enemies that use optical camouflage to render themselves invisible to the naked eye.


Veda has upgraded the Chozo ship nearly as much as the suit itself. A smaller gunship-class vessel built more for exploration than combat, it features larger versions of most of the weapons she wields in person.
*Power Beam - Standard weapon. Rapid rate of fire and ability to punch through armour after enough repeated hits makes it the weapon of choice against quicker targets as well as attacking internal systems on larger ships.
*Wave Beam - Basically an EMP weapon, great against Shields and electronics.
*Plasma Beam - Fires super-heated Plasma at the target. Most effective against hardened targets.
*Missiles - fired from a launcher hidden to each side of the ship, these are capable of fair damage against most vessels, although the tracking systems are insufficient to follow more maneuverable craft, such as fighters.
*Bombs - dropped from the back of the craft in groups of up to five at a time, these can do massive damage to stationary targets, but also have minimal target tracking for use as mines or countermeasures in a dogfight.

Like the beams in her suit, Veda is able to charge the beams on her ship, which takes only 3 seconds and amplifies the beam for a more potent effect, equal to almost a full minute worth of firing the weapon normally. The resulting projectile moves more slowly, however, limiting its use to much larger vessels.

The ship's defenses are above average, utilizing the same defensive system of her suit. Instead of a shield, the entire ship is made of an alloy that utilizes an energy source to negate almost any sort of attack. It focuses an equal amount of energy on the point of impact, completely neutralizing almost any form of energy and keeping the ship intact. This includes Kinetic, electric, and plasma energy, among others. This gives it defenses equal to a powerful shield, but unlike a normal shield bubble, it does not take damage from shots that would be near misses to the ship. The alloy is quite sturdy itself, and even after this unique 'shielding' fails, can take several hits to an area before failing. Its main defense is it's maneuverability however. Relying on its comparatively small size, it evades most attacks and concentrates it's fire on weak spots.

The ship uses the expected means of propulsion, and has a Chozo-made hyperdrive almost as advanced as the Alderans, Capable of reaching The nearest Galaxy as ours in 4-5 hours. It as no cloaking capability at this time, but one can be easily integrated if Veda can find an intact unit.

The ship also contains a mobile energy-recharge system, microfactories designed to produce ammunition, and an advanced, but cramped, medical bay, holding almost everything she used to store in her original ship for her genetics research. She also has storage area for her newfound profession, holding Chozo artifacts she collects from the various ruins around the galaxy she has visited.

((alright, 99% done, just finishing touches and such))
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Ok from what I have seen so far, all I really want to know is more about her ship. Otherwise, this character looks pretty solid. Given though what we've already discussed, I don't see it being much different from a larger scale Ancient Warship counter-part, so I'm going to say two things.

One: When you have it, post the information here on her ship just so it's in the database.

Two: Once that is done, go ahead and get to posting. Most likely you'll come in after the meeting has ended, but that is easily workable in other ways, I've already got an idea how to get you in just fine without having to suffer through a meeting.

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

(Warning, this character contains MAD SCIENCE!)

Name: Tobias Ritter
Age: 29
Species: Human/Spaceship

Powers/Abilities (if any): None of his own

Ship: Individuum (Indeeveedu-um)

The Individuum is a prototype, constructed by Ritter himself. It functions entirely on temporal distortion technology - time travel in layman's terms. Unfortunately during the initial trip the majority of the. . . let's call it Time Machine for simplicity, got blown to hell. With a bit of repairs he got parts of it up and running, but the Temporal Rift Generator is beyond repair. Tobias is stuck in this period of time.

The temporal distortion drive (Henceforth called TDD) doesn't accelerate the ship - it accelerates the motion of the space around it, using the never-ceasing motion of the universe to appear to be moving forward while staying in the same spot.
Tobias has found other uses for this technology. For example the Individuum is able to create a Distortion Field around itself akin to normal energy shields. The DisField slows any incoming objects down to a near stop. On the downside it also slows down the ship itself because the generators can't take both a full speed TDD and the Field.
By modifying the buffering field Tobias can produce spikes of distorted time that are able to strike nearby ships and apruptly slow down parts of it, effectively ripping it apart. Energy fields are able to stop the DisField, but they take severe damage in doing so.

Obviously both the need of power and the calculations for this are enormous. As such the largest part of the Individuum is a miniature Dyson Sphere, about 400 meters in diameter and operating on a very small star. The Individuum uses the light particles both for power generation and calculation. The ship itself is little more than a broad spiral running around the lower third of the Sphere with a small cockpit in front and can be detached. However the ship itself can not use ANY two of the three time distortion abilites at the same time, and none of them at full power - meaning when it's moving it doesn't have a shield, and even while standing it's practically a sitting duck.

