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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara Hp:54 Pp: 54 Ep: 46/88

Sara ended her scying and came back only to give instructions to Aya who looked at her with a really look. Still soon enough Sara found herself in the sheriffs office and heading up the stairs. Her astral body provided a little light but thankfully it was not enough to give her position away. The secound floor seemed to be personal quarters for the man. A small couch and table with a half full body of liquor sat in a room that served as living room and kitchen with a small wood burning stove that sat on a stone base glowing lightly. Two addition rooms made up a top floor one was a bedroom where the sheriff slept while the other seemed to be a bathroom of sorts.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Heart pounding, Sara's image ascended the stairs and took account of the surroundings. It seemed she had two choices of rooms to explore. Not wanting to choose the wrong one and risk alerting the man, she stopped for a moment to listen. If she could tell which room the sheriff was in, that's where she would go, but if she didn't hear anything, she would approach the bedroom, figuring it the more likely of the two.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara heard heavy breathing as she made her way to one of the closed doors. Opening it she found the Sheriff very nude and asleep a blanket barly covering his member which was hard. It seemed the Sheriff was having a very good dream.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Oh for the love of... Sara thought silently to herself as she laid eyes on the sheriff. Well, this was his home, but still... She refocused herself on the task at hand. She decided to try and erase the last day from his memory, that might be fun. He'd wake up convinced it was a day earlier, and that the succubus had never been in his jail. She shrugged, that could work.

Mind worm 8 EP, resistance check to remove the last day from the sheriff's memory, try to not wake him up. Resistance 47
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara Hp:54 Pp: 54 Ep: 38/88

Sara found the sheriffs mind just as easy to crack as his deputy her shear raw talent surmounting their natural defenses with ease. Finding the information she quickly erased the last 24 hours of his life. With that done she was free to move on though her power was starting wane.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Satisfied that her work was done, Sara dismissed her projection and turned to Aya. "Alright, let's head back to the tavern to regroup and figure out what to do about Grack. He's the one with the keys for this other stuff. Do you know where he is tonight?"

If Aya didn't have a cloak, they would go back inside the jail and grab one, Sara would wrap it around the succubus to both keep her warm, and hide her chains. If the trip back to the hotel was uneventful, she would take Aya aside and have her wait underneath the window to her and Asha's room. She would go up there and use her telekinesis to lift the woman up to her so the patrons inside wouldn't see her, ideally. Of course, now that she thought about it...Asha may not be a huge fan of this idea. Yea, she probably wouldn't appreciate the relentless mind tampering either... Well, if all had gone well so far, Sara would go up to their room so she could bring their new, somewhat unwilling companion up, come what may.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The trip to her room went uneventful untill Aya saw where she was leading her. "Sara.... please I.. don't want to go in there is their another place I could hide.." Once again Aya's attitude changed though this time it seemed a bit more on the scared.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara sighed and lead Aya off into a side alley to talk with her. "Look, this is where we are staying. There's no way around it. Does this have something to do with Tanya, I could tell she recognized you when I described you to her, but she didn't say why. To be clear I intend to hide you in my room until we leave town, I don't want to put you in danger or anything. But I can't help you if I don't know your story. Just tell me why you don't want to go in, and I'll see what I can do, okay?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh goddess she knows Im here!" Aya tried to back away but fell into the snow due to the chains. Struggling to her feet Aya tried to shuffle away again only fall into the snow. "You don't understand.. Tanya Tanya is.." Aya's eyes got wide a moment as Sara felt a new presence behind her. "Im her mother and she has been a very bad girl and I see you've been encouraging sweet girls to do bad things for you again." Sara spun around and caught a glimpse of Tanya her magical shields stripped away revealing a full blown gods be damned succubus. She still had her smile and didn't seem threatening in the lest. "Sara if you would be so kind as to pick up my daughter from the ground I will be glade to explain the situation to you."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara reached out to help Aya up, concerned by this outburst, but she was distracted by the feeling of someone else behind her and spun around to see none other than Tanya herself.

