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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With the need of her companion the most pressing thing in her mind right then, Adelle decided to make a potentially mad rush to the other side of the room to help the maid in peril. But her attempt was cut short by the male attacking her, who interjected the attempt and foiled the busty girl's attack completely with a massive football tackle, sending both onto the desk. When it was all over with, Adelle found herself on the desk, the headless mannequin on top of her and trying to pin her down.

For the other part of the battle, there was something of a development going on. Rosieta was not appriciating the molestation, and shifted position on the mannequin against her, somehow managing to loosen it's hold on her. With the opportunity, she backed into the wall not far behind, bumping hard enough to completely loose the assailant and get her freedom back. The female mannequins seemed to not like this turn of events, and both of them turned their whips against the maid, lashing her twice as Rosie was still not sure where to keep her focus and looking at both directions at once. While the servant girl seemed strong, it seemed that she was not that accustomed to dealing with pain, for it seemed like she was already tiring against the painful lashes of the dominatrix mannequins.

Adelle 3/5 FP 0/10 AP (Grappled Harder) Rosieta 2/5 FP 1/10 AP
Male Mannequin x2 (2 HP (Grappling with Adelle) an 2 HP) Female Mannequin x2 (3HP each)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As she tried to rush to help Rosieta, aiming to knock the male mannequin she was fighting out of her way, she was tackled by her foe down onto the desk, where the thing tried to pin her down. She noticed out of the corner of her eye that Rosieta managed to get loose from the male mannequin molesting her by pushing back into the wall behind her and banging it up against it. Then she saw both of the female ones swing their whips at her, both of which struck her and seemed to be wearing her down a good deal.

Adelle immediately tried to kick her foe off of her, where she'd then swing her blade in a downwards arc at him, hoping to get rid of at least one of them before they were completely overwhelmed. "G-Get off of me damn you," Adelle cried as she pushed with all her might.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Despite it's strenght, the mannequin was easy enough to shove away because of it's light weight. Adelle did this with aplomb, kicking the thing away and gathering herself fast enough to enable an attack. The blade cut effortlesly through the mannequin, leaving a long gash but still not disabling it completely. The thing was still getting affected though as it failed to reach the busty girl, moving slower now after it was almost split into two.

Rosieta spaced herself in the gap between the different opponents, eventually choosing to go for the recovering male as it was nearer and probably easier to hit. Cutting at the waistline, she nearly chopped the thing in two horizontally, leaving only a small strip of white plastic to keep the upper and lower parts together. It was too big of a damage to allow the thing any further part in the fight, and the parts tumbled to the floor, flopping about in a harmless fashion in an effort to still do something. The females moved up and closed further, the other taking a harsh swing at the maid from behind, the whip raking across the entirety of her back. The knife dropped from the servant's grip then, as she fought back against the pain and tried to keep herself from losing consciousness. The other plastic lady dropped her whip at the sight of this, the thing actually moving indepently afterwards and coiling around Rosieta to pin her arms against her sides. The maid would take no further part until she recovered and broke free.

Adelle 3/5 FP 0/10 AP Rosieta 0/5 FP 1/10 AP (Out and bound)
Male Mannequin (1 HP) Female Mannequin x2 (3HP each)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle managed to shove the thing off of her as it wasn't very heavy and apparently not as strong as she was overall. She swung her sword with as much strength as she could, leaving a deep gash on the thing, but just not taking it down completely. Rosieta however had more luck in that regard as she swung her trench knife and take out the other male mannequin, managing to take it out of the fight. However she noticed that Rosieta was then struck from behind by one of the female mannequins whips, while the other one's whip dropped from its hand and wrapped around her.

