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Suggestion thread!


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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Since the Jumpers Rebirth thread is starting to get crowded, this is gonna be a thread for discussing possible additions to Jumpers. I'll be posting info on her about upcoming... er, 'updates', as will Tass and any other GM who joins up.

First up: One thing we've talked about briefly was a point-buy system, like you get in games such as Ragnarok Online.. And that's the only game I can think of having it. Basically, you have to spend EXP based on your stat, which would be 1 Stat point = (Current Stat Level) / 10, rounded down.

This means someone with 23 Speed, for example, would have to spend 2 EXP to get it up to 24, another 2 to get it up to 25, etc, until they reached Speed: 30, where they'd have to spend 3 points to get it up to 31. Doing this eliminates a lot of Min-Maxers, and makes for teams (especially smaller ones) to become more balanced.
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Re: Suggestion thread!

What about the Intelligence + Depth EXP point distribution method? While my character is currently going to get 20 EXP to spend in her next level, whereas someone at the same level as her could get 45 EXP to spend, if they had 30 in both INT and DEP respectively, thus making said character vastly more superior in the later levels.

I'd like to see that same point buy system you've suggested, but with a slight difference in the current method said points are obtained. Perhaps a fixed number? So that way people who spent a little less in INT + DEP respectively won't be at such a huge disadvantage under the other players who just stockpiled all of their points into those stats to achieve that level of power.

Based on the current amount of points, on average, people's characters get each level, I'd probably just use this formula; ([Level before level up X 5] + 15)

Just a thought that came up after a conversation with Keylo, as he was braggin' about how much EXP he had to spend... While all I had to boast was my meager 16.
Re: Suggestion thread!

What about the Intelligence + Depth EXP point distribution method? While my character is currently going to get 20 EXP to spend in her next level, whereas someone at the same level as her could get 45 EXP to spend, if they had 30 in both INT and DEP respectively, thus making said character vastly more superior in the later levels.

I'd like to see that same point buy system you've suggested, but with a slight difference in the current method said points are obtained. Perhaps a fixed number? So that way people who spent a little less in INT + DEP respectively won't be at such a huge disadvantage under the other players who just stockpiled all of their points into those stats to achieve that level of power.

Based on the current amount of points, on average, people's characters get each level, I'd probably just use this formula; ([Level before level up X 5] + 15)

Just a thought that came up after a conversation with Keylo, as he was braggin' about how much EXP he had to spend... While all I had to boast was my meager 16.

I've been thinking of a few different ways to do this. One way (thanks to Pheonix) was to use the Main Stats, since those have become useless. Another idea I've been thinking about is to have it be based on whatever color stats your class uses (Red gets red, for example).

Another idea was to use a class's most used stat + intelligence - Fighters would use Str + Int, Archers Dex + Int - so it was a 'mind and body thing'. The only problem I see with this is someone could boost up their Int and Main Stat, then just get massive amounts of EXP.

Last but not lease is the set amount of EXP, like you suggested, RJ. Some input from players would be nice on this - even people who are interested in playing.
Re: Suggestion thread!

Well, for strength, you could have it influence damage...
Re: Suggestion thread!

If it doesn't influence damage, then currently it's practically useless (Especially since you can use dex instead of strength for grapples).

I'd still vote to go for main stats. and not just the relevant colors. Mostly, several of the classes are more hybrid classes than fixed color ones. Mages seem to be hybrid blue/red, tanks red/green, most green classes are hybrid red/green except for scroll ninja which is green/blue. Also, using main stats is a good way to discourage min/max after a fashion. Personally, if it was intelligence and depth, I would have a problem not slamming all my points into int for the first few levels before spreading out to other things. If putting points into main stats didn't hurt my future character growth, I would likely be more inclined to go half and half, spending half my points in my main stats and half to round out my character.
Re: Suggestion thread!

You could make it where the respective stats are the effective conductors of particular damage types. Strength is obvious, Dexterity could be applied to characters that fight in ranged combat, determining the accuracy of the shot, ultimately the difference between a graze along the skin, or a shot to the heart. And, Willpower for magic based attacks, backed by Intelligence for the mana supply. (And that's another thing, I think all ranged attacks should have a limit, next time around. People will buy arrows/knifes, and magicians can recover their magical points from resting.)

As well, if the amount of points you receive from that much awaited level up is based on a variable, you'll more than likely see one of two things; One, people pouring all points into those stats they need in order to get those points. Or, two, characters being vastly inferior to other characters their own level. If the amount of points given were static, and not dynamic, then your level will actually reflect how roughly strong you are, rather than how many pay checks of points you've received.

Now, if the buff of adding numbers to INT goes away in the fashion of EXP points, I think that, right now, it's perfectly fine, as it currently adds a lot to total magic all on it's own.

However, Depth, after removing it of it's ability to give you spendable points, is a little underpowered. So, I suggest using Depth as the defensive measure for hostile spells, just as Speed and finesse determine how well you can dodge physical harm. This will allow more ways to find a weakness over seemingly unstoppable opponents.