As Tanya explained their relationship, Sara felt like this was a serious blast of deja vu. Another mother daughter pairing, what were the odds? Though if their reactions were anything to go by, their relationship was much different than Asha's was with Naomi. And Tanya was a succubus too, there was that... If Sara's instinct was right, Tanya was probably quite powerful. She hoped the woman had seen her recent actions as courteous and not offensive or threatening.

Giving Tanya a strained smile, Sara replied, "I...of course." She bent down and gently helped Aya to her feet, supporting her if need be. "Well...I'm sure this will be...interesting." She said this with a good deal of forced enthusiasm in her voice.

It occurred to her that she wasn't all alone in this place, she had a friend here. She reached out to touch Asha's mind telepathically. "Good evening lover, if you could kindly wake up and get your gear on, there may be a slight...tiny situation developing. I don't know if I'll need your help or not, but if you could ready yourself that would just be wonderful."

To Tanya she said, "So yes, this situation...I would love to hear the explanation..."

Telepathy to communicate with Asha, 2 EP
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara Hp:54 Pp: 54 Ep: 34/88

Sara's call to her lover brought almost an instant awareness from Asha who immediately question where and what threw the link. Meanwhile Tanya led Sara and a very shaken Aya to a back door that was hidden from normal view. Opening the door Tayna beckoned the two woman in before closing it and locking it. Looking back Sara saw several locks that sealed the door most of which where locked from this side. A dim oil lamp glowed on a small table but soon enough Tanya had it brighten up the room.

"Where to begin?" Tanya tapped her lips as she moved to sit down. Tanya's form didn't at all seem to different then when she had first seen her in fact it seemed like most of the magic she used to hide dulled down her appearance. Though with the magic gone Sara could now see the resemblance between her and Aya much easier than before. "Tell her how you ruined my life turned me into a monster!" This prompted a dark look from Tanya. "Very well Aya we will start at the beginning. You see Sara I wasn't always a bar keep. I used to be a rampaging demon with out a cause but that was another life ago its not who I am now." Aya scoffed a little but Tanya continued. "Anyway after the event that changed the course of my life I decided to settle down and start a life for myself though I was always lonely. I began to take orphans in and give them a home for awhile and when they reached age let them out into the world and so it was with my dear Aya here. She has always been special to me. While the other children eased my loneliness Aya was the only one that ended it." Aya turned her head away not looking at Tanya. "We grew so close that I decided to share my secretes with her.. all my secretes teaching her all I knew. It went well and Aya accepted the infusions of knowledge well but I guess having so much of my essence put into her changed her." Aya turned and looked right at Tanya. "She tainted my soul... it damaged it beyond repair. If you want to call that a simple change then be my quest." This seemed to hurt Tanya a little but she continued her story. We didn't know what had happened until she brought home her boyfriend for a night of passion.. it didn't end well." "END WELL I KILLED HIM DRAINED HIM DRY ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!" Aya's eruption startled Tanya but the succubus remained calm and continued. "I tried to console my dear girl but she wouldn't have any of it and we got into a fight. Sadly my lesser nature got the better of me that day and I threatened harm to her if she ever returned." Tanya looked over at Aya "Please Aya I didn't mean it none of it come back home please."
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Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Giving Asha as good a description of how to get there as she could, Sara explained, It's a pair of succubi, they aren't hostile, they actually seem more concerned with each other than with me. I'll keep you posted, keep your distance.

Entering the building somewhat apprehensively, Sara took a seat and listened respectfully and patiently while the two women talked about their history. It was actually kind of sweet, she thought. But it was tragic as well. She mentally remarked to Asha, "Umm...I think they're working out...family issues? Maybe you won't need to come after all. It's actually kind of...awkward. Cute, but really awkward. I think I've just been turned into a family counselor."