"Dammit dammit, no, I'm not going to lose dammit," Adelle growled, pulling her pistol out in her left hand while holding her sword in her right. She would then take a swing at the remaining male mannequin, hoping to finish it off, then regardless of whether or not she hit, she would then aim her gun at the female one that still had its whip and take a shot at her, the busty young girl going almost ballistic as she desperately tried to fend these things off so she didn't have to go through losing again, as she didn't know what these things might do if they won, and nor did she want to know.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With the panic and bad memories from yesterday still haunting her, Adelle pushed up to next gear. The partly destroyed mannequin proved to be of little detriment at this point, and she easily chopped it in two, following up on the previous cut she had pulled on it and completing the vertical split. As she prepared, the females shifted attention towards her. The other was whipless, but it still attempted to slap the busty girl, not having much success. The one still in possession of a lash came forward as well, targeting the most prominent portion on Adelle and hitting her on the other side of the chest. It was just as painful as the one before had been.

The bullet fired at the whipper failed to find it's mark, only a picture on the wall getting destroyed as a result from the gunshot. The unarmed plastic girl seemed unphased at the introduction of the gun, slapping Adelle on the cheek with enough force to turn her 180 degrees. The whipbearer capitalized, the lash coiling around the busty girl's neck and pulling her down to the ground. The sword was lost in the process, and as soon as it had pulled Adelle near itself, the mannequin stepped on her gun arm to keep it down. It seemed to be sending messages to the girl, for every move of resistance she did was replied to with a tug on the whip that choked her. That was a clear sign to stop resisting or there would be harsh punishment. But who knew what was going to happen even if she did...

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle gave a satisfied sigh as she cut down the remaining male mannequin, doing so rather easily in fact. As she turned towards the female ones though she saw the one without its weapon coming towards her, attempting to give her a slap across the face with no success as she dodged. the other one though swung her whip around and cracked it on the other side of her chest, causing her to recoil in pain and also causing her breasts to jiggle about from the blow.

She groaned as her bullet whizzed past her target, the only thing hit by it being a picture on the wall. After that everything went to hell for Adelle as the weaponless female mannequin slapped her right across the face, spinning her around as the other one whipped her whip around Adelle's neck, yanking her to the ground and making her drop her sword in the process as she grabbed at the whip, trying to get free from it. She hadn't even noticed the mannequin was pulling her towards it in her frantic struggles until it had stepped on her gun arm and pinned it down. She gagged as she stared up at the thing, getting the picture of what it was wanting with her as she let slowly moved her gun back to its holster with tears in her eyes. She knew she'd lost and there was nothing she could really do now, unless she wanted to possibly be choked to death instead... which she didn't want at all of course.

"Okay... (cough)... okay you win. Just take this thing off please... (cough)... can't breathe," Adelle coughed out, her face starting to get a little red as she submitted to these things for the moment, as she feared what they might do to not only her, but also to Rosieta if she didn't. She was terrified and didn't know what these things had in store for them both, but there really was nothing she could do at the moment, not with her sword gone and her being choked. She could only hope and pray that they would be let go soon, or that she could get the chance to break free and grab her sword to cut these things down.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With Adelle's compliance secured, the female mannequin gestured at it's friend, who came over and took the gun from her hand as it was still pinned under the heel of the other one. The firearm was casually tossed outside the room, quite a distance away from the scene. The wakizashi followed suit, ending up near the gun in the hall. Having disarmed the busty girl to a suitable degree, the mannequin lady headed to the nearby cabinet as the other slipped away the whip from her neck, likely giving her a small relief even in this situation. More whips were produced, the things moving on their own accord like before and surrounding Adelle. Four of them stuck to her limbs, lifting her up from the floor into a standing position and holding her still as more of them snaked over to Rosieta, further binding the maid in a tighter package as more of the leather coiled around her. Each of the remaining mannequins then picked a girl, the whip-wielder selecting Adelle and the other going for the maid. While the other one moved Rosieta to the desk and layed her down, the other seemed content to keep Adelle upright.

