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RPG RPG Maker [sugar star] Life is Paradise / LIFE IS PARADISE 完全版 (RE094661, RJ094661)

Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

^^ ver 1.22 ^^

because this game is freaking hard to collect all H scene ...
and mostly only different in dialogue ...
Vanilla for Boy and girl, Raping and raped ...
I don't think anyone yet have collect all H scene ...

This link is working
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

Not for me, can't even get past the captcha. I don't know why people still use mediafire. If I could I'd upload it to mega.


Ok try
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

So how can I tell the affection levels of the people in town (shopkeepers, etc)? Kuri mentions that there's a way, I thought I got an item or something and didn't think about it until later. Nothing in inventory. Checked the house info and stuff Kuri talks about too.
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Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

So how can I tell the affection levels of the people in town (shopkeepers, etc). Kuri mentions that there's a way, I thought I got an item or something and didn't think about it until later. Nothing in inventory. Checked the house info and stuff Kuri talks about too.

You open up your menu, click on Resident Form, and then click on Check Relations (There you also have an option to show clerks or hide them)

I think I should have translated that as "Check Relationships".

It's been so long, looking at it now, there's a lot of things I need to fix, rename and translate.
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Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

I am utterly blind. Thanks.
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

was there ever a full translation for this game?
also that new thing involving life is paradise that came out a couple days ago, is it a standalone thing or like a dlc for this one
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

was there ever a full translation for this game?
also that new thing involving life is paradise that came out a couple days ago, is it a standalone thing or like a dlc for this one

You mean

I didn't play that game but I think it's safe to assume that it has nothing to do with LiP other then maybe having same or similar characters. I didn't play their games since they started making them in wolf engine. I dislike that engine for many reasons and I still don't get why don't developers pay 20$ for the retail program and make games in it. It's 10 times easier and it looks so much better. Maybe I'm missing something but I don't see any advantage of Wolf over RPG Maker other then it's free to use.

And to answer your first question, no there was never a full translation.
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

I am in love with this game♥
You can do a lot of stuff in it. I like the different personalities that the characters have. My heroine has married them all(except Soncho and the molester...no...just no...)

So I did my part and translated some of it.

Now, please do remember that did game has tons of code and dialogue and that I'm playing as the female protagonist. So most of the translated dialogue are the male characters, though I did translate some of the female dialogues.

*sigh* What I translated doesn't even touch half of the game. But, I did translate a lot of stuff. I also fixed and changed some of the previous stuff (thought I can't fix that bug in one of the town decoration slots... Also, it seems even the creators got confused in some stuff, some character names where jumbled.)

I performed some Woolseyism so some dialogue may be a bit different. Just tell me if you can think of a better translation for some stuff.

Also can I ask something? おま(oma) is used by some characters. It can mean "horse" or "you".
...Are they calling the protagonist a horse or...just calling them? I wanted to ask you guys that. I mean sure, it depends on the situation but...

Some hints
Beginning options
What are you good at?
sports: MHP+10
fighting: atk & def +3
study: MMP+10
cooking: +l cooknglvl

What is your favorite type?(favorability +3)




If you need to go on a travel, what do you take?

first aid set
Salve +3
Antidote +2
Dispelling herbs +1

+500 G

...and now I'll gather my info. Please wait.

Partial patchDL
Oh umm, despite the name, it's a patch for the version 1.22.
That number in the file is just the number for my patch...

Yeah, you need to put those pics these since I modded the game a bit.
and in case I messed up with the linking, here. These'll do.
4shared 7z

Mega links:


here's the decryption key if ya need it:

And I modded the game a bit so...yeah. If you want to read my babbling here:
I added some interactable objects in the game because I think those are fun. It'll benefit you guys too since some of them contain freebies. There's also a new daily(which isn't I daily since you can sorta abuse it. I can make it a once a day thing, but if I do that one of the real dailies will be affected).

One of the interactables assume that your childhood friend is opposite of your sex(Ruko(heroine) get's Nagi and vice versa) so don't be too surprised if someone else appears. No, I will not(and don't know how to)change that. Bear with it please.

Apologies if I made the protagonist...not so silent anymore.
I plan to add more stuff. The more interactable, more fun.

translation notes:
-Walnut should be Kurumi,but there were instances where different symbols where used. So I think Walnut is justified. Just think of it as here nickname or first name.

-I think Tina would sound better as Teena or Teina. It sounds more unusual. But I already translated a lot as Tina... -.-;

-Cutie. Now, I personally picked Cutie to be Cutie. Though, perhaps Kutei or Kutie would be ok...?

-I fixed and changed some of the item/armor, etc. descriptions. For example, they now say the proper pronouns. (Lake's a boy, darnit.)
But most descriptions were left unchanged since I haven't looked into it that much.

