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Orchrios - Old Version

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Re: Orchrios

Jack watches him head out, then gets back to work, several customers coming in and having a look at one of the larger hunting rifles.
Re: Orchrios

After a relatively uneventful day, it came time for Jack to close up, and meet the others at Avarras.
Re: Orchrios

Jack popped his neck some, which had gotten stiff throughout the day, then closed down everything. Stopping only long enough to bring his own sword with him and a small custom nine millimeter handgun with him and toss on a long fall weather coat, he locked the doors and took off for Shirashi's residence, where he suspected the others would already be waiting for him.
Re: Orchrios

Once the trio got back in town, it would take them a bit, but eventually they'd find clues that the oddly behaving man had gone a little bit more wacky, and had seemed to dart off towards some location in the Entertainment District.
Re: Orchrios

"Joyous. A damn Joker heading for the fun parts of town. Coincidence? I think not."
Re: Orchrios

Anthony snarled in response. "No shit."

By the time he's said that, he's already on the move, heading towards the district with what looks like a custom-made handgun already out in his hand. The gun looks like it had started out as a double-action .454 Casull revolver, but had been altered into something resembling an auto-loader.
Re: Orchrios

Jack resists the urge to say something back to Anthony, then draws his own weapon. A 9mm Eagle STI 6.0 with custom scope on it, the weapon could be used at medium distances to snipe with if need be, though the scope was more to steady the weapon recoil and for precision aim.
Re: Orchrios

Bell shook her head slowly. "Men and their guns... Are you guys sure you want those out in public like that?" She asks, her laquered box still under her arm as she followed them.
Re: Orchrios

Jack smirks slightly and pulls out a second wallet, flipping it open to show Bell. She would see his picture on it and name, followed by the words at the top standing out in big blue letters, N.C.I.S. Underneath that were the words, federal agent.

It was clear to the two of them from his semi smirk that it was fake, but you couldn't tell by looking at it.

((Wolf said I could, and I just couldn't resist the reference lol.))
Re: Orchrios

Oddly enough...There's no one else around.

Eventually, they find the man's trail...leading into the maintenance area of some arena.
Re: Orchrios

Bell looked down the darkened maintenace corridor, then shrugged and kneeled for a minute, putting that laquered box down, opening it up and pulling out a pair of beautifully crafted weapons. They were gripped the same way as tonfa would be, but the long side was bladed, ending a couple inches past her elbow with an outwards curl ending in a point. the edge continued around in front of her hand in a sweeping arc, doubling back on itself with anither point and ending on the other side of the handle. There was a brace set against her arm just before the elbow, and the entire weapon had a delicate look to it, the edge sweeping and with a wavy line below it much like a katana would. The metal appeared to be some kind of bluish material, and there were highlights and detail done in fine silver all along the flat sides.

Bell carefully places the box off in a corner behind a garbage can and grabs the weapons, shifting her hands on the grips for a few seconds like they were unfamiliar to her. "Alright, let's go find this guy." She says, following them when they enter.

((I have the picture done, remind me to scan it in if you catch me on chat, but basically they're bladed tonfa with a katar attached, if that makes any sense.))
Re: Orchrios

Jack wordlessly followed, bringing up the rear of the group, keeping Bell in between him and Anthony. This he figured would make it difficult for any thugs to get hold of her without at least one of them noticing. Of course, he wasn't taking into account that if they were jumped, it might not be by thugs.
Re: Orchrios

As they slowly work their way through the maintenance halls, an eerie, maniacal laugh occasionally echoes through the halls. Anthony stops long enough to pull a paper of the wall, read it, then crumple it up and discard it. "Wrestling arena. We're going to have to chase this bastard through the catwalks, I'll bet."

As they get closer to where they think the madman might be...A voice can occasionally be heard. "Soon! She'll be here. Yes. She'll soon be mine. I'll soon have her. No one else will!" Statements such as these are repeated, in between outbursts of laughter.

Bell would immediately recognize the voice, even though there was something different about it. It was Atlaend's voice, the store owner who'd hired her to install that system.
Re: Orchrios

Bell stops dead in her tracks. "Dear gods... That's Atlaend!" She says incredulously.
Re: Orchrios

Jack mutters, "lovely," before turning to Bell. "Wait, what? Who?"
Re: Orchrios

"He's my last Client, I just finished installing the computer system at his business. I figured he kind of liked me, but I never figured it was that much..."

((Also, forgot my cell at home, very few posts going to happen tonight :\ ))
Re: Orchrios

Jack's face contorted into a somewhat disgusted look after her words, followed by more overheard from the other guy. "Right then, maybe we shouldn't let him see you if at all possible then."
Re: Orchrios

Anthony shook his head. "I can tell just by listening. He's already changed. He already knows she's here. Probably already knows exactly what physical weapons we have, as well."
Re: Orchrios

Bell started to get a worried look on her face. "Wh-what does that mean?" She asks carefully.
Re: Orchrios

"It means stealth just went down the shitter if he already knows we're here. From the sounds of it, he may even know our exact position too? Shit, can he hear us too?"
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