Adelle's "partner" seemed to be analyzing her, shaking it's head at her as it looked her over. Eventually it came to a decision about something and got close, going down as it unbuttoned the girl's jeans. With slow yet somewhat showy manner it proceeded to pull them down and off from the busty girl. Throwing the things away, it got a pair of scissors from the drawer nearby, coming back to clip at the clothing that was still there. With determined and carefully planned snips of the scissors, the thing had Adelle naked in only a few cuts. After that, it was back to the cabinet again, where it returned from with two sets of leather underwear. These were no regular pieces of clothing though, for there were two dildos attached, on the inside of course. The other one was passed on to the second mannequin, who had been doing away on Rosieta, the maid's pantyhose now torn from the crotch area as it too was deemed to be in the way. Strangely, she had been spared the forced stripping and was still completely in her uniform, aside from the torn pantyhose and removed panties. Both of the plastic ladies began to set the things onto their respective partners, the thing appearing to be second nature to them as the dildo panties were set in place, both toys gently guided to their respective entrances by the skilled hands of these mannequins. While the things were initially little more than things inside them, the dildos began to vibrate slowly as the things were properly put into place and locked up, bringing with them constant pleasure that would be hard to get rid off. The maid seemed to be fighting the sensations, for she made absolutely no sound even afterwards.

Having dressed Adelle in the new panties, the mannequin undid the collar it had been wearing on it's neck. It took a brief look at the girl, then equipped her with it. This too was done to Rosieta, but it would be harder to detect on her as she had a high-collar uniform already. Again, a retreat to the cabinet happened, and further things were produced. A headband with cat ears was equipped on Adelle, as was a small bell to her collar. Going around her, the strange stylist attached a cat tail to the back of her pleasure panties, which seemed normal enough until it moved about a bit. It seemed to be doing it in pace with the busty girl's pleasure level, swishing about more as she got more excited. But the finishing touch was yet to come. A long sheet of shiny black leather floated out from the cabinet as well, making it's way towards Adelle and swirling about her before clinging over her naked upper body to form on her. Even as they had stripped her, this seemed to hardly be a terrible event. Rosieta was getting a little less for herself, the same bell coming onto her as well but none of the other stuff. Maybe she was already good enough in the eyes of these mannequins. The maid uniform was a classic fetish uniform for many, after all.

With everything done, the two mannequins left the girls alone with their equipment, walking back to their earlier stands. They assumed their earlier positions, the whips loosening up and letting Adelle down to move again as they dropped to the ground inanimate. Rosieta was still in the clutches of the whips around her, which remained tight even after the manipulating force had left them. Both girls were now left with their new underwear too, of course. Unless removed, the things would likely be a major distraction as they buzzed relentlessly inside the girls.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle was unfortunately unable to holster her gun as it was yanked away, one of the thing's tossing it away, where her sword soon followed, landing beside the gun. Once she was completely disarmed, Adelle watched one of the mannequins go over to a cabinet while the one holding her neck with the whip pulled it loose, which allowed her to breathe good again. "Oh thank you... whoa," Adelle panted out as several more whips slithered across the floor at her and Rosieta, the ones coming at her lifting the busty girl to her feet and holding her in place... not that she was going to attempt struggling as she knew not what these things might try and do to her if she did and failed.

Adelle waited for several tense moments as the mannequin examined her, feeling a little scared when she saw it shaking its head, thinking it didn't like what it saw or something. When the thing started unbuttoning her pants, slowly pulling them down off of her, Adelle squirmed around a bit, though not in an actual attempt to get free, but more out of instinct than anything. When it had her pants off her, Adelle rubbed her thighs together almost in anticipation of what was about to happen, now knowing that it had something naughty in store for her. However when the thing took a pair of scissors and cut the rest of her clothing off of her, Adelle got a bit angry and puffed her cheeks out, wanting to kick the thing, but afraid to as it did have a very sharp weapon in hand.

"H-Hey dammit... not my shirt. Do you know how hard it is to get a shirt like that in my size? It's very hard. I would have just taken it off if you'd have asked, or you could have just as easily taken it off yourself, same with my bra and panties," Adelle said to the mannequin as it went back to the cabinet, sounding a little angry, yet more than anything sad that one of her favorite shirts was now ruined.

