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Tentacle God
Mar 6, 2011
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Sag nur finger weg wieder tootal schelcht Progamiert andauernt schmierts ab weil Daten fehler haft Progammiert wurden.

Kanns nicht verstehen das der über haupt noch Spiele machen darf.

Das ist nicht mal alles fast jede Szene ist betroffen.
Sogar wenn man die Mäp wegselt kommt es zu Fehlern zwischen druch.

Yeah you tell him Sascha27283!

I don't know what the original language is, but just run that German through Google and you will see the problem. He has the same problem if he tries English... frequently unitelligible. :eek:


1. The game appears to have just been released (14 April?) and might be expected to have bugs. They may even be deliberate?

2. It cannot find a map; is that because it is the end of the demo... or parts that have yet to be implemented... or just a bug?

The author says:

Bug fixes and, so will continue to correspond to the version up
Please be the "User Registration" When you purchase.

So, if you have a pirate copy you don't get the bugfixes unless someone uploads the later version. :p

It would seem that the game isn't totally complete either, as there is mention of a "virgin run" to come.

My personal guess is that the game has been released prematurely, and the author is going to bugfix in the field.



Ich schreibs auf Deutsch weil sons wieder keiner versteht was ich schreibe. XD
Habs zum Glück nicht gekauft.
Wolt nur anderen den erga ersparren.^^
Den beim vorgänger hat er einfach nicht weiter gemacht.
Das solte alles da zu sagen.^^

I've really been a fan of this circles works but damn do they contain bugs at first. Tried playing it myself. First a graphic was missing, then I travelled into a black screen where I could still open menu but couldn't do anything. Better to probably wait a week or 2 before even trying to play.

I don't know what the original language is, but just run that German through Google and you will see the problem. He has the same problem if he tries English... frequently unitelligible. :eek:

The original language is german, you're right with that.

Google Translator should work just fine, the problem is the sangoku guy. He's the type of person who can't write three words without making two mistakes...
He's also either too stupid or too lazy to use a spell check program, so Google can't figure out what the hell hes talking about.

It's simply embarrassing to read his communication attempts.
If theres one person I would like to see banned/gone, it would be him.

It's actually surprising me that there is no rule for that.(Yes, I just checked the forum rules thread, just for this)

Anyways, enough ranting from me.


The Game contains some major bugs, do not try to play it until the developer updated the game three or four times.

If you really can't wait to play the Game, I recommend to use the Maker to play it. Just walk over walls, dodge the bugged events and stuff.

Usual work from this circle. Awesome CG, good ideas for the scenes but h-scenes consisting of just a few lines of text feels so lackluster. And as usual, so buggy on release that you can't really play it before it's patched.

Ich schreibs auf Deutsch weil sons wieder keiner versteht was ich schreibe. XD
Habs zum Glück nicht gekauft.
Wolt nur anderen den erga ersparren.^^
Den beim vorgänger hat er einfach nicht weiter gemacht.
Das solte alles da zu sagen.^^

i'll write it in german and english so sangoku will understand it and the forum too :p

sangoku, kann es sein das du legastheniker bist? weil du haust echt in jedem 2. wort nen fehler rein und wenn du google translate benutzt verwende NIEMALS kürzungen wie nen anstatt einen.

and for the english speakers:
i just asked sangoku if he has dyslexia, because in every second german word there is a mistake and that his attemps to use google translate are wrong to use german words that are shortend, an english example that doesnt count for the german language is you = u or are = r

Yeah! I thought about word blindness (dyslexia) as well. A few months ago I lent someone my eeePC netbook to try it out just in English, using a spelling checker.

Unfortunately it didn't work too well, as the spellcheck came up with the wrong suggestions as well :( but there was some improvement (maybe 15% ?)

I think that a spelling checker will do a better job in sorting out the initial mistakes, as translators run on probability; based on how common a word is.



I actually am amused by this circle.
It's like a troll fest. Hey let's release a kewl game, but let's not work out everything before so that ppl beg for a patch so that they can play properly.
Yeah that's an awesum idea! It'll be like a trial, but it's actually a full game, where you can't play any further than 5 mins, cause any place you go from there it's GCO (Game Crash Over).
Yep I just invented a new stereotype, ain't I awesum?
Lol, in all seriousness, I'm gonna wait for a patch. Hey look, it actually works *badumtish*

I actually am amused by this circle.
It's like a troll fest. Hey let's release a kewl game, but let's not work out everything before so that ppl beg for a patch so that they can play properly.
Yeah that's an awesum idea! It'll be like a trial, but it's actually a full game, where you can't play any further than 5 mins, cause any place you go from there it's GCO (Game Crash Over).
Yep I just invented a new stereotype, ain't I awesum?
Lol, in all seriousness, I'm gonna wait for a patch. Hey look, it actually works *badumtish*

Am I being hyper-paranoid in thinking that this might be deliberate? OK, the fans in the know will probably go ahead anyway, or just wait, but the hentai dumpers will be put off by the games not working properly and pissing off their money supply.[Those people aren't going to buy the games anyway, so the devs don't care?]