For example, Quetz, she has ridiculous AC right now, and attacking her with physical means seems very stupid of an idea. So, it wouldn't be fair if Quetz was unstoppable, right? That's where her low Depth comes in. All you'd have to do is have a mage use magic on Quetz, and due to her low Depth, she is much more vulnerable to that method of attack, giving more strategy to a fight, encouraging a little prodding for weaknesses, rather than just the usual spam attack fest.
Re: Suggestion thread!

Actually, the only reason Quetz's armor isn't really ridiculous. her base armor is around the same as several other characters, she just had heavy armor to increase the base. Aside from that, she fought smart: 2 spells to increase her ac by ten and instead of attacking all out, she fought defensively and kept an ap to ac bonus. If other characters didn't try to make as many attacks as they could at any point in time, their ac would be much higher. (And looking back on the fight she had, it's somewhat annoying now that I can tell the gang-bang penalty wasn't applicable when it caused her to miss since she only had one opponent attacking her, so technically, she should have hit and therefore not lost the ap to ac bonus)

As for the depth thing though, it already has a major use: for every 30 points, you get an additional school of magic so it isn't that underpowered. (If you want useless stats, think of the secondary stat 'presence').
Re: Suggestion thread!

im with RJ, in that way nobody will be really invincible
Re: Suggestion thread!

(And looking back on the fight she had, it's somewhat annoying now that I can tell the gang-bang penalty wasn't applicable when it caused her to miss since she only had one opponent attacking her, so technically, she should have hit and therefore not lost the ap to ac bonus)

Clarification: At the time there were four of them in a circle around her, only two of which were attacking other characters.
Re: Suggestion thread!

As for the depth thing though, it already has a major use: for every 30 points, you get an additional school of magic so it isn't that underpowered. (If you want useless stats, think of the secondary stat 'presence').

Presence is your effectiveness at hiding. I have the original rules right now, so I might post them to show everyone what the second stats are supposed to do.

I like RJ's idea of static EXP now that it's been explained a bit more. The first Jumpers had a somewhat static system... I may have to bring that back from the dead.
Re: Suggestion thread!

Leading question: how often is the average number of monsters for an encounter greater than that of the number of characters in a group?
Re: Suggestion thread!

... So effectively, the gangbang disadvantage will be on most of the time?
Re: Suggestion thread!

... So effectively, the gangbang disadvantage will be on most of the time?


I just came across the older weapon system I had thought up, involving Advantages and Disadvantages. Instead of classes having their own, each style of weaponry would get a disadvantage and an advantage added onto it. I kinda liked this idea, since it wasn't the classes themselves that got the gang-banged status effect, it was whoever wielded the longsword at the time.
Re: Suggestion thread!

I'm just saying, if the gangbang disadvantage acts like a permanent -5 to all rolls (since you'll almost always be outnumbered) That's a bit powerful for a disadvantage when all red classes get in return is a +5 on a single roll. If being outnumbered is that common, it should probably be changed to giving a -5 against all enemies outnumbering you except for the one you're focusing on or something like that.
Re: Suggestion thread!

Me and Keylo talked about it a little, and both of us were talkin' about new races for Jumpers. And while I won't be so bold as to make the exact stats, I was hoping to perhaps have, "Custom" races. I personally was hoping to have Shiva as a kind of half-demon. Kinda like the anthro race, only of a demonic breed.

Here's pretty much what I was thinking of having Shiva as.

Half-Demon: A uncommon breed, where a human and demon fall in love, and have a child that displays both characteristics of their parents. And due to their unusual appearance, humans exile them due to their demonic appearance, and demons rape them due to their human qualities.
Re: Suggestion thread!

for me its ok maybe some disadvantages. Also, how about bunnygirls and cowgirls.

Its just than furry girls dont turn me on to much XP
Re: Suggestion thread!

I actually have about four extra races in the original Jumpers rules, one of them being Bunny girls. Custom races are iffy, and the GMs would need to determine their advantages, disadvantages, etc.

We're probably going to go with a static EXP gain per level, as well as a point-buy system. This won't be implemented until Dimension 2... which also means there's probably gonna be an EXP wipe.>.> However, to make up for it, I'll have Dimension 2 be larger and with multiple quests.

Day-Night system
I was thinking of doing this in the first Jumpers, but couldn't come up with a good way to do it. Basically, in the day, the monsters would be easier and would be on the 'same level' as the Heroines; at Night, there would be new/different monsters, who were stronger, and had advantages over the Heroines who weren't nocturnal. The big problem is... I never figured out how to implement it. >.>;

Suggestions for this are appreciated... since it would make it a lot easier for larger teams to sit down an RP, waiting for the night to end. When the sun came back up, they could start moving again - or push through the night, if they thought the risk was worth it.
Re: Suggestion thread!

Custom Races: I'm with Silth on this one, though if you PM them to him or me I don't see why we wouldn't consider letting you have your own custom race. Just try to keep them relatively balanced, and send them to one of us, and we'll get back to you with revisions (if any are required.) If you send them to me, I'm going to okay them with Silth anyway.

Day/Night: I was actually already doing that, I just had every movement round count as three hours. That's why Team Evil got the darkwolves, it was dusk while they went through the second half of the forest.