Adelle saw the mannequin turn back towards her as it left the cabinet, having something in hand. When Adelle saw the naughty leather underwear with the toys on the inside, her eyes went wide for a few moments before she let out a little whimper. Adelle couldn't suppress a moan as the toys were guided into her lower lips and soft pucker, her pupils dilating slightly as the one went into her ass, as she'd never had anything in there before and the feeling was quite... different to her, yet not unpleasantly so. Of course the one going into her pussy would have had her screaming like crazy the day before, trying to prevent it from robbing her of her purity, she didn't struggle as much this time around, as it was only a dildo and not a real dick or anything. Though she still didn't want this to happen in any case really, she had to admit it didn't bother her quite as much as what happened the night before did.

When she felt the dildos begin vibrating inside of her lower holes, Adelle let out a cute squeal of pleasure and began squirming around in her bonds, her hips instinctively trying to buck against the thing causing the pleasure. She wriggled about from the pleasure as the mannequin then took its collar off and placed it upon her neck, then the thing went over to the cabinet again and brought back a couple of things which she also placed on Adelle, who noticed it was a set of cat ears and a cat tail which swished through the air every time her hips twitched from the pleasure, and then the bell on her collar to make her look like a good little kitty. After that, Adelle noticed through the haze in her eyes the black leather coming out of the cabinet as well, which then formed around her into a sexy tight fitting dress, pressing her breasts up for any and all to see her cleavage.

Once she was all dressed up to the mannequins desire, Adelle watched them both go back to where they'd been when they first entered the room, and then the whips holding her released her to the floor. As soon as she was released, Adelle's knees buckled from the pleasure of her new panties and she fell over, barely catching herself before she hit the floor. She looked over to Rosieta and saw she'd been fitted with a pair of new undies like her own, as well as a collar and bell, though everything else was left as it was. Seeing this kind of made Adelle a little upset, as she'd lost all of her clothing, with her pants being the only salvageable part of them. As soon as she regained her footing and thought she could manage it, Adelle immediately staggered over to Rosieta and began pulling the whips off of her.

"R-Rosieta... w-why did those things... do that? H-How did they?" Adelle asked the maid, cooing softly and panting a little from the dildos vibrating inside of her lower holes, her new panties pretty much all but soaked through with her juices. Regardless of whether or not Rosieta answered her, Adelle went and gathered her weapons, as well as her pants, coat, hat, and scarf, as the rest was cut off her.

She was sad over her destroyed clothing and all, but she would be able to get more of that from Rachaela's friend that owned the clothing store. She went ahead and put her pistol back into its holster and her sword back into its sheath and swinging that over her shoulder where it belonged. Then Adelle attempted to pull the panties off of her, wanting to rid herself of the pleasure they were bringing her now that she had all her stuff back, well all that was still useable.
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Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I... wouldn't know... sure as hell were not robots... no technology there to allow for that..." the maid replied as she stumbled to her feet, her previous steady pace now replaced by a much more shakey one. The maid moved to fetch her dropped knife as Adelle tried to remove the newly-acquired underwear. The things didn't seem to agree with her however, tightening around her tremendously and vibrating much more strongly as she attempted to get them away. Even wierder was the fact that her coat and other belongings didn't co-operate with her anymore, shying away from all attempts to put them back on as if something was pulling it away from her. It looked like she would be stuck with this set-up for a while, as something mysterious did not allow her to dress up further.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(I'm assuming that she was allowed to put her weapons back on at least.)

As Rosieta responded to her as she attempted to remove her new underwear, Adelle nodded. Then, she gasped when the new panties suddenly tightened up around her very tightly and the vibration became much stronger and weakened her legs that much more, letting out a couple of soft moans of pleasure. Her knees shaking, Adelle tried to just put her coat back on instead, as well as her hat and scarf, though those too had something weird going on with them and wouldn't stay on her, as if possessed by something that wouldn't allow them to be placed upon her.

"W-What the... why won't it... let me put it on? And why w-won't these c-come off dammit? I can barely w-walk with these things on like this," Adelle said in a desperate and shaky voice, trying to ignore the stimulation she was receiving, or at least bear with it until she could find a way out of these panties, as the clothing she could handle having to wear until she was able to get out of here.