Their business model doesn't have time for testing stuff; they just want to pump out uploads, and wouldn't keep checking back until the devs had probably sold as many copies as they were going to?

Just a thought,



Sorry for my rant.

Im sure this guy is no older than 14 and should be banned.
I dont hate him but i get increasingly annoyed by his style of writing.
Let's stop taking about him now.
The game is

Am I being hyper-paranoid in thinking that this might be deliberate? OK, the fans in the know will probably go ahead anyway, or just wait, but the hentai dumpers will be put off by the games not working properly and pissing off their money supply.[Those people aren't going to buy the games anyway, so the devs don't care?]

Their business model doesn't have time for testing stuff; they just want to pump out uploads, and wouldn't keep checking back until the devs had probably sold as many copies as they were going to?

Just a thought,



Well, if you think about it, they're not actually doing something that bad.
For them it must go like this:
"Hey, let's release the game even though it's not properly tested (or finished in the worst case scenarios). No one gives a crap anyway, because whenever they encounter an error (or several) that makes the game unable to play (which we know of), they'll just wait for us to patch it up."

So, pretty much sums up to a advance payment for them to keep on the line of gaming industry.
They're pretty much betting on people's patience and in the more rare cases, on people that don't know them or are playing H-Games for the 1st time.

And there's a plus, since most of the h-games out there are deliberatelly shared throughout the web, in like mins now since the games are officially released, game dev's don't even care much if people rant about flaws on their games, mainly because they know that you'll end up coming back to their game after a while lol..

It's a bit of the unconvenient truth about porn gaming industry.

As for me, as long as they fix the bugs later on, I'm good with this, but that's because I didn't pay for the game.
Now, obviously those that buy the game and are anxious to play it, will surely not be as tolerable.

Krysanto thx ALOT/ :)
ps. 47Mb.....lets look..

Like Sangoku, I got hit with a few errors. One time it crashed when I tried to return to the lobby with the two ladies in suits missing a CCCC.png, and when i lost the first fight with the fire-like spirits and returned for a rematch, they don't spawn so I can't go any further at all.

i think il wait for a fixed version, every ver i find it always crash while going to lobby with $CCC cg missing

Ah, da sind auch Deutsche leute hier, und ich kann deutsch sprechen. Na ja, nicht so gut, aber ich kann, und das ist wichtig. Hahaha

Yea, I love German, and I had to show my german speaking skills. xD

Btw, this game is, as Sangoku said, terrible. Full of bugs, the game crashes rather often, at least for me. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone..

i think il wait for a fixed version, every ver i find it always crash while going to lobby with $CCC cg missing

I am afraid that you will have to wait 6 months, or so, then buy it. I just looked for his previous 3 games on the net, and couldn't find the latest version of any of them. By then the hentai dumpers have lost interest (not that many care about bug fixes anyways:( ). They were all full of bugs on release.

He has been around long enough to know what is happening, and he must know about beta-testing. I do not believe that it is because he knows his own game inside out, and doesn't trigger the bugs... a missing file is a missing file isn't it?

That is what makes me suspect that it is deliberate. :cool:


Btw, this game is, as Sangoku said, terrible. Full of bugs, the game crashes rather often, at least for me. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone..

I agree entirely, barely even beta test, let alone demo, in my estimation.

Now, some other devs do release buggy stuff; but you see like three updates in the first 10 days... not this guy.

I have made a note, and will keep my eye out, but I sure ain't holdin ma breath! :D



Am I being hyper-paranoid in thinking that this might be deliberate? OK, the fans in the know will probably go ahead anyway, or just wait, but the hentai dumpers will be put off by the games not working properly and pissing off their money supply.[Those people aren't going to buy the games anyway, so the devs don't care?]

Their business model doesn't have time for testing stuff; they just want to pump out uploads, and wouldn't keep checking back until the devs had probably sold as many copies as they were going to?

Just a thought,



You do risk alienating actual people who'd buy the game and get annoyed by bugs, though. It's true enough that hentai dumpers usually just grab the first version and any later releases go past unnoticed, but I'm not sure it's worth giving yourself a reputation for buggy games just to foil people who would probably only pirate anyway. If you're going that far, why not just add some DRM?