No, I won't translate the yaoi. Maybe the yuri, but definitely not the yaoi. First, I don't really like yaoi. Second...second...well there's not a lot of it? But the littleness of it won't be reason for me to translate it.

I apologize, it just isn't my cup of tea.

P.S: Where the heck is the enemy succubus? I can't find her. I tried looking in chaos and dark atmosphere but I don't know where the she-devil is.
...d-did I accidentally delete her or something?
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

I'm confused o_O? Just what exactly is this?

Continuation of the partial I did or did you do it all from the beginning?
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

Oops. In hindsight, I probably should've asked if I could continue your translation.
But yeah, it's a continuation of your patch and I modded some things into the game >.<;
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

Oops. In hindsight, I probably should've asked if I could continue your translation.
But yeah, it's a continuation of your patch and I modded some things into the game >.<;

You can do whatever you want with translation, but it would have been nice if you said you used my partial and then said what changes you did.

What and where are those bugs you were talking about?

What house and what decoration spot?
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Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

Main story dialogue isn't that long.

Here's a walkthrough on everything in the game, i.e where to find what/who/why, what conditions need to be completed to advance the story. Very useful.

My first playthrough I practically had all the female characters as my lover... I then chose my favourite heroine angel as the one to marry... The marriage ceremony was very eventful... Not doing that again 0.o
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

Well the changes. *thinks* Ah, well, some of the item/armor descriptions and names. I mostly left your other translations alone and translated the untranslated bits.

The mods that I was talking about were adding a bit more stuff into the game e.g more interactacles and adding pics

Village map 村南西 [村4]
If you have something on EV031, it will bug out EV030.
When you try to remove what's on EV031it will remove the item on EV030. And if you try to remove what's on EV031 when EV030 is empty, it'll give you item # 289, -<町装飾>----------
I don't know if it only triggers on certain decorations. But it does work with heretic images ^^; (mine was unfortunately placed in front of the church)

It can be manually fixed it switching the translated data and an edited data. Just pop in the JPN, remove the stuck decor and use the translation again.

I placed your name in the how to.txt But yes, I should have been clearer.

May be but there's still a lot miscellaneous dialogue...
It's not complete though, it's mostly if you play as the male protagonist. But is is a helpful guide. Would ya believe me if I told ya I know most what's written there? Ha, I'm addicted to this game ^^;

...she's in the deserted castle at chaos atmosphere. I KNEW IT. I guess I just didn't bother clicking before >.<;

You mean Cecilia, yes?
And yeah, the other lovers will get very angry if you marry someone else. Saw the code, Cutie was wishing to summon a meteor or something. Snow...wanted to freeze you?

Only tried marrying some else once. Lake got super angry during and after the ceremony. Would've...done some something to the protag if she wasn't already taken O.O Good thing I only had one lover(technically two but I married one so...) or else it would've been a blood bath.

Oh, and don't cheat on your anniversary. Your spouse will go yandere on you.
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

Well, here's my new partial where I've corrected that slot bug you mentioned.

You can just copy/paste that event from this version to your own by opening two rpg makers editors with different data.
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Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

... Also can I ask something? おま(oma) is used by some characters. It can mean "horse" or "you".
...Are they calling the protagonist a horse or...just calling them? I wanted to ask you guys that. I mean sure, it depends on the situation but...

Horse is うま(uma). Or 馬 in kanji. Oma can be a 'shortened' form of Omae(お前), in which case it's 'rougher'. More commonly it's probably Kansai dialect, in which case it has the same meaning as "arimasu" "orimasu", the 'verbs to be' in Japanese. でおま(de oma), for example, has the same meaning as "desu" (which is itself an abbreviated form of "de arimasu").

Give me the original Japanese text for these parts, and I'll double-check for you.
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

Thank you :)

Ah, thanks!
I checked 'round the net and they said that oma could be interpreted as horse so that confused me ><;

I can't remember all of them but...
「ぁ、はぁはぁ、おま… ほんとヤラシー…」
so should it be [Ah, haahaa, you're... really fastー...]
「おま…」 > 「You...」
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)


「ぁ、はぁはぁ、おま… ほんとヤラシー…」
so should it be [Ah, haahaa, you're... really fastー...]

Isn't ヤラシー supposed to be translated to something like, perverted?
Sounds like it would make a bit more sense that way.
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

「ぁ、はぁはぁ、おま… ほんとヤラシー…」
so should it be [Ah, haahaa, you're... really fastー...]
「おま…」 > 「You...」

Isn't ヤラシー supposed to be translated to something like, perverted?
Sounds like it would make a bit more sense that way.

salking is right here. Did you confuse it for はやしい/早しい (hayashii) instead? いやらしい/やらしい/嫌らしい (pronounced as "iyarashii" or "yarashii") means perverted or smutty in this context (it can also mean "disgusting" when used in different situations).

And "oma" is short for "omae" here, yes.
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