"D-Don't try and take it out Rosieta... it'll j-just start g-going faster and tighten around you harder," Adelle said to Rosieta after a few moments of panting with a few coos, whimpers, and moans, her mind and body not used to constant stimulation such as this. Not that she'd never masturbated before or anything, she merely had never be able to do so to the point that it was constantly like this thing was... not that it was a bad thing in all honesty. In fact Adelle was actually kind of enjoying these panties a little bit, but she did have a job to do after all, and if she made a mess of it then she'd not get paid anything, which would be terrible as she'd also be out some of her clothing as well since it got cut off her and all.

Shaking any lustful thoughts from her mind, or trying to at least, Adelle steadied herself and simply tried to bear with the stimulation for now, as she didn't really have much choice in the matter, and she doubted she could get her sword down in the panties to cut them off her. Then she remembered the keys she'd seen behind the desk and went to grab them. Checking the panties she had, Adelle would see if they had a lock of some sort she could use any of the keys on to remove them. However if she was still unable to remove them she would simply glance over at Rosieta. "H-Hey... you think you can k-keep going for now? I m-mean we still have a j-job to do after all," Adelle asked, wondering if the maid could continue as she was, while her hips twitched back and forth in time with her pleasure.

If Rosieta was able to move on, then Adelle would nod and after putting her coat, hat, and scarf into her pack for now so she didn't lose them, they would set out from the office, heading further on. Unless Rosieta stopped her from doing so, then the busty girl would head over to peek into the break room area and take a peek inside to see if maybe she was wrong and the briefcase was in there, however if nothing turned up in there she would glance back at the maid and set forth on deeper into the place, heading towards the factory.
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Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Yar. Those things don't insult the fashion sense of the factory ghosts right now. The scarf and hat and coat were not allowed cos they'd be covering up their desired settings on Adelle, the collar and cat ears and the dress.)

"Yeah... I... tried already..." the maid called Adelle's words back as she warned about the security mechanism of sorts on the dildo panties. Rolling up the skirt portion of her dress, Adelle could see that there was indeed some sort of strap contraption on the constanly vibrating things, but there was no real keyhole or way to loosen them. It seemed like going by the thing's own accord was the only thing going to happen for a bit, and both of the girls would need to grin and bear it. The constant molesting of her holes didn't seem to stop Rosie, even if it was slowing her down a a good bit. "As if... this would keep me from... completing my orders... MAster would... never forgive me..." she gasped, the defense on her somewhat cracking up as they had spent a few moments in this state.

With a quick look around the room next to the office, Adelle could find some old work clothes and used coffee cups, but little of use. That room was of no coincidence to either of them. Moving up, they were vibrated some more as the other doors were upon them now, locked as expected. The key set that Adelle carried would most likely provide them with a way in though.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Right now? That sounds kind of... ominous. :p)

As Adelle pulled her new skirt up she could see some straps of sorts on her panties, but even though she wanted the panties off of her she was afraid of trying to mess with the straps any in case she angered them or something and they just ramped up the speed and kept it there. Adelle was very glad to hear the maid say that she intended on completing what they came here to do, thinking that at the very least their job would be a little more interesting, albeit more challenging as well.

Despite this happening to Adelle and despite not being able to take the panties off, the large breasts girl still wasn't as upset about it as she would have been the day before, thinking to herself that it was only what she thought was magically animated mannequins that had put these toys into her, and not actual people. While they went on and checked the pretty much empty break room, Adelle then began to think that maybe those mannequins were there as a defensive measure, like security or something, although magically animated security. Of course she didn't know for a fact that any of that was true so she may be wrong, but it was just something she kept telling herself for her own piece of mind, as it was the only thing that made sense to her, that it was magic that animated those things.

As they went onwards towards the factory doors, Adelle let out a soft moan as her legs wobbled a bit and her butt twitched back and forth while her new cat tail swished around happily behind her from the pleasure the vibrators were bringing her and she had to stop for a couple of seconds to recompose herself. Once she'd recovered from that, Adelle looked up to see the doors and tried them, finding them locked as she'd pretty much figured they would be. Had they not have found the keys and had instead come here first, Adelle would shoot the lock a time or two and simply kick the door open, but since they did get the keys, she tried them instead. If none of the keys unlocked the thing, she would have no choice but to shoot it and knock it open that way for them to move on.

