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Sag nur finger weg wieder tootal schelcht Progamiert andauernt schmierts ab weil Daten fehler haft Progammiert wurden.

Kanns nicht verstehen das der über haupt noch Spiele machen darf.
Das ist nicht mal alles fast jede Szene ist betroffen.
Sogar wenn man die Mäp wegselt kommt es zu Fehlern zwischen druch.
What's the deal, Sangoku? You usually make an effort to post both in German and English. Now, this stuff I can't understand and I'm not about to set the precedent that people can post threads in whatever language they want, leaving the responsibility to translate on the users, cuz then I'd have a world of problems.

The original language is german, you're right with that.

Google Translator should work just fine, the problem is the sangoku guy. He's the type of person who can't write three words without making two mistakes...
He's also either too stupid or too lazy to use a spell check program, so Google can't figure out what the hell hes talking about.

It's simply embarrassing to read his communication attempts.
If theres one person I would like to see banned/gone, it would be him.

It's actually surprising me that there is no rule for that.(Yes, I just checked the forum rules thread, just for this)

Anyways, enough ranting from me.
Really? Banned? Banned for not having a full grasp of English? Not even no grasp, just a poor understanding of it? No, sorry, I don't ban people for that. What I ban people for is usually harassment. When one user harasses another user who hasn't caused us any problems for no reason, inserting their shitty unnecessary opinion on something no one fucking asked them for. THAT'S what gets people banned around me.

you gained more of my respect.

i find it funny though, spanish is my main tongue and i know english very well
i can understand most of other european languages (like french, portuguese, etc) but german is the only one i have no clue what the hell they mean...
even japanese became easier for me to read than german XD

What I ban people for is usually harassment. When one user harasses another user who hasn't caused us any problems for no reason, inserting their shitty unnecessary opinion on something no one fucking asked them for. THAT'S what gets people banned around me.


Really? Banned? Banned for not having a full grasp of English? Not even no grasp, just a poor understanding of it? No, sorry, I don't ban people for that. What I ban people for is usually harassment. When one user harasses another user who hasn't caused us any problems for no reason, inserting their shitty unnecessary opinion on something no one fucking asked them for. THAT'S what gets people banned around me.

So let me get this straight.
You don't have a problem with a bunch of users not wanting to read the verbal shit some teenager wrote because he cant be bothered to actually give a fuck about his posts?

You hate high quality discussion don't you?
Why is it too much to ask for banning user who pisses off a bunch of people with their stupidity/immaturity? (Starke, Sangoku,... )

//Off Topic//

Obviously, nobody will post to a forum if they believe that they cannot be understood. I do not think that there can be any argument with that? so there is no way I can be in the least bit "judgemental"... it would be extremely ignorant.

Given that we are dealing with European languages here (it won't work with oriental ones), I would suggest trying the following:

1. Write your text in your natural language.
2. Use a translator to translate it to English.
3. Use the same program to translate it back to your natural language.

If you examine the new natural language text, it will show you where Google or whatever is having difficulties with your original text. That is where you will have to edit it, if you want to be understood.

I realise that this takes a lot more effort, but at least you will be understood a lot better.

Just a thought,



//Off Topic//

will not insult.
if you want to access son theme.
or has problems please Non forum in games.
funny that no one makes use of the word here is constantly talking. XD

Will hir kein Beleidigen aber das ist hir das tehma Henta Spiele.
Und nicht die Diskusion über meine Rechtschreib schwäche.

Mich wunderts das wenns um Loli Spiele gleich riesen terzt gibt.
Aber wenn andere hir dum angemacht werden in dem es garnicht um das Tehma geht.
Wird das hir eis kalt ignoriert.
Ich kenn das nur so das wenn was nicht zum Tehma gepostet wird.
Das man es ohne wenn und aber raus löscht.
Da mit verhindert man wenigs das die Leute wie jetzt sich anstachern und das naher kein ende findet.

Hir solten nur Erwagsene auf der seite eigentlich sein !!!
Aber wenn man die anfeidung so liest.
Bezeifel ich das so langsam an.

Ich danke alle die verständinis haben für die jenigen wie mich.^^
Die Porbleme mit Englisch haben oder andere sprachen.^^

Eigentlich aus Respekt in ein Forum wie hir scheibt man Englisch.
Nur werd ich meist dann nicht verstanden.

Bitte euch ignoriert einfach wenn andere hir andere beleidigen wollen einfach.
Oder Meldet es ohne hir Diskusion breit zu treten.^^

Vielen dank^^

So let me get this straight.
You don't have a problem with a bunch of users not wanting to read the verbal shit some teenager wrote because he cant be bothered to actually give a fuck about his posts?

You hate high quality discussion don't you?
Why is it too much to ask for banning user who pisses off a bunch of people with their stupidity/immaturity? (Starke, Sangoku,... )

Excuse me, but when a mod steps in officially on anything, that means the situation is done. If you had anything else to say, you could have PM'ed me and asked me, but since you want to be stupid publicly, I'll go ahead and leave this out to dry.

I JUST fucking asked Sangoku to put more English back into his posts, if that wasn't clear. Maybe you want to go back up and check that out. Secondly, I haven't seen Sangoku do anything immature, just speak more German than you care for. And seriously? High quality discussion? If that was the case, I'd ban 5/6th of the retards from this section. Do you think any of you genuinely have anything intelligent to add? To HENTAI GAMES? This section is an abomination and a laughing matter for any of the other users of the forum. We are a joke, and I do my damnedest to at least keep it civil, which is what I'm doing here. What YOU'RE doing is hating on someone purely because of the language they speak. I have never gotten a single complaint about Sangoku until this thread, so to compare him to someone like Starke (WHO I DID ban, remember?) is a little farfetched. I think you greatly overestimate how many people are annoyed at German and how "pissed" his language makes users, and how much I give a shit that you're upset.

Now this is done. Anyone that has conversation to follow on this point can be asked of me personally. People are not to post linguistic debate in this thread. But if this thread doesn't get a bit more English in it's descriptions and posts, I'll shut it down. And if you try to continue the language debate here, I'll shut you down.