While the Dyson Sphere handles the calculation for the drive, navigating itself is taken over by Tobias himself - and he has really gone the distance for that. Combining a computer's lightning-fast calculations with a humans instinct and experience, Tobias has become one with his ship in every sense of the word. He uses remote-controlled drones for repairs and minor tasks. Just like the rest of the ship's technology they are hooked up to cables: Tobias has an almost paranoid fear that the Individuum could be hijacked if he uses wireless information transfer.
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

The only thing I am going to question with your shielding right now is, this Disfield, does it only stop objects such as ships to nearly no movement, or does it also slow beams of light down as well? If it slows light down we're talking Black Hole type Disfield, which I am a little hesitant to let in.

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Well, beams are a lot faster than projectiles to begin with, so they aren't slowed down as much.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Ok so beams then still have a chance to get through as with any other ship. Ok, good enough. Join in the fray.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Name: Toryn Kaar
Height: 2 m
Weight: 84 kg
Hair: Black
Eyes: Grey
Race: Human

Background: Critically injured as a child while traveling on a liner with his parents. Found by the Warden, inside an escape pod. While being treated for his injuries, the Warden had Kaar altered to allow him to use the newly developed Revenant Armor. During his late teenage years, he recovered sufficiently to allow him to being physical training to further improve his condition. Due to the alterations, he rapidly progressed to the point that he normally has the artificial gravity on his ship set slightly higher than normal. This is due to his reaction speeds being faster, and the higher gravity making things drop at what he feels is a more normal speed. After he reached adulthood, the Warden revealed the improved, and less bulky, Guardian Armor. Currently, a final version, the Wraith Armor, is under development. At the time of receiving the Guardian Armor, he had recovered sufficiently that he can operate in a normal environment unprotected for about ten minutes before beginning to suffer from an asthma-like condition. He normally keeps the Shadow Wind, and the Firehawk atmospheric settings to contain the aerosol agents that allow him to breathe normally. The Warden also keeps sections set to those conditions.

Revenant Armor: Large armor system designed by the Warden. Approximately 4.1 meters in height. It features both limited shielding, and heavy armor plating. Due to its unusual construction, and extreme size, only a properly enhanced pilot is capable of handling it. Any attempts to scan it will reveal that it is apparently capable of in-field adaptation, and that it has several unique systems. Also, it tends to be quite slow, likely due to the heavy armoring.

Coloration will be different, but here's an idea of what this armor looks like:
Color scheme notes: Replace the white sections with dark brown, the blue sections with navy or midnight blue, and the bright orange sections with dark crimson.

Technology Analysis System: Visual scanning system used in the Revenant Armor, it causes the outer lenses to take on a reddish hue. Its sole purpose is to analyze and log technology found in use in the field for the Warden to study later. Quite often, this study results in a functional copy of the scanned tech.

Enhanced Imaging System: Combat system used in the Revenant Armor, causes the outer lenses to go white. Causes the visual feed to the pilot to go to wireframes on a black background. Scanning protocols in the system analyze integrity of targets, and provide an estimate of damage in the form of color changes.

Gravity Converter: This is arguably the Revenant Armor's most unique piece of technology. It allows the Armor to create a localized field of inverted gravity, increasing the pilot's available combat options. An enhanced shift-speed mode is available, with the excess heat generated from it being vented into a "Gravity Fireball" field effect. Using this, however, disables other enhancements.

Heavy Pulse Rifle: The Revenant Armor's primary weapons system. Has two modes: Pulse and Shockwave. Pulse mode is the standard setting, firing energy shots in rapid succession. These blasts are comparable in impact force to a shotgun slug. The Shockwave setting lowers the firing rate noticably, but doubles damage output. The rifle also has a defensive enhancement, creating a riot shield-like effect in front of the rifle. Only the Pulse mode can be used when the shield is active.

Guardian Armor: Improved version of the Revenant Armor. It is smaller, and less bulky. The Rifle has now been incorporated into the arms of the armor, although the shield attachment is now gone. The actual armor plating is lessened, but shield strength and recharge rate are enhanced.

Here's an idea of what the Guardian Armor looks like:

Gravidic Lifts: Upgraded attachment to the Gravity Converter. It allows for limited flight. This disables the boost system while in use.

Wraith Armor: Final version of the Revenant Armor. Very little of the armor from the first suit remains, however new alloys insure that it maintains the same level of protection. The shield effect is improved even further, and the weapons system is now located in the hands.

Omni-Con: Shortened name for the Omnidirectional Gravity Converter, the current version of the Gravity Converter. It allows the armor to redirect its personal gravity in any direction. The boost system has been removed.

Field Emitter: The defensive attachment from the Heavy Pulse Rifle has been redesigned as a full defensive mechanism. A full shield dome is created, at the cost of the Omni-Con and the Shockwave mode.

The Warden: A Foundry-class Carrier ship, the Warden is apparently either cybernetic in nature, or fully autonomous. It is the source of all of the technological upgrades to Kaar's armor and ship.