"H-Hey... Rosieta, I'll g-go ahead and ask you to please... forgive me if I can't... resist the... pleasure from these things. I-It's really kind of... hard to," Adelle said to the maid as she fiddled with the different keys on the key chain, trying to unlock the door with them.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Yar. Further losses will most likely result in more costume changes at particular spots.)

The maid seemed quiet in the face of Adelle's confession at first, but eventually nodded. "Sure... no... problem..." she told the busty girl, who just then happened to find the correct key for the door they were trying to get past. While the process had not taken all that much, a decent amount of pleasure had been forced onto the girls regardless. Still, somehow, Rosie had managed to avoid showing or vocalizing her feelings.

Beyond the door, a small corridor waited for them, leading to another similar door. That one was not locked or anything, in fact the other door from it was open and there would be no need to even open them. On the other side, there was a factory space, smaller than one might expect. A small variety of machines and tools were present, most likely to put together the different kinds of vibrators that were found all over the place. Again, there were access doors to other parts of the facility, huge electric shutters with smaller doors sporting locks. Like before, there was a way to go on the front and the right sides, in addition to a set of ladders and steps that went up to some kind of security room on the next floor. The monitors that could be seen from the lower area at least suggested that.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

*Smiles evilly* ;) Hate to ask and maybe you give a spoiler, but what would happen if she and Rosieta lose against the final thing in here? Not game ending I hope. I'm assuming though that no matter how much she manages to end up getting put on her, there will be some ways to remove the naughty bits along the way. Because with the dildos in her like that I doubt Adelle can manage a win

As Adelle fumbled for the correct key, Rosieta nodded at her confession, telling her no problem, which kind of eased Adelle's heart a bit as she tried another key and found it was the correct one, unlocking the door which she then opened. Adelle's legs were wobbling a good deal now, and she knew she probably wouldn't last very much longer, but she had to press on, because the quicker they got through in here the quicker she could find a wy to take this stuff off.

After they went through the door, Adelle saw a small hallway on the other side, leading to another door which thankfully wasn't locked and was actually sitting open. Once through it they found themselves in the factory proper it seemed, though it was smaller than Adelle imagined it would be, but not too much. She doubted the security cameras still worked any, so the momentary plan of using them to find their target wouldn't work, and she doubted the briefcase would be there anyway.

"I doubt it'd be up there... in the security looking room up there myself... but if you'd like to... check it out Rosieta then I don't mind," Adelle said in a shaky tone, letting out a soft moan when the vibrator hit her in just the right way.

If Rosieta decided not to choose any specific direction, Adelle would choose between the other possible ways to go, leading them towards the right side doors, hoping to lead them to better fortunes than the last time, and keeping her gun at the ready after checking how many bullets she had and reloading any she needed to. She could only hope that if there was anything else like the mannequins that they could handle it in their state.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Probably not... And we can always... Come back here if there indeed is something there..." the maid said as she was asked, kinda leaving the decisions to Adelle. Maybe she was too focused on trying to maintain her composure to think about that. The busty girl had fired her gun just once during the last encounter, so she only needed to replace the one bullet. So, on to the right they went.

Again, there was some need to fiddle with the keys as the previous key did not open up the smaller access doors between the areas. But they still got it after a few tries, and could go to the next separate area. There seemed to be different assigned areas for the manufacture of each different kind of product, for beyond this door, a space dedicated to different kinds of fluids was found. It was mostly lubricants, but there were other things as well, like oils. The same shutter design carried on here, one on the opposite side and one on the left.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Y-Yeah we can... I guess," Adelle replied as she found the key to unlock this door, having to fiddle with them for a minute to do so, which caused her to have to stand still while the vibrator pleasured her some more.