Sighing audibly at the break in the conversation, Sara remarked to the two women, "Wow... That's not what I expected at all." After another moment's quiet, she said, "Well...Aya, it seems your mother does care about you. But how do you feel about this?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Care?! As if you don't turn someone you care into a soul sucking monster." Tanya winced at this statement but said nothing. "I devoured someone's soul because of her and now I have to do it in order to survive how is that caring." Tanya again said nothing but Sara noted tears rolling down the succubi's cheeks
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Frowning sadly, Sara replied to Aya's accusations. "Well I don't think that was her intention. You know this world is a dangerous, mean place, especially so for lovely young women out on their own. She just wanted to give you the means to protect yourself, like any good mother she loved her daughter and just wanted her to be safe. I'm sure if she had known what that would do to your soul she would have reconsidered. And I know no one here thinks you're a 'soul sucking monster.' You're a person, a woman just like me. And your mom." Sara smiled kindly at Aya. She wanted this to end well for everyone, but the strong emotions in the room meant she would have to choose her words carefully.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"It dosen't matter what you think. I know what I am and that is a monster." Aya's own tears slid down her face but she was unable to brush it away as Tanya had done. "Its not true Aya I never wanted that for you please you have to understand I didn't mean to do it."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Aya, you have a power. A dangerous power. But having that power, and its handicaps isn't what defines you. It's the choices you make, what you choose to do that defines you. That noble you stole from? He chooses to use his power and money to lure in and rape women. HE is a monster. YOU are not. You feed off of people because that's what you have to do to survive, you don't get a choice in that, so why worry about it? Focus on something you can control, like your relationship with the woman who raised you as her own." Sara smiled sadly and wiped the tear off Aya's face for her.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Aya didn't have anything to say to her mother at lest not yet maybe it would be best to let things cool a little. It takes time to rebuild relationships after all. "Aya please just think about it tonight. I know I have done wrong by you I just hope that you will see I didn't mean for any of this to happen." Aya still refused to talk either still very upset or mulling the events over. A small clock chimed ten bells and all three woman looked up at it. "Here take the waitress entrance up to the rooms that way no one will see you." Tanya escorted Sara and Aya to a nondescript door and ushered them inside before closing it.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Nodding to Tanya, Sara started taking Aya up the stairs before remarking, "We still need to take care of Grack, he still has his memories of Aya. And the keys to her bindings. He was supposed to have her out of jail by noon tomorrow, but he may be easier to deal with while sleeping." She let Tanya respond or mull it over as she wanted, then lead Aya up to the room she shared with Asha so they could at least rest for awhile.

Mentally to Asha she said, "Well that was...interesting. I'm almost back, and I'm bringing some company." While she and Aya were taking the stairs, Sara let the succubus have her silence, she would talk when she was ready, probably. However, she did put a comforting arm around the woman which also served to help her up the stairs as her bindings doubtless made it difficult.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Tanya just nodded as the duo went up the stairs. Notifying Asha of the extra company brought a "but but she promised some sexy times" the Nymph forgetting they where mentally linked giving Sara a hint of what was on Asha's mind.

Aya was indeed silent as she helped her up the stairs and into her room. Here she found Asha preparing some blankets on the couch as well as a pillow. "Uhh here ya go Sara and ummm..." "Aya" "Aya right.. wait the Aya? Scourge of nobles, pilferer of taxes, The Crimson Fox?" Aya smiled for the first time that Sara had ever seen. "I see my reputation proceeds me." Aya plopped onto the couch quickly rolling up into the blankets. "Good night Mistress." Aya smiled a cruel smile as Asha turned to her a little distress in her voice. "Mistress?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

When Asha revealed that she was familiar with Aya, Sara grinned. "And here I was worried you two wouldn't get along. Alright, we can get some rest, but let's get up early, we need to take on Grack on our terms."

Sara felt like Aya was intentionally throwing her under the bus with the 'mistress' comment. Giving a sheepish grin to Asha, Sara explained, "Well...I may have...possibly, broken her out of jail. In exchange for her help on our little journey. But this is the first I've heard of any 'mistress' business. And that was all before I found out her mother is non other than our gracious host, Tanya. But that's for later, we have an ugly orc bounty hunter who's memories we have to erase so we can get him off Aya's tail. Also he was really rude to me while I was working as a waitress, so you can punch him if you like." After telling her this, Sara came close, putting an arm around Asha's waist and resting her head in the nape of the nymph's neck, whispering, "And don't worry, we can still have sexy time, it's just going to be a little postponed." She grinned and pecked Asha on the cheek. "Now come to bed cutie, let's get some rest!"

Sara dragged Asha towards the bed, 'helping' her get ready by peeling off her clothes, even though they had a guest.
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