Shadow Wind: Light escort carrier, used by Kaar for most of his training purposes. Also carries the Firehawk, which lacks FLT drives. Resembles a Venator-class carrier, but is primarily black, with crimson stripes.

Firehawk: Gunship, used by Kaar. Armed with six light laser turrets, and four missile launchers. Focused more on speed and close support than ship-to-ship combat.

Will try to do a rough sketch of the Firehawk, and the Warden, later. As for the Shadow Wind, it's roughly based on the Venator-class from Star Wars Ep 3 related stuff. Any copied tech has to be taken back to the Warden before it can be used.
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I'm going to say this is approved, however it may be a little bit before we can find a spot to bring your character in with the battle now done. I'll let you know when I have an idea.


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

For those who haven't noticed, there is a distinct lack of *Bartnum's characters* in the RP right now.

This is primarily because I was left in the dust when I didn't have much internet access, and the story began moving ahead without me. As such, the few posts I have made in the RP thus far should be ignored. This doesn't affect most of you, as only a small group of characters had made appearences themselves by the time I stopped posting, but it must be said nontheless.

My characters will most likely not appear in the current arc, but will instead debut at the beginning of the next one. I'm currently in the process of writing up what they will have been doing all this time, which will be submitted to the Blank Page when finished. This story will also serve as a prologue for the next arc.

If the current arc reach a point where it is convenient for my characters to appear, I'll most likely bring them in there. The story will be submitted regardless, albeit with some changes to allow for the current events as they take place.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Okay, dragging this over to the OOC section, to avoid cluttering the story thread anymore.

Now, from what I can gather, there are three areas currently occupied. At the time of my fist mistaken post, they are as follows, at least as far as I can tell:

The site of the original battle, which I am definitely not at, as Talvok asked if I minded us leaving the area. There will be no more mention of this area in this post.

This leaves two areas, and at the time of my post, I understood that one was currently in battle, and one was currently not. There was no mention of Talvok's ship entering a fight, so I assumed we were in the area not in combat, and posted as such.

This was pointed out to be a mistake, so I changed my original post to place me in the area already in combat, and added a newer post to update my involvement. This has now been pointed out to be incorrect as well.

I am pretty sure there is a flaw in my above logic, but I am too tired/confused/frustrated to be able to find it. So now I am completely clueless as to what is going on, who is where, and what I should be doing. To rectify this, and hopefully clear any confusion anybody else has, I propose that this post be answered with a list of who is where, what else is in each area, and where and what is fighting. I also suggest that my last two posts be completely ignored until this is sorted out, should anyone choose to post in the meantime.

I also apologize if the above post seems angry or hurtful, today has been a frustrating one and I may be leeching some of that onto the boards.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Not a problem.

Ok here's the listing as I have it so far.

There are three areas going right now.

Draque Space Gate: Siphon's ship and Thor's Asgard ship.

P3X-474 (An Earth Class planet): Wraith Hive Ship, Five Ingrali Warships, Toryn's ship, Talok's Ship and Sivok's ship.

Goua'ld Shipyards: A Dozen or so Gou'ald ships commanded by Camulus and Nebula (Phoenix's char).

We also have one Ingrali ship and Rule's ship back at the original planet, effecting repairs for Rule.

You Shrike, would be on Talok's ship at P3X-474, and yes, the battle just started there with your side ambushing the Ascendant Warships as they cam out of hyper-space.

I am out for the day, if there is anything further that needs asking, leave Wolf a PM to call my cell phone and apprise me of it, and I will deal with that either right then, or work it out on my way home.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Due to the above post from Shrike, and some OOC comments made in the actual space battle thread...

I'm going to suggest that the battles be focused on one at a time, simply to make keeping track of what, and who, is/are where.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I have no qualms either way.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

alright, who all else is where, as the above list is missing most, if not all of the PC characters?


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Draque Space Gate: Ixackiel, Siphon, Daina, Vanessa and Thor.

P3X-474: Narlina, Talok, Veda, Toryn, Sivok and NPC Ingrali.

Gou'ald Ship Yards: Nebula, Gou'ald NPC Camulus.

Velokian Planet: Ingrali ship, Tobias (Rule's Char)

I think I covered all of them now? If I missed your name someone, please say and I'll add you in.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I'm with Siphon's ship.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

You! *points at Siphon*

How many of the enemy Draque are left?


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Gou'ald Shipyards: Enemy forces Defeated.

Velokian Planet: No Ascendant Empire forces.

Draque Spacegate: Six Bentari aboard the Kara, all enemy ships defeated.

P3X-474: Ships defeated, Five Enemy Draque left on the surface.

That should cover everywhere.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

So, quick question: wasn't Talok the one who was talking to Veda about stargates earlier? More notably, the one they believe leads to a Chozo library?


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Oh yeah, talk about a mental lapse on my part. I'll let it stand anyways, since having heard of one by name and knowing what one actually is/does are two totally different things.