After getting the door open and going on through, Adelle saw another area of the factory, this one seeming to be for the production of different kinds of fluids for sexual use, oils, lubricants, and such. She also saw the shutters in this room area too on the left side of the room and on the far side from where they were standing at. She quickly decided to go left from where they were, hoping they could find the briefcase quickly so they could somehow get these toys out of them, and not wanting to take too long to find what they were looking for.
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Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As the girls moved towards the door on the left, they were stopped by a small clank sound. An empty plastic bottle that had rolled down from a nearby table proved to be the reason for it. But it did not appear to stop there, for a good dozen bottles of different liquids began plummeting towards the floor from their shelves, some cracking open while other survived. As if that oddly bottle-specific earthquake of sorts was not enough, the various liquid containers began to gather, slowly forming vaguely humanoid forms about the size of your average ten-year old. Fluids leaked from them as foamy mittens used for showering became makeshift hands, three of them starting for the girls as they had finished their forming.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As they started across towards their destination, Adelle suddenly heard a clanking noise behind them and turned around, aiming her gun in the general direction of where she'd heard the noise. She saw it was just an old bottle had rolled off of a table and hit the floor. She wrote it off as just something falling over from how old it was at first, but when several more started falling and all she grew worried as she watched them gathering together to form several strange small creatures made mostly from the various oils, lubes, and other liquids in the bottles, but they had other parts as well she saw.

"Oh no... not more weird shit wanting to attack us. I'm beginning to think... that I've just got... the worst luck in the world... or I'm cursed or something. I get raped last night... and lose my virginity and now this... my life just keeps getting better and better," Adelle said, still in a shaky voice, looking quite scared of what these thing might try and do to them as she readied her gun to fight. She took aim at the nearest one of the things that was coming towards them and took a shot at it, aiming for the liquid containers to blow some of them away and maybe take it down before it got too close.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Save that... for later..." Rosieta shushed Adelle's complaints to the side as she too got her guns out in the face of these odd things. Both of them fired, Adelle having terrible aim as a result of the constant buzzing going on between her legs and missing by a mile. Rosieta was not too succesful either, managing just barely to hit the one Adelle had been gunning and breaking some mass from it while missing the other shot and only hitting a shelf in the background.

The things then retaliated, coming in with their rather unthreatening-looking foam hands to smack at the two, one leaving itself behind as two others picked a girl and aimed for their target. The one coming for Adelle caught her at a bad moment as there was a spike of strenght in the buzzing, the sudden pleasure increase catching her off guard and opening up an attack for the creature. A soft-looking hand slapped at her, not feeling quite as pleasant as it slammed her. Rosieta fared even worse, the same thing happening to her as the one coming for her jumped towards her. The maid was taken down, the creature landing on top of her and splashing some of the contents of it's many bottles onto her.

The one left behind didn't make an effort to come for them, instead compressing itself enough to force pressure onto it's bottles. The things eventually popped caps and a torrent of the contained oils and lubes surged forward, not quite reaching the girls but still forming a large puddle under their feet.

Adelle 4/5 FP 5/10 AP Rosieta 3/5 FP 5/10 AP (grappled)
Oil Construct x3 (3, 4 (grappling) and 3 hp)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle nodded after Rosieta spoke, shaking any bad thoughts from her mind and preparing herself to fight. When she fired her gun, Adelle's vibrators constant pleasuring of both her lower holes causing her aim to be way off and causing her to miss. She was thankful though that the maid managed to get a good shot in on her target, taking some of the thing out at least.

Then the things got close enough to attack and retaliate against them, one of them managing to catch her right when the damn vibrator hit a high point in its pleasurable buzzing, causing her knees to wobble a little and give the thing more than ample time to hit her with its foamy hand. The hit stung a little bit, but it was nothing Adelle couldn't handle for now hopefully. She noticed her maid companion managed to get taken to the floor by one of her foes.

Adelle shook her head real quick, trying to use the pain from the hit on her to help her concentrate and allow her to ignore the pleasure in her throbbing pussy, which was hungrily squeezing the vibrator inside of it, aching for release. But Adelle knew that she couldn't allow herself to reach climax while fighting these things, it'd be the end of her and she knew not what lewd things they planned on doing to her. She quickly whipped out her sword since they were too close for gun work and tried to slash them away from her to give herself some breathing room to fire her gun again, thinking to herself that she couldn't afford to lose a second time in this crazy place.